
Berserker Magician

A world run by magic... so, what would happen if a mana-less child was born in it? Avan Neidleest, a child born without a single ounce of mana. His skin was pale and was drought out of nutrients. Everyone stayed away from him. He was a noble, yet commoners laugh at his failures and talentless nature. And no one would rebuke them for it. He was an outcast, a nobody. Yet all he has is his sword. He swung it every single day not getting stronger. But training himself to ignore the pain as he swings it. He swung it every single day, study about magic even though he can't practice it in the hopes that something would change. He swung, in the heat, in the winter, in the autumn and every single day. In hopes that someone will accept him and acknowledge him. No matter how much he was brought down, he just swung and swung his sword and the immeasurable pain of it still lingered. Days passed... months... years... until it turned into a decade. As he swung his sword, it was not hope he was given, but despair. He was just an insect compared to everyone else in the whole world. "Hard work does not equal talent." Is what everyone else said to him. A decade of despair welled up inside of him. And then... it exploded. A decade of malice, sadness, despair, loneliness all welled up inside of him exploded and has been concentrated into a single ball of energy. He wrecked havoc. He became stronger than he ever was before. A single swing of his sword cut mountains. As he swung his sword, the wave of it blew out houses. But he was just a human borrowing a power that can't hold his body. So in the end... his body broke down, achieving strength that he wanted to attain for so long. But something was wrong, no one was acknowledging him as he fell to the ground. "Wasn't this... what you wanted..? I got stronger right..? I'm strong now... so why... why do you have those faces..." As he closed his eyes, he drifted off in the darkness. And then letters appeared in front of him in the deep dark of the abyss. [Conditions has been met.]

Yrythaela · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Dance of the War God

A knock on the door, followed by a guard proclaiming, "Honorable One, Professor Bricordia wants to see you."

"Hmm..." The headmaster closed off all the projections of other people, "Off." Followed by sparking a bright light to illuminate the dark room. "Light." He readied himself before responding, "Come in."

The guards opened the door followed by a bow of Bricordia as she went in. "Headmaster Schaffer Gazetry Uild, I greet thee."

"Ease down Professor Bricordia. Now, what do you want of me?"

"I wanted to ask the Headmaster if you'd give me your knowledge just for a couple of minutes. I wish to know what sword art one of my students is practicing. It was quite, mesmerizing."

"Mesmerizing huh? That's rare coming out of you professor."

"Yes, I suppose so." Bricordia focused all of her mana as a small screen appeared in front of them. "Memory Projection." The screen that was placed in front of the headmaster then suddenly shown the point of view of Bricordia.

"...It feels, familiar. But I can't exactly pinpoint it. But the way he's moving... I know that there's something wrong with it." The headmaster then prepared for a second, "Telepathy. Connect me to Izgael Varhemont."

Izgael was about several kilometers away from the academy and he suddenly felt a thread going through his head. "Accept." He said out loud and he suddenly felt as if two points had connected. "Headmaster Schaffer Gazetry Uild, I greet thee."

"Mhm. Izgael, I need your assistance on a matter. I need you back at the academy. Preferably right now."

"I'll be there." The line was suddenly cut off. "Hmm..." He looked at the academy at the very highest peak and then he unsheathed his sword. "Telekinesis." An Unclassified Tier spell that he used on his sword to control it in any way that he can. He jumped on the sword and began to fly on it straight to the academy gathering the attention of those at the ground.

After a few minutes, a knock on the door of the Headmaster's chambers, "Honorable One, Izgael wants to see you."

"Let him in." The headmaster replied.

As the guards opened the door, Izgael went in as he sheathed his sword. "Reporting."

"Bricordia, if you please."

"Yes."Bricordia then showed her own point of view of what happened earlier and Bricordia and Schaffer's expression changed as they saw the look of Izgael's face.

"My eyes aren't deceiving me right?" Izgael looked back at his sword as it was sending out an ominous pulse of anger. "Calm down."

"It seems that your sword is sensing... something from that child." The headmaster then said.

"Yes, it honestly surprised me too. But Professor Bricordia, are you one hundred percent sure that this is what you saw?"

"Huh? Y- Yes." Bricordia was getting nervous from the way Izgael was talking.

"..." Izgael let out a sigh as he studied the moves that Avan was performing over and over again. "Yeah, no matter how much I try to deny it. This is Dance of the War God."

"..." The headmaster suddenly slammed his hand at his table. "That's impossible. I definitely put the Dance of the War God in the forbidden section of the library. Ron is an eight tier mage, I doubt anyone in this city can escape from his grasp. Especially such a young kid."

"I'm afraid but it is the same sword art that he's learning."

"I'm sorry to intrude but what's this about? Dance of the War God?" Bricordia then suddenly joined in.

"There is only several notes that I should take in mind when putting a book in the forbidden area of the library." Schaffer then responded. "One, if its too evil. Two, if it can be misused. And finally the third one, if the drawbacks are too much for the result. And Dance of the War God is a book that falls under the third category."

Izgael then followed, "Dance of the War God is something that humans cannot bear on their own. Each step as you follow the instructions of the book is meant to break and rebuild every single bone and muscles in your body. A single swing of this sword art will either make you cripple for life if you don't continue practicing it."

"Cripple..?" Bricordia suddenly feared of what would happen if someone was crippled. "They can't use their bodies or channel any mana?"

"The Dance of the War God is something that is meant to go on and never stop. It is created by the War God himself several thousands of years ago. This way of practicing reflected his personality. An unstoppable force. So that's why this must be used over and over once you started it with no chance of going back no matter how painful it is."