
Ben 10: 11000

A multiversal story starting from ben 10 world, with Kevin 11 as the MC. P/S: Please read the tags and the Author note chapter before starting the story P/2: I dont own the pic in the book cover or any character in this novel except for some OCs

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Chapter 12: A Prison Visit

[3rd person POV]

On the lake shore in the early morning, as the sun peeked through the lush green trees, it created bright golden rays of light. The air was fresh, filled with the echoing melody of singing birds, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere.

Beneath the lake's surface, gentle ripples caused the submerged grass and trees to sway softly to the rhythm of the small waves. From the depths of the lake, a mysterious figure slowly approached a pier. Suddenly, a gray arm emerged from the water, its large hand reaching out and gently gripping the wooden plank of the dock, pulling its bizarre form onto the water's surface.

The creature possessed characteristics of various underwater creatures. It had a tall and robust body covered in gray and black scales. Its face resembled a catfish, with a large jaw filled with sharp teeth like a shark. Its eyes were green with black pupils, and it had anglerfish-like lights on its head. Its four-fingered hands had sharp claws and webbing between each finger. It had long green fins on its head, back, and wrists.

Its appearance did not match the eerie atmosphere it created. It wore a futuristic-style black armor, and its hand held a device resembling a cellphone.

Then, the monstrous body began to contort and shrink until it transformed into a black-haired teenager, who was our main character, Kevin Levin. The initial monster form was clearly an alternate transformation of his. Its name was Ripjaw, a Piscciss Volann from the planet Pisciss.

As Kevin looked at his phone screen, suspicion filled his face. He had spent the entire morning searching various lakes in the area, but it was futile.

According to the canon, this was undoubtedly the habitat of the new Krakkens. Although the exact location was not mentioned in the original series, with access to the world's largest data repository, the supercomputer, along with the Plumber's satellite system, cross-referencing the details from the show to find the places that the Tennyson family had visited was not too difficult.

However, reality dealt him a painful blow as there was no sign indicating the presence of a family of giant underwater creatures that had once inhabited this area.

Glancing at the time on his phone, Kevin sighed, "Time waits for no one, huh!"

Leaving the lake behind, Kevin got into his car and drove away from the area.


In the small room of the prison cell, a female prisoner dressed in a gray uniform performed push-ups with captivating grace and agility.

Her demeanor was a testament to her strength and determination. Each movement she made displayed a perfect balance between toned muscles and feminine curves on her body.

She had fiery red hair, brown eyes, and smooth white skin. With a straight back and broad shoulders, her arms showcased well-defined muscles without being overly pronounced. Whenever she flexed and extended, strong and captivating lines emerged.

However, the most eye-catching feature was her ample and shapely ass. The curves exuded allure, combined with a slim waist and prominent bust, forming a seductive and enticing image.

Suddenly, a *clank* sound shattered the concentration of the female inmate. She turned around and saw the face of a female prison guard appearing on the glass window of the door, accompanied by the sound of the guard's baton tapping on the iron door.

"Your lawyer has arrived, Rojo. Remember the procedure," one of them spoke up.

Without responding, Rojo extended her hands through the opening in the door, and the guards immediately handcuffed her before opening the cell door.

Walking down the corridor, Rojo's mind was lost in uncertainty. For several days now, she had been informed that a distant relative had hired a lawyer to help her get out of prison. Although she had no recollection of anyone like that in her memory, she wasn't foolish enough to refuse.

The guard led her to a simple room with only a table and two chairs. After securing her hands and feet in place, the guard opened the door for a middle-aged, overweight man with a friendly smile to enter.

"Thank you very much. Now, may we have some privacy?" he said.

"Certainly, Mr. Goodman. We'll be right outside the door. If anything unexpected happens, just let us know," the polite guard replied.

As the lawyer took his seat, Rojo spoke up, "I've never seen her so obedient before," in a tone that did not conceal her sarcasm and disgust.

"I can't say much about that. Money truly works wonders," Goodman quipped.

"Indeed," Rojo replied.

Not letting the conversation stray further, the lawyer continued, "Small talk aside, shall we get to the main topic, Ms. Josie McKenzie, or would you prefer to be called Rojo?"

"Rojo," the female prisoner replied curtly.

"Alright, Miss Rojo, people call me Saul Goodman, but you can call me whatever you like."

Understanding the implication of his words, Rojo clearly knew that this wasn't his real name, so the distant relative was most likely fake as well. She voiced her thoughts:

"So, who hired you? It can't possibly be any of my relatives, right?"

"It doesn't matter who hired me, Rojo. Would you really decline my offer if the answer was no?"

The female prisoner nodded slightly.

"Well then, that's right. You don't need to know who hired me. You just need to know that I can provide you with what you desire most," Saul said confidently.

"Oh, and what would that be?" Rojo asked, intrigued.

"Freedom, wealth, and power."

Narrowing her eyebrows, she questioned, "And what's the price? I'm just a street criminal, nothing valuable enough for a stranger like you to pay a price for, let alone your employer, unless they are infatuated with my beauty." Her tone was filled with suspicion and mockery.

Without immediately responding, the lawyer stared intensely at her, his gaze penetrating and invasive. She felt as if he could see through her soul. In front of that gaze, she felt small, weak, and powerless.

Her discomfort gradually turned into anger. Rojo now had the strong urge to pounce on the swine sitting before her and give him a beating.

But before she could act, Saul spoke up, "You're not wrong. Skill-wise, your knowledge of machinery and weapon crafting is passable, but it's not what we need. As for your appearance, I'd rate it 5 out of 10, but my boss is a fan of the ass and muscles, so you might get an additional 2 points."

Veins bulged on Rojo's forehead as she clenched her hands tightly. Ignoring the prisoner's state of mind, Saul continued, "So, no need to pretend anymore, Rojo. You know what we want - your cyborg state."

Hearing this, astonishment replaced her anger. "You know about that? Well, you're going to disappoint your boss then. I no longer have access to that state. That's why I'm still here instead of on some laboratory table."

In front of Rojo's astonished gaze, the lawyer's hand suddenly changed color, not just the color but even the material of his hand seemed to transform, resembling something like a diamond. His eyes also turned green.

He took out a metal pen and lightly ran his finger along the pen's body, leaving a straight cut where it passed.

Handing the pen to Rojo, who was still in shock from the recent event, Saul said, "As you've seen, you don't have to worry about your abilities. We will find a way for you to regain your powers or even grant you a new one." At the same time, he pulled a file from his briefcase and placed it in front of Rojo.

"This contains the benefits as well as obligations when working for the organization. I hope you read it carefully."

Trying to maintain her composure, she glanced at the paper and then fixed her gaze on it, widening her eyes. She read and reread each line as if it contained the ultimate truth of the universe. And Saul patiently witnessed it all.

"Is this all true?" Rojo exclaimed, filled with astonishment. Seeing Saul smile and nod, she continued, "So, your boss intends to pay me a salary of $30,000 per month just to hire me for five years? Are you planning to have me assassinate the president or something?"

"No, assassination requires meticulousness, finesse, patience, silence... qualities you entirely lack."

"Stop, that's not what I meant. I want to know how dangerous this job is."

"Firstly, $30,000 is just the starting salary. Secondly, the president is not worth $30,000 to us. It cannot be denied that this job carries a certain level of danger,but it's not as desperate as you think. In the future, you will see the magnitude of the benefits when you join us, and then you will realize how limited and insignificant your previous goals were."

"Bold words." Looking at the man before her, Rojo wondered if he was merely bluffing or if he truly possessed such power.

"Time is running out, Rojo. The moment to make a choice is approaching, and remember, for us, loyalty surpasses everything. We may forgive incompetence, but if you dare to betray us, the consequences will be unbearable." Saul's voice sent a chilling sensation through Rojo.

Staring intently at the contract in front of her, she had a premonition that the next decision would be the most important one in her life.

[POV ends]


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