
28. Chapter 28

A/N:Hi! Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated! I'm only mostly dead.

Anyway, I am currently in the midst of the move from hell as I try to clean out my grandmother's house, which has 50 years worth of stuff in it. It's been a thing. To that end, for the moment, I am going to back off to only updating on Saturday's. Right now, I just have no time to write and I would rather produce one good chapter a week than push myself to write to substandard chapters a week.

Hope you all understand!

Kate was barely off her horse before Anthony had her in his arms, spinning her around.

"Put me down!" she ordered, laughing brightly.

He spun her once more for good measure before putting her back on her feet but not letting her go.

"I couldn't sleep." He told her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Nor could I." she replied, smiling softly for a moment, but it quickly faded. "Edwina was distraught last night. I have requested to speak with Mary and Lady Danbury after breakfast so I might tell them our news. There was no doing it last night."

"Understandable." He agreed, taking her hand, and leading her to the log to sit. "How is your sister?"

"Fearful." Kate replied with a sigh. "She keeps saying she wants me to fix it, but I am at a loss as to how to do that. Even if the Sheffields could be convinced to reinstate their offer of a dowry, Mary would rather die than accept it, which I can't really blame her for. But, without it, I doubt Lord Morrison will continue the engagement. If he jilts her, she'll be ruined. I cannot allow that to happen, Anthony."

"I know, my darling." He comforted her. "If he ends the engagement, we will ensure Edwina is not blamed, you have my word. Hopefully it will not come to that. Perhaps he cares enough for her to continue the engagement."

"Perhaps." Kate agreed, doubt clear on her face.

"Even if his feelings are not engaged, the honorable thing would be to go forward." Anthony continued. "He might bow to that argument."

"I am not sure I want him to continue the engagement, as awful as that would be." She admitted, taking his hand in hers. "It didn't even seem to occur to him to defend Edwina's family. I cannot help but compare his conduct to yours and find him lacking."

"I don't know." Anthony sighed. "If I hadn't involved myself, your sister might still have her dowry."

"I would trade any amount of money to ensure Mary never had to face such abuse ever again." Kate said angrily. "Knowing that you were willing to defend her, defend us, is worth more to me than anything."

"I will always defend you, defend our family." He assured her. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Anthony leaned in, kissing her softly.

"If the worst happens, your sister can try again next year." He told her a little while later. "She will not be the Diamond, of course, but she will still be the sister of the Viscountess Bridgerton. We will of course support her."

Kate wrapped her arms around him, snuggling into his side as he dropped a kiss to the top of her head. They sat in comfortable silence for a while, just holding each other.

"Despite our differences lately, it pains me to see how upset she is by this." Kate whispered. "She is my little sister. I hate seeing her hurt."

"I know." Anthony sighed, holding her closer. "Perhaps it will all work out. We'll just have to see." Kate nodded and he pulled away slightly to look down at her. "I would like to discuss when we will tell everyone our news. I have told my mother and you will tell yours and Lady Danbury this morning, but I believe we should also tell Benedict and Daphne as soon as possible. If we do not, her Grace will be offended, and Benedict will simply pout."

"I have no issue with telling either of them." She replied. "And, once Edwina's fate has been decided, we can decide how best to tell everyone else."

"It is too bad we don't know who Lady Whistledown is." Anthony lamented dryly. "We could just let her disseminate the news. It would be the most efficient method."

"I am sure she will report it the moment we begin telling people." Kate replied. "As soon as Edwina is settled, for good or ill, we will tell everyone."

"I look forward to it."

"Is that all you are looking forward to?"

They didn't speak much after that, and Kate was quite late to breakfast.

Breakfast was a subdued affair. Edwina remained upstairs, refusing to come down. Meanwhile, Kate grew more nervous as the meal continued as it suddenly occurred to her that the other women would want to know when the proposal occurred, and she did not have a good answer for them. All she could do was hope that they would allow her to breeze by it and not dig too deep.

"Now," Lady Danbury said as the last plate was cleared away, "you wished to speak with us, Miss Sharma."

"Yes." Kate swallowed and took a deep breath. "Lord Bridgerton has asked for my hand, and I have accepted him. We are to be married."

Mary clapped her hands together, smiling brightly, while Lady Danbury just sat back, looking satisfied.

"When is the announcement be published?" she asked.

"As soon as we know what Edwina's situation is settled and we can plan accordingly." Kate replied. "I am hoping no longer than a week, but we wanted to inform our families first."

"Very good." The matron agreed before her gaze turned shrewd. "When exactly did this proposal take place?"

Kate winced and Mary sighed.

"Never mind." Lady Danbury told her with a glare. "I assume your fiancé will be calling this morning. We can tell everyone it happened then."


The women all turned to see Edwina in the doorway.

"Bon – "

"He ruined everything last night and you are going to marry him this morning?" her sister said over her, her voice taking on a hysterical edge. "After everything?! I cannot believe you!"

"He didn't ruin anything!" Kate shot back, becoming angry almost immediately. "He defended our family!"

"The Sheffields are our family!"

Kate scoffed.

"They are not my family." She told her. "You and Mary are my family. And Anthony stood up for us while your Lord Morrison did nothing! He just sat there and let those people attack not only Mary, but Appa and my Amma as well. Anthony defended his fiancé's family, as a gentleman should!"

"You just cannot stand that I found a match without you, a match better than you ever could have dreamed, can you?" Edwina spat. "You cannot stand that I was going to have a dowry and become a countess, so you let him ruin it! You can't stand that I don't need you, Kate."

Kate's jaw dropped.

"You don't need me?" she repeated, anger infusing every word. "Who has shielded you your whole life? You do not remember when Appa died, when the world fell out from beneath us. I gave up everything, decided I would not consider myself until you and Mama were taken care of. I gave what I had without regret and I would do it again, but I will not give him up. Not for you, not for anyone." She sighed, rubbing her temple. "Edwina, you are my sister, but – "


The room went deathly silent.

"I am your half-sister, a fact that has become readily apparent recently." She continued. "I never asked you to give up anything for me. You made that choice on your own, so you do not get to blame me for it. I am not yours to control."

"I have never tried to control you." Kate snapped.

"Oh, no." Edwina shot back with a sarcastic laugh. "Just my choice of husband, my behavior, my life. You tried to mold me into your idea of the perfect lady and now are upset I might have a thought of my own!"

"That is enough." Mary interrupted, glaring at Edwina. "Your sister has done nothing to deserve your cruelty, Edwina."


"No." her mother said strictly. "I know you are hurting, but you are not going to take it out on Kate. Let us all take a moment to calm ourselves, shall we? Perhaps you should return to your room for the moment, Edwina, until you have collected yourself."

"You cannot send me to my room like I am a errant child!"

"I can when you behave as one." Her mother shot back. "Go. Now, Edwina."

Edwina's mouth opened and closed a couple of times before glaring at them, spinning on her heel and storming out of the room.

"My apologies, Lady Danbury." Mary said with a sigh. "It seems our family dramas continue to play out in your dining room."

"It is what it is." Lady Danbury replied, waving away the apology. "I suppose we now know how Miss Edwina will react to not getting her way, which is useful information to have, but she cannot be allowed to behave that way in public. No matter how the situation with Lord Morrison plays out, she must be made to understand that she must support Miss Sharma's match in public at least. If she will not for the sake of familial harmony, then for her own sake. If the worst should happen, she will need to support of the Bridgertons."

"Do you believe he will jilt her?" Kate asked softly.

"I believe Lord Bridgerton is capable of getting the best intelligence." She replied. "If he says Lord Morrison needs a dowry, I am inclined to believe him."

"But if he loves her – "

"Lord Bridgerton took the first opportunity to leap to the defense of the woman he loves." The matron interrupted. "Lord Morrison sat back and did nothing. You may draw your own conclusions from that."

The other women were quiet.

"All we can do is wait and see which ways the winds blow." Lady Danbury said finally. "Come. I am sure your betrothed will be here as soon as acceptable, and you must be ready to receive him."

She rose from the table, leaving Kate and Mary to follow as she left the room.

Anthony took a chance that Morrison was the type to take breakfast at the club and was rewarded to find Morrison sipping a brandy at a corner table of White's.

"Well, if it isn't the hero of the Sharma family." He said sarcastically as Anthony sat across from him. "What can I do for you, Bridgerton?"

"You can tell me you are planning on keeping your engagement to Miss Edwina." He replied bluntly.

"What do you care? You've made it clear that you don't care about the older sister's lack of dowry or connections, surely as sister's scandal wouldn't deter you."

"No, but it would pain Miss Sharma and that I cannot abide." Anthony replied.

"Well, I am afraid I must disappoint you." Morrison told him. "Miss Edwina is a pleasant girl, but without a dowry…My estate needs the influx of capital. I cannot marry without it. I will, of course, allow her to say she cried off. She will recover."

"What if I were to provide the dowry?"

Morrison studied Anthony curiously.

"You must really love her, to dower her sister before you are even wed." he said slowly. "Or maybe you're just that desperate to get her into bed?"

Anthony glared at the other man.

"You will never imply something like that about Miss Sharma again, am I understood?" he growled, and Morrison held up a hand in defeat, taking another sip of his brandy. "15,000 pounds, same as my sisters, under the condition that the dowry is not revealed until after Miss Sharma and I are married."

"I suppose I have no choice but to accept." The other man agreed, leaning back in his chair. "You know, I am surprised that you chose to chase the older sister, rather than the Diamond like the rest of us. She seems more…willful than I would like. A wife should obey her husband, don't you think?"

"Do not concern yourself with what I think a wife should do." Anthony told him. "Only concern yourself with how you treat Miss Edwina. You seem to have convinced her that you will take care of her, of your family, but I have seen no evidence of that so far."

"Because I didn't make a scene like you last night?" Morrison scoffed. "You did a fine job of mucking things up all on your own. I wasn't about to risk my ticket by making a fuss."

"Just be aware that Miss Edwina is not without protection. I am not an enemy you want, Morrison."

"Neither am I, Bridgerton."

Anthony nodded and stood.

"I suppose I will see you at Danbury House later."

"I suppose you will." Morrison agreed.

Anthony gave a shallow bow and took his leave.

Lady Danbury stared pointedly at the clock as Anthony lounged in the chair across from her, grinning. He was well aware that it was barely an acceptable hour to call, but he could not bring himself to care.

"What exactly does your mother do when you begin behaving like this?" she asked him dryly.

"She gave up trying to modulate my behavior ages ago." He replied. "I believe she found it easier on her health."

"I do not doubt it."

The door to the parlor opened and Anthony leapt to his feet, grinning brightly, as Kate entered with Mary. He quickly made his way over, pausing only to greet Mary briefly before taking Kate's hand and pressing a kiss to it.

"Good morning, Miss Sharma."

"Good morning, Lord Bridgerton." She replied, smiling just as brightly.

"Yes, yes, you are both very happy to see each other." Lady Danbury interrupted. "We have important things to discuss, so stop gazing into each other's eyes and sit down."

Kate shook her head but took Anthony's arm and led him to the couch.

"Now, I will not be asking when tis proposal took place, but if anyone outside of the families asks, it happened this morning, properly chaperoned. Am I understood?" The couple nodded their agreement. "I understand we are to wait until the situation with Miss Edwina is settled. We will still need to begin planning. There is not only the wedding, but the trousseau, the engagement ball, the wedding dress…"

"Daphne has said she would like to host the ball." Kate told her. "We plan on telling her Grace and Benedict next."

"That would be easiest, as she has already begun planning her ball." Lady Danbury agreed. "I will send a note to her Grace tomorrow to join us for tea the next day. I will also invite Lady Bridgerton so we may hit the ground running. Have you considered where you would like to be married from? I assume there is no need for a special license, given your willingness to delay the announcement."

"No." Anthony replied as Kate blushed. "But I was hoping Miss Sharma would consent to be married from the parish near Aubrey Hall."

Kate nodded, smiling at him softly.

"Very well." The matron said. "Once we know how Miss Edwina's situation will turn out, you will have the banns called, Lord Bridgerton. You were baptized in the Church of England, Miss Sharma?"

"When Appa married Mary." She confirmed. "I practiced Hindu in India, but I understand that this will be a Christian ceremony."

"Does it have to be only a Christian one?" Anthony asked. "Surely we can include both traditions."

"I am sure that can be arranged, if that is your wish." Mary told him, smiling brightly.

"It is." He confirmed as Kate squeezed his hand. "Now, I do have meetings I must attend later this morning, but I was hoping I could accompany Miss Sharma on a walk in the gardens?"

"I suppose that is acceptable." Lady Danbury agreed. "But you will be chaperoned. I fear we have given you two too much freedom as it is."

Anthony nodded and stood, helping Kate to her feet. They quickly made their way outside, Mary following at an appropriate distance.

"Is your sister any better?" he asked softly, and Kate shook her head.

"I am afraid I may have made things worse this morning." She replied with a sigh. "She walked into the room as I was telling Mary and Lady Danbury. She did not react well, and I am afraid I got angry."

"I am sure it wasn't that bad." She was quiet. "Kate?"

"She called me her half-sister." She whispered. "We have never made that distinction. Never."

"I am sure she was just upset." Anthony assured her. "I am sure she didn't mean it."

Kate shrugged and they walked in silence for a moment.

"I spoke with Morrison this morning."

Kate looked at him in surprise and he smiled slightly.

"He will be calling to assure your sister that he plans on continuing their engagement."

"But…the dowry!" she stammered, stunned.

"I told him I would supply the dowry." He told her, stopping her dead in her tracks. "I gave the condition that he would not reveal I had provided it until after we are married, but he will marry her, and I made sure he knew she will fall under my protection. She and her reputation are safe."

Kate felt a tear slip down her cheek as they turned and started walking again.

"I can never properly repay you for the kindness you have shown Edwina." She told him softly.

"Yes, you can." He replied with a grin. "Become my wife and all will be square." Kate laughed, leaning into him. "I want this wedding to be everything you ever dreamed it might be." He continued seriously. "Anything you need or want, no matter the cost."


"Kathani. I am serious." He stopped them again so he could face her. "I know we have to have the wedding the ton expects, but I want that to include as much of your home as we can. The ton can expect all they want, but this wedding is for us, and I want it to be the one you want."

Kate threw herself into his arms, holding him tightly.

"I love you." He said softly, holding her just as tightly. "All I want in this world is for you to be happy."

"You are all I need to be happy."

"That is good to know." He said, pulling back to grin at her. "I shall remind you of that when you are vexed with me."

She smacked his chest and he laughed, letting her go as they resumed their walk.

"My mother is expecting you for tea today."

"I will be there." Kate confirmed.


They completed their circuit of the garden and found themselves arriving in the parlor at the same time Lord Morrison was being announced.

"Bridgerton." He said, nodding to the other man. "Miss Sharma. I've come to speak with your sister."

Kate nodded and Lady Danbury sent a footman to fetch Edwina. They waited a few minutes until a petulant looking Edwina arrived. Her face turned thunderous as she spotted Anthony but cleared when she saw Lord Morrison.

"My Lord, wha-?"

"I was afraid you might have misconstrued my quick exit last night." He told her as the others moved away to give the illusion of privacy. "I admit I needed time to consider things, but I do not want you to doubt that I intend to continue our engagement…as long as that is still your wish?"

"Of course!" Edwina said quickly. "I want nothing more than to be your countess!"

"I am glad." Morrison said, smiling. "Shall we go for a walk in the garden?"

Edwina nodded eagerly and Kate hid a smirk as Mary sighed, preparing for another walk in the garden.

"I have to go." Anthony said softly as the other couple left. "I will try to come home for lunch, if you think you might join us."

"I believe that is up to your mother." She said dryly. "If she invites me, I will be happy to stay."

"Excellent." He said, ignoring Lady Danbury clearing her throat as he leaned into kiss Kate's cheek. "I will see you at lunch."

Kate just shook her head fondly as he left.

"I have serious doubts that you two will make it through a long engagement." The matron told her, to which Kate had no answer.

After all, she was pretty sure she was right.

Kate walked up the steps of Bridgerton House to where Lady Bridgerton waited to welcome her.

"Welcome home, my dear." She said softly, pulling her into a hug. "I am so happy you will be joining our family."

"Thank you, Lady Bridgerton." Kate said, trying to keep her emotions in check as she hugged the other woman back.

"Oh, none of that." She said, letting go to cup her face. "You will call me Violet. Would you prefer Kate or Kathani?"

"Kate is fine." She assured her as Violet turned to lead her inside.

"Kate it is, then. Anthony told me last night and I was so thrilled. I know you have experience running your family's household, but I know a Viscountess's duties can be daunting. I certainly thought so! But I want you to know that I am here to support you, to make the transition as smooth as possible."

Violet led her into the parlor where Kate was surprised to find everything she would need to prepare a proper cup of chai.

"My son informed me that you prefer your tea in the India style." She continued. "I was hoping you might be willing to teach me to prepare it."

"I would be honored." Kate told her, both women ignoring the catch in her voice as they sat.

Kate looked over the supplies on the low table. All the spices seemed appropriate, there was milk, and a pot of what smelled like strong black tea.

"We will need sugar." She told her and Violet motioned to a footman, who slipped away as Kate prepared the spices. "The making of chai is almost a ritual back home. My Amma taught me as soon as I was old enough to hold the pot with help."

"Amma." Violet repeated the word. "That's…mother?" Kate nodded. "What was she like? I know you lost her when you were very young."

"Her name was Nisha." Kate said softly, continuing the steps without much thought to what she was doing. "I was seven when she caught a fever. It was not the easiest of deaths."

"I am so sorry, my dear." Violet said kindly. "I am sure Anthony has told you, but his father's death was not easy either. I would not wish that upon anyone."

"Nor would I." she agreed. "She was very beautiful and kind and losing her felt like losing the sun, but then Appa came here and brought Mary home with him and the light returned. I love her very much if for no other reason then the fact that she never tried to replace my Amma. In fact, the very first thing she did when she arrived in India was to take me to the river where we had spread Amma's ashes. She wanted to assure her that she would always take care of me, that she would love me as a daughter, and she has kept her word. I could not have asked for a better mama than Mary."

"I am sure she could not have asked for a better daughter." Violet assured her. "I know I am so very thankful for your presence in my life."

"You are too kind." Kate demurred, but Violet would have none of it.

"I owe you a debt of gratitude, my dear." She insisted. "You returned my son to me. He had become so lost in the Viscount Bridgerton that I feared Anthony was gone for good, and then he met you. Suddenly he was smiling again. Laughing! I had not heard his laughter since the day his father died, and it nearly moved me to tears to hear it once more in Lady Danbury's parlor. To watch my son who had so thoroughly hardened his heart fall in love was a privilege I will never be able to properly thank you for."

"I did nothing special." Kate told her. "I could not have avoided falling in love with him anymore than I could stop the monsoons from coming."

"That is as it should be, my dear." Violet said, smiling. "Now, I received a note from Lady Danbury that she shall be hosting a tea for us to discuss the planning of the wedding, but I wanted to speak of any thoughts you might have on the matter. And I hope you will join me for lunch, for I would like to show you the house, if you have the time."

"I would be honored, my Lady." Kate replied happily.

"Violet." The other woman corrected kindly. "Have you any thoughts on where you would like the wedding to take place?"

"Anthony has suggested the parish near Aubrey Hall." She told her. "It sounds quite lovely to me."

"It is." The dowager Viscountess told her. "If it is to be in Kent, though, it will probably be best to hold it after the Season. I think you will like it then. Kent is beautiful in the fall. The delay also allows us plenty of time to get you familiarized with your new duties before you have them thrust upon you."

"I do admit that I am a little nervous to take charge of such a large and prominent family." She said with a sigh.

"I have found over the years that it is best to just accept that you will never truly be in control and just learn to mitigate the disasters as they come." Violet told her with a laugh. "I will, of course, be available should you need help, but I have every faith that you will be absolutely fine."

"Thank you." Kate told her sincerely. "I want to make Anthony proud."

"I doubt there is very little you could do that would ever disappoint my son." His mother told her, smiling. "I have rarely ever seen a man so in love."

Kate blushed.

"Here." she said, handing over a cup of chai. "Try this. And feel free to sweeten it to your taste."

Violet took a sip before adding a small amount of sugar and taking another sip.

"This is delicious!" she exclaimed, taking another sip. "You must show me exactly what you did."

Kate grinned and started to explain each step to an enraptured audience.

The day after the fight between the sisters found Edwina perfectly happy to pretend said fight had never happened now that Lord Morrison had returned, which left Kate feeling off kilter.

"I know I should just let it go." She said as she and Anthony walked through the park. "I just cannot seem to do so. I am still so angry with her!"

"I know, my darling." He said, squeezing her hand. "And you know I will support you, no matter what you choose to do."

"You think I should forgive her." She accused him, frowning.

"I think she hurt you." He replied easily, not rising to her bait. "You know how I feel about anyone who hurts you, but she is still your sister, and you love her. I think you should allow yourself to be angry but remain open to reconciliation."

"I suppose." She agreed with a sigh.

They were currently unchaperoned, but only because they were in a public place and on their way to meet Daphne, Simon, and Auggie for a picnic. Benedict was currently unavailable, busy at the academy, and so they were taking the opportunity to inform the Duke and Duchess of their engagement.

They rounded the path and found Daphne sitting on a blanket as she fondly watched Simon play in the grass nearby with their son.

"There you are!" she called, waving at them. "We thought we might have to send out a search party."

"As if we would forgo a chance to visit with my favorite nephew." Anthony said, separating from Kate to catch Auggie and throw him in the air.

"If you damage my son, I shall never forgive you." Daphne said as she stood to greet Kate with a kiss to the cheek. "And he's your only nephew."

"Details." Her brother replied, tossing his laughing nephew into the air once more.

Daphne sneered at her brother as she and Kate sat back down on the blanket.

"Now," she said, handing her a cup of tea, "what was it you wanted to tell us?"

Kate glanced at Anthony, who simply smiled.

"W are not announcing it just yet," she cautioned, "but I have agreed to be your brother's wife."

"Finally." Anthony added playfully, making her stick her tongue out at him.

"I told you so!" the Duchess exclaimed, pointing at her husband. "You owe me a pound!"

"Thank you for your warm congratulations, sister dear." Anthony drawled as Simon clapped him on the shoulder. "Your happiness is infectious."

"Oh, hush." She told him, grabbing Kate in a hug. "I am so happy for you, and you know that. We have so much planning to do! Oh, is that what the invitation to Danbury House is about? I will be hosting your engagement ball; I do not care what Lady Danbury has to say on the subject!"

"I already informed Lady Danbury." Kate told her with a laugh. "And it is what the invitation to tea is about, if you are able to join us."

"Of course, I will be there." Daphne said primly. "I wish to be as much help to my brother as he was during my wedding."

"I would remind you that you actually like Miss Sharma." Her husband said dryly. "My congratulations, you two. Miss Sharma, welcome to the family."

"Thank you, your Grace." She replied, smiling. "I hope I can still count on your support against the insanity?"

"Of course." He agreed easily as Daphne sneered at them. "I would never abandon my ally to the heathens."

"Are they allowed to gang up on us like this?" the Duchess asked her brother.

"I do not believe we can stop them." The Viscount replied.

The two non Bridgertons just laughed.

The engagement ball for Miss Edwina Sharma and Lord Percival Morrison was well attended and, of course, a complete success, as Lady Danbury would allow nothing less, but Kate found herself wishing for just a moment of quiet. Edwina stood across the room from her at Lord Morrison's side, soaking in the well wishes of the ton, while Kate stood next to Anthony, wishing they could be alone in the quiet of the garden below.

"You know, we could just sneak away." Anthony whispered in her ear, making her smile. "No one would notice."

"If you think Lady Danbury wouldn't catch us the moment we even headed for a door, you are delusional, my love." She shot back.

"I am officially requesting you only ever call me that." He told her, his voice dropping even lower. "Or I suppose I could settle for lover."

"Which you are not yet, my Lord." She said, with a wicked grin as she pushed him back a step.

"Which is why I think we should revisit my plan to sneak away, my Lady."

"You are a menace."

"I am your menace. No going back."

"God help me."

Anthony just grinned. Kate shook her head, glancing around the ballroom and catching her sister's cool gaze on them.

"I know she is your sister and that you love her, but I hope you will forgive me when I tell you that her attitude is beginning to irk me." Anthony said as he also caught Edwina's gaze.

Kate sighed, but she couldn't find it in her to blame him as Edwina's behavior was more than irking her. While her sister was perfectly happy to pretend that she and Kate had not fought and everything was fine, the same could not be said for Anthony. She observed only the barest of civilities, responding to his greetings and direct statements, but she ignored him when she could. She clearly blamed him for the Sheffield dinner and would not listen to reason from Kate, Mary, or Lady Danbury.

She opened her mouth to reply but was distracted by Benedict's approach.

"I have come to claim my dance." He announced with a grin.

"Hmm." Kate made a production of looking at her dance card. "I do not see your name, Mr. Bridgerton. Perhaps you are remembering another young lady? If there is one who has caught your eye, I will be happy to facilitate an introduction!"

"Give me that." He said, taking her card from her hand and pulling it towards him while still attached to her arm.

He began writing and, after a moment, Kate sighed.

"You cannot write you name for every dance, Benedict." She told him dryly.

Anthony snatched the card from his brother, who simply smirked.

"I believe this is our dance." He told her without an ounce of shame.

Kate just sighed and took his outstretched hand, shaking her head fondly. The dance was a waltz, which suited her just fine since she and Benedict needed to talk.

"I need to tell you something and you must promise to control your reactions." She told him strictly as the music began.

"Are you going to tell me you've come to your senses and are prepared to jilt my boring older brother and come live a lovely life of art in the countryside with me?" he asked with a charming smile. "If so, I make no promises."

"No." she said, lowering her voice to a whisper. "I am going to tell you that your brother has proposed, and I have accepted. You and I are to be brother and sister."

Before she could stop him, he picked her and spun her around, sending a wave of whispers through the other guests.

"Benedict!" she hissed, but her angry tone was softened by the smile on her face. "I will not be responsible for my actions if you do not put me down right this instance!"

He set her back on her feet and quickly led them back into the rhythm of the dance.

"I suppose expecting you to control yourself as an adult was too much to ask?" she asked dryly.

"It was. When will you announce it?"

"Next week."

"And when did this blessed event occur?"

"Four days ago."

"And I am just hear of it?" he exclaimed as she hushed him.

"You have been locked in your studio!" she defended herself. "This is the first we've seen of you all week!"

"Yes, well, you could have sent a note." He told her petulantly, making Kate giggle.

"My deepest apologies, Mr. Bridgerton."

"See that it doesn't happen again."

"Of course." She replied with mock seriousness. "You have my word, should I ever accept a proposal of marriage from one of your brothers in the future, I will tell you about it post haste."

"I am glad we understand each other, then." He replied with a laugh.

The music ended and she took his arm as he led her back to Anthony.

"I am so very happy for you both." He told his brother softly as he released Kate back to him.

"Thank you, brother." Anthony replied seriously, shaking Benedict's hand.

With one last smile, the second-born Bridgerton disappeared into the crowd. Anthony watched fondly as Kate fingered the chain he knew held his ring.

"I cannot wait to see that ring on your finger." He told her softly.

Kate blushed and snatched her hand away, but smiled, nonetheless.

"Soon." She reassured him. "Very soon."

"Dance with me?" he asked, starting to pull her to the floor.

"I don't know." She said, studying her dance card once more as she went with him willingly. "I believe your brother has claimed all my dances for the next three balls."

"Remind me to disown him."

Kate just laughed as they began to dance.

"Well, I hope you're happy."

Kate felt a pamphlet hit her in the face and opened her eyes to watch Edwina stalk out of her room.

"I really need to start locking that door." She muttered to herself as she picked up the latest from Lady Whistledown and quickly located the latest writings that had upset her sister.

…and I know I was not the only one to be shocked by takes of Mr. Benedict Bridgerton quite literally spinning Miss Kate Sharma around the dance floor at her sister's engagement ball, but this writer can finally divulge the reason for such and exuberant display.

Dearest reader, it seems the Viscount and the Ruby are finally engaged to be married!

It is the firm belief of this writer that theirs is a true love match, the likes of which is so rarely seen amongst the ton! This wedding will surely be the even of the Season, only rivaled by the Diamond herself's wedding.

I am sure we all wish the future Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton all the happiness in the world…

Kate smiled and tucked the pamphlet under her pillow.

She was very happy indeed.