
Ben Jen 10

Ben and Jen 10 »  (ARC 1) Basically a retelling of the whole series but in a version where Ben has a twin sister who also gets her own Omnitrix at the same time as Ben. Ben and Jen 10: Alien Force » (ARC 2) Five years after Ben and Jen 10, the twins have settled down in Bellwood, trying to live as normal lives as possible. But when an alien conspiracy looms over Earth, the Omni-Team must reassemble, gaining some new friends and enemies along the way. What secrets will be revealed? What sacrifices will be made? And what is this destiny the Protectors see in Jen? Find out by reading Ben and Jen 10: Ultimate Alien » (ARC 3) After their secret is revealed, Ben and Jen are moving on to new adventures with their new Ultimatrixes providing tons of new possibilities.

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Chapter 22: They Lurk Below

The gang was flying in a private jet on their way to visit an old friend of Max's who was opening up a new underwater resort, which they had tickets to see.

"Now this is cool!" Ben said. "Picked up in a billionaire's private jet to check out his new resort before anyone else gets a chance to see it!"

"Now this is what a summer vacation is all about," Jen said as she opened up a Pepsi cola from the cooler. "Thanks, Grandpa."

"I'd do anything for you guys," Max smiled. "You know that."

Jen turned to Allison as she listened to her music with a smile as she turned to her.

"Hey, Allison," Jen said. "I'd think you'd get airsick on this thing."

"If I can handle flying on you when you're the Insect Queen, I can handle an airplane. Now water on the other hand... I'm not as comfortable with that," she said as she looked over the sea with a nervous look on her face.

"Can't swim?" Ben asked.

"It's not that, I can swim just fine," Allison said, pulling her fingers. "It's just that I get a little..."

"Seasick?" Jen asked.

"Y-yeah," Allison said.

"Why didn't you tell us before that you knew Donovan Grandsmith?" Gwen asked.

"It must have slipped my mind," Max said as she turned to her. "Plus, if I told you that I was close friends with a billionaire in my time, would you really believe me?"

The jet then went down to the seaport that also served as the entrance to the resort. Donovan was waiting for them with a young child around Ben and Jen's age by his side, wearing a similar red sweater and white pants. The jet landed as the Tennysons and Allison walked out with a smile as Allison looked out at the sea, nervous and feeling bile rise up in her throat.

"Max Tennyson," Donovan said, greeting him. "It's been far too long."

"How are you, Donovan?" Max asked, shaking his old friend's hand.

"Well, owning 16 resorts worldwide, I'm doing pretty good. Glad you finally decided to see how the better half lives."

Max smiled as he turned to introduce the others. "These are my grandkids: Ben, Jen and Gwen. And this is their good friend Allison."

"Pleased to meet you," Jen said, shaking his hand. "Charmed, I'm sure."

"You too," Donovan said as he shook the other's hands as he saw Allison looking nervous.

"Forgive me, I'm not too good with water," she said.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," Donovan said before turning to the child next to him. "This is my grandson Edwin."

"Good to meet you," Ben said.

"Yeah, whatever," Edwin said, turning away.

The others looked slightly shocked at that as Jen turned away awkwardly.

"Ready to take the plunge?" Donovan asked as an elevator shaft opened as Allison gulped.

"We have to go under the sea?"

"That's where the resort is, yes," Edwin scoffed as Allison felt herself turning green as she followed the others into the elevator.

The elevator went down to another large shaft with a large car with seats in it that the group sat down on once they reached it.

The operators worked at the controls and commanded the lift to take them down.

As the lift took them down, they were able to take in all kinds of sights of coral reefs and marine life swimming by in wonder... or in Allison's case, disgust as she felt herself getting slightly lightheaded and she groaned as she laid down on the seat.

"Oh gag me," she said, groaning as she got a headache.

"Are you sure this was the safest place to build a resort like this?" Max asked Donovan as Allison laid her head down on his lap and he rubbed it to sooth her headache.

"Are you talking underwater fault lines?" Donovan asked.

"I'm talking about the fact that you're smack-dab in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle," Max said, causing his grandchildren to look up in shock.

"Growing up you always were the worry wart, Max. Never the risk taker."

That was when they closed in on the resort with a smile. "There it is, kids. I give you the world's first and only underwater resort. You won't believe what's down here."

Later, they walked the halls of the resort with the ocean surrounding them from open glass walls on every side.

"The official grand opening is still a week away," Donovan said as Ben, Jen and Gwen ran through the halls as Edwin looked bored while Allison wandered sickly through the halls as Max laid a hand on her back. "Only a few special VIPs are getting a sneak peak. It sure beats that rusty old bucket of bolts you speak in."

"Hey, that rusty old bucket of bolts is my home too," Allison said. "Or at least it will be until the end of summer and I can start saving up for an apartment in the twins' hometown."

The kids admired the fish swimming by as the elder men came by them as Jen backhand tossed Allison a bottle of aspirin.

"Thanks, girl," Allison smiled as she popped a few pills in her mouth as Max handed her some water, which she then downed the pills with, giving out a sigh of relief.

"I read about your resort in Pacific Monthly Oceana, Mr. Grandsmith," Gwen said. "Very cutting-edge. Isn't the glass reinforced with..."

"Butt-kisser," Edwin coughed out.

"Micro-titanium threads that have the capability to withstand ten atmospheres," Donovan said. "Nobody gets wet here unless it's in one of the nine pools."

"Very impressive, Donovan," Max said with a nod.

"Well, for $2,000,000,000 it ought to be. But, you know, money isn't everything."

"Did we change the family motto, Grandpa?" Edwin asked.

That was when the twins caught a glimpse of the Sumo Slammer's pin on Edwin's collar, causing them to perk up.

"Hey, me and Ben here are fans of Sumo Slammers, too," Jen said.

"Where'd you score that pin?" Ben asked.

"Sumo Slammer Slamdown 5 in Helsinki," Edwin answered. "We flew on my Grandpa's private jet just to get it."

"And Edwin says the pin's already tripled in value," Donovan said. "Kid's got a head for business. Grooming him to take over the empire one day. Gotta keep it in the family."

"You know, we've been following in our Grandpa's footsteps this summer too," Jen said with a smile and a wink.

That was when an alarm sounded and they saw the lights flicker on and off slightly.

They looked out to see the diver employee who was cleaning the windows lose his balance and was tangled up in the hose he was using as he looked down to the filters that were seeming to move in reverse as his suit started filling up with water.

"What happened?" Allison asked.

"A power surge must have recycled the water," Donovan said.

"Is he going to be alright?" Jen asked.

"If the sharks don't get him first," Edwin said, watching the sharks swim into the area.

"I can't have an employee be turned into fish food before the opening!" Donovan said. "The press will ruin me!"

He ran off as the twins looked to each other with a nod as they ran to an open area and nodded.

"You think it's time for the Mermaid to get her due?" Jen asked with a smile.

"Not if Ripjaws beats her to it," Ben said.

"Okay, we'll do rock paper scissors to see who does it," Jen said as she and her brother immediately drew their hands. She drew paper and Ben drew scissors. "He's all yours' bro."

Ben then smiled and slammed down the Omnitrix, the flash of green light briefly catching the attention of Gwen, Allison and Edwin as Grey Matter walkd ahead.

"Dang it! The one time I'd be better off as me!" Grey Matter said as Jen walked by and pressed a button as she crossed her fingers.

"Please have an oxygen supply. Please have an oxygen supply," she begged as she pressed the button on the side that activated her Omni Suit as Jen nodded, picked up her brother and dove down into the water with a determined look on her face.

Outside, the diver was surrounded by the sharks as they circled him as Jen and Grey Matter swam in as Grey Matter grabbed on to one shark's dorsal fin and started punching it in the eye, blinding it, turning it into the shark and causing it to slam into the other one as Jen glared and lit up her hands in her energy.

She then blasted her hands outward, zapping one shark as the others looked.

"How did the Omni Twins know this was going on?" Donovan asked suspiciously as the rescue mission was going on.

"I don't know," Gwen said. "They always seem to be at the right place at the right time."

They finally scared the sharks away as Grey Matter slammed into the diver's mask with a grin as Jen smiled and came to her.

"We've got you," she said with a friendly smile as the filters reversed and blew them upwards back into the resorts tanks as Grey Matter was flung away as Jen lifted the diver upwards onto the floor before climbing out herself as Donovan looked over to her.

"You okay?" Donovan asked as the diver groaned out as Jen pressed on his chest, causing him to cough out water as she smiled.

"Glad to help, Mr. Grandsmith," Jen said as she shook his hand.

"Glad you were here, Omni Pink," he said as they smiled. (A/N: At this point, the public has officially dubbed the Omni Twins Omni Green for Ben and Omni Pink for Jen so that they could identify them individually.)

She then smiled and dove downwards into the water again to escape.

"Where's your cousins?" Edwin asked Gwen.

"Just hanging," Ben said from outwards, hanging from the ceiling as Jen sneaked away to a different part of the water tank as she deactivated her Omni Suit and walked upwards as she sighed and shook her head. "Anybody got a ladder?"

The newly recovered diver walked away as the group recuperated from the situation.

"Well, I'll have to double his salary, but he won't breathe a word," Donovan said. "Anyway, who'd believe him? The Omni Twins saved him. Why would anyone believe they'd be down here when there's so much more happening throughout the country right now?"

Ben, Jen, Gwen and Allison smirked to each other as Allison held her head.

"Buy him off," Edwin scoffed. "That's the Grandsmith way."

Allison sighed. "I'll never understand rich people."

"Edwin, take the kids on a tour so Max and I can catch up on old times."

"Oh man," Jen said disappointed as Gwen blew her hair away.

"Oh, Max," Donovan said as they walked away. "It's too bad you didn't take me up on my offer 30 years ago when we were both dead broke. You wouldn't have had to spend your life unclogging drains and fixing toilets while I traveled the world."

"You'd be surprised," Max said with a smirk. "Being a plumber does have its moments."

The tour began at a water park like area of the resort as the others smiled.

"Nice," Jen said, impressed as she put her hands on her hips.

"Not bad," Edwin admitted. "In the morning I have my own swim coach and personal trainer to work out with."

"You're a swimmer?" Gwen asked.

"Long distance. My grandpa says it builds character," Edwin said as he walked away.

"My grandpa says it builds character," Ben mocked as the others laughed.

"Okay, it's going to be hard to come up with an alibi in an area like this," Ben said as he crossed his arms. "So let's come up with a game plan for our stay here. No Omnitrixes unless the situation requires it. No transformations, no Omni Suits, no flashlights, nothing."

"No energy powers under any circumstances," Jen agreed.

"And no absorbing powers," Allison said. "As much as I would love to do so to put that kid in his place."

"We're just normal kids on a normal road trip," Gwen said. "Try to be on your best behavior."

The tour continued as they looked up to see a display of a submarine hanging from the ceiling.

"It's called the Undersea Manta Ray," Edwin explained. "It's my grandfather's."

"Well it looks cool," Gwen said as they looked up impressed as Allison had her headphones in.

"You wanna take it for a ride?" Edwin asked.

"Definitely," Ben said as the girls looked to him shocked.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Gwen asked as Edwin smirked.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Jen said as Allison sighed.

"There's no way out of this, is there," Allison said nervously

Meanwhile, Max and Donovan were walking to the power control area where the technician nodded to his boss before walking away.

"A reverse power surge caused the whirlpool effect," Donovan said. "But its fixed now."

"Must keep a lot of juice to keep this place lit up," Max said. "That can't come from the mainland, we're too far offshore."

"Volcanic vents on the ocean floor," Donovan explained. "We tap into them like a big steam generator."

They walked towards the generator with some of the workers. Inside one of the generator's panels, a purple light was glowing, catching Max's attention.

"What's behind that panel?" Max asked.

"Nothing, it's just a backup generator. Now watch this," he said before nodding to one of his employees.

She nodded and pressed his button and the generator let out some steam power as three engine workers pulled down on some levers, letting out more steam.

On the surface, the workers watched the pressure levels rise as the resort let out a green light that illuminated up to the surface.

"I have enough energy to illuminate the outside so bright, it's visible 500 ft above sea level," Donovan said as the camera shifted down to the sea floor. Now for my prized possession: the Undersea Manta Ray."

Donovan and Max walked up to the area, only to find the submarine wasn't there and neither were the kids.

"Edwin," Donovan growled.

Said rich grandson was piloting the Undersea Manta Ray through the ocean as it dropped down from the resort's garage with the kids as its passengers.

They all gazed out the windows in awe and wonder as they looked at the marine life passing by them. Some jellyfish passed by them with a smile... Allison on the other hand.

"Oh, it's coming back," she said as she felt herself get woozy again as she laid back in her seat and rubbed her temples.

"You'll be okay," Jen said to her as she groaned.

"Wow," Gwen admired as some fish that looked a lot like Ripjaws and Mermaid passed by the windows. "Some of these fish look totally prehistoric."

The Manta Ray continued on its voyage through the ocean floor... but as they passed by some rocks, some alien squid drones took notice of them and immediately followed them. They possessed six mechanical tentacles with flexible ribbed joints; two of the tentacles have mechanical claws on the ends. On the bottom of their bodies are mechanical parrot-like beaks. They had glassy, glowing cyan heads with white lines that represent circuitry. Below the head is what appears to be a purple eye.

The Manta Ray passed by them as Gwen looked downward to see that the ground below them seemed to be glowing.

"Okay, now that's weird."

Suddenly, one of the robot squids appeared at her window and attacked the glass in front of her, snapping its beak at her.

"And that's weirder," Edwin gulped as another squid appeared by them and attacked his section.

Soon, an entire swarm of squids appeared and started attacking the Manta Ray relentlessly. Soon, they managed to crack the glass and water started flooding the submarine, causing an alarm to sound out as the others gulped nervously.

"What do you think those creatures want?" Edwin asked.

"Something tells me that it's not to play Marco Polo," Allison groaned outward.

"We've got to get back to the hotel," Ben said as Edwin nodded and engaged the controls again, driving the sub back towards the hotel with the squids following it.

Not far afterwards, they saw they had wandered right into an underwater minefield.

"Uh-oh," Jen said nervously as Edwin carefully drove the sub away from the mines.

Too bad the squids weren't that smart as one of them crashed right into a mine, detonating it and setting off a chain reaction of explosions which rocked the submarine. And yet still, the squids refused to let up as Edwin finally reached for the radio.

"Grandpa, do you copy?"

The twins, Gwen and Allison looked to each other with a nod as Jen faked a headache and seemed to fall in her seat.

"Oh," Jen groaned, though it was obvious to the audience that she was faking. "I'm getting woozy. I think that the pressure's getting to me."

"I think I should go look her over," Ben said as he "helped" his sister out of her seat and "carried" her over to the entrance chamber as Jen instantly recovered and the twins activated their Omni Suits.

"If you turn me into Wildcat, you're dead meat," she said as she and Ben slammed down the Omnitrix Cores.

The watches sank into their wrists and their arms were covered in greyish-blue scales that traveled up their arms and their fingers turned to claws. They then grew anglers from their forehead, only while Ben grew one angler, Jen grew two. They then grew gills from their neck as their teeth grew and sharpened themselves as the scales finished covering their bodies and their hair turned into a green dorsal fin running down their backs. Ben's clothes turned into a green loincloth-like bathing suit that was only on his bottom half while Jen's turned into a more full-piece swimsuit covering her entire midsection. The watch symbols were on their upper left torso.

"Okay, now we're talking," Ripjaws said as he and his sister dove out of the sub and formed a tail from their legs as they swam towards the robotic squids.

They swam around and avoided the swipes from the squid tentacles as Mermaid side-swiped and growled as she bit down on one of the squids, destroying it and causing it to leak out fuel as she spit out the mechanics.

Ripjaws was suddenly tangled in the squid's tentacles as it sneaked up behind him. He then bared his sharp claws and sliced off the tentacles and utterly destroyed the squid with his sharp claws and teeth with a growl.

Back at the Manta Ray, the squids that were still attacking the sub were still slamming against the glass and more water was pouring into the sub as the others panicked. Allison was extremely tempted to absorb some of the metal but she knew she couldn't for fear of exposing their secret.

"How long does it take for your cousin's headache to recover?" Edwin said.

"She has a... condition of freaking out under pressure," Gwen lied.

"I've never heard of any kind of condition that would be this serious."

"Just drive, rich kid!" Allison said as Edwin sighed and continued driving.

"Edwin!" Donovan scolded over the radio. "You know the Undersea Manta Ray is off limits!"

"Grandpa, we're under attack by some robot squid creatures and we're sinking!" Edwin shouted.

"Edwin, if this is some kind of-"

"It's no joke, Donovan," Max said as he ushered his friend to the window of the control room and they gasped when they saw a glowing light from the sea below as several creatures swarmed up into the resort through the hole in the garage.

Ripjaws and Mermaid swarmed up to the Manta Ray as they attacked the robot squids attacking, chomping clean through them.

This caught the attention of the other squids as they stopped attacking the sub and rushed after the twins as they growled at them.

They immediately entangled with their tentacles as they avoided the razor sharp beaks before Mermaid clawed away from the tentacles before Ripjaws tackled the creatures off of his sister and tackled it into a sunken ship and punched a hole in the eye, destroying it.

When he wasn't looking, he was wrapped up in the tentacles of another squid that lashed out its metallic tongue out and snapped its beak at him.

Ripjaws growled and chomped down on the beak, destroying it with a growl.

This continued as Mermaid swam into the area and sliced through the creatures in half as she helped her brother recover before they saw even more squids swim into the shipwreck as Mermaid growled.

"Oh come on! How man of these things are there!?" Mermaid shouted as the twins were chased through the shipwreck while also fighting back with their sharp claws and teeth before they were tackled out of the shipwreck and back into the hull of the Manta Ray with a glare.

Ripjaws glared and grabbed the tentacles of one of the squids and swung it into the others like a javelin before letting go.

"I am so sick of having to pollute the ocean with this stupid fuel!" Mermaid shouted as she and her brother growled and sliced and chomped down on the squids, fuel going everywhere as they laid waste to them.

"I think the resort's going to have to put calamari on the menu!" Ripjaws glared.

Meanwhile, the squids were also attacking the resort, causing the water to leak in there as well, despite the supposed titanium threads lacing the glass.

"We've got to evacuate the resort!" Max said.

"Overrun by aliens," Donovan pondered. "There goes my five star rating."

The Undersea Manta Ray continued its trek but it was filling up with water way too fast.

"We're not going to make it back!" Edwin said as Allison heavily breahted and her chest heaved and settled as she was having a panic attack.

"You okay?" Gwen asked.

"Do I sound okay?!" Allison shouted back as the water reached her feet as she gulped and shot back in her seat.

That was when the twins rushed in and slashed and chomped the squids attacking the squids as Mermaid growled and glared.

"The Omni Twins? Where'd they come from?" Edwin asked as Ripjaws and Mermaid finished off the squids that were on the sub.

"Relax," Gwen said. "Like we said, they're always there when we need them most."

Edwin raised his eyebrow in confusion.

That was when the twins went down to the hull and pulled the wheel to the sub's opening as the Omnitrixes started counting down.

"Uh-oh!" Mermaid gasped. "Hurry! I don't know if the Omni Suits can take the pressure from this deep!"

"There's a boat beside the platform," Donovan said as his workers gathered for evacuation. "Take it!"

"No," Max said. "I'm not going anywhere without my grandkids."

A flash of red and purple came from the sub's opening as the twins stumbled out, having deactivated their Omni Suits as Gwen walked over and helped them up.

Edwin drove the Undersea Manta Ray towards the surface back towards the hotel with the squids following them there as Max and Donovan ran for the garage inside the motel.

Max looked into the water to see the sub closing in on the hotel as he put his hand up.

"Get ready to close the door!" he told Donovan as he waited for the precise moment when he would be ready. Once the moment arrived, he put his hand down. "Now!"

Donovan pressed the button and the door closed just as the Manta Ray entered the garage, closing directly on a squid.

Unfortunately, this wasn't enough as the squids finally broke through the glass, causing the garage- and therefore, the hotel- to start to flood with sea water. This caused an alarm to sound with a red light shining down on them.

"We're flooding!" Donovan shouted. "They broke through the glass!"

"I knew you shouldn't have taken it!" Edwin shouted.

"Edwin, quiet! I'm sure it has nothing to do with-"

"Taken what, Donovan?" Max asked.

"Nothing. Edwin doesn't know what he's talking about!"

"How would you know? All you ever hear from me is what you want to hear!"

That was when the squids crawled up from the Manta Ray as Jen groaned out.

"I knew building a resort underwater was a stupid idea!"

"Let's go!" Max said as they all ran for the elevator as fast as they could with the squids chasing after them until they reached an elevator and they all rushed inside before the door closed behind them, leaving the squids behind. "Donovan, what is going on?"

"There's got to be some reason these squids are after this resort in particular," Allison said.

"Okay, I lied," Donovan said. "The underwater volcano thing didn't work. The resort was doomed! I was about to become the punchline to a bad joke. Then I found this other energy source on this weird spacecraft way down below the sea. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before."

"And I'd bet you anything that those aliens want it back," Gwen said.

"Yeah, the same ones with the underwater parking lot full of boats and planes," Ben said.

"They're the reason for the shipwrecks around the Bermuda Triangle," Jen realized.

They arrived at the top floor and ran outwards only to see that the flooding and squids had reached this level too, causing them to run down the hallway before they reached another room as Max pressed a button that caused the door to close, only for it to jam halfway through.

"Darn it!" Allison shouted out as she stepped forward and absorbed the metal from the frame and forced the door closed with her immense strength before she dissolved her armor with a sigh.

"28 years on the job and I never found out who was behind the Bermuda Triangle. And now they're coming for us!" Max shouted.

They all ran away from the site before huge dents and flooding formed in the door behind them.

Soon, the staff and crew had made it back to the opening where the boats were arriving back up onto the area as they moved upwards on the lift as Donovan looked upon the destruction in disappointment.

"Look on the bright side, Grandpa," Edwin said. "You still have 15 resorts worldwide."

Donovan then engaged the control on the lift as they started to lift it up.

Suddenly, they felt the boat stall as Allison gasped. "Uh-oh."

They saw massive metal tentacles rip the boat apart with the kids on one side and the grandparents on the side that was still lifting up.

"No!" Jen gasped as they saw the lift fall down the shaft along with the squid.

"Donovan, stop this thing!" Max shouted.

"I can't!" Donovan said.

The kids all gasped as they saw they were traveling back down to the flooded resort.

"We're going to get flattened!" Edwin shouted as the twins nodded.

"We're not going to make it!" Allison shouted as she put her hands over her eyes.

"Yes we will!" Gwen reassured. "Now put your heads down and brace for impact.

Ben and Jen then nodded and pressed the cores down, transforming into Stinkfly and Battlefly respectively as they grabbed the others and flew them above the water with the squids below.

"Hold on, guys!" Battlefly said as Edwin looked up and gasped as they moved forward.

"The Omni Twins again? But how?" Edwin asked as they continued to fly forwards while also avoiding the tentacles with a gasp as Battlefly braced herself as she flew around.

"Look out!" Gwen shouted as they suddenly crashed into a plume of water falling down as they crashed down into the water as they resurfaced as Allison panicked underwater.

"Help me!" she shouted as Battlefly quickly swam forward and put an arm around her to help.

"Allison?" she asked. "You're scared of water aren't you?"

"Shut up!" Allison cried. "I'm not scared of water! I'm scared of drowning! My powers increase my body mass, which makes it so much easier for me to drown!"

"Our wings are too wet!" Stinkfly shouted out. "We can't fly! Oh, and yeah. I can't swim either!"

He then fell under the water before Edwin and Gwen went under and helped him up.

"Don't worry, we got you, Ben," Edwin said as the twins gasped.

"Ben? You're mistaken. I'm Omni Gre-"

"Hello," Edwin said. "The Omni Twins just showing up to help us while your cousins always happen to be gone. How dumb do I look?"

"Fine, you got us," Battlefly said as she treaded the water carefully.

"So how do you two do it?" Edwin asked.

"Now's not the time," Allison said as she caught her breath and started swimming with Battlefly's help.

"Listen to us," Gwen said. "If the aliens are after that energy orb, it must be very important. We have to get to it first."

"Okay," Edwin said. "But it's all the way on the other side of the resort."

"Oh great," Allison said. "By the time we get there, the resort will be completely underwater."

"We'll never make it through the water," Stinkfly said.

"Who said anything about swimming?" Gwen asked as she spied the air ducts.

Back on the surface, a thunderstorm had hit the area and was brewing while Max and Donovan were trying to communicate for help in getting the kids out safely.

Donovan groaned as he hung up the phone. "The navy's closest sub is in Key West. It'll be about a half hour before they get here."

"Is there any way to communicate with the kids down there?" Max asked.

"No, I already tried. The flooding must have ruined the lines."

Meanwhile, down below, the kids were sneaking through the air ducts while Gwen and Allison held their noses from Stinkfly's stench.

"I don't know what's worse. The smell of wet Stinkfly or these aliens," Gwen asked.

"You are so lucky that I'm not Stinkbomb right now," Battlefly stated.

"Edwin, there must be a faster way to get to the orb-" Allison stated as they heard a creaking sound. "Uh-oh."

The air duct's pipe suddenly gave out and came down and caused the others to fall down back into the flooded hotel like a slide.

Fortunately, they crashed into a garage that held some jetskis housed in them.

"Now we're talking," Stinkfly said as Edwin and Allison got onto one while Gwen got on another.

Suddenly, the twins were yanked under the water as Gwen gasped at their turmoil.

"Ben! Jen!"

Under the water, the twins were face-to-face with another squid as they saw the Omnitrixes time out, turning them back to human forms as they quickly swam up to the surface and climbed back up onto Jen's jetski.

"You okay?" Gwen asked.

"No!" Jen gasped. "Get us out of here!"

Gwen nodded and engaged the jetski and drove away with the squid following her.

Meanwhile, Edwin drove his own jetski towards while carrying an oar that he slammed into the squid and nailed it right in the eye.

As it sank down into the water, the camera transitioned to show that more robot squids were swimming after the group.

"Thanks," Jen said with a smile.

"Thank you two," Edwin said. "This is awesome." He then looked ahead and gasped. "Hey, look out!"

They all gasped as they saw the squids in front of them. Gwen and Edwin then engaged the controls on the jetski and drove away from the group with a shout and a glare as they avoided all of the squids with skillful ease.

This continued until they eventually reached a ramp formed from the support beams of the resort.

A squid then dropped down from above and grabbed onto the back of Ben, Jen and Gwen's jetski with a glare as Jen gasped out when she looked behind her as the squid hung off the back of the jetski as they continued on, sparks flying as Jen glared out and fired out pink energy blasts from her hands, sparks flying out in awe as Jen glared at started kicking at it.

"Just! Leave! Us! Alone!" she shouted as they flew off a ledge onto another one, knocking the squid off with one more energy blast before she groaned out, slightly exhausted as she fell against her brothers lap and Ben glared at the squids down below.

"Whoa," Edwin said from down below as Allison nodded to him.

"Wait until you see what I can do," Allison said as she grabbed the metal sides of the jetski, coating herself in red metal armor before she formed blades from her hands that she shouted out as she sliced up the squids as they passed them before the others landed back in the water and joined them as they reached the section with the energy orb.

Donovan sighed as he looked at a picture of him and his grandson on a phone.

"Your grandkids sure look up to you, Max," Donovan complimented. "And so does that Allison. What's your secret?"

"Well, I don't expect them to be mini versions of me," Max said. "I let them be themselves, faults and all."

"You brought them here because they wanted to come. Not because you did. Am I right?"

"Well, yeah. This whole trip was for them. And Jen befriended Allison and we took her along for the ride since she had nowhere else to go."

"I can't remember the last time I did anything else for Edwin... that I didn't want. I just hope that they get out okay."

"Hey, grandkids have a way of rising to the occasion. Plus, I don't know what I'm going to tell their parents if I show up without them."

The jetskis pulled up to the generator and Edwin pressed a button that opened it up, revealing the glowing pink energy orb nested within.

"If that orb could power that whole resort, just imagine what those aliens did with it," Gwen asked.

"My guess would be stealing all those boats and planes," Ben said.

"It can't be that simple. They've got to be planning something with them," Jen pondered. "Perhaps they're trying to reconstruct their spaceship and find a way back home?"

"Maybe," Allison said as she sighed.

Edwin put his finger on his chin and then beamed up. "Maybe if we reverse the generator connections, it would turn its outward power inward!"

"...Which would cause the whole resort to implode," Gwen continued.

"...With all of the aliens in it!" Ben realized.

"And us if we don't get out of here before then," Jen said as Allison glared out.

"Oh no! I am not going to die here! I don't care what it takes, but we're getting out of here!" Allison said.

"Don't worry," Ben said. "Jen and I have an idea."

"Has anyone seen Battleship?" Jen asked with a smirk. "If you haven't, don't. It sucks. But remember the climax at the battleship museum?"

The robot squids swam towards the glowing pink light from the energy orb as Edwin began working on the mechanics to reverse the orb's polarity as he focused while the squids closed in on them as Jen gasped.

"Hurry up there!" Jen said as she tossed energy blast after energy blast with a glare. "I don't know how much more I can handle."

"Done!" Edwin said as he engaged the controls of the jetski and they all rushed back towards the garage.

"How much time do you think we have?" Gwen asked Edwin.

"Not much."

They then arrived at an old rusty submarine as the twins nodded.

"Get in!" Jen said.

"That thing's your escape plan?" Edwin asked. "It's just for show!"

"And when I'm done with it, it'll be for go," Ben said as he activated his Omnitrix and transformed into Upgrade as the others got in as Jen glared.

"Head down and hold on!" Jen shouted as her brother melded with the submarine, coating all of the metal with his green and black alloy as the others looked out from within.

The squids approached the energy orb as it suddenly fluctuated and pulsed out, sending out waves of energy from within that blew the squids back. That was when the camera shifted outwards to reveal the outside of the resort going up in a ring of explosions, taking out all of the aliens with it as the Upgrade-coated submarine flew outwards, propelled by the explosions as they surfaced.

"Please don't let any of us have the bends," Gwen said as they braced themselves.

The storm above dissipated, revealing sunny blue skies as Max and Donovan ran out as they saw that next to the dock, the section of ocean began to bubble up as the now normal submarine surfaced as they ran outwards as Jen shouted with a smile.

"Land ho!" she called as Max and Donovan smiled up at them as Allison rushed outwards with a green look on her face.

"Does anyone have a bucket?" she asked as Donovan tossed a bait bucket to her as she finally lost her lunch epically into the bucket as the others rolled their eyes with a smile as Donovan and Max helped them down.

"How did you get that sub to work?" Donovan asked as they all regrouped. "It hasn't run in 80 years."

"It's like I said, Donovan. Grandkids have an amazing way of rising to the occasion," Max said with a smile.

"The good news is that all the aliens are toast," Gwen said with a smile.

"The bad news is so's the resort, Grandpa," Edwin said.

"Hey, who cares," Donovan said, leaning down to his level. "You're all okay and that's all that matters. You'll have to fill me in on the detalis, Edwin."

Edwin looked back at the others with a smile as he winked to them.

"Most of them. And by the way, the name's Eddie, Grandpa."

Jen then noticed her friend sitting by the edge of the dock with her feet dangling over the edge and walked over to her with a smile.

"Are you okay, Allison?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed to... well, you know," Allison said with a chuckle as she looked down into the water.

"Hey, you conquered your fear," Jen smiled. "My dad always told me that if you can face your fears, there's nothing you can't do."

"He's right," Allison said as she sighed. "My dad used to say that too before he... well..."

"You must miss him, don't you?" Jen asked.

"Yeah. I was only around eight when he died. Kevin was six. I still miss him."

"Hey, wherever he is, I'm sure he's thinking of you," Jen smiled. "...Even if it means he wants to pound you into the ground."

"Tell me about it," Allison stated as Jen smiled. "Just don't expect me to go near the ocean again anytime soon."

Donovan looked up to Max as he finished hugging Eddie. "Thanks. For everything."

"No problem," Max said. "Well, so much for your one of a kind resort, Donovan."

"Yeah well, it just gives me sometime to focus on my next one. It's going up on the moon. Max, how about you, your grandkids and their good friend there be my first guests?"

That was the breaking point as they all started giving out protests against it with Jen crossing her hands over her chin and Ben waving his hands in front of his face.

Next time on Ben and Jen 10:

Ghostfreaked Out