
Chapter 5: A Flip of a Charm.


Song; Kayzo- Feel The Power ft. Micah Martin (Tisoki Remix)

Description= Italic

<> = Song Description


Green lights emit the screen while photos glide around.

<When the world around you...>

Showcase of the Omnitrix.

<Up in flamaaaaes~>

DNA strand shifting to, crystal and back.

<I be there to guide you.>

Will and Benita were playing Sumo Slammer on Gwen computer as Gwen appeared and arguing with Her. Grandpa Max enters the RV stopping the fight as Gwen glares at Will while he nervously rubs his neck.

<From the world: PAIN.>

Vilgax rises from the darkness as other villains follow suit.

<I believe in second chaaaaance!~>

(Y) Will shakes (Y) Benita hand while her tears poured. Will helps Katlyn(Absorbed) to her feet. Image of (Y) Will and (Y) Katlyn running from a shop keeper with food and electronics in hand with smiles on their faces.

<I believe in new beginnings.>

Will walks from his house with a backpack to Benita's where there Grandpa Max RV in front of their house. Benita and her parents hug it out, noticing Will and waved and he waved back with a smile.

<I found MYSELF Immunity.>

Will is walking in the middle of the night: woods. A light shines the night sky causing Will to shield his eyes. The light reveals to be a pod and it <crashes> a foot from him: releasing a green shock wave, Will flew back into the darkness.

<I dream want to Be someone some day!!~~>

Gwen, Will, Grandpa Max, and Benita were surfing on top of the RV while waves crash against it. They noticed a Hotel ahead, and brace impact.

My heart is beating..again, I got nothing to say: Feel The Power!

Benita slams her hand on the Omnitrix. Greenlight blinds the screen, for a sec.

*Build up*

<Come ooooooooooooooooon.>

Benita and Will's aliens appeared doing specific poses while small windows revealing previous chapters and the future ahead.

A green alien with red goggles cocks the Alien blaster with a smirk.

<Feel the Power!>


Grandpa Max taps a biker shoulder, he turns around and Grandpa Max delivers a blow.

Gwen ( Lucky Girl) flips over Charmcaster beam and kicks: Charmcaster crashes onto a car door.

Nova using his fire to slide towards Vilgax, he backflips kicking Vilgax his under chin while he beams him, but Vilgax took it. He slaps Nova(Buff) through a building while Stinkfly was hit in the crossfire.

<Feel the Power.>

The green screen appeared while black orbs surrounds it until black.


In the Museum in the middle of the night, nearly in an empty room.

Benita peeks through at a tribal mask in a showcase glass.

Will walked by a showcase glass presenting pearls connected to a small diamond and a topaz behind her.

'Gems and charms represent power and status. In your human culture.' A whispered breeze; passed Will's head. 'Do you believe I have something similar?'

"I believed so. Depending on who you are." Will whispered under his breath. "Interested?"

'I'm appalled by this accessory.' Will frown his brows. 'That gem has something unraveling about it.'

'Cute.' Another whisper states. ' A gem is shaking in her little boots because of a gem.' The whisper scoff. ' Can you sense the irony?'

'Insult me about my caution, again. I'll smash your skull until it's dust.'

'You're welcome to try.'

"And who's a kid?" Will said to himself as he noticed Benita approach the group of tourists.

In the crowd were Gwen and Max. Will followed, within an earshot of the Tour senior lady speaking.

"Presenting the archamada." Benita and Will follow up, gazing at the showcase.

Gwen approaches the glass case that holds the unique book in amazement.

"Is a book of spells created by a group of witches in the 16th century." The Senior tour lady glanced at Gwen. She looks back at her.

"Sorry." Gwen smiled nervously.

"You know you should be the one working here instead of me." The Senior tour lady continued with her tour while Will pulled Gwen close and whispered.

"Don't worry about her. She's just mad that she's working here." Benita appeared, posing like a mummy.

Will and Gwen snickered.

Suddenly the Museum shook.

"What's going on?!" A tourist shouts while the lights begin flickering on and off.

Everyone gravitated to the ceiling, screaming.

"Something tells me this is not part of the tour." Max grunts, trying to pull from the ceiling. The screaming of the tourist grows loud as Will and Benita try to escape from the sudden trap.

'AAAAH, shut up!!' A whisper roared in Will's head. 'Being trapped in a kid is torture enough!!' Will squinted his eyes.

"Hey?! Help!!" The Tourists begin, calling out to A skull-painted man in a red and black shoulder robe and bandages carrying a wizard staff walking up to the archamada showcase.

'Oddly.' Another whisper enters Will's head. 'I respect his spiritual gear.'

'Did sharing the kid memories make you into a wizard now?' Another whisper cracked while Will sighed.

A tourist glanced at Will, dumbfounded.


The skull-painted man raises his staff, causing it to shimmer.

"Dofu nor Cara!!" He smashes the glass with his staff using red smoke, taking the book.

"That's one way. Getting it." Gwen commented while Max and Gwen sweatdrop.

"No worries!" Benita started pulling her arms to her chest before activating her watch. "I got this under con-" The Skull painted man raised his staff as the dragon's mouth glowed. They fall: screaming.

Will's eyes turned blue while ancient symbols ran along his arms. He stretches his hand, causing the ground to shoot a platform of rock, crashing into the ceiling, making a slide.

This action gains the wizard's attention as everyone slides to safety.

Will's punch pierces the ground while pebbles of a rock climb onto his skin like spiders. His glowing, glaring eyes look up at the curious wizard before pebbles clam onto his face.

He rises to his feet, towering over everyone revealing Avalanche's emotionless face. His eyes shimmered.

"It seems today I was wrong." The Sorcerer glared at Avalanche, that slowly approached him. "Do-" A green flash cut him off while a blueline crashed into him.

He flies across the room before crashing into a showcase box.

The Archamada slid across the floor with glass before vanishing.

"Come on!" Max helps the senior tour lady to her feet. "Call the police! And get moving!" Max shouts to the dazed tourists. The Senior tour lady gazed wide-eyed at the wizard standing to his feet facing the silent giant. Max stood in her way. "Go!"

She and the civilians raced toward the exit screaming for their lives while XLR8 stood by Avalanche's side.

The silent giant stomps on the ground releasing a ripple toward the wizard named Hex.

Hex jumps from the ripple that turned into a dome trapping Hex's previous position.

Floating in the air, he rises his staff above him, causing it to shine.

"Kono sta fa!!" Hex roared, bringing his staff to his chest. A red smoke escapes from the dragon's mouth before slithering toward a showcase Will looked at earlier.

The cloud swirled around the case before exploding, causing the two aliens to flinch.

The glass rained across the room while the red cloud shot to the ceiling before crashing to the ground, revealing a beautiful Egyptian woman in wraps.

She grins and stares at the two aliens while sand and her wraps gravitate around her.

"You two will make a fine specimen." She flashes her white teeth.

Gwen staggered.

"That's Wanda: The witch doctor!" Gwen shouts. XLR8 visor conceals her face as Avalanche clenches his fist. "She once drowns someone with quicksand! Focus!" Wanda smiled cheek to cheek at Gwen: that stood paralyzed.

"It seems my reputation precedes me."

"Thanks for the heads up!" XLR8 called, standing her ground. "Sit this one out."

Hex glanced at Wanda, studying her appearance.

"You will do. Go." Hex commanded. "Fetch me my book."

Wanda smirked at Avanlache and XLR8.

"With pleasure." She flicks her wrists, and the wraps stretch across the room, wrapping around Avanlanche's arm.

The other wrap launch toward XLR8, dodging and leaving a blue line.

Wanda, with a smirk, pulled on Avalanche that staggered. She pulled the wraps above her head and slammed Avalanche across the room onto the floor.

"Oh." XLR8 stood shocked about Wanda's action. "Good luck." Her viser concealed her face, and she zoomed, leaving a blue line.

The silent giant laid on the webbed of cracks unfazed.

'We don't need her.' A voice whispered in Avalanche's head as he stood from the ground facing Wanda, checking her nails.

"I've faced worst in the afterlife than you." She chirps, not even looking at the silent giant. Avalanche clenches his fist as a dome closes on Wanda, yet she slides from the trap with the help of her sand. "And an Earth bender no less." She remained unfazed while the silent giant clenched his fist.

'Your hatred won't win this battle.' A voice states while Avalanche rolls to a ball, his face appears on the ball, rushing her.

Wanda slid past Avalanche's charge. The ball circled itself: around before charging her again.

Wanda reaches out.

Sand escapes her before forming a hand. It held the ball of Avalanche in place.

"Your attacks. Are useless." Wanda commented with her eyes gazing blankly at Avalanche's attempt. "Do I-"

The ball and her sand explode.

"RAAAAGH!!" Roaring Red riot flies toward Wide eye Wanda with his fist drawn back. A sand wall protects Wanda from the Red riot's strike. The red alien clenches his other fist while yellow electricity bursts from his eyes. "AAAA!!!" His punch lands against the wall making the air burst: denting the wall. "THA! THA! THA!" Red riot strikes rapidly, increasing his speed with every blow he lands. The wall slowly cracks.

"You want me to take this seriously, don't you?" Wanda smirk.

The sand around her surrounded her fist before it became hard as a rock, making a bigger one.

Her fist crashes into her sand wall before exploding onto the floor. The red riot was nowhere in Wanda's eyes.

A blue line crashed into her blindspot, causing Wanda to flip across the floor before smashing the back of her head into the showcase.

"Don't underestimate me!" Grid shouts as his glare becomes concealed with his visor.

Grid dashes toward Wanda, standing to her feet. His punch causes Wanda's head to whip to the side. Grid arms became a blur, striking Wanda's gut. She winces before his metal fingers: bent striking Wanda across her cheekbone.

She stumbled from the wall before a blue line land blow after blow causing her head to whip around before she fronts flipped off the ground.

"AAAA!!!" Grid roared before landing the last blow across her face.

Wanda crashes to the floor before sliding on her back. Her body crumbles into a pile of sand.

Grid huff still in his striking pose.

"NO!!" Hex roared, causing Grid to look at him floating. "You do as I command!!!"

A blue line leaped from the wall before crashing into distracted Hex that rolled across the floor.

"Sssh!" XLR8 presses her slim metal finger against her lips. "She's sleeping. I'll get you to that if you're patient."

Hex looks up to the speedster with tired eyes, clenching his teeth.

Hex stood to his feet, clenching his staff. A wave of fire shoots from the skull of the dragon's mouth.

XLR8 dodges before running up a wall while flame follows her every move.

The blue runner took this opportunity and dashed at Hex's blind spot.

One of his five's charms glowed around his neck, causing the environment around him to slow down.

Hex looks back, seeing Grid line coming for his blind spot. Hex grinned before adjusting himself.

Time resumes.

XLR8 runs from the side of the wall and toward Hex.

"Su nu, KA!!" His staff cast a sun flare, blinding XLR8 and Grid. Hex side-step letting the two speedsters crash into each other.

They rolled into the wall. Trash cans tumble onto them.

"Ugh!" Grid lying on top of XLR8 groans while XLR8 visor unconcealed itself, revealing her pain look.

"Speedsters Fools." Hex noticed the book on a bench across the room. He paced himself toward it before two trashcans hit him on the side of the head. He glares, noticing Gwen and Max.

"That went differently in my head." Gwen stumbled back with Max.

Hex's eyes become dark as he points his staff toward them.

A Blueline races past him as he draws his head to the side, and another does the same.

Hex gathers his bearings as the Blue lines surround him in a cyclone.

"KAL-" Hex chanted before his eyes widen.

Hex clenches his throat, gasping before his head snaps to the side.

Strikes came and went before the two speedsters appeared double uppercutting Hex across the room.

His back slams onto the floor.

One of the five charms dis-attach and rolls across the floor: coming to a stop in front of Gwen.

Hex lay on the ground, unconscious. XLR8 and Grid watch Hex for any movement while Gwen picks up the charm before XLR8 snatches it from Gwen's hands.

"Hey!!!" Gwen shouted while XLR8 only; tilted her head at the charm.

"Way of go, guys!" Max cheered, watching Grid vibrate into a blur before revealing Will wiping sweat across his head."For celebration. I know a place not far from here. They serve the best lobster."

"Really?!" XLR8 snaps to Max with her brows to her helmet.

"Yes. XLR8." Max grins at XLR8, pumping her fist.

She looks back at the charm.

"Now!" Gwen gains their attention. "The dweeb hasn't timed out yet." She folds her arms, still glaring at XLR8. "How about we stay low-key this time." She raised a brow.

"Fine." XLR8 groans. "I'll try to stay low-key." She smiled.


"Who's your hero!" XLR8 poses while cameramen and women take pictures from every angle at her.

Gwen, Max, and Will stood behind her watching the ordeal.

The ambulance drove away with Hex. Gwen glares at XLR8 while Will glances at her.

'Her ego, shooting sky-high.' A voice whispered in Will's head. 'I don't blame her.' It chuckled.

Max grabs XLR8 shoulder, causing her to look back at him.

"Alright, everyone!" Max raised his voice while they continued to take pictures. "I believe she has somewhere to be."

"Are you related to a Speedster down in New York?!" A journalist pointed his tape recorder past the camera crew.

"There were multiple sightings of a towering four-arm woman and a man with red skin working together. The two fought at the abandoned overpass against some abomination name Red Retro. Are they your accomplice?" Another journalist questioned.

"Accomplice?" XLR8 frowned her brows.

"The Stone golem and the ghost, they're your allies?" The third question.

"That's enough!!" Max guarded XLR8 being bomb rush with questions and more flashes.

"Hey!" Will touches XLR8's bent leg, causing her to look down at him. "Move!"

XLR8 dashes from the bewildered crowd before vanishing down the street.

"Come on." Max presses his hands on Will and Gwen's back, walking them down the sidewalk. The crowd followed.

"What's your history with her?" A journalist questioned, standing beside Gwen.

Gwen only stared at the pavement while Max gripped her shoulder.

"Hey, kid." A journalist beside Will called. He only ignored them. "There was a leak of you: being saved by an alien made of diamonds. Is there a way you can contact her?"

"There, children!" Max roared."Only children!! What's the matter with you people?!"

The three reached their RV. Max let the children in first before he entered.

"This is life or death!" A journalist demanded before Max slammed the door shut. He races to the driver's seat, starting the Rustbucket. It came to life while more flashes overwhelmed the side windows and head.

"Oh, Ben. So going to get it!" Gwen said under her breath before shutting the blinds on the reporter besides the booth.

'Wow.' A whisper roamed in Will's head as he approached the sink. 'You all have it bad.' Will shut the blinds on the flashes behind the window.

"Move!" Max shouts, honking his horn as he slowly travels through the crowd. He made it onto the street before escaping from the Reporters.

Suddenly the door to the RV opens and closes before a red light blinds them for a second, revealing Benita with a charm in hand.

"You called that Low Key?!" Gwen shouts, glaring at Benita, that walk past her and Will.

"I admit, I didn't expect that to blow up in my face." Benita opens the closest before crouching. "Besides, Will and I risk our lives for them. They should be thanking us."

Will wince, getting Gwen's attention.

"She's right. About that." Will said before his eyes wide to Gwen squinted her eyes at him.

'Oooo, Next time. Keep your mouth shut.' A whisper states in Will's head.

"And you're defending her?!" Gwen shouts to Will as Benita walks past the two before slamming a box onto the booth table.

"Get off his back! You dork!" Benita opens the box glaringly while Gwen snaps to Benita.

"I helped save your life!" Gwen points to Max driving. "We saved your's life. Does anyone notice us?!" Benita places the charm in the box of souvenirs.

"Being a hero is not about getting attention." Benita closes the lid on the box with her back facing Gwen.

Gwen's mouth twitched.

"Who's your hero?!" Gwen said mockingly, stretching her arms out before folding her arms with a brow raised. "Uh, hello?! Your ego must make your IQ pummeled into the shallowed end because I don't see a reason for you to hold that watch."

Will noticed Benita clenching her fists against the booth.

"Gwen! That's enough!" Will raise his voice while Gwen only smirks at him.

"And you. I see you're trying to hold everything together. You used to be smart with that mouth. Where did it go?" Gwen raised a brow. "Did you finally grasp you're insane?"

A loud crash gets everyone's attention.

The box of souvenirs scattered across the floor as Benita stood in front of Gwen, standing her ground with flames burning from her eyes.

The RV came to a halt.

"Call him insane." Benita lightened her face as her fists told a different story. "One more time."

"Ben!" Will places his hand on her chest. "This is not-" Benita throws his hand away.

"No. It's fine." Gwen states reassuringly. "I want to see her face me without her toy." Gwen glared back.

Max exited from his seat, throwing his seatbelt aside.

Cars honked at the RV.

"I heard enough!" Max glared at Gwen.

"Grandpa?" Gwen points her hands at Benita. "Can you see her ego got us in a knot?"

"And that gives you the right to take it out on Will?" Max's eyes strengthened while Gwen's eye snapped at Will, looking away blankly.

Gwen staggered.

"I-I didn't mean-"

"Save it." Will speeds walked towards the back of the Rv, slamming the curtains shut. Will closes his eyes, taking a breath.

"You bitch!! I could strangle you!!!" Benita roared behind the curtains.

"Ben! I don't want that word coming from your mouth again!" Max raised his voice.

"I'm an egotist. I can admit that! But her!!! Ooooh!!!" Benita growls.

Will kicks his shoes to the side before climbing his bunk. His face plants into the pillow. He clenches it.

"Your ego has gotten us in this situation!" Gwen raised her voice. "And I'll go, apologize to him, not you!"

"Your sure the hell not!!"

Will's tone them out.

"I'm insane?" Will clenches his teeth. His eyes shook while his tears soaked the pillow in his clenches. The voices in his head grew quiet. Which only caused Will to grasp into a sob. "God. I'm am!" He screams into the pillow.

Will continued, screaming while his veins pulsed down his arms slowly. They begin to die as his eyes glow white.

'Tell me.' A whisper roamed Will's head as he screamed with his teeth clenched. 'Do you want me to take over?' His skin slowly grew a charcoal black. 'I need you to answer me.' Will growls as the bunk creaks. 'I won't do it unless you want me to.'

An indescribable voice howls in Will's head.

'H-HEY!!' A voice booms in Will's head. Will unclench his teeth. 'This is Hydra! Are you alright?!' Her worried voice caused Will's body to return. 'Will?! Can you hear me?!'

Will sits up to his knees while his eyes: glow white before returning to a natural brown.

"H-how are you talking with me?!"

'Oh, thank Elsa!' Hydra sighs in Will's head. 'I felt your presence disappear for a moment-' She paused. 'Did someone hurt you?!'

"Huh?" Will wipes his eyes. "No. I'm fine." He said under his breath.

'You can't hide it from me!'

"H-Hydra. Please. Let it go." Will choked, causing Hydra to sigh.

'You know, I'm here for you.' Will squinted his red eyes.

"How come you like this?"


"You care about me. We only talked at Ginger Town. And we both know we didn't start well."

'Right.' Will hears Hydra's breath escapes her mouth.' You're the only person my age I can talk to but my sister.'

"You have a sister?" Will laid onto his back, looking up at the ceiling before blocking his eyes with his hand.

'Avala, but now we don't see eye to eye, Ever since our queen passed her blessing onto me.'

"Do I have to be worried; I'm going to see twins?"

'Not at all.' Hydra chuckled. 'We may sound the same, but our skin is different.' Will stays quiet. "Her skin is white while mine is blue." Will hummed as Hydra became quiet. 'It looks like I have to go.'

"Ok." Will sighs.

'Get some sleep. And don't worry, I'll know when you need me.'

"Hey, Hydra."


"Thanks." Hydra becomes quiet as Will hears her heart raced.

'You're welcome. Get some sleep.' Her voice became silent as he squinted his eyes for a minute before closing them.


"Hey." A voice pierces Will's ears. "Will." He opened his eyes to the wall of his bunk before he peaked over his shoulder at Max with a weak smirk. "You're ready?"

"For what?" Will's tired eyes looked to his as he sat himself up.

"We're heading out for something to eat. And I know you all are tired of fast food and my home cooking." He chuckled as Will yawned. "I heard they have the best lobster."

"Alright. I'm coming." Will said under his breath before hopping from his bunk.

"We'll be waiting." Max exited from the curtains leaving Will on his lonesome.

"Where's my shoes?" Will said under his breath. "I can't leave without them."

The boy gazed about in the sleeping quarters before taking a knee, opening a drawer attached to the bunk. Gwen's laptop laid doorment.

'That girl.' A voice whispered in Will's head. 'Do you honestly believe she's helping you?'

Will closes the drawer.

"It. Hurts." Will said under his breath, standing to his feet. "But, I respect Gwen for that. She said like it is maybe now or later." Will opened the curtains to the empty RV.

The boy approached the closest, opening it. He noticed the box of souvenirs sitting on the floorboard.

'If you're smart.' Another voice whispered. 'Her's loyalty and that watch would make you two unstoppable.'

The boy ignored the comment as he noticed the gloves Max used to wear. His eyes linger on it before he sees his sneakers.

"There you are." Will grabs it before closing the closest shut.

He sat on the booth chair, trying them on. "There!" Will slaps his shoes, smirking at his work.

He approaches the RV door grabbing the handle. He stopped himself.

'Second thoughts?' A voice whispered, causing Will to sigh. 'They don't bite. Hopefully.'

Will opened the door to the Tennysons standing in the parking lot in front of a Mall.

"Can't wait!" Max smirks at Will, closing the door. "Let's hurry before they run out of seats." Max comments, taking the lead with the children in tow.

Their shoes and boots touched the cement as their eyes watched many civilians exiting and entering that mall.

Will turned his head to Gwen, that looked away from him.

"Ok! In we go." Max held the door for the three before entering after them.

"Sweet! It has a cinema." Benita commented, folding her arms while Will followed her gaze.

Behind the long line towards the cinema had

resting area of circles like chairs.

"It sure does." Max walked past the two. "Come on." He took the lead once more as the three followed in tow.

"Hey." A voice whispered to his left. Will noticed Gwen a shoulder-length from him. "I would like to.. apologize for earlier."

"There's. No need." Will said indifferently, causing Gwen's jaw to drop.

"What I said-"

"What you said opened my eyes." Will avoid Gwen's eyes. "Don't rub it in." The boy said under his breath.

He stayed quiet while Gwen's eyes lingered on him. She noticed Benita looking at her from the corner of her eyes. She looked away.

'For someone that understands.' A voice whispered in Will's head. 'You're doing the opposite.'

The boy only put his hands in his pockets while standing on the escalator behind Benita and Max.

'And what?' Another voice whispered. 'You expect him to forget about it?!'

'That's not what I meant!'

'Oh? Enlightened us.' The boy looks to the shopping court.

'The girl was in the heat of the moment. I'm glad he acknowledges her mistake. But why turn a cold shoulder?'

'She better be grateful that's all she got!' Will heard the voice growl.

'Boy?!' Will clenches his teeth. 'Do you hear this?!'

The boy forced his eyes closed as They came to a stop; on the second floor.

The arguing voices ceased.

The escalator momentum caused Will stumbled forward while a pair of hands grabbed onto him.

It was Gwen.

"You ok?" She questioned while Will lightly brushed her off.

"Thanks." He said under his breath.

"Business. Booming." Max huffed, staring at the long line of people nearly touching the other restaurant. He smirked back at the children. "But I came prepared." Max walked to the restaurant's opened entrance called Lobster Tails.

The three followed.

"Hello!" A door woman greeted Max approaching. "Welcome to Lobster tails! How can I help you?"

"Aaah. yes." Max smirked. "I have a reservation under the name Max Tennyson."

"Ok." She said under her breath, scanning her book. "Here you are." She smiled before looking up at Max. "Oh. Uh." The door lady studied Max's appearance before noticing the children behind him.

Max raised a brow.

"You were saved by that alien." Max staggered. "On the news."

"Let's just keep it between us." Max leaned toward the Door lady with a nervous smile.

The door lady nodded before grabbing the menus on the side of her post.

"Please." She stretches her arm to the door. "Follow me."

Max and the children do so as they hear voices of laughter and chatting behind an opened red curtain.

"This way." The door lady opened the curtain for the four.

They entered.

Their shoes and boots hit the red carpet as their eyes landed on white tables that scattered the room from the first to the second floor.

A stage of musicians ranging from cello and violins played their soft notes among the chatting diners.

"How much you paid to get in? " Benita said under her breath.

Her eyes stayed on the stage across the room.

"Don't worry about it. It's my treat." Max whispered to Benita while grasping her shoulder.

"Here you are." The door lady sat the menus on the table close to the kitchen. The Tennyson and Glover took their seats. "Someone will be with you." She flashed a smile before leaving.

'Fancy.' A voice whispered in Will's head before he grasped his menu.

'Grilled salmon with vegetables.' The voice stated while Will's eyes landed on it. 'You must have a balanced diet.'

'What? No!' Another voice shouted while Will squinted his eyes. 'Lobster with tiger shrimps! The boy needs meat in his bones.'

"W-what are you two?" Will said under his breath, leaning closer to his menu. "My Nutritionist?!"

'Darling, we're only doing what's best for you.' A voice filled Will's head.

'And by best. You mean to disappoint.' Will hears another voice growl. 'Seriously! You're setting the boy up for failure!'

'A balanced diet will keep him nimble!' The voice roared.

Will clenches the menu.

'High Protein will make the boy stronger and intimidating!' The other roared back.

"Quiet!" Will hissed. "I'm choosing what I want! And maybe then I'll choose what you want!" His eyes land on the Tennyson's staring back at him.

Will gives an awkward smile before hiding behind the menu.

"Does anyone have anything to say?" Will said under his breath.

'Pancreas and brains are juicy and tender. It's a great protein for humans like you.' Will only stared at his menu as his skin grew pale.

"So!" Max voiced, getting Will to lower his menu. "Any news on your parents?"

"Uh, well." Will collected himself as he looked away from their gazes. "I never bother."

"It can't hurt to hear from them every once in a while. Can it? " Max smirk while Will only nod.


"Look what we have here!" A voice said over Will's head, chuckling. He stretched his arm past Will's shoulder.

The boy followed the white sleeve to the hand, placing a dish of ice cream covered with caramel and sparkle chocolate chip on the table.


"Enjoy!" The waiter smirked before leaving their table.

"Grandpa?" Gwen raised a brow to Max on her right.

"Maybe it's just a mixed up." Max eyed the waiter entering the kitchen.

"Mix up or not." Benita picked up her chair before sitting beside Will's right. "We're not wasting it." She smiled innocently at Will.

"We?" Will raised a brow.

"Please." Benita's eyes quake.

Will stared back at the mountain of ice cream and back to Benita's lip quivering.

"Alright." Will breath escapes his mouth.

"Eek!" Benita squealed, grabbing the spoon from her side of the table. "You're the best!" She raises her spoon to the sundae, only for a giant bowl to slam on her head.

"Oh!" Will jumped out of his seat, followed by Max and Gwen.

The soft music came to a halt.

"I-I'm so sorry!!" A waitress scrambled to her feet.

Crawfish showered Benita head to toe. She lifts the bowl from her, making more spill onto her lap. She gazed blankly.

Gwen clasps her mouth, snickering.

"Laugh it up!" Benita stated as she glared at Gwen. Will and the Waitress approached Benita."That's all you are!"

The waitress and Will pulled the bowl from Benita, only for the Crawfish to get into her shirt.

"HAAA!!" Benita shot up in a panic, fanning out her shirt only for one to crawl into her nose. "UHAAA!!" Benita screams, falling onto her back.


Walking through the mall, Max and Gwen laughed while Benita glared off to the distance.

"Haha! Ok, that too was good." Gwen wipes her tears.

"In all my travels." Max chuckled, trying to catch his breath. "I never saw a crawfish crawl up someone's nostrils...until now!" Gwen joins in the fun while Benita growls, looking away.

"W-will." Gwen turns to the boy on her right with his hands in his pockets. "You've seen that?"

"I did." Will hid his face from the three.

"The food was good, wasn't it?" Gwen questioned, turning to Benita on Will's left.

A chuckle escaped from Will's lips, getting Benita's attention.

"Stop it." Will clenched his smile shut, looking to the polished floor.

"If nothing is going for you in the future. There's always a shrimp boat."

The boy cracks: muffling his laughter.

Benita looks away, furrowing her brows.

"Ok. Ok. I'll stop." Gwen smirked. "I'm sorry." She smirked harder, not getting a reaction from Benita. "I'm serious. And besides." Will noticed Gwen rubbing her thumb against the charm around her neck. "I feel like I owe you." She looks to Will. "You too." Gwen walks up to the hotdog stand in the center of the hall. "Two, please."

"Stop them!! They took my purse." A voice caused the four to snap forward to Three punks appearing from the corner of the hall.

"Haha! Lose weight, then you will!!" The first teen laughed with his friends.

Before the three stopped in front of Gwen. With a pipe, a wrench, and Skateboard in hand.

"Nice necklace, little girl." The boy flicks his wrist: holding the pipe. "Let me borrow it." He reaches for it but for Max to stretch his arm in front of Gwen.

The hot worker staggered back behind the counter.

"How about you return what you stole. Or do I have to do it for you?" Max stated, causing the punks to crackle.

"Gramps forgot his meds today." The teen: with a wrench, chuckled.

"On. It." Benita whispers to Will.

The girl hides behind the food stand counter away from the eyes watching the encounter.

Will stood by Gwen's side before undescribable whispers filled his ears. The teen holding a skateboard bumps the arm of his friend holding: the wretch. Their eyes land on Will.

"Scare your brain stopped functioning?" His comment got Max and Gwen to notice.

The boy feels something tingle down his nose. Blood.

"Come on, work!" Benita's hissing grew as her hand: continued slamming on the watch, but no luck.

"There they are!" A Senior Citizen appeared down the hall, pointing to the attempted shakedown with a Mall officer by her side.

"Hey, stop right there!" He raced.

"Damn, it's the fuzz!" The teen with a skateboard stumbled back. "Come on!" He shouted.

"Shit! D! Leave them!" The second teenager, carrying the wrench, cusses as he watches the Mall officer built like a football player: run-down hall, passing, curious civilians.

The teen, holding the pipe, grunts aiming it at Max.

"I'm not telling you-" A loud bang from the hot dog counter caused everyone to stagger at the sudden noise.

Max rushes the kid. He grabbed his arm before hurling the teen over his shoulder.

The boy falls onto his back, letting out a quick grasp.

"You fucker!!" The punk swings his wrench at Max, only for him to back step from the attempt.

"AAAH!!" The civilian's scream filled the hall as Max regained his footing.

"RAAAGH!" The boy swiped for Max's chin. Max spun around the teen before putting him in a headlock while grabbing his armed hand with another. "GET OFF ME!" The teen shouts as his other friend staggered.

"You on your own!!" The teen jumps on his board before riding down the other end of the hall.

"HEY?!" Gwen shouts, racing after him. "Don't move!"

"Gwen! Stop!" Will races after her.

Will followed Gwen sprinting after the teen rolling down the hall.

"Agh!" A man exiting a shoe store stumbles back to the entrance watching the reckless Skater roll past him with Gwen and Will on his tail.

The Skater's eyes land on the escalator leading down the second floor.

"Move! Move!" The teen roared at the pack of civilians on it. They scream before a split second, the Skater ollie onto the ramp of the escalator. "Fuck!!" He screams.

Gwen and Will lose sight of him.

Gwen races to the railing near the escalator before diving over it, The civilians scream.

The boy races to the railing, looking down on Gwen, climbing out of the ball pit in the children's play area.

Will noticed the Skater speeding down the hall, swinging past the crowd.

Gwen sprints past the shocked children before exiting from the gate.

Will pushed himself from the railing before rushing to the escalator. The boy vaults onto it, sliding down to the ground floor.

The wind breaks onto his face before his feet slam onto the floor.

He rolled to a knee before rushing after Gwen and The Skater.

Will panted as he ran through the tunnel of eyes.

"You alright?" A woman said, standing a man up to his feet with his two children aiding him.

Will ran right past them.

'Down the hall. They're turning a corner.' A voice whispered.

Will followed down the hall of destruction before seeing Gwen riding on a mall scooter, reaching the end of the mall.

"Shit!" Will panted before rushing after them.

The Skater hops off his board.

The board slams onto the door while He stumbles to the exit pushing everyone out of his way.

Gwen hops off her's, but the scooter rolls into the hands of a Tattooed man coming out from a Tattoo shop. He stared dumbfounded at the conflict.

"Move! Out of the way!" Gwen shouted down the hall, squeezing through the doors of the exit.

Will stomps quicken as he pushes himself from the exit.

The half-moon rained down the parking lot as the boy stumbled to a stop.

Gwen grew inches from the Skater exiting the doors and out on the parking lot.

She reaches her hand out for his back.

"STOP!" A civilian roared before a loud screech echoed.

A car crashed into the Skater. That smashes the windshield before rolling onto the cement.

A few screams call out as Gwen planted her shoes on the cement standing in front of the car that could have hit her.

"Christ!" Will roared, rushing to Gwen, that wasn't moving a muscle.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" A young driver climbs out of his car, grasping his hair. "I-I didn't see you!" He panted.

Will grasp Gwen's shoulder, causing her to flinch. Her frightened eyes land on his.

"Oh god!" The Skater groans until rolling to his knees. He grasped his chest as the Young driver kneeled beside him.

A police cruiser stopped behind the crash, flashing red and blue lights while a crowd gathered.

Two police officers climbed out of their car while the second officer pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

The young driver stood on his feet with his eyes quivering.

"I-I didn't mean for this!" The young driver staggered to the Police Officer's approaching. "I just got my licenses!" His voice cracked.

"Kid. Slow down." The first officer approached the young driver. "This is none of your concern." He lowered his voice as the Second officer stood the Skater to his feet.

"Ah! Argh!" The Skater hissed before the officer slammed handcuffs onto the boy.

"You've learned your lesson, have you?" The second officer guided the limbing Skater to their Cruiser. "You're father will have your head for this."

"Gwen!" Will looked Gwen in her blank eyes. "Gwen!" Will raised his voice, grasping her shoulders.

Gwen blinked her eyes before raising her brows.

"Will?" She questioned.

Will squinted his eyes at her.

"The hell was that?!" Will panted, causing Gwen to stagger. "Do you have a death wish?!"

"I-I." Gwen avoids her eyes from his piercing ones. "I was in the heat of the moment."

"Heat of the moment?!" Will raised his voice. "You would have died!"


Will pulled Gwen into his chest.

"Don't ever do that again!" Will rested his chin on her orange hair. "How would your family take it when risking your life this?!"

The boy panted, ignoring the sweat rolling down his head as he felt Gwen's arms wrapped around his back.

"Gwen! Will!" Max's voice escaped the curious crowd from the mall. Max and Benita pushed through the crowd after them.

Gwen runs from Will's arm before running into Max's. "I'm so glad you two, alright." Max rubs Gwen's hair.

Benita nodded to Will as he did the same, catching his breath.

The boy noticed a purple cat mask hanging on Gwen's back.

"Tell me." The first officer places his hands on the belt relaxing his shoulders. "Do you know what causes this?"

"Something blinded me." The young driver wipes from his face with his red shirt. "L-like it was a yellow light. I tried to stop."

"Yellow light?" The officer gazed around before staring back at the kid. "Ok. A yellow light."

"Y-You got to believe me!"

Will calmed his breath as he noticed a yellow glow; coming between Max and Gwen.

He squinted his eyes.


Will toss and turn in his bunk until looking to the ceiling.

"Why can't I sleep?" Will said under his breath while setting his hands on his gut. He remembered his malfunction. "Maybe." He squinted his eyes before looking off his bunk. "Ben?" Will whispered, but all he heard was snoring. He drops from his bunk, seeing Benita and Max asleep and Gwen's bed, neatly made up. "Gwen?" He whispers, going to the mid of the RV but seeing no one.

He exits the RV throwing on a dark-blue hoodie.

It was still dark out; the RV was in a neighborhood in front of the Basketball Court and the destruction site.

He noticed Gwen bouncing the basketball. She threw it over her shoulder.

The ball rolled across the powerlines.

Bounces from a Satellite dish and falls into the hoop.

"Fifth. In the row." Gwen said under her breath, picking up the ball. "This is awesome." Gwen brushes her thumb on the charm around her neck.

"I'm not playing horse with you." Will's voice caused Gwen to snap to Will, handing her a grey hoodie. "That charm." Will watches Gwen throw on the hoodie. "Where do you get it?"

"Ben. After that tantrum, I threw." Gwen sighs before landing her eyes on Will. "I'm sorry."

"Water under the bridge." Will planted his hands in his jacket. "Judging by that performance, it's a lucky charm."

"Yeah." Gwen bounces the ball. "At the mall, I only followed my instinct." She bounced: the ball again. "It's almost like I have a second mind of my own."

"Promised me you won't do that again." Will cocked his head.

"I promise." Gwen nodded as Will smirked. "My turn. Why are you up so early?"

"Can't sleep. So, do you always get up at two o'clock to test your luck? Or you're afraid to LOSE!!" Will rushes Gwen slapping the ball out of her hand. "How did you—" Will turned back to Gwen, smirking with the ball still in her hand.

"This is. A terrible idea." Gwen remarked.

Will backed up, throwing a hood over his head.

"Skill beats luck every time." He smirked. " Or are you scared of what I can do?"

Gwen scoffed before passing the ball to Will.

"As if." She grins.

Bouncing the ball, Will kept his eyes on Gwen.

"Where am I going? Where am I going?" Will questioned before his hands turned red.

He shoots the ball across the court, earning a bucket.

"Beginner's luck." Gwen huff picking up the ball.

"You're right. Where's yours?"

"Seriously?" Gwen giggled before bouncing the ball.

"Show me what you got, Gwendolyn." Will chuckled.

Gwen's charm glowed as her eyes stayed on his.

"Take it easy. We all scared for our first." Will commented as he grinned at the girl.

Gwen fainted to the left before crossing Will.

"Ack!" Will falls to the ground as Gwen shoots her shoot.

It was a bucket.

"Take it easy." Gwen opened her hand to Will with a grin. "We all scared for our first."

"Ha. Ha." Will takes her hand. "You won't be so cocky when I beat you."

"Keep. Dreaming." Gwen remarked as her charm: and Will's eyes glowed.


"Aaaaaaagh." Max snores as drool falls from his strong chin.

Benita tossed and turned before forcing her pillow to her face.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" She screamed into it."Ugh." She groans before laughter and something bouncing on the cement gain her attention.

Benita climbs out of bed, looking through the blinds squinting her eyes from the bright light.

Will and Gwen are now out of their hoodies and covered with sweat.

Will chases Gwen running around the court, looking for a spot to shoot.

Benita closes the blind before throwing on her clothes. She opens the RV door letting in the sun.

Benita winces before gaining her eyesight.

Gwen ran to the side of the court, keeping her eyes on Will, guarding her against the goal.

Her charm glowed as she sprinted past Will, only for a blue line to block her.

"You're not going to trick me again." Will panted.

"The same goes for you." Gwen pants, back at Will.

They gazed: seriously at each other.

"What's this?" Benita called, getting Will's attention.

Gwen shoots the ball across the court, earning a bucket.

"Game!" Gwen chuckled while Will only shook his head.

"Good. Game." Will said, wiping sweat with his blue shirt.

"Aw! Don't tell me your mad?" She places her hands behind her back, leaning toward Will's face with a smile.

Will winces.

"Back up. I can smell your breath."

"No, you don't." Gwen lightly punches Will's chest.

"Ok. No one going to tell me were doing this?" Benita raised a brow, approaching the two.

"You were sleeping." Will wipes the sweat from his eyes with his shirt. "And besides, it was around four in the morning."

"And?" Benita crosses her arms.

"Alright, dweeb." Gwen picks up the ball and leans it on her hip. "We'll battle you."

Benita activates her watch with a smirk on her face.

"Next time." Gwen finished.

"What?" Benita scoff. "Fine. Will your up."

"Not now, Ben." Will panted before taking a sit on a bench by the RV. "Let me catch my breath."

Benita inactive her watch before rubbing the bridge of her nose.


The RV door opens, revealing Max cracking a smile.

"This is a nice change of pace." Max noticed Will seated at a picnic table. "What happened?" Max questioned with a smirk. "You're looking down." Will goes to open his mouth.

"He's salty. Because he lost." Gwen cut Will off, sitting by Will's right. "To me." She smiled, placing a hand on her chest.

Will lightly pushes her shoulder.

"So." Benita raised her voice, getting the attention of the two. "Will, you hate sports." Will and Gwen squinted their eyes at her. "What made you change your mind?"

"What happened yesterday. I want to avoid that." Will took a sip of water. "Plus, I need to get in shape. I can't keep up with you guys."

"Finally!" She exclaimed while Will squinted his eyes at her. "Those Doritos gonna make you fat." She reaches for Will's gut.

The boy slaps her hand. "Hey!"

"Watch it, little girl."

An explosion erupts from the quiet housing area.

They snapped their heads to the explosion at the destruction site not far from the court.

Two workers were hanging on the window lift outside the building while the fire above roared.

"It looks like it's time for a hero!" Benita stated as she scanned through the dial.

"Make that two." She runs away back into the RustBucket, dumbfounding Max.

"Get them out of there. I got the fire!" Will shouted, passing Benita.

Red rock scale-up Will's body while Magma wanders through the cracks; His head caught flames.

"Come on!" Nova shouted, sliding to a halt. "I was going for Grid." Wildmutt ran past him. "Fine." Underneath his feet: burst a stream of fire.

He flew to the top and rolled in, looking around the room in flames. He hears coughing and wheezing through the smokey environment.

"Where are you?!" Nova roared, wandering around, shielding his eyes.

"Over...here." Nova looks back. The worker is on the other side of the debris. "Help!"

"Stand. Back." Nova warned as he placed his hands on the debris. The Magma burns through: creating a sizeable hole. "Come on." Nova and the worker scanned the room before finding the stairs to the other level.

They ran down the stairs and the hall.

The ceiling above Nova: start to break, and the construction worker's eyes widen.

"Look out!" He tackles Nova from behind while the ceiling comes down behind them, revealing the lower level. The worker drew back, hissing.

"I'm sorry! You alright!" Nova stood to his feet to the worker standing to his.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." He released his hand from a burnt mark on his face. "At least I got a story to tell my girlfriend."

"O-ok." He looks down, noticing no flames are below, but the drop is huge. "Ok, I think I know what to do. Ha!! Agh!!!" Nova clenches his hands, grunting.

Undescribable voices filled his head.

"What are you doing?!!" The worker questioned, causing Nova to stop.

"Uh, thinking..." Nova raised a brow before looking down at the hole on the floor. Suddenly a hamper slowly arrived below the hole. "Hey, look at that. Jump." He gazed at the construction worker.

"What?!!!" He coughed. "Are you-"

"I wasn't asking." Nova cut him off, pushing him down the hole.

"WAAAAAAA!!" The Construction worker luckily: made it into the hamper without a scratch.

"You can do this." He prepared himself, watching the Construction worker drop out of the hamper. "You got this."


'She's here.' A voice breaks in Nova's head.

A sand pillar breaks through the wall: hitting Nova.

He crashes through several walls and rolls across the floor surrounded by dry walls. "Ugh!" He rubbed his head before looking up at Wanda entering from the hole with an enormous smile.

"I must say. You have my interest, boy.~" Wanda stated as Nova jumped to his feet.

"Did you plan this?!" Nova roared, pointing his fists at Wanda.

"It's to you to find out." She throws her hand forward.

The sand pillar comes to strike, but Nova rolls from the attack. The sand pillar crash through the wall while a few brinks fly out.

Nova took cover behind the drywall.

Wanda gazed around.


A girl dressed in a cat mask and black and purple attire looks up at the roaring flames growing.

"What's taking him so long?" She said under her breath.

"Gwen!" Max clears his throat. " I mean Lucky Girl. Have any clue on how to put out the fire?" The masked girl eyed a pile of sandbags, a crane, and a bag of dynamite.

She smirked while her charm: lit.


Wanda peaked behind the wall with a plastered smile.

Nova remained unfounded.

"You know. Mr. Glover." Wanda started pacing around the room of drywall. "Ever since that night, I thought of something." She walked through the wall making a sizeable hole while Nova moved from her line of sight: unnoticed. "How could a rock-like humanoid be allied with something that moved as fast as Egyptian Mau but greater." Nova followed up, creeping behind Wanda. "Until it clicks-" Nova strikes from behind.

His punch causes Wanda to stumble forward.

Nova lunged, putting Wanda in a headlock. Smokes hazes from Nova's grasp, causing Wanda to wince.

"Ha.Ha. HAHAHA!!!" Wanda's boom of laughter gets Nova's attention. "There you are." Sand and purple gas burst from Witchdoctor, causing Nova to crash through a wall. He rolled to his chest before quickly standing to his feet.

Nova stumbled to his feet, blinking. The room around him spins.

Smirking, Wanda slowly approaches him.

"What did you do to me?" Nova's legs shook, but he remained tall.

"The question is, can you vanquished me?" Five Wanda's appear, walking side by side, making Nova staggered.

"The fuck?" Nova cursed before clenching his fists.

"Now, let's have some fun." The clones of Wanda state before stomping their foot onto the floor.

Five ripples of sand came all at once.

Nova jumped, grabbing the ceiling support.

He shot fireballs at the two with his feet. They block it while he melts the ceiling supports before pulling them down.

"AAAAAAAH!!" Nova screams, flipping until crashing onto the third floor. Debris and equipment rain down. His eyes widen. He rolled from dodging saw blades, wood, and drills. A saw lands in between his legs. "Ha!"

He crawls back, getting back on his feet. He stumbles into a blueprint table, and a sand pillar strikes Nova.

He crashes through the wall: alerting everyone outside.

Nova made dirt touches the sky.

Nova rolls from his shoulder before aiming his fist at the hole he crashed through.

Wanda appeared, looking down at him.

Wildmutt snarled, shaking the wet concrete off her fur and climbing the building after her.

Wanda left his line of vision while Wildmutt entered the hole.

"Nova?" Nova snapped his aim at Max. "Hey, Hey." He said softly. Nova pants taking a minute to think.

"Sorry." He raised to his feet.

"Hey! Sir, can I ask some questions!" Nova and Max snapped to a crowd of reporters approaching them.

"I heard your name is Nova! What is the purpose of your kind causing destruction?"

Nova ignores the reporter's bomb rushing him with questions. He stared at the hole to see Wildmutt looking down at him.

"Do you know how Helicon Bay became a wasteland? By the reports, there were sightings of mutants you currently faced!"

"Bio-terrorist!" The other reporter corrected.

Nova took to the skies. "Hey!" Nova shouts, flying from the area.

The voices grew quiet.

"Do you hear me?!" Nova shakes his head. "Why is this getting worst by a minute?" Nova boost across the sky.