
Best Friend's Son

Stefan Salvatore and Katherine Pierce's son Zach Pierce-Salvatore has magic blood. His blood has the ability to cure vampirism. Stefan becomes human, so is Damon. And all Pierce-Salvatore enemies come to harm the Pierce-Salvatore baby. Caroline Forbes, who is the only vampire left, takes her nephew, changes his name and runs to New Orleans. In New Orleans, she takes the help of Klaus Mikaelson who also has a daughter. She falls for the man who has changed so much. Together, she and Klaus have to protect the Mikaelson Twins.

Nina_Becker · TV
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26 Chs

Angry Alpha. Zach Comes Back. No-Need Apologies. A Dead Salvatore.

Caroline took Zach into her arms, and a wolf attacked her before anyone could do anything he bit her.

"You are going to die now, Vampire!"

"Darling, it's your time to die, not her." Kol Mikaelson came towards the wolf, jamming his hand into his chest and pulling his heart out.

"See...Dead!" Kol dropped it on the ground.

Klaus bit his arm, and offered it to Caroline. She took it. Elijah bit his arm, and put it on Zach's mouth.

He was healing. Caroline fondled his ears, she was saddened to see where he was.

"I'll deal with them." Hayley told them. "Go home!"


"GO HOME!" She shouted.

Bonnie and Davina taken back at it, Klaus and Caroline went outside. The others followed. Caroline held Zach close to her, Bonnie tried to take him from her, but she didn't let go. She held him tight.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie!" She whispered. "I love you, Zach, sweetie…..I am sorry."

"It's not your fault, love!" Klaus held her arms.

Caroline didn't know what to say.

Caroline Forbes-Mikaelson and Klaus Mikaelson were standing in Hope Mikaelson's room. Hope was already asleep.

Klaus put Zach on the other side of the bed. She smiled, she held his arm.

He was bathed, changed, fed and coddled. Then, he fell asleep in Caroline's lap.

"Good night, little prince." Klaus Mikaelson closed the door behind them.

Caroline was sitting on the bed, she was holding her head in her hands.

"Who would do that to a child, Klaus?"

He came next to her, and pulled her face to level with his own.

"Everyone has always portrayed you like a crazy mad man." Caroline told him. "A cruel person."

She looked at him,

"But….you wouldn't do that to a three year old. He was almost killed."

She was crying. Klaus had no answer, he was an evil cruel man. He knew he had very little humanity in him. But she was right. He would never raise a finger on a child.

He held her close, she sobbed softly.

"I am sorry, Caroline." He whispered, "I'm sorry…"

"It's not your fault, Klaus."

Klaus Mikaelson had no answer, he didn't know what he was apologizing for.

Caroline Forbes-Mikaelson woke up late the next morning. She had to get Zach ready, Stefan Salvatore and Katherine Pierce were coming to get him. They were moving again, this time with changed identities, somewhere more lowkey, and someplace far far away.

All the memories of four years ago kept coming back to her. She was distracted and upset.

She was making coffee when Elijah Mikaelson came inside. He stood next to her. They didn't exchange any words. Caroline took a mug, and put it in his hands. She took the pot from the counter, pouring the coffee in his mug, and filled her own.

She took a seat at the table. He followed her.

"I'm sorry, Elijah." She said softly, rotating the mug in her hands. "I was way out of line yesterday."

He shook his head, she didn't see it, she was just looking at her mug.

"I am sorry."

"It was nothing, Caroline." He smiled. "Niklaus had daggered me several times, and you, Caroline….apologize for screaming at me."

She smiled.

"I know you were stressed." He told her. "It's okay."

He smiled.

"Thank you." She smiled. "You don't know how much that means to me!"

She held her head,

"It..It has been some stressful 24 hours."

"I know.." He got up, "How about I treat you to an English breakfast?"

She laughed.

"You know how to cook?" She asked.

"If you are around for a millennium." Elijah was opening the breakfast, "You learn a thing or two."

She smiled.

"Okay...I'll help you." She got up.

"No...Sit down." He told her, "I have to talk to you….and it's best if you are free."

She was confused but she nodded. They talked for a while when Hayley walked into the room.

"Just in time, Hayley…" Caroline called her to the table, "I think this is the first time I have seen a Mikaelson cook."

She laughed.

"It's a rare treat, but I have seen him cook before." Hayley dragged a chair, and sat down with Caroline.

Elijah smiled.

"So, how is Zach?" Hayley asked her.

"I gave him a shower, new clothes, dinner, and put him to bed." Caroline explained, "Actually, he is sleeping in Hope's room."

Hayley looked surprised, she smiled.

"Stefan and Katherine are coming to get him today."

"Really?" Elijah turned off the stove.

"Only you, Elijah Mikaelson can cook in a suit!" Caroline took a fork. "They are moving…..somewhere far away." She told Hayley.

"That is great!" Hayley told her, "I think he has suffered enough,"

"I know." Caroline looked at her, "I just want him to go to Stefan and Katherine."

Elijah Mikaelson joined Caroline and Hayley, taking off the apron.

Caroline's phone which was on the table rang.

"Stefan Salvatore." The name appeared on the screen. She picked it quickly. She had been waiting for the call.

"Hello!" Caroline picked up the phone,

"Am I speaking to Ms. Caroline Forbes-Mikaelson?" She smiled. Mikaelson...This was the first time she had heard someone say that.

"Who are you?"

She asked. "This is Stefan Salvatore's phone..! Why did you pick up the phone?"

She asked the woman who was on the other side of the call. She stood up.

"Is this Mrs. Mikaelson?" The woman repeated.

"Yes, this is me." Caroline said exasperatedly. Something terrified her. Some woman had Stefan's phone.

"Mrs. Mikaelson...You are on the emergency list on Mr. Salvatore's phone." The woman told her.

"What happened to Stefan?" She almost yelled.

"Their car was blasted off." Caroline felt someone blasted with a grenade. "He and the woman…..Katherine, they died on spot,"

The phone dropped from Caroline's hand, and crashed to the floor.