
Berserker Magician

A world run by magic... so, what would happen if a mana-less child was born in it? Avan Neidleest, a child born without a single ounce of mana. His skin was pale and was drought out of nutrients. Everyone stayed away from him. He was a noble, yet commoners laugh at his failures and talentless nature. And no one would rebuke them for it. He was an outcast, a nobody. Yet all he has is his sword. He swung it every single day not getting stronger. But training himself to ignore the pain as he swings it. He swung it every single day, study about magic even though he can't practice it in the hopes that something would change. He swung, in the heat, in the winter, in the autumn and every single day. In hopes that someone will accept him and acknowledge him. No matter how much he was brought down, he just swung and swung his sword and the immeasurable pain of it still lingered. Days passed... months... years... until it turned into a decade. As he swung his sword, it was not hope he was given, but despair. He was just an insect compared to everyone else in the whole world. "Hard work does not equal talent." Is what everyone else said to him. A decade of despair welled up inside of him. And then... it exploded. A decade of malice, sadness, despair, loneliness all welled up inside of him exploded and has been concentrated into a single ball of energy. He wrecked havoc. He became stronger than he ever was before. A single swing of his sword cut mountains. As he swung his sword, the wave of it blew out houses. But he was just a human borrowing a power that can't hold his body. So in the end... his body broke down, achieving strength that he wanted to attain for so long. But something was wrong, no one was acknowledging him as he fell to the ground. "Wasn't this... what you wanted..? I got stronger right..? I'm strong now... so why... why do you have those faces..." As he closed his eyes, he drifted off in the darkness. And then letters appeared in front of him in the deep dark of the abyss. [Conditions has been met.]

Yrythaela · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


"How long were you in there Argus?" Schaffer asked.

Argus looked around and saw that his spell was still in effect. "I don't know. It must've been some decades or so. But I saw it all. From his first life, how he was born up to the point that he died."

"I saw the same thing." Schaffer sighed. "You've been gone for less than a second."

"I've never seen a mind reading spell like that to last for that long. It should only give me a glimpse, not the entire thing."

"Its not your spell, its whatever is inside this child. It was to try and entice you to join his cause. To feel pity, to feel remorse and to feel the same thing this child felt. Its a good thing that we're the only ones that know this child's memories. Its our willpower that let us still know that we're still a part of ourselves."

"His mind and willpower is either way too strong for us to completely enter so he manipulated his own so that we could see that..." Argus swallowed his dry saliva.

Only for Schaffer to continue what he wanted to say, "Or his mind has been corrupted to the point where there's two living entities living inside of him." He sighed and tapped his staff on the ground and time began to flow normally again. "Let's continue our duties." Schaffer pointed his staff at Argus to cast, "Serene Tranquil."

Argus' ragged breath slowly eased up and his heartbeat and his overall mental health was restored. He was calm and was more focused than before. "Yes, let's."

They both suddenly disappeared.

Avan felt something behind his back only to not see anyone. He looked back down and saw that Argus wasn't there anymore.

His raging monster inside of him calmed down. Avan grasp his heart and felt the throbbing pain slowly disappearing. He felt as if his mana just grew exponentially.

The system replied,

[You've been overwhelmed by a sudden surge of mana. +1,000 Mana.]

He his own mana pool from inside of him growing larger by that notification from the system. "Seems like the system unlocks my mana pool by making me experience different things." Avan pondered for a moment, but the system answered immediately.

[Killing oneself does not activate Heart of a God for a second time. It can only be activated once and has already been activated.]

"It was a thought." Avan muttered.