
Best Gentleman For You (Azur Lane x Male Reader)

You are a random guy playing Azur Lane every day without getting tired of it but one day something unexpected happens to you. You got Isekai'd into Azur Lane world(Classic Isekai plot but Imma disrespect Truck-kun by using a different Isekai method since I don't want my readers to get hit and die by a truck), Since Azur Lane has no trustworthy adult male commanders Enty who found you floating on the sea decided to hire a 17 years old guy like you who came out of nowhere and thus your adventure at Azur Lane world started! Wattpad Novel By XandyBoi123

Sokdavid · Video Games
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17 Chs

Chapter : 5 : My Scary Roommate Can't Be This Cute!

After finding out that Jean Bart and Y/N have to live in the same room together, Sheffield was furious because she knew that Jean Bart glared at Y/N the first time she met him for absolutely no reason, so she immediately objects to the plan that Jean Bart have to stay with Y/N, but since the most shipgirl sisters live together rather than living separately, almost all dorm rooms in Azur Lane base is full. Right now Y/N can be see in the middle of a crossfire of two women. One is a angry pirate and the other one is a maid that may looks like she's calm but is actually very angry to the fact that Y/N can see the dark aura surrounding her.

Sheffield: Miss Jean Bart... even if you are now living with Master TEMPORARILY you are not allowed to be near him by 5 metres or else...

Jean Bart: Or else what!?

Sheffield: ...Or else unimaginable horrible things will happens to you because you have harms one of Her Majesty's servents.

Jean Bart: Keep talking big like that little maid! You are nothing compares to me! I will crush you on the battlefield along with that pathetic Master of yours!

Y/N: Well damn you don't have to include "pathetic" tho. ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ

Sheffield: How about we have a duel in the sea right now because "actions speaks louder than words".

Sheffield started to get serious about going toe to toe with the Battleship untills Y/N calms her down by hugging her and somehow it calms her down greatly.

Sheffield: Normally I would have punched you in the face for doing this... but thank you Master.

Y/N: Ya welcome.

Jean Bart clicks her tongue and storms out of the room,going to where her sister is.

Y/N: Oh that somehow makes her angry.

Sheffield: Don't let her sleep on your bed Master.

Y/N: She's a woman Sheffield. Shouldn't I rsepect her by sleeping on the couch an-

Sheffield: No.

Y/N: Sheffield I can guaranteed you that she won't harm me no matter what.

Sheffield: And how can you prove that she's harmless Master? Can you prove it to me?

Y/N: Sheffield I swear she is just being overprotective to the ones that is close to her. Besides you can't tell what a person's true personality is before knowing them.

Sheffield: *sighs* Alright then Master... I'll take your words on that but... please stay safe okay?

Y/N: I promise that I'll stay safe Sheffield. Besides,I have the best maid by my side!

And something Y/N never expected from Sheffield happened. Her usual emotionless face was gone and she smiles gently at Y/N.

Sheffield: Master... I guess you won't break that promise to me for now... If you don't mind I have some cleaning to do so... see you again later Master.

Sheffield left the room and instead of slamming the door close like she always do, She closes it behind her gently.

Y/N: Woah that was unexpected... Now where are my videogames at?

Meanwhile, Jean Bart can be seen heading towards a guests dorm reserved for Richelieu, Algerie, and Dunkerque.

When she arrived at the dorm where her sister and her friends are staying temporarily,She knocks on the door and someone opens the door who was Algerie. When she looks over her shoulder,She saw Dunkerque helping her sister Richelieu to ties her hair.

( Image )

( Bonjour Frenchie Belfast )

( Image )

( Beautiful wife material not gonna lie )

Algerie: Oh it's you Jean!

Dunkerque: Bonjour Jean! This room is quite beautiful isn't it?

Richelieu: Ah Jean can you helps me on tying my hair? The travel in the sea kinda mess my hair a little bit.

Jean Bart: Bonjour... Can I asks you all about what kind of person the commander in this base is...?

When Jean Bart mentions Y/N everyone in the room stops what they were doing and Richielieu gestures her to sit on the bed near them and she does as they say.

Richelieu: So Jean... how do you feel about Commander Y/N?

Jean Bart: A bastard that would left everyone in the battlefield to death if he was losing it.

Richelieu: Sister... that's quite wrong of you to describes him like that. What made you think that he's that kind of person?

Jean Bart: Don't know... My mind seems like it won't trust him no matter what. How do you thinks about him sister?

Richelieu: To me... He doesn't sounds like a bad person because of how the Royal Navy and Eagle Union treat him nicely and really different from how they used to treat other commanders in the past.

Jean Bart: Heh as expected from you sister... You always has positive thoughts unlike I do.

Richelieu: Jean... The commander seems like a nice person from how Dunkerque just told me not while ago...

Jean Bart: Hm... What do you thinks about him Dunkerque?

Dunkerque: Well I met him in person so the story is...


Well... when I was walking in the hall and giving out donuts to the little Destroyer girls in the base I bumped into him accidently and knocks over all the Donuts I made and the result was...


He started to apologize again and again to me and even though I reassure him that it's okay, he keep on apologizing and eventually he stopped and told me to follow him all the way to the base's cafeteria and cooked me a few dishes and even made extra fews for the Destroyer girls. I was curious about who taught him how to cook something this delicious.

Dunkerque: Ah who taught you how to cook Commander?

Y/N: Ah... it was my grandma who taught me how to cook like this. And also here take this... as to welcome you girls to our base!

He gifted me a bag folded neatly as a welcome gift but I haven't open it yet.


Jean: That bag is probably nothing!

Algerie: No no no don't judge a book by it's cover Jean! It might be something he cooked for us as his welcome gift.

Dunkerque: Mhm let's open it and see what's inside.

When they open the bag all they see is cookies made with different flavours and shapes.

Algerie: Aha! Turns out my guessing was correct!

Then Dunkerque takes one of the cookie and taste it and it actually tastes really good.

Dunkerque: This... The flavour is really great!

Richelieu: Wait let me try some too!

Algerie: Yeah it might be great!

Richelieu and Algerie also find the cookies delicious.

Algerie: We should ask Commander about the recipes!

Dunkerque: Yes, yes indeed!

Jean Bart: Have you guys forgot about me?

Richelieu: Oh sorry sister. Now let's continue the discussion.

Jean Bart: So... Should I treat him nicely.

Dunkerque: Listen to me Jean... It depends on how you feel about him. If he treats you nicely, You treats him just the way how he treated you.

Algerie: I agrees with Dunkerque here Jean.

Richelieu: Also you should give him a chance and be polite to him for me okay?

Jean Bart: Alright...

After taking advices from her friends and sister,She left the dorm back to where she have to stay together with Y/N. When she arrives to his dorm room again she knocks on the door and Y/N opens it, when their eyes met each others, Jean does not clicks her tongue and simply just walks past him. There was an awkward silence untill an energytic one and sleepy Destroyer girls comes to his doorstep and it was none other than Javelin and Laffey.

( Image )

( My other daughter! Lays your f*ckin hands on her and I'll kill literally anyone )

Javelin: Commander Commander! Are you in there?

Y/N: I'm coming!

Y/N opens the door and sees Laffey sleeping while being dragged by Javelin who is struggling.

Javelin: H-Hi Commander can you help me bring Laffey to the bed?

Y/N: Ah yes sure!

And Y/N started to carry her as if she's his little daughter and brings her to his bed and lies her down there.

Y/N: Alright job's done! So Javelin whatdaya need from this Commander?

Javelin: Oh uh can I have some cookies you baked for other girls earlier today?

Y/N: Ah sure why not Javelin and I was planning on making some for you girls aswell!

Jean Bart watches in silence as the conversation continues, She notices how these girls seem so comfortable around him and then laughing together with him. As the moment continues she slowly falls asleep. After Y/N and his little Destroyer girls were done having cookies together and playing videogames, Both of them left and Y/N waved them goodbye. When he come back to his room he knew that Jean Bart was watching everything he do in silence and fallen asleep on the sofa. So he carries her in Princess-carry style to his bed and lies her there. When he looks out the window it was already evening so he decided to cook something different for both himself and Jean Bart. A while later Jean Bart woke up.

Jean Bart: ( Wait did I fell asleep? How long was I sleeping? DAMN IT! I have too much opening for him to take advetnage of me! )

When she opens her eyes much more widely she notices that there's a blanket on her and she see Y/N cooking something afar from her. She checks on herself in case if Y/N have done anything weird to her but she felt completly fine. She slowly approachs the dinner table and Y/N greets her with a gentle smile.

Y/N: Oh hi! You are already awake! Dinner will be ready soon so please take a seat at the table.

Jean Bart says nothing as she just sits on the chair and watch Y/N cook and a though came into her mind.

Jean Bart: ( Why is he acting as if I didn't insult him with many words this morning? )

When Jean Bart was deep in though Y/N says "Dinner's ready!" which snaps her out of her though. And when Y/N places the dinner down she felt curious at the dish.

Jean Bart: You... What kind of dish is this?

Y/N: Oh that? That's fried rice! It was actually one of my favorite food I always love to have!

Jean Bart: Fried rice huh?...

Jean Bart tastes the food and she felt refreshing all out of sudden and smiles widely at how delicious which Y/N notices her smiling at the food he made it makes him happy too.

Y/N: Do you like it?

Jean Bart couldn't hide it anymore and nods at him repeatdly which he found it adorable. The heart cold girl who was scary is now a ordinary girl who just loves tasty foods. After they had dinner, Jean Bart realizes what she has done.

Jean Bart: ( GODDAMN IT! His food was so good I started acting differently unlike my usual self infront of him! )

Y/N: ( Jean seems like she's started to become more honest with herself...As I though she's not that scary after all. )

When both of them go to sleep they have quite a hard moment because Sheffield came to make sure that Y/N won't have to sleep on the couch himself and he must sleep on bed.

Sheffield: Master you are a person with the duty of leading this base so getting enough comfortable sleep is a must-do daily thing for you.

Y/N: *sigh* Alright then... I'm sorry Jean Bart.

Jean Bart does not say anything and just nods and went to sleep on the couch by herself.

Sheffield: Master it's time for you to go on and sleep. You have to help Lady Wales with constructing the dorm.

Y/N: But who's gonna take care of paperworks?

Sheffield: Don't worry Miss Enterprise will take care of it.

Y/N: Ah alright then...

Y/N also got to his bed and Sheffield left his room but when he looks at the couch he notices that Jean Bart does not have any blanket on her so he decided to covers her up with his blanket.

On the next morning...

Jean Bart woke up feeling extremely comfortable and knew that Y/N put a blanket on her,then she realizes she over-slept because when she looks at the time it was already 10 o' clock.

Jean Bart: Damn it! It's already 10 O' clock! Now where did that guy heads off to?

She washs her face and then left the room. When she goes to the hall there she sees in not so far distance, a building is being built in the field and she heard Sheffield mentioned about Y/N managing the Iris Orthodoxy dorm construction along with Wales. She decided that it would be best to apologize to him about what she did yesterday. When she arrives at the construction site she saw Y/N ordering the Manjuus around along with Wales. Jean Bart then saw Wales handing a tea cup to Y/N and telling him to go get a break and he does as she says. Jean Bart knew that it's her chance to apologize to him when he was taking a break and she's approach him.

Jean Bart: Hey you!

Y/N: Wait are you talking to me?

Jean Bart: Who else do you think I was talking to!? There's only you here!

Y/N: Oh uh s-sorry.

Jean Bart then realizes she was being rude again and she immediately felt guilty.

Jean Bart: U-uh sorry... Listen I'm here to apologize about what I did yesterday.

Y/N: What did you do to apologize tho?

Jean Bart: For insulting you and glaring at you... I'm very sorry about that.

Y/N: Naaahh I already forgot about all those things! So you don't need tk apologize to me about it.

Jean Bart: Wait you forgave me already?

Y/N: Why shouldn't I not forgive you? Besides I'm not the person who take grudges against other people!

Jean Bart: Oh I see... Mind if i sit here?

Y/N: Sure go ahead I don't mind!

Then Jean Bart sits next to him and try to know about him more and thus let us continue how their little relationship progress shall we?

Week 1:

Jean Bart becomes one of Y/N's friend after knowing he's unlike the other Commander. She always greets to him,but in kinda aggressive way.

Week 2:

Jean Bart started to visits Y/N while he's at construction site along with her sister and her friends. She started tk greets him in a friendly way. She started talking to Y/N like he's her friend.

Week 3:

Jean Bart started to feel something in her heart when she's around Y/N... She don't know what it is but she know it's somehow a good feeling. She asked Dunkerque if she can teach her how to make donuts and she learned how to make them. When she brought them to Y/N and saw him enjoying her cooking, She felt really happy.

Week 4:

For some reasons, Jean Bart started to feels kinda uncomfortable ( In good way ) around him and started to stutters everytime she talks to Y/N. Even in cafeteria she eats with fork and spoon around Y/N ( To acts like a lady ). Without noticing she started to feels happy when she see Y/N smiles or laughs. When standing next to him... She can hear her heart throbbing repeatedly... Is this perhaps...
