
Berserk of Gluttony Complete

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Skill Study

UPON RETURNING HOME, I soaked an old rag in water to wash my body. I

hoped that would be enough to clean me up for going to Hart Manor in two

days' time. Then I lit a precious candle to examine myself in my fractured


Nothing much had changed. My clothes were still a patchwork mess, and

washing myself wasn't going to change that, so I gave up. I rolled onto the

bundle of straw I called a bed, stared up at the ceiling stains left by leaking

water, and reflected on what I'd just been through.

The day had started with Rafale's brutal notion of self-improvement. But that

very night, I'd fought bandits with Lady Roxy, and now there was even a chance

I could start working for the Hart family. It was like a dream.

Then I remembered the metallic voice I'd heard after killing that bandit. It said

my stats had increased. It also told me I got new skills: Identify and Telepathy.

Laughable. Identify was a rare skill. It gave its user detailed information about

things that existed in the world. If I'd really acquired it, it would make my life a

whole lot easier. Ha ha.

I muttered the word "Identify" and, against all my expectations, the following

information appeared in the air over my head: Fate Graphite, Lv 1

Vitality: 121

Strength: 151

Magic: 101

Spirit: 101

Agility: 131

Skills: Gluttony, Identify, Telepathy "Whoa! What the hell?!" I exclaimed.

Okay Fate, calm down .

I checked my stats first. They had always been a clean sweep of ones across

the board, but now they were all triple digit. With these stats, I could fight lowlevel monsters.

Next, skills. I used to have Gluttony and only Gluttony, but now I had Identify

and Telepathy, too.

This is unbelievable…

But the fact that I could check my own stats and skills was proof in itself; I

now possessed Identify.

Wait, wait.

If I had Identify, I could quit gatekeeping and become an appraiser. They

made good money, because their skills were highly specialized.

What on earth is going on here? All right, calm down, Fate. Be practical.

I used Identify to more closely examine my other skills.

Telepathy: Read the thoughts of those you come in contact with.

I had experienced this skill already, when Lady Roxy held my hand. I heard her

thoughts because the skill had activated.

But why was this happening? I racked my brain for an explanation and finally

arrived at an answer. It lay in the words the metallic voice had spoken: Gluttony

skill activated.

Whatever was going on was a result of the Gluttony skill, which I'd long

thought to be completely useless. But now I could use Identify to examine


Gluttony: You are eternally hungry.

Well, that much I already knew. It was exactly what the appraiser had said

when they visited my village during my childhood. This meant the Gluttony skill

contained a hidden, unidentifiable power. As far as I could tell, that power was

the ability to devour the essence—the soul—of what I killed, thereby stealing

their stats and skills. As a side effect, my empty stomach filled.

I had the potential to grow exponentially stronger, depending on how I used

Gluttony from here on out. But I wasn't about to just start murdering people,


What to do? The answer was simple: monsters roamed the wilds just outside

the Kingdom of Seifort. If I killed them, I could take their skills and stats. With

my stats where they were now, I stood a good chance of defeating low-level

monsters. I could make a new start as an adventurer.

Then, one day, I would be stronger than a holy knight. When that happened,

Rafale and the Vlerick family would have to crane their necks to look up and see

what I had become. Just thinking about it made me want to dash out of my

hovel and start monster hunting. But it was too dangerous to go after dark,

even for someone of my new stats, so I decided to get a good night's sleep and

head out in the morning.

Actually, I was supposed to gatekeep for Rafale early the next morning. But

you know what? I wasn't going to go. I would take Vlerick orders no longer. I

had a new boss, and her name was Lady Roxy. If the meeting with her father

two days from now went well, he'd hire me. An honest, decent life awaited me.

For now, I'd focus on tomorrow: get equipped, go monster hunting, and grow


I closed my eyes, and my consciousness quickly faded.


I woke to the sound of cawing birds. I fixed my bedhead in my broken mirror,

brushed my teeth with a tree sprig, and dressed. Then I took a small leather

pouch from where I'd hidden it in a crack in the wall. In the pouch were my life

savings: two silver coins, painstakingly earned over five years. A silver coin was

equivalent to one hundred copper coins, and one hundred silver coins

converted to a gold coin. I'd never even touched one of those.

Others might have laughed at my two silver coins, but I'd gone through

multiple hells to earn that money. It was my getaway savings, for the day when

Rafale was done with me and I feared for my life. But that worry was gone, at

least for now. Instead, I would use this money to invest in monster-hunting


With my two coins in hand, I bounded out the door.

The Kingdom of Seifort consisted of four districts. The castle sat in its center,

and around the castle were districts to the north, east, south, and west.

The holy knights' training grounds were located in the northern Military

District, and special weapons and armor were developed there.

The kingdom's high-ranking holy knights lived in the Holy Knight District to the


The southern Merchant District was packed with stalls and shops selling all

manner of goods, including weapons, daily necessities, and food.

The western Residential District was where the common folk like myself


From the allocation of the districts, one could see how well the holy knights

were treated—their business took up a full half of the city.

I headed to the kingdom's busiest, most bustling district: the Merchant


I pushed past the Residential District's crowds and into the Merchant District,

which was lined with redbrick buildings. From there, I slipped into a back alley

filled with stalls and ringing with spirited voices calling to passersby.

This was the other side of the Merchant District. I'd come here because I only

had two silver coins; I'd be lucky to get my hands on a worn-out secondhand

weapon. With what I was wearing, I didn't stand a chance of getting into an

establishment for high-grade weapons. In other words, I'd come to the

marketplace for everything people didn't want anymore.

I was searching the stalls selling secondhand weapons when a chubby middleaged man called out to me. He threw me a friendly smile and seemed kind

enough. "Are you looking for a weapon, my friend?"

"Yes. How'd you know?"

"I've been doing this a long time, and I watched you work your way down the

row. You don't have eyes for anything but weapons."

I was a little taken aback—he was spot on. This salesman was a smooth one.

"Well? Won't you take a look at my selection?"

Numerous weapons—the most I'd seen so far—were laid out along his table.

"And what's your budget today, my friend?"

I told the merchant of my two silver coins, and his friendly attitude melted

away. Not a sliver of his earlier kindness remained. There were only his hard

eyes looking down on me, like those of Rafale and his siblings.

"I knew it," he said. "Just another one of the poor. I can't believe I even tried.

With two silver coins, you can buy any of the scrap from that corner. That trash

should suit you just fine."

He knew I didn't have the money to purchase a serious weapon. But even if I

got mad, and even if I stormed off in a rage, it would be no different at any

other stall. My best options were still here, where I at least had an abundance

of junk to choose from.

I took each of the old weapons in hand and analyzed them with Identify. They

were all right on the brink of their durability levels. A few swings, and they'd

shatter. Lost in despair, I rummaged through the weapons until I found an old

black sword. As I laid my hand upon it, a voice flowed into me.

"Buy me. You will not regret it."

It was a husky male voice, speaking through my Telepathy.