
Ben 10: The Dark Ascendancy

The pain was only a word that carried no meaning to him. He moved past that point. His heart was shattered under the face of his destiny. In his pursuit of relief, Ben embarks on a desperate quest to understand the origins of his anguish. He will face his friends and enemies. *** This fanfic is AU. Different Omniverse. Not the same as Prime Omniverse but I will use it a lot since they are almost the same. Support me on patreon. https://www.patreon.com/MrCuakandGoofyboyAdventures

goffyboy · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Final Breath

Under the enchanting glow of the moon, a lone figure emerged from the shadows, sprinting with unyielding determination toward the towering presence of Mount Rushmore.

The night air whispered through the surrounding trees as if urging the runner forward in his quest.

With each swift stride, his footfalls merged with the nocturnal symphony of nature, echoing through the serene stillness. Moonlight danced upon his face, casting fleeting shadows as he ascended the mountainous terrain.

His heart pounded in his chest, a steady rhythm that matched the intensity of his pursuit.

" No. " He murmured.

As he neared the grand entrance, the majestic faces of past presidents glistened in the moon's ethereal glow.

He looked up. There was a faint light on top of the mountain.

" It is bad. Why is my Omnitrix glitching at this time? "


Beneath the radiant glow of the full moon, a figure draped in flowing midnight robes stood in a secluded clearing, an enigmatic presence amidst the night.

With arms outstretched, and fingers splayed, the man began to weave an intricate tapestry of magic that danced with hues of red and black.

The moon's ethereal light bathed the scene, casting long shadows that seemed to stretch and intertwine with the flickering tendrils of the spell.

The air crackled with a potent energy as if the very essence of the night itself had been summoned by the man's incantation.

Words of power whispered in a long-forgotten tongue, escaped his lips like a haunting melody. The syllables hung in the air, charged with ancient wisdom and arcane potency.

With each invocation, the man's voice grew stronger, resonating through the night with a commanding presence.

As he chanted, the surrounding atmosphere began to shift. Wisps of crimson and ebony smoke emerged from his fingertips, swirling and coiling in a mesmerizing display of ethereal artistry. The red-black mist undulated and pulsed as if imbued with a life force of its own.

' I am getting closer. Closer. Soon my hand will reach for yours. '

With practised precision, the man guided the strands of magic, shaping and moulding them with deft gestures.

The crimson tendrils intertwined, forming intricate patterns that seemed to dance in synchrony with the pulsating beat of the night.

The red-black magic grew in intensity, emanating an aura of raw power that enveloped the vindication.

The air grew thick with anticipation as the moon's gentle radiance seemed to intensify, amplifying the mystical energy that bent space and time.

" Stop it, Ben. "

Ben looked behind, hiding his gaze under the black rope.

The voice came from an old man. His face, partially obscured by a weathered hood, hints at both age and wisdom, with piercing, luminescent eyes that seem to hold the secrets of the universe.

That man was Paradox.

Soon another person arrived at the scene, that person was Ben as well.

His once unruly mop of hair had transformed into a distinguished salt-and-pepper mane, framing a face weathered by time and adorned with the lines of countless battles fought. Deep-set eyes, once filled with the curiosity of youth, now glistened with a mixture of determination and introspection, reflecting the wisdom gained through his countless encounters.

" Did I miss something? " He cracked a joke to ease the stress from him.

Standing tall, Ben possessed a more muscular build, a testament to his continued dedication to honing his physical prowess. His broad shoulders and strong physique exemplified the strength he had gained throughout his journey.

" Is he the one? " Older Ben asked.

Paradox nodded. " What happened to your Omnitrix? "

Older Ben shook his hand, " Don't know. "

The black rope Ben gazed upon them. " What are you guys doing here? " He asked.

It was a voice that carried the weight of a shattered soul, a voice that whispered of untold pain and broken dreams.

And though dark and heartbroken, it possessed an undeniable beauty—a beauty born out of the raw and unfiltered expression of human suffering.

Older Ben stepped forward, he held his hand. " You should not do this. This won't change a thing. "

" Yeah, because Fate chose this for me. Every step I took, it stripped my soul in pieces. I am bound to suffer unlike you. "

Older Ben nodded. " But we can move forward with those pain. We are heroes. " He extended his hand.

The black rope Ben shook his head. He laughed.

The laughter was tinged with a touch of agony. It rings hollow, a brittle melody echoing through the cracks of a wounded soul, carrying the weight of unspoken sorrows and hidden scars.

He took off his hood revealing the terror. As the skin cracked and fell away, the face became a haunting visage of duality.

" I can't move past. "

Under the ethereal glow of the moonlight, Ben stood poised, his form radiating an aura of mystic power. As if in response to a silent command, the air around him stirred with otherworldly energy.

In a dazzling display, particles of reddish-black essence materialized, swirling and dancing around him in a mesmerizing symphony.

Paradox grabbed Older Ben's waist and touch Omnitrix. " Here. "

Older Ben nodded. He said, " Master control activates. "

As he was about to transform.

As the reddish-black particles swirled around Broken Ben, they began to form intricate patterns, weaving a tapestry of enchantment. They twirled and twisted, tracing ephemeral sigils and glyphs in the air as if inscribing a language understood only by the forces of the arcane.

Under the moonlight's gentle embrace, the figure became a vessel for magic, his every movement imbued with the weight of unseen forces.

The reddish-black particles danced with ethereal grace, an outward manifestation of the enchantments woven by his will.

" Alien X. " Older Ben shouted.

But it was too late.

In an instant, the peaceful serenity was shattered, replaced by a cacophony and a tempest of swirling debris.

Fragments of stone and debris were hurled into the air, their trajectories guided by the immense power of the explosion.

As the echoes of the explosion gradually faded, a haunting silence settled over the scene, broken only by the crackling of flames and the distant cries of alarm.

The air was heavy with the weight of the event, a solemn reminder of the fragility of existence in the face of overwhelming power.

Alien X capped his hand and all the explosion was gone as if it never happened. He made a circle and time goes back to the original place.

Instead of Ben, Alien X saw only a black rope and a corpse. He was dead. He transformed into Older Ban and carried the corpse.

" He is dead. Do you think he kills himself? " He asked. It hurt, it is like seeing him kill himself.

Paradox only nodded. His gaze moved into the distance.