
Best Life Ever: No Regrets

Davina who has been living with her grandparents all her life suddenly moved to the city...the changes that come with moving make her feel like she doesn't belong in the world of her classmates and neighbors the pressure to fit in overwhelms her greatly but the urge to do what is right is hidden deep in her heart...not to forget the training she has received...will the pressure to fit in conquer the urge to do what is right??? Follow her as she finds out that all that glitters ain't gold... P.S this is her diary Author's note... Hey y'all Nelly here...soo thank you for reading my book ,I really appreciate it...I'm trying to create a book which parents would be comfortable to find their children reading and the children will not feel bored reading...I can assure you that the main character has nothing to do with Immorality Violence Paranormal...or superstitious believes Please vote for my book and in the comment section add your suggestions... xoxo Nelly

lilreader_ · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: What if???

Davina's POV

The stares are increasing...why do I feel like a criminal...I did nothing wrong.

Hi I'm Davina a normal girl with a normal life who unfortunately has moved to the big city...

I guess anyone in my position would be extremely happy and anyone hearing this would hope to be in my shoes but everything is just different and not the good kind of different...

Where I come from almost everyone lived the same kind of life with the same routine or something similar...

The children help with chores but not for money but to help them when they move out.... honestly it's kind of a tradition and that's the only reason I can come up with.

There is no gender discrimination as both boys and girls go to school

There is at least one working parent in every family but in some families both parents work.

The children go school and help with chores when they come back... honestly speaking I enjoyed that life...going to swim in the river was so much fun and meeting new people but we had to move ...

Here is just ...

Ummm I'll be on my way now...mum just called.



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