
Starting from Ben 10 Check-In Chapter 16: No Way!

Max was even able to hold Dr. Animo down, constantly warning him, "If you keep messing around, I'll have to get serious!"

"Darn it, you old man, let go of me. Can any random old man beat me up now?!" Dr. Animo was angrily yelling, being pressed down by a pair of big hands.

"Grandpa is indeed an old electrician, this combat power, directly dominating Dr. Animo ah." Four Arms looked astonished, murmuring to himself.

"The world is going downhill. Can an old man like this beat me up?"

Dr Animo cursed in his heart, quickly reaching out to his chest, twisting the gears, the genetic variation on his head flashing with bursts of electric light!!


A burst of electric light waves emitted, landing in a cage.

Inside the cage was originally a fur-yellow, simple and cute sun bear.

Under the electric light, the sun bear's body swelled like a balloon, instantly bursting out of the wire cage, and turning into a monster the size of a small car!

Its teeth also became as sharp as knife tips, its tiny eyes crimson, like the eyes of a poisonous snake!

"This is..."

Max looked at the huge sun bear in front of him, his expression stunned.

"Get out of the way!"

Taking advantage of Max's distraction, Dr. Animo managed to wriggle out from under Max and crawled to the side of the huge sun bear!

At the same time, he also saw Four Arms standing behind!

"Grandpa, I'm here, please step aside!" Four Arms came to Max's side, staring at the huge sun bear in front of him, and said softly.


Max looked at Four Arms's burly figure and consciously retreated more than ten steps, keeping a safe distance.

"Grandpa? Is this monster related to that smelly old man?" Dr Animo squinted his eyes, continuing to manipulate the genetic variation, releasing another light wave!


The electric light wave directly landed on another black hamster!

The black hamster also swelled up in size, like the huge sun bear, its black fur as sharp as needles, resembling a large hedgehog!

"Two!" Four Arms's expression became slightly serious, his four arms spread out, standing up and facing the two large hamsters!

"One monster can't handle you, so two is safer." Dr. Animo's face showed satisfaction, commanding loudly, "You two, attack him! Remember, knock out this four-eyed freak and bring him to me!"

He wanted to use Four Arms as an experiment!

"Knock me out?" Four Arms smiled indifferently.


"Detected check-in target: Sun Bear subjected to genetic variation!"

"Subdue the Sun Bear and complete the check-in!"


"Detected check-in target: Hamster subjected to genetic variation!"

"Knock out the hamster to complete the check-in!"

Four Arms didn't expect Dr. Animo to trigger two check-in tasks for him again!!

This made him ecstatic!!

Although it might be a white reward, the enhancement of strength, or the continuation of transformation, these rewards were also very valuable, directly enhancing his combat power!

"Why is this guy so happy when he's about to die?" Dr. Animo suddenly felt happy when he saw Four Arms's expression, feeling somewhat puzzled.


Four Arms looked at Dr. Animo and suppressed his smile, "By the way, your name is Dr. Animo, right?"

"That's right, I am the scientist Dr. Animo." Dr. Animo was somewhat surprised that this big guy would recognize him and proudly admitted it.

"Can you do me a favour?" Four Arms's eyes showed a hint of expectation.


Dr. Animo's mouth curved with a hint of sarcasm, letting the two huge hamsters stay still, showing a mocking look on his face, "I understand your meaning. Do you want to beg for mercy? It's a bit late to beg for mercy now, but I might consider forgiving you if you're willing to kneel and beg for mercy."

Seeing such a big guy, but a coward!

First, ridicule this four-handed idiot, then turn him into his slave!

"No, you misunderstood me. What I meant was, could you make a few more mutant animals for me to fight? These two are a bit lacking." Four Arms scratched his head, sincerely saying.

The air seemed to freeze.