
Beneath The Treeline

Mrs_Artizcool · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Only The Beginning

Novas cold eyes looked up, his doll faced mask heald in his warm and pale finger tips. His ragged, now empty school bag was on his back. The fire spread over his house, the heat made his face hot while the dew drops on the large fence with overgrown bushes and vines on it. The deep dark forest was just behind him, now he was off, his eyes welled up with tears before he put his pearly white mask on, the mask was smooth and plastic as it clung to his face. He eventually worked up the courage to finally walk away, walk away from the past and look onto the future. His shoes crunched and snapped the twigs as he walked for what seemed for hours despite it only being a few minutes. He was stuck in thought, the forest being unable to distract him. He was already starting to regret his decision to associate and join complete strangers who could and probably would do unimaginable things not just on their own, but on him. But soon enough he arrived at his new home for now on. The trees brushed and swayed in the small draft, and the smoke still hung in his lungs. The large tree that housed a small and ragged treehouse looking place, mold grew on the outside, and probably on the inside too. Moss was clinging to the rough and bumpy bark of the old and most likely dying tree. He began to climb the barely kept together staircase, the damp wooden ladder felt damp and cold. He peeped his head through the door of the old treehouse.