
20. Chapter 20

Daphne smiled at her husband in the mirror as she put the final touches on her hair for the ball that evening.

"What have you thought of this week, my love?"

"You mean what do I think of Miss Sharma?" he asked, laughing. "If I had ever considered the type of woman your brother would marry, I imagine I would have conjured a woman just like Miss Sharma."

"I would have as well." His wife agreed. "I always imagined Anthony with someone like him and Kate is so like him but she also sooths the rough edges. I could not have chosen better for him."

"I have no qualms with either Anthony or Miss Sharma." Simon said, slipping on his jacket. "I am more concerned with Miss Edwina. Anthony would do well to ensure she is married off before she can cause any problems."

Daphne turned to stare at her husband.

"What ever could you mean?"

Simon paused his dressing to look at her.

"Surely you noticed her discontent as the focus switched from her prospects to her sister's courtship while we've been in residence? I imagine she has been the center of her mother and sister's world for a long time now and doesn't know now to handle the fact that she's not now."

Daphne was quiet as she considered Simon's words.

"You think she might cause problems for Kate?" she asked finally. "They seem to adore each other."

"I do not doubt their love for each other, but Miss Edwina is young. She grew up out of the sight of the ton and was instantly declared the Diamond when she joined us. She has clearly been doted on by her mother and sister. I think she is a naïve girl and unused to not being the center of her family's world. You must have noticed how she directs the conversation back to her own prospects whenever she can?"

"So does every debutante." Daphne pointed out. "Save Eloise."

"Your sister does resist the subject like no other." Simon agreed with a laugh. "Perhaps I am overreacting, but I just get a hint of something beneath the sweet exterior. She seems to have a belief that she is entitled to a certain type of life, if her questions about certain men's titles are anything to go by. She dismisses anyone less than a Viscount and seems to have focused on the Earl of Leicester quickly. I am concerned by how she might react if she does not receive what she feels is her due, especially if her sister does."

"I will admit that I have not focused on Miss Edwina these past weeks." Daphne said slowly. "I've been distracted getting to know Kate. Perhaps I shall watch her tonight and, if I find I agree with you, I will warn Anthony. I will have nothing threaten my brother's happiness."

Simon smiled and leaned over to press a kiss to his wife's cheek.

"I would expect nothing less, my love."

With that, he took her hand and led her downstairs to the ball.

The ball room took Kate's breath away. Everywhere she looked, she could see her own touches and she felt pride well up at the job she had helped with. Perhaps next year, she would be the true architect.

"The tulips are an inspired choice." Mary commented, making Kate blush. "I must remember to commend Lady Bridgerton on the idea."

"They were actually Kate's idea!"

The three Sharma's and Lady Danbury turned to see Daphne and Simon approaching. The Duke pulled away from his wife to kiss his godmother's cheek as Daphne linked her arm with Kate's.

"She was such a help planning tonight." The Duchess continued, ignoring Kate's embarrassment. "I don't know how we've done without her until now."

"I'm sure you would have managed quite well on your own, your Grace." Edwina said, looking over the crowd. "I'm sure our family has never thrown something this grand."

"Well, I never would have known that from Kate's behavior." Daphne replied with a slight frown. "Your sister acquitted herself quite well and was quite indispensable."

"I have always found her so, your Grace." Edwina replied, still distracted as she looked over the crowd. "I look forward to having her help me plan many balls when I am married."

Kate opened her mouth to say…something as Lady Danbury gave Edwina a searching look but was distracted by Anthony climbing the stairs towards them.

"Miss Sharma, you look beautiful." He said, making her blush. They stood there, staring at each other for a moment before Lady Danbury cleared her throat, reminding him there were others standing behind Kate. "As do the rest of you ladies. I suppose you're fine, Hastings."

"Thank you ever so." Simon replied dryly as Anthony leaned over to kiss his sister's cheek.

"You're welcome." Anthony replied as his attention went back to Kate. "Miss Sharma, I believe it is time for me to collect my winnings."

"I suppose it is, my Lord." She agreed, taking his arm and allowing him to lead her down the stairs to the dance floor.

"How did you convince your mother to open a ball with a waltz?" she asked as the music began.

"She is very accommodating of my wishes when it involves my courtship." He replied, pulling her closer.

"Is that so?" she asked, pulling away as the steps dictated. "Am I to meet this paragon of virtue you have chosen?"

"Hmm." He agreed, pulling her back. "I think you will like her. She's strong, beautiful, witty…a perfect match for me in every way."

Kate blushed and ducked her head as she smiled.

"Most importantly, my family adores her." He continued, spinning her before pulling her close again. "I believe she will make an excellent Viscountess."

"And yet you have not asked her to marry you?"

Anthony executed a sweeping turn and he held her from behind, his mouth close to her ear.

"I await her signal." He whispered. "The moment I believe she will accept me, I will fall to my knees before her post haste."

Kate spun back around, meeting his eyes.

"Perhaps that moment is closer than you think."

Anthony smiled brightly, spinning her away before pulling her back.

"Nothing would give me more joy."

Kate just smiled as brightly as him as the music ended and she curtsied. Anthony took her hand, squeezing it tightly, before tucking it into the crux of his elbow and leading her off the floor to where Lady Mary, Lady Bridgerton, and Lady Danbury stood gossiping.

"Where's Edwina?" Kate asked as Anthony excused himself to get them drinks.

"Dancing with Lord Morrison." Mary answered with a happy smile. "He seems quite taken with her."

Kate turned to search for her sister and spotted Edwina smiling at the Earl in the crowd. Anthony appeared at her elbow and handed her a lemonade as she smiled in thanks, before turning back to her sister.

"I sent out inquiries." He told her softly. "I should know something when we return to town." He took her arm and led her around the edge of the dance floor. "Have you told your sister about her grandparents?"

Kate sighed.

"I keep meaning to speak with her, but something always interferes." She murmured. "I am planning on tell her and Mary on the way back to London."

"Whatever support I can lend is, of course, yours." He told her. "But you must consider that Morrison might be the perfect answer. He meets all the requirements and does seem interested in Miss Edwina. Barring any objections I may uncover, he is a good candidate."

"He is." Kate agreed. "I will tell them tomorrow. Hopefully they will forgive me for keeping it from them."

"They love you." He assured her. "All will be well."

"You're being kind again." She teased him, making him sneer playfully at her.

"Only to you."

"And Penelope, and Benedict, and Eloise, and Gregory, and Hyacinth – "

"Hush, you." Anthony interrupted with a rueful grin.


They both turned and saw Benedict approaching.

"You do not get to keep Miss Sharma all night, brother." He said, taking her hand and pulling her away as she laughed. "Go dance with one of our sisters."

"You do understand that I am the elder brother?" Anthony called after them. "You cannot order me about!"

Benedict just ignored him as he practically dragged her onto the floor.

"I hope you have enjoyed these two weeks and that we haven't scared you off." He told her as they joined the lively country dance.

"You Bridgertons are not nearly as intimidating as you believe yourselves to be." She replied before allowing herself to be pulled down the line.

"That's good." He told her as they came back together. "Because, if I ever have to deal with Anthony without you ever again, I cannot be held responsible for my actions."

Kate laughed and slipped back into the flow of the dancers. She felt freer than she could ever remember feeling. This was where she belonged, with these people who cared for her and whom she cared for in return.

She belonged here with Anthony.

She spun through the dance, laughing as she came back to Benedict and moved away again. When the music came to an end, Benedict spun her one last time before leading her back to the edge of the floor.

"I am sure Anthony will whisk you away soon, but I will fetch you a lemonade first."

Kate grinned as he headed off before looking around and spotting Penelope nearby.

"Penelope! Are you enjoying yourself?"

"I am." The younger girl replied, smiling. "It's a lovely ball."

"Have you discovered where Eloise has chosen to hide yet?" Kate asked, making her laugh.

"I am sworn to secrecy." She replied. "But I believe Lady Bridgerton has sent Lord Bridgerton to find her, so I doubt she will remain hidden for long."

"I'm sure she'll lead him on a merry chase first." Kate said dryly, making Penelope laugh again.

"Miss Sharma!"

Kate winced before pasting a smile on her face and turning to face Cressida Cowper.

"Miss Cowper." She greeted before glancing at Penelope. "Pen, would you be a dear and let Eloise know I am looking for her?"

"Of course, Kate." She agreed instantly, throwing a grateful look at her before scurrying off.

"Are you enjoying the ball, Miss Sharma?" The blonde asked, her voice dripping with insincerity. "These types of parties must be so different from what you're used to!"

"They are." Kate replied tightly. "Balls in India are much more colorful. But Lady Bridgerton has outdone herself. I cannot remember a more pleasant night."

"I'm sure you have enjoyed your time in residence with the Bridgertons. Lady Bridgerton was so kind to invite you, knowing how…new you are to the splendor of the ton."

Kate forced herself to keep smiling.

"The Bridgertons have been quite kind to us."

"Yes, they have always been kind to…those less than them." Cressida said with a venomous smile. "And I must congratulate you on capturing the Viscount's attention for so long! It is quite a feat, but I would caution you to get your assurances as soon as you can, my dear. I heard he left Miss Russo in quite a state when his affections…cooled."

Kate froze.

"I am sure I do not know what you mean."

"My dear, you need not be coy with me." The other woman's words dripped with judgement. "We all know what a rake Lord Bridgerton is and, given your age and prospects, no one could blame you for finding security wherever you can, but I hope you are not naïve enough to believe he would ever offer for you! I am simply advising you to get your affairs in order before he loses interest."

Kate wanted to throw up.

"Thank you, Miss Cowper." She said stiffly. "I appreciate your counsel."

"Of course, my dear." She replied, smiling brightly. "I can only imagine how confusing London society has been for a girl such as you."

Kate made herself smile again.

"If you would excuse me, Miss Cowper, I must check on my sister."

She didn't wait for a response before taking off. Her head was spinning. She needed to breathe. Why couldn't she breathe?


She looked up to see Benedict, holding two glasses, looking at her with concern.

"Are you alright?"

Kate could only shake her head.

"Anthony's study is down that hall." He told her, nodding to a nearby door. "It will be third door on the right, and it will be unlocked. Go."

Kate nodded and slipped away. The moment she was gone, he turned his eye to the crowd, looking for Anthony. He spotted him speaking to another man and quickly made his way over, abandoning the drinks as he went.

"I'm sorry, my Lord, but I need to steal my brother." He said, not waiting for a response before grabbing Anthony's arm and dragging him to a nearby corner.

"Thank you." The elder brother said with a laugh. "If I had had to listen to one more minute of sheep – "

"Something's happened." Benedict interrupted. "I left Kate to get a drink for her and came back to find her practically in tears. I sent her to your study to calm down."

"What upset her?" Anthony demanded.

"I don't know. I thought it more important to help her escape."

"Find Daphne." Anthony ordered. "I will go see if I can find out what happened."

Benedict nodded and Anthony headed towards his office as he went to find their sister.

Kate burst into the room, practically hyperventilating. She couldn't breathe. She tried to take a deep breath, pacing back and forth with her hand pressed to her forehead, desperately trying to regain control.

She jumped as the door opened and Anthony slipped inside, closing the door behind him.

"What happened?"

A hysterical laughed bubbled out of Kate.

"Miss Sharma." He took a step forward and she backed away, so he stopped. "Tell me what happened. Please."

Kate's shoulders fell and she seemed to collapse in on herself.

"Why not?" He hated the defeated sound in her voice. "It's not like my mortification can get much worse." A tear slipped down her cheek and she angrily swiped it away. "Miss Cowper just congratulated me on 'capturing' your attention and cautioned me to get assurances from you because I didn't want to be left with nothing like Miss Russo was when you left her."

The blood drained from Anthony's face and Kate sighed.

"Miss Russo was –"

"I know who she is." She interrupted dismissively. "I told you, I read Lady Whistledown. She mentioned you being connected with an opera singer last Season, it wasn't hard to figure out who Miss Cowper was speaking of. Miss Russo doesn't matter. What matters is that Cressida Cowper felt perfectly comfortable calling me your whore as we stood in your mother's ball room!"

She turned away, breathing heavily.

"Cressida Cowper doesn't matter." Anthony told her softly, taking another step forward.

"If you believe that, you are dangerously naïve." She said with a bitter laugh. "If she feels comfortable enough to say it to my face, there must be others who also believe it."

"I don't care." He told her angrily. "We know it isn't true. Our families know it isn't true. The rest of the ton doesn't matter."

"They will never accept me, you must see that!" she said, just as angrily, as she spun to face him. Anthony felt his heart break at the sight of the tears streaming down her face. "We were fools to believe otherwise!" Her eyes met his and her anger faded to deep sadness. "It has been a lovely dream, my Lord, but it is time to wake up. I will see Edwina married and Mary settled, and then I will return to India. You will be free to find someone the ton will accept as your Viscountess."

"I do not want to find someone else." He told her desperately. "It is you I lo –" he broke off, taking a steadying breath before taking yet another step forward. "I care for you, Miss Sharma. Greatly. What do you feel for me?"

Kate stared at him, her eyes bright with tears.

"I hate you."

Her whispered words made Anthony rock back on his heels in shock.

"I hate you for making me feel like this." She continued. "I hate you for making me want things I cannot have, for making me want you. I hate you for making me crave your company until you are all I think about. You barreled your way into my life, wreaking every carefully constructed plan I had made."

"And what do you think you've done to my plans?" he asked, taking a step forward again. "I was prepared to live my life, content without love, and then you appeared out of the morning fog and I have though of nothing but you since. It is maddening."

He stepped into her space, his eyes never leaving hers.

"I am a gentleman." He whispered, his lips a hair's breadth away from hers. "But nothing has tested that like you. You are all I want, all I crave."

Her eyes fluttered shut as his lips ghosted along her cheek.

"Say you do not care for me."

Kate shivered and she felt him smile against her skin.

"Tell me you feel nothing and I will walk away."

Kate tried to breathe.

"I feel…" she couldn't gather her thoughts. All there was was him. "I feel…"

Anthony pulled back to meet her eyes again.

"Tell me what you want, Kate."

And, just like that, suddenly everything was clear.

"You." She whispered. "All I want is you."

A brilliant smile broke across Anthony's face.

"I am yours."

And he kissed her.

This was not Kate's first kiss, but it felt like it was. She couldn't think straight as his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her flush against him. All thought left her as her arms stretched up to wrap around his neck, her fingers threading through his hair, holding him just as tightly. He was simultaneously too close and not close enough. He nipped at her bottom lip, making her gasp, as his lips blazed a path across her jaw and down to her neck to suck at her pulse point.


The sound of his name on her lips made him growl before he maneuvered them so he could lift her up to perch on the edge of his desk. He quickly renewed his assault on her neck in hopes of hearing it again.

They were so distracted with each other; they didn't hear the door open.


Anthony pulled himself away from Kate just enough to see a shocked Daphne in the doorway.

"I am so sorry." She sputtered before fleeing as the door closed behind her.

Anthony sighed and turned back to Kate. He rested his forehead against her shoulder as he tried to regain control of himself.

"My Lord – "

"I'll take care of it." He interrupted her. "She won't say anything to anyone. Just…just stay here. Please. Until I return?"

Kate allowed herself to run her fingers through his hair one last time before gently pushing him away.

"Please." He whispered, holding on to her. "Don't leave."

Don't leave me.

Kate sighed, but she nodded. Anthony pressed one more chaste kiss to her lips, cupping her face gently, before pulling away and following his sister out of the room.

Kate slipped off the desk and stood in the middle of the room for a moment before finally allowing herself to collapse to floor, burying her face in her hands as she wept.

Anthony quickly found his sister in the empty dinning room, pouring herself a glass of brandy.


She didn't even look at him as she downed the glass of liquor. She poured another before finally looking at him.

"You'll marry her." She told him without preamble. "She has no male relatives to stand for her, but, given that Lady Danbury is her sponsor, I am sure Simon will be willing to fulfill the duty."

"I am sure he would." Anthony agreed, pouring his own glass. "I assure you it isn't necessary, though. Of course, I'll marry her. That has been my intention from the start, you know that…but it cannot be because of what you saw. Not after what happened earlier."

That brought Daphne up short.

"What happened?"

Anthony set his glass down carefully, leaning against the table as he felt his anger returning.

"Cressida Cowper happened." He told her with a growl. "The cow had the audacity of accusing Kate of having an…improper relationship with me to her face."

Daphne just stared at him.

"And your response to learning this was to compromise her in your study?!" she hissed at him incredulously. "What could you have possibly been thinking?!"

"It wasn't my finest moment, I grant you." He replied, grimacing as he ran a hand through his mussed hair. "But we were so close, Daph! She was ready to say yes and then this happened and she was talking about returning to India and…Cressida Cowper confirmed all the fears she has carried since our courtship began, that the ton will never accept her. I won't force her into marriage and there is no way she will say yes now. I know I have no right to ask it of you, but you must keep your silence! Not for my sake, but for hers. Please, sister."

Daphne sighed before grabbing his glass and taking another large sip.

"Miss Cowper was probably emboldened by your lack of proposal." She told him bluntly. "You have shown clear favoritism to her, but you haven't proposed." She held up a hand to forestall his protests. "I know why, but the ton does not. You cannot blame them, brother. And you are right, you have no right to ask that of me. None at all." She sighed. "Luckily for you, I have no wish to force another woman to marry before she is ready. But something must be done to salvage both of your reputations."

"What do you suggest, sister?" he asked cautiously.

"Return to the ball room." She told him. "I will fetch Kate. Find Benedict, Colin, and Eloise. Tell them they need to be spreading how much we adore Kate and consider her a member of the family already. I will handle mother. You need to continue to be as obvious as you have been up till now. The rest of tonight needs to be about showing the assembled ton that she has not only your favor, but all of ours. And then, tomorrow, before we leave, you and Kate need to have a conversation, a proper one."

"I told Kate to wait in my study." Anthony told her. "To wait for me."

"You will return to the ball room or I will march in there and announce to mother exactly what I saw." Daphne threatened before softening. "I need to speak with Kate. Go."

"Fine." He agreed reluctantly. "Please…be kind to her."

All the fight went out of his sister.

"She's my friend and someone hurt her tonight." She told him softly. "Of course, I will be kind."

Anthony nodded and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Daphne watched him leave, downed the rest of the glass, and headed back to Kate.