
Ben Jen 10

Ben and Jen 10 »  (ARC 1) Basically a retelling of the whole series but in a version where Ben has a twin sister who also gets her own Omnitrix at the same time as Ben. Ben and Jen 10: Alien Force » (ARC 2) Five years after Ben and Jen 10, the twins have settled down in Bellwood, trying to live as normal lives as possible. But when an alien conspiracy looms over Earth, the Omni-Team must reassemble, gaining some new friends and enemies along the way. What secrets will be revealed? What sacrifices will be made? And what is this destiny the Protectors see in Jen? Find out by reading Ben and Jen 10: Ultimate Alien » (ARC 3) After their secret is revealed, Ben and Jen are moving on to new adventures with their new Ultimatrixes providing tons of new possibilities.

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chapter 45: Secret of the Omnitrixes

She pressed a button on the controls and several levers came up and her eyes widened.

"A huge, super hi-tech alien bicycle."

The doors opened and Ben, Jen, Scarlett, Ryu, Korra, Samus, Maya and Eragon came running into the area and gapsed outwards.

"Who's he?" Matter Girl asked as Eragon walked forward and took her hand.

"Eragon, son of the Alpha Osmosian Drake Flame, at your service," he said, kissing her hand as she pulled it away from him.

"Don't even think about it, bozo," she glared.

Ben and Jen ran forwards to Lucky Girl as she tried to fly the Resolute.

"What are you doing, Gwen?" Ben asked

"Duh, what does it look like I'm doing?" she asked. "I'm trying to keep us from winding up in a junk pile on Xenon. Don't just stand there, help me!"

Jen gasped when she saw the slime everywhere and her eyes widened in horror.

"What happened here?"

"Gluto sacrificed himself to save us from one of Vilgax's drones," Huntress said sadly. "It's called being unselfish. Something that you two wouldn't understand."

"Hey, we're unselfish," Ben said.

"Yeah, right."

Ben nervously pressed a button and they the ship suddenly was sent into a freefall towards Xenon.

"Okay, that's not it," Jen said as Samus ran in and pushed the kids away.

"Move aside, kids," she said. "This is a woman's job."

She looked at the controls and slowly activated them as she glared outwards as they approached the city as she gulped.

"Eat your heart out, Captain Kirk!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.

Tetrax and Myaxx ran into the area and felt the jolts on their sides and Tetrax glared as they ran to the flight deck.

Samus tried out various levers as she spied a lever at the center and pulled it hard as everyone inside screamed out in horror as they barreled into Xenon's atmosphere and glared outwards as the ship went into a steady flow.

Everyone gave out a sigh of relief before Samus gave her daughter a thumbs-up before she looked back and they crashed into a mountainous structure and they crashed down onto the planet and Scarlett shouted outwards as the Resolute approached a cliff.

"Hit the brakes!" Maya shouted before her mother obliged and pulled a large switch that sent the brakes out the brakes.

The jolt then sent everyone in the room barreling towards the front of the ship and they crashed into the wall as Tetrax and Myaxx approached.

"What happened in here?" he asked as Jen got her bearings and helped her friends up.

"We're kind of in a mess," she said as she gestured to the screen that showed they were precariously close to the cliff's edge.

Tetrax looked aside and saw some leftover slime and he gasped.


"He died trying to save us," Matter Girl said.

Tetrax bowed for the loss of his friend before he got his bearings.

"We need to find Azmuth and fast."

On the surface of Xenon, everybody flew forwards on the ship's hoverboards (or flew if they could) as Ben and Jen used the Omnitrixes to try to track Azmuth's location.

"In there," Ben said as they approached a cave in a mountain-sized structure and they noticed the massive amounts of plants forwards as he sighed.

"Looks like it's the gardener's day off," Matter Girl said as everybody looked around as Scarlett, Ryu, Kratos, Korra, Bayonetta unsheathed their weapons and glared outwards.

"Tell me you didn't lead us all the way here for nothing, Myaxx," Maya glared towards the Chimera Sui Gerenis.

"The compound must have been overrun," Myaxx said. "Azmuth always worried that his lab would be overrun by those who were after the Omnitrixes. He came here to seek out seclusion from the universe. I thought he was just being paranoid."

They moved forwards, not noticing as several glowing eyes started peeking outwards from the plants in the walls.

"Is there any chance that he escaped?" Tetrax asked.

Lucky Girl and Huntress stopped and noticed the plants start to move in the walls before they formed some shapes and then the top opened, revealing Wildvine's species as he shouted out and pounced towards them.

"Aah!" they screamed before the plant alien was hit by a fire blast to the face.

Korra stood with her hand smoking as the others prepared for battle against the aliens that started to move towards them with a growl each.

"Florauna!" Maya shouted.

Jen shouted out and fired out her energy blasts, blasting them back before Lucky Girl, Scarlett, Korra and Eragon fired out a massive jet of flames using their combined powers, which burned the vines off as Ryu and Kratos came in and used their blades to slice up the arms and legs of the massive vine creatures as they approached and Bayonetta ran in, transformed into a panther and pounced on one before clawing its face to death as she glared.

"Show no mercy!" Scarlett said.

Ben fired his blaster out towards all sides as she glared and Samus and Maya fired out their missiles all around, the whole area dissolving into a scene of mass chaos as Jen slammed down her foot on one vine as it approached and Myaxx blasted away towards the sides with a glare.

Tetrax formed a crystal shield around them as the Florauna fired their seed bombs at them and sent the kids flying back as Matter Girl absorbed the metal from the blaster and slashed the vines that came near her as the twins gasped in horror.

The Florauna wrapped around the Petrosapien bounty hunter before he ripped them apart by growing several sharp crystal spikes from his body.

The twins stood, gazing at the chaos that surrounded them.

"Guys, look out!" Lucky Girl shouted as she and Huntress ran in and tackled them as two Florauna came in and wrapped them up. The sisters screamed as they were dragged away.

"Gwen, Beck, no!" Jen shouted out.

"We're going hero!" Ben shouted out as he and Jen activated the Omnitrixes.

"Ben, Jen, no!" Samus said.

"The self-destruct countdown will accelerate!" Myaxx agreed.

"I DON"T CARE!" Jen shouted as they slammed the cores down.

The watch sank into Ben's watch and his blood vessels expanded rapidly before spreading across his entire body, which eventually reached his eyes, which he clutched shut and when he shot them open again, they were fully golden. A second pair of arms shot out just below his primary pair and his muscle mass grew exponentially. His feet morphed themselves to only have two toes and his skin turned red with a few black crests on his face and he grew a second pair of eyes beneath the original ones. He wore a green and black one-piece bodysuit before he shot a pose.

Jen's Omnitrix sank into her wrist as chlorophyll-filled veins grew up her arm and spread to her face, which turned chalky white as she clutched her eyes shut and they turned a full pink with energy and black lines grew out, marking her face like a mask. Her hair grew out into several leaf-like extensions with a few yellow stigmas growing from the top. Her clothes morphed into a pink long-sleeved uniform with green segments on the front and shoulders and white petals on the bottom, forming a skirt and pink shoes on her feet with root-like extensions coming from the soles with the Omnitrix symbol on her chest.

"Guys!" Huntress shouted as she and her sister were dragged away.

"Hold on, girls!" the Tetramand said as he broke free of the vines from the Florauna.

"We're coming!" the Fernovian said as she sliced through the vines with her water jets and she ran forwards with her brother.

The two then found themselves overwhelmed the the vines and they ran forwards as the plant's jaws clamped around Lucky Girl and Huntress and dragged them into a hole in the ground.

"No!" Four Arms said as Matter Girl rushed in and sliced the vines off of them as they ran forwards and ran for the hole that instantly closed with a metal lid.

"We failed," Water Lily said as she hit her knees and started to weep to herself.

Four Arms tried to pry the hole open as the other snoticed the rest of the Flourana dispersed from their view as they all looked in.

"Wow," Eragon said as he looked out. "That sucks."

"GWEN! BECKY!" Four Arms said, punching at the hole as hard as he could.

"Ben," Matter Girl said as he tried pulling in vain. "Ben! They're gone."

"No!" he said. "We have to save them!"

Scarlett ran in and tackled him away from the hole and pressed his arms down from him as she glared hardly.

"There were too many, Ben," she said. "Sometimes, even a Protector fails. There was nothing we could do."

"The Florauna weren't going to stop until they had at least one of us," Samus confirmed.

"They sacrificed themselves to save us," Jen said as she angrily stood up and Four Arms punched outwards towards the wall.

"It should've been us!" he shouted with each hard punch. "It should've been us! It should've been us!"

The wall fell outwards and revealed a hole in the wall as Ben was left panting angrily as the Omnitrixes timed down, leaving Jen a crying mess as tears fell down her face as Matter Girl and Scarlett ran over and hugged her.

"We failed," she said as Ryu walked over.

"No you didn't," he said. "There was nothing you could do."

Her sadness turned to anger as she turned to Myaxx and sent out a massive blast of pink energy towards her that sent her flying back into the wall as her eyes glowed pink and her hair started floating in the air, leaving Scarlett and Eragon stunned at her anger.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" she said as she started levitating and she flew forwards and pressed her into the wall.

"My fault?!"

"Yeah!" Ben said. "If you hadn't helped the creator make these stupid things, then we would never have found them and our cousins would still be alive!"

"But then Becky would still be in the Null Void," Matter Girl reminded them.

"Guys," Maya said before Myaxx pushed Jen back onto her back with anger.

"I am a selfish and self-centered being, but it takes one to know one!"

"Emocha Objectia!" Jen shouted, firing a pink blast outwards, sending Myaxx crashing into the ceiling and fell down to the ground before Eragon came in and tackled her down before pinching her shoulder blade, causing her to gasp as her muscles seized up and she calmed down, breathing heavily.

"That's enough! Both of you!" he said.

Kratos, Korra and Bayonetta nodded equally as they looked outwards to the hole.

"As much as I hate to say this, Eragon is right," Scarlett said. "We have to find Azmuth and get him to deactivate the self-destruct or else Gwen and Becky's sacrifice was for nothing."

"Myaxx," Maya said, turning to the Chimera Sui Gerenis as she stood up. "If Azmuth did survive an attack like that, where would he have gone?"

Myaxx nodded and opened a door in the sector that led into a rocky tunnel and the others glared outwards.

"That's our cue," Scarlett said as her group sheathed her weapons. "Let's go."

They all ran into the hole as Myaxx and Tetrax flew away on their hoverboards and Eragon followed them close behind with his intense speed as Matter Girl stood by Ben and Jen as they grasped their hoverboards.

"Well, you two coming or what?" she asked before she grabbed her hoverboard and flew away towards the others.

Ben and Jen sighed as they looked at the closed hole again.

"I'm sorry, Gwen. I'm sorry, Becky," Ben said.

"We shall avenge you," Jen said as they got on their hoverboards and followed the others through the tunnel.

As the group flew/walked through the tunnels, Ben and Jen looked down sadly as Tetrax and Scarlett looked towards them with a bow of their heads in sympathy.

"You okay, kids?" Tetrax asked.

"No," Jen said. "We're not."

"We're just wondering how we're going to tell Grandpa about-"

"I'm so sorry," Scarlett said. "Truly, I am. I've lost someone dear to me one too many times too. It's part of being a warrior."

"Tell us?"

"I wasn't born as the Crown Princess of Cinnibar," Scarlett explained. "That honor originally went to my older twin sister Rose. She was a great warrior and she was as kind and beautiful as I. She would have made an amazing queen one day. In fact, when I became the Scarlet Warrior, she shared my powers too. We shared each other's places, sharing our duties as the Scarlet Warrior and the Crown Princess of Cinnibar while under the guise of two different identities."

"What happened to her?"

"Ultimo the Destroyer," Scarlett said. "An Omnitrix wielder from another dimension that was trying her best to destroy every other Omnitrix wielder in the multiverse so she could prove she was the most powerful. As a Protector, she was willing to give everything to bring this woman down. But she let her ambition cloud her judgement and ultimately, that was her downfall. She was annihilated because Ultimo was just too powerful. I was never the same after her death. I was more cutthroat and ruthless to my enemies than ever. And that came to a head once me and my cousin Sofia faced her father Victor Blum in a war that decided the fate of the multiverse. It was about the time that you were born, in fact."

"Did you defeat Ultimo?"

"No," Scarlett said. "Gwen 10, an alternate version of Gwen, did after several months of training. It was not my destiny, it was hers."

"I'm sorry, Scarlett," Jen bowed in understanding.

"And now you should know about my undying hatred for Eragon and his father," Scarlett said as she glared towards the Dragon Osmosian. "Remember Venger's future? Well, Eragon isn't that much better."

"How so?" Ben asked.

"Because of his warped ideologies of true peace. he's been murdering supervillains in different realities. In fact, when it came to Ultimo, he was the one who actually let my sister die because he didn't want to fight her. And because of that and his numerous counts of murdering supervillains, he is on the Protector's Most Wanted List."

"Wow," Jen said, her eyes widening. "No wonder you hate him so much."

"And because Drake's his father, I truly believe he is equally to blame. That is why he is not allowed to step foot in my kingdom again," Scarlett said. "

As Eragon flew from the front, he heard their conversation and grew immediately tense when his father and Ultimo were mentioned as he glared towards the Protectors and glared.

"I don't want your sympathy," Scarlett said. "I can't change the past. But I can change the future. We have to find Azmuth before the self-destruct detonates."

"I can sympathize as well," Tetrax said. "I know what you two are going through. When I was young, I didn't care about anybody but myself. So it made sense that I wound up a mercenary. A soldier for higher. I was loyal to whoever paid me the most, no matter how evil they were. In one of my jobs, I met a beautiful Florian named Su'Flow. We were eventually married and had a daughter named Rosie. But my work got the better of me and... it's safe to say that we're separated. It was only a matter of time before I ended up working for the worst of the worst."

"Vilgax," Ben realized.

"I stole the last piece of the puzzle that Vilgax needed to invade my home world of Petropia. When my people didn't bow at his feet, he destroyed the entire planet to make an example out of it. Vilgax did the dirty work, but there was no way that he could have done it without my help. So when I heard that he was after the Omnitrixes, I vowed that I would never let another weapon fall into his claws again. I met another bounty hunter, Maya, and we teamed up to take him down."

"This is all our fault," Jen said, bowing her head. "We saw that the watches were acting all weird at Animo's reactor, but we used them anyway."

"We must have somehow set off the self-destruct!" Ben said. "Gwen and Becky are dead because of us! Now everyone else is going to be too."

"We've all made costly mistakes," Samus said as she and her daughter walked by them. "We are all destined to at times. But if we don't find Azmuth and stop the self-destruct, then Gwen, Becky, Gluto and all the others will have lost their lives for nothing."

"And we're not going to let that happen, right?"

"No way!" Jen said.

Everyone else stopped in front of them and gasped when Ben, Jen and Tetrax passed by them.

"Look out!" she shouted.

Tetrax gasped and grabbed the twins, sending them tumbling away as some massive flame jets flew forwards and almost roasted them. As Tetrax let them go, Eragon glared as everyone else started getting more cautious.

"Duh!" he said. "Of course Azmuth booby-trapped the cave. He doesn't want to be found!"

The team all walked forwards with their hands on their weapons as a lights appeared next to a door and revealed a camera that scanned the twins and glanced when it saw the devices on the twins' wrists.

"The Omnitrixes!" a booming voice sounded.

A light shined out and a hologram projection of a large hulking armored figure with the Omnitrix symbol on his chest and DNA waves flowing on his visor and shoulder pads appeared and glared at the team.

"What are you doing with my Omnitrixes?"

"My Omnitrixes?" Ben asked. "You're Azmuth?"

"Myaxx," Azmuth said as he glanced at his old assistant as she flew by on her hoverboard as the warriors all glared at him as they unsheathed their weapons again. You traitorous worm. Is that you?"

"Nice to see you again, too, boss."

"Azmuth," Jen said as she and her brother walked in front of the projection. "I'm Jen Tennyson. This is my brother Ben. We wound up with the Omnitrixes. Now they're in self-destruct mode and-"

"I know. I invented them!"

"Oh, yeah," Ben said. "So, anyway, if you could just turn them off-"

His hopes fell on deaf ears as more heavy doors appeared to block the room and they locked themselves.

"Yeah, maybe the twins didn't make it clear why we're here!" Samus said as they all prepared to break the door open themselves.

"I understand completely! You misused my creations and now the whole universe will be destroyed!"

"Look! I don't know why you won't help us but our cousins sacrificed their lives to stop this thing!" Jen angrily shouted as her hands drifted to her Omnitrix.

"That is none of my concern."

"IT IS NOW!" Ben and Jen shouted as they transformed into Cannonbolt and Four Arms and ran in and smashed the doors down with their intense strength and durability before they were shocked by the door and were sent flying back.

"That looked like it really hurt," Korra said as she glared and prepared her metalbending as Ryu prepared his Dragon Sword with a glare.

Four Arms tossed Cannonbolt's hard shell towards the door and sent him crashing into her again.

"We've come too far!" Four Arms said. "We've lost too much to be stopped now!"

She and Cannonbolt ran forwards and dented the door as Korra metalbended the door down and Ryu, Eragon and Scarlett sliced the door into little tiny chunks with their blades as the others gasped in shock.

"Remind me never to get those kids mad," Bayonetta said to Scarlett as she breathed heavily.

"Ditto," Myaxx said.

The team all looked outwards and saw Azmuth as he stood over his desk.

"You will turn these things off!" Cannonbolt threatened.

"You think you are heroes, but you're really fools. You've only sped up the countdown! Because of you two, the universe has even less time!"

"Fine!" Four Arms said as she cracked her knuckles. "If the universe is going down anyway, then my brother and I are going to have the pleasure of KICKING YOUR BUTT FIRST!"

The twins angrily ran in and smashed directly into the robotic suit, smashing into it as Four Arms laid massive punch after massive punch to him and shouted out with anger before she backed off, breathing heavily as Matter Girl and Scarlett walked to her sides to calm her down as Scarlett looked to her soldiers as Maya and Samus looked on with raised eyebrows.

"Stand down," she ordered as they all sheathed their weapons.

"Bummer," Matter Girl said. "I wanted to do that."

The suit's chest mark opened up and from the steam walked out... a being of Grey Matter's species that had a mustache and had a green suit on and was holding a golden stick.

"Look at what you did. Do you two know how long it takes to break in a biosuit like that? Especially when you program them into another device like the Omnitrixes"

"Huh?" Four Arms asked, confused.

"He's really a Grey Matter?" Cannonbolt asked.

"Who knew?" Eragon asked, shrugging.

"He always hid in that suit," Myaxx said.

"Yeah, I'm a Galvan. So what?" Azmuth asked. "Does that give you the right to destroy my property and invade my privacy?"

"Enough talk, pipsqueak!" Maya growled at the frog-like alien.

"Stop the countdowns!" Tetrax ordered as the Omnitrixes timed out, accelerating the countdowns again.

"I say, let the Omnitrixes self-destruct and take the universe with them. Probably the best thing that could happen. Start fresh. I didn't create weapons, all of you did. I created the ultimate devices for understanding the beings of the universe. I knew that only one of them was a bad idea, but no. I'm so caught up in my own brilliance that I decided to create a second one and make it so that they can only work when both of them are active. You two and Vilgax are no different."

"That's not true," Jen said, now calm. "Sure, we've messed around with the watches, but we've helped a lot of people with them too."

"At first, all we cared about was that we wouldn't be able to go hero anymore, that we'd be stuck with just being us," Ben sighed. "But not anymore. Now the entire universe is at stake. Sometimes you have to see the good in people and not just be a selfish jerk like we were."

Azmuth turned around with a look of sympathy towards the two broken twins before everyone inside felt the lab start to shake and rumble as Kratos looked out.

"That doesn't sound good," he said.

The lab started to rumble and cave in on itself as Myaxx looked out.

"Um, guys. I think we should probably... run!"

The team all ran away as Jen picked up Azmuth and they all ran out of the cave and gasped at what they saw before them.

"Vilgax," Jen said, her jaw on the floor, as they looked outwards and saw a huge army of robots and drones in front of them led by Vilgax on a floating platform with Sixsix and the Predator at his sides.

"Azmuth," Vilgax said. "The creator of the Omnitrixes. At last we meet. What an honor... for you."

Several giant droids fell down around the team and unmolded themselves around them as they all prepared for battle.

"Attack! Bring me the Omnitrixes!" Vilgax ordered as Sixsix and the Predator charged forwards along with the droids.

Kratos, Korra, Bayonetta and Ryu all crowded around Scarlett and bared her weapons forward.

"Protect the Queen!" Kratos said.

"Like hell!" Scarlett shouted to the god of war. "Let none of them walk away!" Scarlett unsheathed her Buster Sword and Keyblade in front of her as she looked on at the herd of robots before her and the team. "Good thing Cloud decided to give me his spare Buster Sword."

Sixsix, the Predator and the robots all fired out their laser blasters as Jen and Scarlett used their magic to create a massive forcefield to block them.

Tetrax generated a large wall of crystal while Korra backed it up with a wall that she created with her earthbending and the team all ducked behind it for cover as Scarlett crossed her hand over her heart in a silent prayer.

"Mom," she said to herself as she closed her eyes. "I don't know if you're listening, but if you are, please grant me the strength to get through this. The whole universe is at stake."

The blasts didn't stop as the twins looked at their Omnitrixes as Bayonetta swatted Jen's hand away from hers.

"Don't even think about it!" she shouted.

"The witch is right!" Maya shouted. "If you use them now, then we can kiss the universe goodbye!"

"You are... absolutely right!" Ben said as he hoisted his energy cannon provided to him by Samus as he glared from beneath his helmet's visor.

"CHARGE!" Scarlett shouted at the top of her lungs as she and her soldiers, Samus, Maya, Tetrax, Myaxx and Eragon all charged into battle, laying waste to the robots around them with their powerful weapons.

Bayonetta and Korra found themselves back to back as they blasted away with Bayonetta's ice skate boots and Korra's water whips and bullet pebbles as they shouted out as the robots kept on coming. Bayonetta got an idea and weaved her hair around and wrapped the strong strands around Korra's arms and sent her flying, legs out around her as she delivered several firebending kicks outwards, bashing the robots' heads in and shouting out in rage as she circled around and around with the Umbra Witch's help as she finally let go and she used her airbending to land on the ground safely as Bayonetta brought out her guns and blasted a ton of bullets in the shape of a pink heart that blasted them away into the heap.

Kratos wielded his large Blade of Olympus to deal with the larger robots and glared outwards as he delivered massive energy swipes before he used the Boots of Hermes to run forwards and followed it up with the Nemean Cestus to punch a massive hole in the larger robots as he shouted out in anger and effort as he spied the drones ahead.

The camera ran to his side as Ryu ran on the heads of the robots and used his Dragon Sword to deflect the lasers as they approached him and he shouted out and followed it up with the Eclipse Scythe to grab a robot and send it flying into a larger robot, knocking it back before he used his sword to stab into it and then drag it down, slicing its processor up and destroyed it before he sheathed it and posed his hands together, activating his Ninpo as his hands lit on fire. He shouted out as he thrust his hands forwards and a large dragon made entirely of flame burst from them and flew around, grabbing the robots in its large jaw before it bit down, destroying all of them before it faded.

Samus and Maya stood back to back as they fired out massive energy beams and missiles as Samus went into Morph Ball mode and her daughter stood overhead as she smirked at the robots approaching her as she put her foot on the ball.

"Who doesn't like soccer?!" she shouted. "Let's get some kicks!"

She gave a massive kick to her mother's ball form as it was sent bashing off of the robots like a game of pinball before Samus de-morphed and got to the head of a robot and blasted it with her energy cannon, destroying it.

Eragon smirked as the robots surrounded him as he showed his large claws from his armor and destroyed all the robots with one slash as another larger robot flew in and he glared out as he grew large dragon wings from his back and flew forwards and breathed out a massive plume of orange flame that destroyed the robots instantly as he slashed them away with his swords.

"Why do you two keep protecting the Omnitrixes when it's hopeless?" Azmuth asked them. "I don't understand."

"That's because the only thing you think about is yourself, Azmuth!" Jen said as she lit her hands in pink energy and Ben wielded his cannon.

"Now, step off! We've got a universe to save!" Ben said as the twins and Matter Girl ran in with a shout and Matter Girl absorbed the green crystal towards her and morphed her hands into axes.

Ben fired out several energy blasts from his cannon and shouted out as his sister created several energy platforms beneath her feet and gave out massive bolts of energy as she shouted out and blasted away at the drones flying overhead as Scarlett came in and delivered a massive red energy blast that destroyed the robots in front of her as Matter Girl ran in and chopped the head off of another robot and kicked another one in the chest with a blade formed from her foot as she backflipped and dissolved her armor as the robot was destroyed and she looked around her at the chaos as she glared.

"It's a war zone!" she said as she ran away.

Ben and Jen looked upwards and saw the drones overhead as Eragon flew after them before they were suddenly enveloped in two blue energy spheres and were struck by an arrow each that destroyed them instantly.

They gasped in shock and relief when they saw Lucky Girl and Huntress standing on a cliff nearby with Gluto by their sides as they smiled.

"No way!" Jen said in tears of joy as she and her brother ran forwards and embraced their cousins in the tightest loving hug ever as they smiled.

"Gwen! Becky!" Ben said with tears in his eyes.

"Gluto!" Tetrax said.

"You're alive!" Jen said.

"We thought you guys were goners!" Matter Girl said as she and Myaxx ran forward.

"Gluto saved us from the Wildvines," Lucky Girl said.

"Turns out, his species can regenerate from even the smallest of parts, like the stuff that was left on my clothes after he went splat," Huntress smiled.

They felt a jolt as Sixsix and the Predator flew forwards and blasted out the massive energy bullets, which Tetrax blocked with his crystals.

The entirety of the team backed up into a circle as Vilgax flew overhead on his platform and his robots all came in and surrounded them on all sides as they all prepared themselves with their weapons/powers as Vilgax smirked.

"It's hopeless," Vilgax said. "You are far outnumbered and my forces have you surrounded. You may as well hand the Omnitrixes and Azmuth over to me right now!"

"It's true," Scarlett admitted as she crossed her swords in front of her chest. "You have us surrounded. But remember, Vilgax, it's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog. No one gets inside our circle!"

"No one gets inside!" Ben shouted.

"No one gets inside!" Tetrax shouted.

"No one gets inside!" Samus shouted

"No one gets inside!" Maya shouted.

"No one gets inside!" Jen shouted.

"No one gets inside!" Matter Girl shouted.

"No one gets inside!" Ryu shouted.

"No one gets inside!" Kratos shouted.

"No one gets inside!" Lucky Girl shouted.

"No one gets inside!" Huntress shouted.

"No one gets inside!" Korra shouted.

"No one gets inside!" Bayonetta shouted.

"No one gets inside!" Myaxx shouted.

"No one gets inside!" Eragon shouted, breathing a plume of fire.

"No one gets inside!" Scarlett finished as they all bared their swords.

"You've got it, Scarlett!" Jen said as she activated her powers.

"Attack!" Vilgax shouted as his forces charged forwards as the group broke the circle and clashed against the warriors as Tetrax, Myaxx and Samus charged forwards and engaged Sixsix and the Predator as they blasted energy blasts and crystals at them, sending them flying backwards.

Myaxx ran forwards and leaped in a frontflip and smashed the robots with her intense strength as Eragon flew forwards and smashed the robots in his path with a slice each as he flew into the air with his wings.

Scarlett gave out a few fireballs from her hands and blasted the robots away before she leaped forwards in a front flip and smashed the robot down with a slice of her Keyblade to the head before she gave out an ice blast to behind her as she froze a few robots before Matter Girl ran in and smirked at the droidcicles.

"See you boys are chilling out," she said before she cracked her knuckles. "Don't go to pieces."

She shouted out and gave out a massively strong punch to the droids, smashing them to pieces.

Kratos used his Blades of Exile to toss the robots into Korra's grasp as she ripped them apart with her katana and Bayonetta summoned a massive iron maiden that she kicked a robot into and closed it, destroying it instantly before she shouted out and summoned a flaming demon claw and a freezing demon claw as she ran in and sliced them up with her intense strength and claws.

Lucky Girl's tattoos started glowing and she enveloped a robot in her telekinesis before sending it flying into a flying drone, destroying them both.

Huntress shouted out as she was surrounded by robots as she stabbed her spear into the ground and used it as a pole to kick the robots with her strong kicks as she and her sister found themselves back to back once again before some gelatinous orange tentacles came flying in and smashed the robots with his tentacles as he ripped them apart and sent them flying into each other.

Samus and Maya blasted their energy cannons at Sixsix and the Predator as they flew overhead with their jetpacks and Tetrax pulled the crystal shards from his back and used them as boomerangs and she tossed them to the drones flying overhead and destroyed them before Sixsix flew in with his jetpack and grabbed Tetrax, flying him around before he slammed him into a mountainous structure behind him.

Ben and Jen continued their assault before the robots before Ben's cannon was blasted away from him and they stood back to back, worried.

Myaxx suddenly came in and destroyed the robot coming at them with a single kick.

Then, the drones suddenly flew in and formed a bipedal configuration and they aimed their blasters out at the warriors as they gulped.

Ben and Jen looked at the orange on the Omnitrixes going crazy as they smiled and saw the containment devices.

"What are you two doing!?" Myaxx shouted.

"We ask ourselves that question all the time," Ben said as they tore off the containment devices and the unstable Omni energy built up in and expanded outwards, sending out a massive wave of orange energy that shorted out all the remaining drones and sent Vilgax, Sixsix and the Predator flying away off the cliff and the heroes all held their ground as the energy wave dispersed and all of the remaining drones fell over, shorted out.

Azmuth looked out in awe at the hero's selfless act as he walked over to the twins as he noticed that the countdown was almost finished.

"I'm still not sure that the universe is worth saving," he told the twins. "But while I think about it..."

He pulled the cores out of the Omnitrixes, effectively stopping the countdown as he ran away with them, leaving the rest of the devices strapped to the twins wrists as Jen looked down and sighed.

"Well," she said. "That's it. We're powerless."

The twins looked outwards and saw that Vilgax's massive mecha droids climbed the cliff with Vilgax and the bounty hunters perched on them and the twins gasped as the heroes were surrounded.

"Doesn't he ever give up?!" Jen asked.

"It's over, Vilgax!" Ben said. "The Omnitrixes are deactivated. They're useless now!"

Vilgax looked down to Azmuth and smirked. "But the creator of the Omnitrixes are not! You will build me an even more powerful device!"

Azmuth ran away as the team all ran away from the missiles that flew outwards and Gluto was tossed backwards due to his slower speed as they gasped.

"We're doomed!" Myaxx shouted.

Azmuth looked outwards at the Omnitrix cores and glared as he started tinkering with them.

One of the droids grabbed Tetrax and held him in his grasp before Tetrax dug into the robot and destroyed it from the inside out using his crystal generation.

Ben and Jen ran away from the scene before they were enveloped by Gwen's telekinesis and they hid behind Tetrax's crystal wall.

"What would you two do without us?" Huntress asked.

"I sure am glad we have to find out," Ben said.

"What?" Lucky Girl asked.

"We just said Vilgax is creaming us and we can't do anything about it," Jen said. "We're nothing without the Omnitrixes."

Scarlett glared as she walked over to Jen.

"If you're nothing without the Omnitrixes, then you shouldn't have them," she said plainly.

"She's right," Matter Girl said. "You don't need those things."

"What about all the times you saved me and Gwen and Allison and Grandpa. All those other people when you weren't aliens. You two are heroes. Even if you can't go hero."

Azmuth then came over and adjusted the cores into the Omnitrixes.

"What gives?" Jen asked.

"I thought you pulled the plug on these things and couldn't turn them back on," Ben said.

"Who told you two that? Not me," Azmuth said as he finished putting the cores in and they glowed a bright green and pink, renewed with clean energy.

"Yes!" Ben said.

""We're back in the alien hero business!"

"Try these two on for size," Azmuth said as he highlighted new icons and slammed the cores down.

Everyone battling suddenly gasped and looked around as two giant shadows started moving overhead and they gasped outwards at the two hulking creatures stood before them.

Ben was a colossal humanoid creature with a large fin on his head, which is black at the front and red at the bottom. He has blade-like growths on his shoulders and spikes on his waist. He has red arms with two black lines and white fins on the elbows. He has wristband like outgrowths on his wrist and has yellow eyes on his head with two extra eyes protruding on his cheeks, one on each. He has red feet with two toes on each foot and has a black sandal-like covering on the middle of his feet and a line on the side of his neck.

Jen was a large dragon-like creature with a red torso and midsection, blue front legs, a long green tail, purple wings and yellow back legs. She was about 50 feet in height and 3,000 pounds in weight as she towered over everyone on the opposite side of Ben. She had a massive shoulder section that grew five necks and head in the colors of a red center head, a blue middle left head, a green far left head, a yellow middle right head and a purple far right head. They each had massive clear horns that grew outwards from their heads.

"Whoa!" Ben said in a booming voice. "Check me out! I'm not just big. I'm Way Big!"

"And you can call me..." Jen's red head said before looking to her other heads.

"...Rainbowgon!" the blue head said as she flapped her massive wings and she flew forwards, blasting the robots away with a fire blast from her red head, an ice blast from her blue head, a lightning blast from her yellow head, energy blasts from her purple head and poison gas from her green head as everyone gasped as Myaxx looked towards her boss and glared.

"A Rainbow Dragon!?" she asked. "You managed to get the DNA sample of a Rainbow Dragon?!"

Way Big smashed the robots away and destroyed them with his intense strength as his sister flew overhead and mashed the robots with her massive size.

Sixsix and the Predator tried to run away before they found themselves in front of Rainbowgon and she smiled and simply swatted them away with her tail, sending them down into an unconscious heap.

After mashing the last of the droids, Vilgax tried to escape before he was caught by Way Big, who held him to his face.

"Release me at once, Tennyson!" Vilgax threatened. "Or suffer the consequences!"

"Pretty big talk from such a little guy," Way Big said.

Vilgax tried raking his claws into Way Big's hand, causing him to yelp out in pain, but not too much as he glared at his nemesis.

"That's it! You are so out of here!"

He then took a pitcher's position and tossed Vilgax to his sister who swatted him into open space with her powerful tail, sending him screaming away.

"I believe our mission is complete," Scarlett said as she bowed and opened a portal back to Cinnibar as her soldiers left through them and smiled back at the twins as Scarlett looked towards Samus, who nodded back.

"Did you see the way that Jen reacted when Gwen and Becky were taken?" Samus asked.

"There can be no doubt," Scarlett said. "She's the one. Her time will come soon. But now is not that time."

The warrior queen bowed and left through the portal as Samus turned to Eragon.

"You helped us out and had a hand in saving the universe," Samus said to him. "So I'll let you go just this once. The next time me and the Protectors meet you, we're coming after you hard."

"Very well," he said. "I've got places to be as well. See ya soon. Or not."

He then transformed into a massive dragon form and flew away from the group as they looked after him.

Azmuth had finished tinkering with one of the robot's heads and fashioned some rockets to them as he looked outwards at the team.

"What are you doing?" Jen asked.

"Improvising a ride. This planet is getting too noisy for me," Azmuth said as the twins looked at the Omnitrixes.

"Mr. Azmth, we just wanted to say thanks for fixing the Omnitrixes," Ben said.

"If you want them back, they're yours," Jen said, showing her Omnitrix to him.

"Kids..." Azmuth stared. "I created the Omnitrixes to help all the beings of the universe grow closer together. If two Earthlings can make that happen, then I see no reason why they shouldn't have them."

"Really?" Jen asked. "Thanks."

"Besides," Azmuth said. "Those two things are nothing but trouble! Always have been, you keep them! I'm out of here!"

He then hopped off the head and walked into the makeshift rocket before turning to Myaxx.

"You coming or what?"

"Are you going to give me some respect from now on?"

"I wouldn't count on it."

"Guess it is better than that prison planet," Myaxx said as she walked into the rocket as well as Jen and Ben looked at Azmuth.

"Wait!" Ben said. "You have to tell us how to work these things."

"Don't you want to figure that out yourselves, like real heroes would?" Azmuth smiled.

"No, not really," Jen said.

"Heh, I like those kids," Azmuth said as he activated the rocket and sent him and Myaxx flying away to their homeworld.

"Guess we should be getting home too," Gwen said as she and her sister walked off as Allison jabbed her best friend in the arm and smiled.

"You did good today, Omni Twins. You done good."

She then walked off as Ben and Jen turned to Samus and Maya.

"You guys ready to take us home?"

"For sure," Maya said. "The Galactic Federation is wondering where we are at this moment. We should probably be getting home."

"Definitely," Ben said. "It'll be nice to have some normal time after this great adventure."

"Yo, snotty," Jen told Gluto. "Think you can drive us back to Earth?"

"No problem," Gluto said, leaving everyone in the room shocked.

"You can speak English and you've understood everything we've said this whole time!?" Jen asked.

"Oh yeah, snot blob," Gluto said as he slithered towards the Resolute, leaving Tetrax stunned as well.

"Who knew?" he asked.

"Something tells me it's going to be a long ride back to Earth," he said as they walked into the ship.

As they left, The Watcher stood by on the mountain, smiling to himself as he watched the ship take off.

"Goodbye!" Jen said as the Resolute left Earth's atmosphere. "Thanks for the ride!"

"And the cool gifts!" Ben said as he and the others waved goodbye.

"Visit us soon!" Becky said as Max took the kids into his arms.

"Well," he said. "After an adventure like that, bet you guys are looking forward to a nice normal day."

"For sure," Allison smiled.

"We should probably... go to the mall," Ben suggested. "And go shopping for clothes and junk."

Gwen smiled at her cousin before she heard a report come on the radio.

"We interrupt regular broadcasting for this emergency report. A horde of what appears to be zombies is attacking the mall. Citizens are advised to steer clear of the area.

"Huh," Gwen said. "I guess this is a normal day for us."

"This is the best summer ever!" Jen as she and her brother rode their hoverboards into the horizon with Gwen, Becky, Allison and Max following.

"It's hero time!" Ben shouted.

Next time on Ben and Jen 10:

Maddie 10