
Beloved Son-in-law Is My Husband

Zhang Mei, a member of a powerful family, returns home from aboard only to be forced into a marriage with her childhood friend, Liang Chen. This sudden turn of events disrupts her plans and throws her mission into jeopardy. Despite their past closeness, Zhang Mei harbors resentment towards Liang Chen, believing him to be a foolish and easily manipulated young man. However, she is surprised by his transformed appearance and demeanor, he turned out to quite the opposite of what she expected. She only returned to the city because of revenge; years ago, her twin sister was murdered but whoever did it made it look like an accident that she caused. It strained the relationship between her mother forever, and she wanted to find the person or persons involved in it. She pretended to be the dumb, foolish, spoilt brat everyone expected her to be while she secretly used her powers to stir up the enemies within her family. Liang Chen, her flash husband proved to be more useful than she expected while he slowly melt the iceberg shield guarding her heart from him.

DaoistkImzFV · Fantasy
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3 Chs

I. Shameless Zhang Mei

The sun was shining brightly in the sky with no sign of rain clouds, even though it was the rainy season. Just like the weather, it was an auspicious day at the Zhang family mansion.

The maids were putting the finishing touches on the decorations prepared for the return of the second son's daughter, Zhang Mei. She had been away in the United States for over ten years.

The entire large family was gathered in the grand living room of the Patriarch, awaiting Zhang Mei, who was announced to have arrived at the city's airport.

Whispers and hushed murmurs could be heard in the large living room where the patriarch and matriarch were seated. Despite the tension, Patriarch Zhang Wei wore his usual stern face while the matriarch offered a warmer smile.

The extended members of the Zhang family were not the only ones present; the parents of Liang Chen were also there with him. Their anticipation for Zhang Mei's return was as intense as her family's.

Today, after the awakening ceremony, Liang Chen would officially engage his long-betrothed bride, Zhang Mei.

His face was expressionless, as he tried to hide his true emotions. He looked handsome and flawless as ever in his blue suit, which he chose specifically because it was Zhang Mei's favorite color. His hands were clenched in a fist, hiding his sweaty palms.

It had been ten long years since he saw his first love. They used to be inseparable when they were younger, and back then, Zhang Mei was a white lotus, pure at heart and in character.

 Liang Chen's lips twisted up as he tried to suppress the emotions clouding his mind. Memories of his childhood with Zhang Mei flooded his mind making his heart flutter. He had seen the pictures the now grown Zhang Mei , and he silently anticipated their promised marriage.

He looked ahead and locked eyes with Zhang Xui, Zhang Mei's older sister. He smiled at her, but she didn't return it. Her eyes were wide in shock, but she quickly snapped out of it and pointed at her phone, mouthing the words, "CHECK YOUR PHONE."

Pulling his brows tight, Liang Chen wondered why she told him to do that. Nevertheless, he took out his phone from his pocket, and immediately, a notification popped up. The notification had a picture of Zhang Mei, which prompted Liang Chen to click on it. He was instantly taken to a blogger site with a video of Zhang Mei on display.

He looked up at Zhang Xui, who shifted her gaze away; her eyes had something that looked like shame in them. Clenching his phone, Liang Chen reduced the volume and then clicked the play icon.

As the scenes unfolded, Liang Chen's hands trembled uncontrollably. A mix of emotions flooded his mind, his knuckles white from clenching his phone, and a hint of betrayal swirled within him. 

The perfect, serene image of the white lotus Zhang Mei completely crumbled. In the video, Zhang Mei appeared to be enjoying herself at a strange party where all the members were wearing masks and dressed lewdly. 

Liang Chen couldn't help the uneasiness and sense of dread rising in his gut as he watched Zhang Mei's interaction with a strange man. They were in a compromising position, and Zhang Mei didn't seem to mind.

Liang Chen's parents seemed to notice the shift in their son's demeanor, but when his father tugged at him, he refused to speak. They looked around and saw the youngsters showing their parents their phones; their faces carried expressions similar to Liang Chen's.

 It seemed as if they were the only ones unaware of what had happened; even the patriarch and matriarch had been informed by one of their grandchildren.

 They looked around, desperately searching for someone to explain to them, but the Zhang family members threw their gazes away when they faced them. Even Wang Jing, Zhang Mei's mother, looked like she had seen a ghost.

Amidst the tension, a car pulled up in front of the mansion, and out of it came the much-anticipated Zhang Mei. 

She was wearing an even more shocking outfit: knee-high boots, a mini skirt, and a revealing crop top. Her eyes were hidden behind a pair of oversized sunglasses that added a bit of mystery to her appearance.

 With a deviant smile, she strode into the house, leaving maids and guards stunned. She didn't even ask them for directions; she seemed to know the house even better than the people who were supposed to usher her in.

She made her way to the grand living room where everyone was gathered. "I am back!" She chimed as she entered, but she was instantly taken aback by the crowd. "Woah! All this for me? I feel so loved."

Silence. Zhang Mei's melodic, high-pitched voice boomed in the room, and looks of disapproval from everyone hit her like a bomb. She pulled her brows and cast a confused look at her parents, who were not seated far away. "What is going on?"

Wang Jing slowly stood up, her eyes teary and fixed on Zhang Mei. "Jing, please sit; we can settle this later," Zhang Xin, Zhang Mei's father, pulled his wife's hand, trying to cajole her, but she snapped it out of his grasp.

"How can you ask me to sit when this shameful child has brought disgrace upon our heads!?" Wang Jing snapped. 

She slowly approached Zhang Mei, who looked utterly confused by the outburst. Wang Jing stabbed a finger at Zhang Mei, the finger trembling in anger. "How dare you dress like that, you shameless child? How dare you embarrass our family?"

Zhang Mei looked around, confusion still laced in her eyes. "Mother, is that any way to welcome a child you haven't seen in years?"

"How dare you speak!" Wang Jing's voice quivered as she raised her hand and struck Zhang Mei's cheek hard. "Do you have any idea what you have done?"

The whole room echoed with loud gasps and wide eyes stares. 

Wang Jing had never been one to hit her children, especially in public, but today, Zhang Mei had brought out the demon in her. 

The unfazed child came back home dressed in the same outfit that she was seen in the video, except that now she had sunglasses on. 

But the slap sent the sunshades crashing to the ground and breaking into pieces like Zhang Mei's heart.

Zhang Mei's hands instinctively held her assaulted cheek; the stinging feeling caused a ringing in her ear. Her milky cheek was now burning red, her eyes brimming with tears. "I have always known that you never loved me, but can't you pretend just this once?"

Hi guys! This is my first time trying a book like this and I beg for your support and guidance. Kindly correct me wherever you feel I am doing badly thank you!

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