
Best Friend's Son

Stefan Salvatore and Katherine Pierce's son Zach Pierce-Salvatore has magic blood. His blood has the ability to cure vampirism. Stefan becomes human, so is Damon. And all Pierce-Salvatore enemies come to harm the Pierce-Salvatore baby. Caroline Forbes, who is the only vampire left, takes her nephew, changes his name and runs to New Orleans. In New Orleans, she takes the help of Klaus Mikaelson who also has a daughter. She falls for the man who has changed so much. Together, she and Klaus have to protect the Mikaelson Twins.

Nina_Becker · TV
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26 Chs

A Big Spell. The Wolves. Conquering The Vampires.

Stefan and Damon were sitting in front of Davina and Bonnie who were trying to locate Zach. Klaus was moving around the room in circles. Hayley and Elijah crashed into the room.

"What happened?" Hayley asked.

"Zach is missing." Caroline said, without taking her eyes from the map.

Freya Mikaelson came inside. She held a silver bowl.

"You won't be able to break the spell." Freya told them. "I need Salvatore Blood."

She handed a knife to Stefan. He took it promptly, and slashed his palm.

"Both." Freya took the knife and handed it to Damon.

Damon took the knife, and Caroline opened her first aid box,

"The blood of the woman was with him who saved his life." Freya told them. "His Savior."

They looked at each other, confused.

Freya handed the knife to Caroline.

"That would be you." Stefan said softly, "You..Caroline." He murmured, "You saved his life many times."

Caroline was taken by surprise, but she took it quickly, and her blood poured into the blood silver bowl.

"Lastly, the blood of the Petrova bloodline."

Freya told them.

"Why Petrova?" Damon asked.

"I'll get her!" Stefan didn't wait for anything. He didn't need any answer. He went outside.

"His mother is Petrova." She told him.

After Freya had gathered all the ingredients she needed. She took Bonnie's and Davina's hand.

"Davina, where are you?" Kol Mikaelson came in yelling.

"Shut up!" Caroline, Stefan and Hayley shouted together.

Freya Mikaelson usually had to channel her siblings for such a powerful spell, but right now she was sharing power with the most powerful magical bloodline.

Freya Mikaelson. The First Born Mikaelson Witch. One of the most powerful and equipped witches ever.

Bonnie Bennett. The last of the Bennett Bloodline.

Davina Claire, A Harvest Girl. A Claire Witch.

Davina and Bonnie repeated after Freya the spell she had written down in her grimoire years ago.

With a gasp, Davina Claire let go. She couldn't hold it any longer. Her nose was bleeding. She took the tissue Caroline was holding out.

"I'm sorry." She told Caroline.

"It's okay, Davina." Caroline replied. She wasn't looking at her, she was looking at the map.

Bonnie Bennett was the second to let go, she bled softly.

"I am sorry." Bonnie told Stefan.

Caroline didn't look at Bonnie. Her eyes fixed on the map.

"Do you need her help, sister?" Elijah asked.

Freya was chanting loudly, it was as if she wasn't there anymore.

This was a Mikaelson Witch spell, and only she could break it. Elijah held her hand, Klaus followed, Kol sighed, and promptly followed his brothers.

The blood moved around the bowl, it was separated.

Stefan's formed an 'S'

Caroline's formed an 'M'

Elena's formed a 'P'

"What is this?" Stefan asked Freya.

"The spell is broken. He is located." Freya told him.

Everyone looked at her, confused.

"The P is from the Petrova girl." She pointed towards Elena.

"The S is for Salvatore." She explained, "And the 'M' is for Caroline."

"Why 'M'?" Davina asked. "Isn't she a Forbes?"

"You forget she just married me!" Klaus said huffly.

"Of course, she did!" Davina said, turning away.

There was much hostility between them. She liked Caroline, and Caroline happened to be friends with Kol. That's why she put up with Klaus, and Klaus put up with her.

"There he is!" Klaus pointed. "That is just outside New Orleans…...Out in the Bayou."

Caroline looked at Hayley. Hayley was the alpha of the Crescent Labonair packs.

"But what can the wolves do with him?" Hayley said, "He is the vampirism cure…"

Nobody had an answer.

"Stefan….You should go to Katherine." Caroline turned towards Stefan.

"No...I have to go save my son…."

"She's right, mate!" Kol stopped him, "They will eat you alive. We can get your son for you."

Damon nodded.

"Go to Katherine….Pack up, you have to move!" Caroline shook him. "Now, Stefan! NOW!"

She almost yelled.

"We have to go…" Klaus told them. "Hayley...What the hell are your wolves doing with a three year old?" He asked.

"I don't...….know."

Klaus was followed by his brothers, Caroline, Freya and Bonnie Bennett.

"You stay here!" Caroline shouted at Damon and Elena.

"I am coming to get my nephew!" Damon came after her.

"Damon.." Caroline stopped him, "We can't look for Zach, and keep you safe...You are human now."

"No...I'm coming!"

Damon, don't….."

Kol Mikaelson zoomed towards them, and pinned Damon to the wall. Elena went after him.

"Listen to friend, mate!" He compelled him, "You cannot leave this house till we come back."

Damon Salvatore repeated everything. Caroline smiled.

"Let's go!" Klaus Mikaelson repeated.

They all ran outside, Davina Claire looked at Kol.

"I'll come with you guys!"

They ran outside.

Hayley was in the lead, she knew the Bayou better than any of them.

"This way."

She walked ahead, throwing the branch the other way.

"Woah…" Kol moved back, "Elijah…..she is trying to hit me."

"Don't be a baby, Kol!"

Klaus snapped.

Caroline followed Hayley closely. She was extremely worried.

"He's in the cabin." Klaus pointed,

"How do you know?" Elijah looked at him, surprised.

"Wolf instincts!" She explained.

Caroline rushed towards the door, and pulled the door. It was locked from inside. She took a rock from the ground, and broke the door down.

Kicking the door, she opened it. She picked up a broken piece of wood.

"That's my wife….Ladies and Gentlemen!" Klaus smirked.

Several wolves crowded her. Hayley looked at them.

"Not her!" She shouted.

The wolves crowded them all. The apex was almost over. But it didn't matter. All the packs that were under Hayley didn't have to turn on the full moon.

Hayley entered the cabin.

"Come in!" She told everyone.

Caroline ran inside. Six men stood over the three year old Zach Salvatore.

"What the hell?" Klaus Mikaelson entered the cabin.

Zach was bloodied up, and drained.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!" Caroline and Hayley growled together.

Hayley's eyes were amber golden.

"That is a child, you sick bastard!" Hayley held one of them by the throat. "What the hell were you going to do to him?"

They were going to conquer the vampires by the cure.