
Ben’s Charmcaster

A great story of Ben and Charmcaster As there love for other grow. One from a villain for the young hero to now ?. Former villain? To lover to young hero?

Deshawnta_Jennings · Anime & Comics
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Ben fight

With the arrival of Ben and Kevin a battle had began with the two boys fighting to save Gwen and Charmcaster fight to destroy them. Charmacaster took her focus to Ben and Kevin and summoned her rock creatures to aid her as she dealt with the fast recovering Gwen as they all began to prepare for battle.

Gwen charged up he man into her hand ready to fight with Charmcaster as she began to speak a cast a spell and shot a volley of mana energy blast at gwe as Gwen covered her face with he hand moving he mana from her hand to around her whole body as she was completely consumed by the attack. But she wasn't down for long as she jumped forward from the smoke and shot a chain of mana trapping Charmcaster as she began to be her with energy punches left and right up and down none stop! Telling her to call off her creatures.

-Gwen: ahhhhh Charmcaster call off your creatures right now or so god help Me…

-Charmacaster: No...don't need ...to if you would just look at field then you would know why!

Down on the field Ben and Kevin were fighting Charmcaster's monsters and winning as Kevin absorbed some of the Material on the ground to create him a suit of raw concrete or something.

-Kevin: ohh this gonna be fun He yelled as he punched in a stone creature.

Ben on the other hand was still looking for the right alien to choose as he chose BIG CHILL as he hoveredits icon on the push down on it as in an instant he became BIG CHILL!

-Ben BIG CHILL He yelled as his transformation was complete!


Ben and Kevin quickly diminished the field in seconds them punching threw every stone creature in the way Ben freezings all of the creatures as he flew through the air as Kevin smashed them from the ground!

-Ben:You would think she would learn her lesson by now after all the times we beat her!

-Kevin: Yeah! She's really annoying with little rivalry with Gwen and I'm still mad about her trying to use to me as a pawn!

It didn't take long for them to defeat Charmacaster and her monsters as they returned with the Plumber's and they locked up her.

Over a month had passed since then she had been offered a chance to redeem herself as she would be on a special therapy session with one of the greatest people of Plumber history the heroic iconic Ben 10. As she was happy at first defeated then she saw it was him she went back to being sad but that didn't stop Ben from trying to help redeem her and with his help he believes she could be a hero someday and join his team and be a good person for the first few days she was a pain in his back but none the less he still helped her.

Ben stent most of the day doing heroics and helping people then he would go the Plumber's and help began Charmacaster's therapy When they were able to go to the city instead of being in the Plumber HQ all the time they had fun Ben taking her and showing her the people of the town and sight seeing but when the day was getting dark he realized that he was tired and he was gonna go home and take a nap for the night then Charmacaster came to remember that she was practically homeless so regretfully she asked Ben if she could stay with him as he sighed and gave in and said yes!

As they went to bens house she realized that it was dark and cold inside but the most thing she could feel was pain like it was all around the house she then wondered why his parents didn't come welcome him home as she remembered them she then asked Ben this question on her mind as he just stood there In silence at her question and Continued to walk up stairs to his room telling her that her room was on the left and there was heater in there if she's cold.

She wondered why he didn't answer her question but she quickly dismissed it from her mind as she walked to her room upon entering she began to feel sorry and bad for having him do this for her this feeling was heartbroken and new to her as she laid on the bed and rapped up in the covers and sheets with the heater on as she heard a noise at first she couldn't make it out until she heard it again it was the sound of something or someone crying then right there she realized.