
Bending Expectations

In Life, Death is the only certainty. What's after Death, is just the beginning. Baethor, A man in his 20's finds himself in a prison cell after his death. The world he once knew forever trapped away from himself. As he opened his eyes and stared at the prison cell around him, only one thought appeared in his mind. "Can I please just go back to being dead..."

RomanMarch · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Latran Dolos

"Despite your distasteful words, you are rather astute, Mr. Baethor." The Coyote simply removed the hood from his head, fully revealing the entirety of his bestial face. The constant shifting color of his fur beautiful accenting his bright green eyes. The rows of piercings along his ear making him appear both handsome, and sacred.

"And yet, it has nothing to do with the weight of your current circumstances," He continued. "You have been given an entire week to master, and train, for the upcoming fight. Yet you have turned that away in pursuit of better opportunities, it seems." Sarcasm dripped from his lips, while his eyes looked on in pity.

"That being the case, you are doing a great shame to someone who has pulled you from the wheels of reincarnation and brought you into Heaven."

"To be honest, I'd rather go back to being dead." Baethor added bluntly, a small yawn escaping his lips.

"You would rather be dea- "Yes." -d..."

A pause filled the space between the two as they stared at each other silently. The stress from the eye contact quickly wove between" Baethors' nerves and turned his eyes to the floor.

"Well, we can always return you back to the wheel of reincarnation if you so desire.."

"Can I choose not to Reincarna- "No" -te...."

Once again silence filled the space between them and it was Baethor who broke it first.

"..So I will never have eternal slumber and peace?"


Baethor found this conversation to be heavy. So heavy, he flopped back on the bed and just stared at the ceiling. Thoughts entering and exiting his head at such a speed it left him wanting to sleep and ignore them.

"Mr. Baethor," The Coyote spoke, breaking the stream of thoughts. "Do you wish to live here, in Heaven, or return to the wheel of reincarnation?"

Baethor didn't answer. He laid still, eyes every focused on every crack in the ceiling thinking about his options. A thought sprung to mind, and with it his body. He stared at the edges of the Coyotes robe.

"Why am I in a prison? Did I do something wrong?"

"This prison is how you viewed your life. It is a manifestation of your mental state." The Coyote nodded his head and tapped the bars of the cell. The bars immediately faded away and drifted into nothingness like fireflies. "It's not real. You created this."

A confusion filled his mind, but it made sense the more he thought about it. All of his life he kept himself locked away from others. Either to watch movies, or drink, alone. He rarely visited family, and they rarely visited him. Truly this was accurate, and although he wanted to dispute it, the truth carried more weight.

"I am Latran Dolos, The Angel who resides over souls with your... Constitution." The taste of the word left his tongue feeling perturbed.

He stepped closer and wings unfurled behind his back bringing a majesty to his form unseen in the realm of the living. "If you perform well in your fight, you will be granted the freedom to leave this mental cell and experience the virtues and majesty of heaven. If you lose you will be condemned to face the wheel of reincarnation and come back to challenge it again."

Latran, the winged Coyote turned his back and exited the prison cell. The bars reforming behind him. His strides continued and the only thing left of his existence was an echo of his voice.

"You have two days. Make your decision."

As the echo faded, a book appeared back on the table, thin and in its original appearance. The title faintly glowing golden against it's white cover like a neon sign.

He no longer had a choice. Although he didn't want to live, he didn't want to live another life either. He knew what would happen if he died, and if he lived there might just be a possibility to have an eternal peace.

He brought his nose down and plunged himself into the words of the book titled, "Things you should know".

The book was a very easy read, and there was not a lot of information to cover. For the most part, heaven is exactly like the land of the living. One needs to eat, sleep, and drink in order to exist. Not as much as when they were alive, obviously, but it was still needed. As he thought about it, that explained his lack of desire for food and water these last five days he had been asleep.

Gods existed. Which was a surprise to himself. Not just one, but many.

Each God ruled their own city and each city had their own laws. The strongest God lived in Central City, where he was now. The only thing that could be considered the "True Center" of heaven, since theoretically, heaven was infinite. No one has ever seen it's edge or came around the other side. Central City was occupied by the most powerful God of all existence, "The All-Mighty". It's stated in the book few had ever seen him, but many have heard him and died from his voice alone.

'I pray I never hear his voice..' Baethor scratched his head and kept reading.

In Central City, God's would send their representatives to recruit new and powerful souls. The book referred to them as "Angels". Each Angel served a single God, and did so until they were dismissed or quit, which was rare.

The recruitment for new souls was a long, and bloody tradition... One that he would soon participate in within the next two days. This is known as the Gladiator Pitt. Each new soul would be forced to train for a week and combat one another. The strongest would be recruited by different Gods, and the weak ones killed and returned to the wheel of reincarnation. Thankfully, there was a route to his salvation perfectly described in the book.

A small glimmer of hope and expectation hinged on his smile.

"Maybe life in heaven won't be so bad."

He glanced at the title of the next chapter and couldn't hide his excitement.

"Magic, Mana, and Cultivation"