
Bending Fate

An extraordinary werewolf with unique magical abilities, including foresight, must learn to follow her heart while fighting a cruel fate. Jodie Mickelson, a maid in the whispering moon pack, is a unique hybrid born from an affair between a powerful witch and an alpha king. When she discovers that the pack's alpha is her fated mate, she hopes for a change in her luck. However, the alpha rejects and banishes her due to his disinterest in their bond. Fate sets Jodie on a path of destiny. Ares, known as the 'Bastard Prince,' is a formidable force of nature in the werewolf world and beyond. Betrayed by those close to him and haunted by rumors of his supposed depravity, he seeks to reclaim his thrones. Their paths will cross, sparks and insults will fly, and love will blossom. However, a terrible vision foretelling Ares' inevitable death at her hands stands between Jodie and her second chance at a happy ever after. Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to the cover image.

Oyin_ · Fantasy
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47 Chs

34: Viola

"Don't touch that!"

Viola drifted into the hallway, her ash-blond hair piled messily on top of her head, her black skirts brushing the floor.

"It's poisoned."

Jodie jerked away from the Venus flytrap she'd been admiring and rubbed her palms against her jeans and trousers. "Err...I'm sorry to intrude. Ms. Van said you wanted to see me."

"Yes," she eyed Jodie up and down with a crooked smile. "Let's talk inside my inner chamber, if you don't mind. I wish to discuss something with you."


Jodie followed her further inside the little space. She looked over the little pots of herbs all along the windowsill, the candle arrangement along the hallway, and the pots hanging from the ceiling. The place smelt like woodsmoke and herbs.

"I've prepared a bath for you," Viola announced, placing a ringed hand on her hip as she moved ahead. "There's a robe, a towel, and everything you'll need to get started."