
Sibling Meeting

The drive from Sparksville Illinois to New York actually took longer than expected due to terrible traffic. So, Max decided to park the Rust Bucket at a rest stop in Youngstown Ohio for the night as he was beginning to get too tired to drive.

After they finished the dinner that Nico made, and made sure that they were stocked up on anything they needed, they each went to bed. Though, just like when those Limax's were still alive, Nico didn't end up sleeping that night, as this was the perfect time for him to get more DNA.

'Mount Rushmore, here I come!' He smiled as he turned his entire body into that of a Limax and squeezed the crevices of the RV's door, so he wouldn't risk waking up any of the other's

As soon as he was out of the Rust Bucket he used a combination of Nosedeenian DNA and XLR8 DNA to go faster than either of two species could possibly go. Which was an interesting experience as it seems that he was running so fast that time actually stopped until he slowed down, then time was just moving extremely slower. Similar to when Ben moved so fast that time was almost at a halt as XLR8.

"This is fucking amazing! I feel like I'm unstoppable!" The experience of having time completely stop as he ran was exhilarating, it made him feel like he could do anything. That is until...

"OH FUCK!" Nico yelled as he ended up tripping when he tried to jump over a couple of cars. Though, because of his speed he didn't just fall to the ground, instead he was flying straight to a wall.

"GOING UP!!" He yelled as he neared the wall, and quickly span and slammed his fist into the sidewalk below him allowing him to create a column of ice under him which shot him up into the air. The Osmosian then only used Nosedeenian DNA to fly the rest of the way as he had already made it well over halfway to Mount Rushmore in half a minute.

'Let's see what should I do first? Repurpose all the tech for my own projects, go through the computers and see if I can find any valuable info, or check for the Null Void Projector?' Nico thought as he was beginning to see his destination in the distance.

Though his thoughts quickly halted as he noticed a car heading down the path of one of the entrances to the Plumber base in the mountain. So, knowing that only a select few would go down that path he decided to land in front of the car before it could get any further. But, because of his speed and his current form it looked like lightning suddenly struck and picked up a lot of dirt on a night with barely a cloud in sight.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?!" The man that was driving the car yelled in confusion as he quickly got out of the car with a Plumber grade blaster in hand, which he aimed at the dirt that covered Nico's form as he turned back into his normal form.

"State your name, species, and reason for being on this planet right now!" The man yelled out as he didn't get a response from Nico.

"You really have the gall to still act like a Plumber when you plan on using the Null Void's alien's to wreck shit and profit from it, Bill?" Nico said as he walked out of the cloud of dirt with a look of pure disgust at the man that was supposed to become another enemy for Penn in the future.

Sure, he planned on absorbing a lot of the inhabitants of the Null void for his own gain, but at least he was doing it so he could get another step closer to protecting those he loves from anyone. Hell, at this point Earth money is the last thing on his mind as there are plenty of things more valuable off planet!

"Wait, how do you-? Never mind! I asked you a question, now answer it bastard! Or I will open fire!" Bill said as his finger brushed the trigger of the blaster, seems he wasn't taught proper trigger discipline.

"You know, guns aren't for threats, they're for action." The black haired demigod said as he quickly used XLR8 speed to grab the blaster from Bill.

"What- How did you!?" The ex Plumber yelled in confusion and fear as Nico had taken his blaster faster than he could even process and was currently pointing it at him.

"Simple, really. I'm better than you." Nico then fired the blaster without even blinking, shooting Bill right between the eyes, burning a hole straight through his head, killing him instantly.

"There's my first human kill. And I feel... nothing? That's odd, at least when I killed the Limax's I felt cathartic, so why do I feel nothing now?" He asked him self as he grabbed the corpse and tossed it into the car that Bill had drove earlier.

"Did I just not view Bill as human because I knew what he would do, or is this a side effect of continuing to add more to my roster of abilities with barely any breaks? Am I slowly becoming less and less human?" With the corpse in the car Nico used the strength from the zombie T-Rex to lift the car and carry it to the entrance.

"But, I felt completely normal before I got here, so maybe it's not that? Maybe it was the concussion, I'll have to research all the effects of a concussion later, just in case." Nico was actually worried that whatever that was earlier might make him accidentally scare the girls. 

He mulled over his thoughts as he stepped on top of the secret elevator that was the entrance to the old Plumber base. Nico dropped the car next to him as he turned his body into that of Upgrade and sunk into the ground.

After a couple of minutes the elevator opened up beneath the car and began to lower it down into the base, surprisingly the security system wasn't that hard for him to crack. It was probably installed before Galvanic Mechamorphs became recognized as an artificial species.

Once he had gotten into the Plumber base he pulled himself out of the elevator and tossed the car that Bill drove down the hall before freezing it in place. He would deal with the corpse and car at a later time, for now he needed to check if the Null Void Project was still here.

Turning back into the form of XLR8 he quickly sped through the base and found the room where a lot of the tech was kept. And after quickly looking through them for a couple seconds, he soon found the device that would expand his options for harvesting DNA.

"Hello, beautiful!" Nico said as he picked up the Null Void Projector, which was the key to entering the dimension that would be both his playground and his training ground where he would be able to go all out. Though, for now he put it back in the drawer for later.

"Now that I know that beauty is here, let's check out the computers!" He quickly sped through the Plumber base to find the the main computer that was used back in the day.

It didn't take long for him to find the massive terminal and quickly used his Galvanic Mechamorph DNA to do some maintenance on it to make sure it properly works. Luckily, it was still in working order, so he began to upgrade it to make it capable to connect to all parts of the Extranet, aka the space internet.

"Let's see, I'm gonna need access to the black market in case the regular side of the Extranet doesn't have what I need. I'll need to encrypt my shit, so the other sectors of the Plumbers can't track me." Nico said to himself as he was actively making the upgrades to the computer. He also made sure to start increasing the security of this place, because as far as he was concerned, this base was his now.

"Now that I think about it, why the hell am I talking to myself?" He questioned as he got out of the terminal and began to go through the Extranet.

Looking through the Extranet he found most of what he expected, information on other species, and chat rooms between certain planets about conflicts or something. But, he did find something that he didn't expect to find, the space version of Amazon.

"Damn, they sell almost everything here, well, except for weapons and explosives, obviously. But this shit is amazing, used ships constructed from different species, various types of generators that run on different fuels, even scrap from some high level tech, and that shit is cheap as fuck! Do they even realize how valuable the scrap alone could be in the hands of a proper engineer?"

He also found that there are three types of payments for these products, Taydens, pure Taydenite, and a trade. The pure Taydenite is actually the least costly option as it can be used for a power source, materials for jewelry for high class aliens, and can be turned into more Taydens! However, the trade option is basically just bartering with the seller to agree on what would be considered a proper exchange for the product.

"But, this stuff isn't what I'm looking for right now. I need organs from a species, so I can take the DNA." What Nico had wanted was to add more DNA to his growing library, and the best way to do that was looking for organ traffickers on the Extranet's version of the Black Market.

"Huh? I need a username, why?" Nico said as he was prompted to put in a username to 'identify' himself as when he buys or sells things.

"I guess I'll go with 'The Analyst' since I do like to analyse tech and new DNA." He typed in the name and started to look for anyone selling organs, he thought this part would be easy. But, it wasn't that easy, because....

"Why are there barely any people selling organs on here!?!" He could only find two people selling organs at this point, which frustrated him as he was hoping for more.

"Fucking hell, I'm either going to need to go off planet to find a physical market for organs, or try to get one of these two to be a regular dealer for me." But, going off planet isn't something he can do for the time being, so he could only go with his second option until after he kills Vilgax.

"Now, let's get to business." Nico said as he clicked on the first post, which seemed to be from a user by the name of 'Cold-Blooded Princess', who was selling the heart of an Orishan, the species of Water Hazard.

"There is a chance that this person is Attea, and if it is her, how did she get the heart of an Orishan?" He questioned as he went to what was the seller description that was written by, who he believed to be, the Incursean Princess herself.

"'This is the heart of a weak bastard who thought he could cheat me on a deal, so I thought I might as well get what I'm owed by selling off his heart.'" It seemed that the Orishan that the heart originally belonged made the mistake of trying to trick the Princess that does the tricking.

"I don't know the exchange rate of Tayden's, but I think 100 is a pretty good deal on a heart." There was also the option to buy it for ten chunks of Taydenite, which Nico was going to do, but to him it was still pretty cheap.

"Let's see what the other person is selling." The red-eyed Osmosian said as he clicked of the post made by Attea(?) and clicked onto the other one, which seemed to be made by a user by the name of 'The Greatest Huntsman'.

"Okay, the other one I wasn't sure of, but this is 100% Khyber! Because there is no one else that I know of that would put that as their username." Nico said as he saw that the huntsman was selling the entire corpse of a Tetramand.

"Hm, let's see. 'This is the body of a man that got in the way of my hunt, which I would keep as a trophy, as he was a formidable opponent, but I already have a Tetramand as my trophy. So, I might as well sell it off.'" Seems two people were absolute dumbasses and fucked with two of the worst villians to get in the way of.

"Wonder if I could convince Khyber to sell me some of the organs from his next hunts?" He questioned as he looked at the price of 150 Tayden's, or fifteen chunks of Taydenite. 

"Though, I would have to either put the fear of god in him, or become his ally to keep him from thinking he could hunt me in the future." Knowing the huntsman he might try to hunt Nico, depending on if he's already hunted down an Osmosian before.

"I'll figure out how to deal with him later, for now I'll just put in that I am interested in what they are both selling." Luckily for him it seemed that Attea(?) didn't have any other buyers, judging by how quickly she replied.

She had gotten straight to the point and told him that if he tried anything during the trade he would be a dead man. When asked where they should meet, Nico had suggested that they meet on Earth as he didn't want to leave the planet until after he killed Vilgax.

Attea(?) was confused at first why he wanted to meet on what she called 'a backwater planet', but Nico explained that it was one of the few planets where there wasn't a Plumber sector. Now he just needed to wait for her to get to Earth, which should be relatively quick because of FTL Drives.

"I should connect my phone to this thing, so I can get a notification when she gets to Earth." Nico went to grab his phone from his bag, but realized that he left his bag back in the Rust Bucket.

"Dammit, I forgot my bag. Now I need to head all the way back to the RV to get it!" He grumbled as he started to walk out of the Plumber base, even if the trip would be quick for him, that didn't mean that he had to like running so many miles.

He didn't even bother to speed through the base to make the process faster, since he didn't feel like it. Though, if he did he probably would have ran over the portal that just opened beneath him.

"OH FUC-!!" He yelled out as he fell through the portal and fell onto the side of a coffee table and then landed on the floor of what seemed like a regular apartment.

"Oww.... What the fuck...?" Nico was confused and in a little bit of pain as the table he hit was made of pure metal, and he didn't have enought time to protect his body.

"Dammit Monokuma! I told you to make the portal over the couch!" Said a woman to his side, seemingly angry at the person responsible for his rough landing.

The woman quickly came over to Nico's side and began to help him over to the couch that he was apparently supposed to land on. And the entire time she was hurling insults at this Monokuma person that hadn't replied to her yet.

"Fucking hell, I finally get a chance to meet my brother and my damn AI ends up injuring him. Mom is going to be so pissed!" It wasn't until she said the words 'my brother' that Nico had opened his eyes to see who this woman was, and what he saw shocked him.

He saw a woman with white hair, red eyes with odd symbols in them, the ears and antlers of a deer (though the antlers were made of some red substance), and a scar over her right eye. She reminded him so much of his mom, although this woman's skin was very pale, she still felt too much like Seria for it to be a coincidence.

"Who are you?" Nico finally said after a couple more minutes of her berating whoever Monokuma is.

"Right, I should introduce myself, since this is our first meeting." She said as she stood up straight with her hands on her hips. "My name is Evangeline Kieran, or Eve for short. And I am your older sister!"