
Ben 10: Earth's Mightiest Heroes

Ben is sent to the world of Earth's Mightiest Heroes! With political and cosmic danger on the rise, it's up to Ben and the Marvel heroes to set things straight. | (Ben 10xAvengers EMH/Marvel) | Patreon.com/Firestorm808 | Discord Server: discord.gg/2uP8ka2

Firestorm808 · Anime & Comics
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Not According to Plan

Grayburn College

Hank's Laboratory

Across town, Hank worked on one of his Ultron sentry heads. Most of them had been destroyed when the Helicarrier and the Big House went down. At the moment, he was in the process of optimizing them for the next model. Preoccupied with his tinkering, he barely noticed Jan ranting to him until she shrank down and flew right into his field of vision.

"You never listen to me. I can't believe you don't think this is cool!"

"Wait, what? Oh, I do think this is cool," Hank replied, completely missing her point. He gestured to the Ultron head. "The modifications I've made to the AI are very exciting."

Wasp sighed at this. "Ugh, not stupid Ultron, the Avengers! We're superheroes now!"

Hank wasn't as enthusiastic. "I'm a scientist."

"With Superpowers! On a superhero team!" Wasp got in Hank's face.

Hank pushed himself away from his worktable, Ultron robot head in hand. "Look, I applaud the idea. But just because Iron Man says we're a team doesn't make it so. We're six strangers," He clarified. "It takes time to form a team. It takes trust."

"Hank, how can you expect us to build trust if we don't even try? This is no different than one of your collaborative projects."

"I suppose…"

"All I'm asking from you is a chance. The main goal of this group is to help people. You love helping people! Can't you just give it a try, for me?"

Hank took a breath. "I owe you that much, at the very least. We don't guarantee it'll work, but we'll have some experience with this sort of thing moving forward."

Jan stopped to ponder. "I wonder where Thor slept before now. Does he even sleep? I bet Hulk just slept wherever he wanted." She gasped with an epiphany.

"That's it! I'm moving into the mansion!"

"What?!" Hank gasped, whirling around and staring. "You have a penthouse apartment in the city," Hank tried to argue. "Y-You don't have to—."

Jan flew up to his face again. "Firemen sleep in the firehouse," she reasoned before flying off to prepare her things. With that, she was gone.

Hank sighed deeply and spoke to the Ultron head in his hands. "She's very excited."

Stark Industries

Tony's Office

Tony sat at his desk, looking at Fury, who had his back turned. He looked to Pepper. "I don't remember him on the schedule."

Potts shrugged. "He's Nick Fury. He wanted a meeting. What was I supposed to do? He's already stonewalling our government permits and contract proposals." Her piece said, she left the room.

Tony glanced back to Fury. "Let me guess. S.H.I.E.L.D. needs weapons, you want to recruit Iron Man, and you need my help."

Nick huffed in amusement. "Not this time. This time, I came to help you. You see, believe it or not... I want your little Avengers Project to succeed."

Behind his desk, Tony raised a brow at the bold declaration.

Avengers Mansion

Four Arms and Hulk closed the front door. "Hey, J.A.R.V.I.S! Hulk and I are going to grab a bite to eat and hand at the park. That cool?"

From a nearby Terminal, J.A.R.V.I.S replied. "You are free to come and go just as any other Avenger. I shall take care of Thor in your absences."

Pepper, having received the notification from J.A.R.V.I.S, added on. "Please don't break anything while you're gone. I'm also in charge of your PR."

Four Arms and Hulk huffed in amusement. "Trust me and Hulk to know how to handle ourselves in public. Worst-case scenario, another escapee shows up.

"That's an inevitable concern, but still, take care.

"Thanks!" With that, the duo hit the streets of New York.


In the mansion, Thor sat alone in the lounge, staring at the fireplace, lost in the dancing flames as he reflected. While Thor was familiar with the television, growing up in a magical land gave the Asgardian little interest in watching right now. Instead, he contemplated on the events of the day. When he showed interest in joining the Avengers, he expected training and the occasional fights. However, today showed that there were a lot of logistics involved in being a hero of Earth. 'Not too dissimilar to the responsibilities of a King and managing Asgard.' He felt the bitter taste of his father's words from before. Knowing that the mansion had something like an enchanted spirit, he spoke. "Ethereal Voice? J.A.R.V.I.S?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Would you say that being an Avenger involves a lot of responsibilities and planning, like managing prisoner holdings and relations with the government?"

"Most definitely. For the Avengers to perform their duties smoothly, there needs to be a proper support system under them. Does Asgard not experience similar situations?"

Thor was silent before speaking. "I would be lying to say that my activities at home were not supported by others. I was never great at diplomacy and managing the kingdom. My father and his advisors maintained Asgard while I and others were on missions." The thunder god sighed. "Perhaps I was wrong about my home's need of me."

New York Central Park

Four Arms and Hulk laid back against a grassy hill, each of them with stacks of pizzas. The occasional jogger gave them looks but continued on their way. Some people were wary, but seeing the two giants wait in line for food upturned their impressions.

"They were not wrong, Hulk. There are, like, 30 Ray's Pizzas. They all claim to be the original, but the real one's in Little Italy."

Hulk ate a slice whole. "Boston style is more filling.

"Aren't those like inches thick?"

"Yup." He turned to the alien. "Never had Chicago pizza."

"I dunno. From what I saw, they seem more like a casserole in a bread bowl. Isn't the cheese below the sauce?"

Hulk shrugged. "Still good. Buttery crust. Layers of cheese and meat."

"Meh. I like my crust and extra cheese, but I think needing to eat it with a spoon is a bit much." Four Arms bit another slice. "Maybe we can hitch a ride on the jet to Chicago and try it out next week."

The giant paused another bit. "Not sure if I'm still here."

The other hero raised a brow. "What do you mean?"

Hulk put down his food and laid back. "Hard to trust strangers, even you."

Four Arms frowned. "This have anything to do with Bruce?"

Hulk groaned. "Bruce has… issues. I deal with them. He's… vulnerable."

"Bruce gave the abridged version of what happened. Not hard to believe your bosses turned on their employees. Look at what happened to Graviton. Grated, he was super obsessed with his powers. You're not, preferring to isolate yourself."

"Never know when they hurt me, or I hurt them. Easier to be alone."

The alien took a breath. "Is that really what you want?"

Hulk opened his mouth to say yes, only to say otherwise. "I… don't know."

"You think everyone's afraid of you, that they either want to use or destroy you."

Hulk nodded. "Can't trust anyone. Everyone has their guard up for the monster."

Four Arms stared out into the park. Their appearance had already caused people to leave. "Not everyone."

As soon as Hulk heard that, the alien next to him released a bright green light. Familiar with the glow, he covered his eyes. When he put them down, he blinked at the form before him. It was a brown-haired human with green eyes wearing a white jacket and brown slacks.

Ben smirked at the green giant. "You're not a monster, Hulk. Monsters have no reason, morals, or motive. I've already met Bruce, and it's only fair that you meet the person behind the transformations. Name's Ben. Ben Tennyson."

Hulk made a confused face. "Human?"

Ben laughed. "I didn't lie about being part alien."

The giant wasn't really sure what to say. This was definitely a first outside of Rick Jones, let alone another Super. However, before Hulk could open his mouth, Ben's eyes widened in shock.

"Look out!" Ben dove to his left as a blast of green energy reduced his area and pizza boxes to slag. "Not the pizza!" Behind the crest of the hill, another flash of green appeared.

The new transformation had a large black-haired muscular being with bolts on each side of his neck and torso and two tower-shaped conductor coil-like generators on his back. Frankenstrike growled alongside the Hulk. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

From the tree line, a pair of people who looked awfully familiar stomped onto the scene.

The first was an extremely beautiful woman with fair skin, green eyes, and long blonde hair which reaches down to her waist. The voluptuous woman wore a skin-tight green suit, a matching mini-skirt, and a tiara.

The second wielded a giant axe. He was bald and as big as the hulk with a handlebar mustache. He wore red chainmail, shoulder plates, and brown boots and gloves.

The blonde grumbled and pointed another glowing finger at the alien. "I have been trying all day to get that green oaf to listen to me, but you keep getting in my way!"

Frankenstrike blinked. "I did?" His mind recalled his earlier conversation with Azmuth. "Oh… Still have no idea what I did."

Stark Industries

Fury walked up to Stark's desk "Officially, SHIELD tolerates superheroes, but just barely. A team of super-powered vigilantes, rounding up criminals makes many people uneasy. I believe in what you're doing, Tony. I believe the Avengers are important. And behind the scenes, I'll do whatever I can to help you."

Tony huffed. "Wow, I almost believed you." Tony leaned back in his chair. "I don't know what game you're playing, but I know you'll only help us when you're not trying to manipulate us."

Fury chuckled and turned to Stark. "Take the good with the bad. Your team and I both have something we want. Depending on how things go, everybody wins. You're a businessman, Tony. You want the lawyers to draft an agreement?"

Tony crossed his arms. "Maybe I'd like it all in writing and notarized. That way, I can shove it in your face when you break the deal. Then again, you guys aren't too keen on following the law yourselves. You guys stole my designs for those Mandroids, my trade secrets.

Fury frowned. "If you haven't noticed, we're fighting Nazis who also stole your technology. We're just evening the playing field."

Tony threw his hands in the air. "You couldn't have just asked like a normal person?"

"Would you have said yes?"

"And leave you alone with my tech? Hell, no. Although, I would have considered a subcontract of me leading the strike team with a lease of my tech that would be returned after each mission.

The director huffed. "Perhaps I acted too harshly. I'm sure you can speak to the rest of the team on some kind of common ground with SHIELD. Additionally, I've seen your recent proposals, including those private power stations and pardon. My pull can help make things easier for the both of us."

Tony put his hands together and hummed in contemplation. "The last thing I want is to have you guys ordering us around. However, I won't deny the need for legal help." He sighed. "I'll see what the others think. Any update on containment moving forward?"

Fury sighed. "With several superhuman prisons out of commission, we are currently in talks with the MRD to use their facilities."

Tony clapped his hands. "Well, I have some plans in the works, but I'll get back to you on that." He was about to ask about Hydra, but his Avengers ID card was activated.

"Everybody, wake up!" shouted a strange voice, identified by an A06 username. "I don't know if they're on the list, but Hulk and I got a witch and her axe-wielding lackey on our ass in Central Park! Get here ASAP!"

Tony looked to Fury, wondering if he knew, but the SHIELD director just shrugged.

"It's your team, hero. I'm sure you can deal with it."

The playboy scoffed at his answer. Tony pulled out his ID card and pressed a small button on the right corner. The A lit up in a blue light, and an alarm sounded from the card. "Avengers, assemble!" An alarm was sent to all Avenger cards.

Central Park

Massive muscles rippling with power, Hulk took a stance against the Executioner. The opponent charged at Hulk with a fierce yell, swinging his massive battle axe.

Unfazed, the Hulk caught the axe with one hand and punched his chest with the other.

Hulk swung a massive fist at the Executioner, but the axe-wielder could dodge it and strike back with a powerful blow to Hulk's chest. Hulk barely flinched, but the Executioner's strength was undeniable. Hulk quickly closed the gap between them and grabbed the Executioner by the throat, lifting him off the ground. The Executioner struggled to free himself, but Hulk's grip is too strong.

Rearing his head back, the Executioner slammed his head into the Hulk, freeing him from his grasp. Surprised by the Hulk's strength, The Executioner activates a rune on his weapon, releasing an ominous glow. He jumps into the air and brings down the axe with tremendous force.

Hulk put of his arms against the attack and yelled as the magic-enhanced blade pierced his skin. Rage grew stronger. Steam rose from the injuries as his enhanced regeneration activated. Faster than the Executioner could react, he grabbed the axe and chucked it across the park.

The two fighters started to exchange blows, each one trying to gain the upper hand. Hulk's incredible strength and durability were matched by the Executioner's speed and agility.


Frankenstrike launched a series of electrical blasts at the Enchantress, but she easily deflected them with a wave of her hand. The Enchantress then unleashed a green wave that sent Frankenstrike flying backward.

The alien hero would not be stopped so easily. He quickly recovered and charged his body through his coils, cackling with lightning. From between the protrusions of his back, a mighty bolt of green lightning shot toward the witch.

At the last moment, she erected a barrier, diffusing the energy over its surface. The Enchantress then unleashed a barrage of dark energy blasts at Frankenstrike, but he could dodge and block with his gauntlets.

After baiting her with a few fake-out punches, he managed to grab her by the arm and unleash a powerful electric shock that temporarily stunned the Enchantress. Frankenstrike took advantage of the opportunity and kicked the Enchantress. What he didn't expect was her body exploding into a plume of smoke. It was a ruse.

From behind, Enchantress dropped her invisibility and grabbed Frankenstrike's head. Green tendrils attempted to probe into the alien's mind to corrupt it into another puppet of hers. Sadly for her, Transylians had different biology regarding the brain. Not even Corrodium could break them.

Large hands grabbed at the woman's shoulders, but before he could retaliate, the body of the Hulk slammed into his back, dropping the witch.

Thanks to the distraction, the Enchantress teleported back to her bodyguard. "Loki will not be pleased by these developments, but I still have one trick left." She started reciting an incantation, not noticing the small change to the night sky. Clouds darkened, signaling the arrival of their lord and master.



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