
Belorth Academy

Mist_350 · History
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8 Chs


<p>when mrs. lyssa said you are fired.<br/><br/>mrs.laurence start screaming no you can't do this to me, you can't throw me away. <br/><br/>and why we can't nikki rise her eyebrows and said.<br/><br/>! i work hard for the school and i did everything i could mrs laurence trying to explain.<br/><br/>bowing her head down mrs. laurence said<br/>and also today is the first time i make this kind of mistake and i am sorry for that please forgive for me this one she bow to mrs. lyssa.<br/><br/>i think you are apologising to a wrong person you wrong someone else mrs. lyssa said in a cold voice.<br/><br/>dammit! this women is she kidding with me right now but first thing first i need this job so it's okay after this i will make sure that she will repay for today's incident. <br/>mrs. laurence grit her teeth and glare at miss wishly then she grin and said miss wishly i am sorry and also if you born few years later you might be same age as my daughter so please forget everything.. <br/><br/>daughter you say fine let's play with you little bit then she change her tone and look and said mrs. laurence what are you talking about ? i don't recall i don't remember anything. <br/><br/>mrs. laurence bite her teeth madly this bitch! fine do what you want but you won't have happy ending i will make sure that. <br/>well as you can see miss wishly i am a human so mistake is something humon should do but as your i must not mistake so i am sorry that i did one today.<br/><br/>oh! is that so wishly's best friend mocked her.<br/><br/>after hearing the mock miss medea ask a golden red hair colour girl what that supposed to mean miss theragonda?<br/><br/>theragonda rise from her table with her note paper and put her palm on left side shoulder on wishly's and said well as you can see this not an only mistake mrs. laurence made in class.<br/>then she turn her glare to mrs. laurence and said tell me which made a mistake and if her daughter correct her she become mad at her and try to hit her mrs. laurence.<br/><br/>what how dare mrs. laurence mrs.lyssa scream.<br/><br/>mrs. laurence start making excuse no no please mem trust me those are all lie she is a liar and principal ressel please say something. <br/><br/>what he gonna say for you mrs. laurence theragonda said.<br/><br/>everyone glare at principal ressel then he well um we i mean i always monitor the class from class door glass i never saw her doing wrong.<br/><br/>theragonda and wishly start laughing they couldn't hold back their laugh any longer oh really you are a such joker theragonda said.<br/><br/>then the two of them said sorry for our manners earlier. then theragonda give her note paper to mrs. lyssa and said those are all prove from the beginning to now. <br/><br/>how could we trust them mem laurence said. then she glare at the principal he take the hint yes she is right aunty how could those be truth. <br/><br/>if you open the first paper you could tell that those are old paper and if you don't believe me then my sisters they also have same as i do and also our CC also have same note too.<br/>hey mille why don't you show your notepad she said her.<br/><br/>um today i do not bring the notepad so um mille reply her.<br/><br/>then all the students have the same note show us guys theragonda said.<br/><br/>no need for that miss medea said mrs. lyssa you can tell that those papers are odd like look at here the significant sign it's mrs. laurence's so how could a teacher didn't notice what inside write and sign it. it's only meaning she did the math wrong way. <br/><br/>oops i forgot to mentioned that those are all class room homework note she start laughing again.<br/><br/>now do you have something to say mrs. laurence mrs. lyssa said.<br/><br/>mem my sign are easy to copy and also these kids copy even their own mothers sign and those might be copy.<br/><br/>you! theragonda become furious. <br/><br/>then wishly hold her hand and glare ferociously at mrs. laurence and said why would we? <br/>we can't predict the future nor see the future so how do we know today's incident plus can you give us prove that we copy our moms sign because we all already saw a demo how ambitious you are awhile ago.<br/><br/>i can't prove that it was umm long ago mrs. laurence reply in a sobbing voice and my question is exactly the same why are you guys doing this to me..<br/><br/>huh ! pitiful acting okay do anything as you can please but do remember that today is your last day because i know what exactly are you so let's have little game then.<br/>what ! what are you talking about we did exactly the way you told us to do but why we didn't mentioned those to any single soul with teary eyes and a sad tone wishly reply. <br/><br/>what! what do you mean by not mention anything to anyone nikki asked. <br/><br/>those are nothing laurence and principal said together, then ahem the principal said well we have small party for teachers students and ex students that's all.<br/><br/>i didn't mean the party sir, what i mean was after the party oops wishly grab her mouth tightly so that her word won't come out.<br/><br/>what! what's after the party nikki asked her.<br/><br/>well umm i i wishly glare at laurence and principal with teary and fearful eyes. <br/><br/>mrs.lyssa notice she is being afraid of them, i thought she might be mature but judging by her look she is only a child and then she glare at laurence and principal ressel you better not being a ungrateful. <br/><br/>then she said tell me don't afraid okay you one bravery could save so many lives.<br/><br/>well umm aha i a then um why don't you check the CC cameras then.<br/><br/>huh what it's a great opportunity for us i will make you regret bitches mrs. laurence said then let's check the cameras then. <br/><br/>umm laurence what are you so happy about and why in a hurry mrs. melina said after the long silence she speak.<br/><br/>seeing mrs. melina wishly start thinking well i am sorry melina you are soft and quite that not you fault but not recognize the fake people is your fault being soft is good but not very so that no one could tear you apart even if they do you can collect yourself.<br/><br/>then we need to go to the control room right aunty mrs. melina asked mrs lyssa.<br/><br/>no we could access from here nikki said, mother give me terri's laptop.<br/><br/>are you sure nikki we can access from here mrs. lyssa asked.<br/><br/>are you asking about my ability mom? nikki said coldly.<br/><br/>well no dear i was just wondering that's all why would i even unbelief your ability mrs. lyssa reply her.<br/><br/>wishly glare at her sharply i once heard director terri's wife is Olympic champion for communication and technology. <br/>she even have so many reward in technology she even work at the apple which is a dream job for every communication and technology lovers.<br/>huh kinda reminds me of her another theragonda. <br/><br/>then she glare at her other two friends other theragondas.<br/><br/>one have blueish black hair purple eyes who is right now looking at her. <br/>and the other one who is likes any kinds of technology's she is looking at the screen right now.<br/>she have short hair which is chopped on her shoulder and her hair colour is light blueish emerald and her eye colour is emerald. <br/><br/>when nikki is working at that time wishly is deep in on her thought.. <br/><br/>then nikki devolved few things at the settings function on the laptop. <br/>so she could take the access the video footage. <br/>after that she can access any videos from central room.<br/>then she asked her about that day's date and time wishly reply her and also tell her to play their parts..<br/>and when she is about to open the last part reel at that time mrs. laurence obstruct her by saying why don't you play the video on the screen..<br/>she don't say anything just her head then she open that day's reel on the screen.<br/><br/>at first in the video everyone was enjoying the party. then few times later they start taking their leaves and wishly and her friends are about to leave in the ending but suddenly wishly stopped and said to her friends <br/>" hey guys we forgot to off all the lights and forgot to lock the gym room and cleaning too".<br/> then her friends said <br/>" yaa it was mrs. laurence's duty aren't it she was supposed to create team and clean up the mess".<br/>"well do you forgot the last time. <br/>because of her gracious lie everyone believe her and director punished the six of us. "<br/>" everytime she give those work to us even if we don't have any duty's. "<br/><br/>" by the way we have to do this because all the time without even telling us in advance but she will tell she did but we didn't listen to her and disobey the rules "<br/>"then when we will come tomorrow she will lie again like the last time she did so<br/>first we start with the class rooms then gym later "<br/> " class room finish let's go to p.e. room then "<br/>" but they have to go first because need to clean the balloon first so we could finish our work and also we need to off the lights too "<br/>" okay then we will go after off the lights "<br/><br/>in camera the six of them start working when they finish cleaning the class rooms the video end.<br/><br/>what play the second part nikki melina said. i am searching melina be patience. <br/><br/>mrs laurence give wishly devilish smile. she mean you loose.<br/><br/>seeing her this happy wishly smirks her back.<br/><br/>then everyone start murmuring after watching the video i recall that day memory now.<br/>but it's weird where is mrs. laurence sir principal and the director they all disappeared at that time after finishing the food. <br/>and after finish the food they aren't there with us in the record too.<br/><br/>even at the ending they also isn't present only director 's secretary told us to end this party and go home.<br/><br/>when everyone start murmuring<br/><br/>silence ! <br/>director terri scream loudly. then he said nikki do you find it.<br/><br/>yes i do just now. let me play this.<br/><br/>nikki open the second part.<br/><br/><br/>in the video wishly and theragonda is walking in the hallway in front of p.e. room.<br/>when they are in front of p.e. room door they suddenly stopped then wishly and theragonda start trembling by holding each other.<br/>then they run away from there. <br/>then the other four also come with them.<br/>then they suddenly hold the broom stick hardly. <br/><br/>video end again, nikki again start searching for the p.e. room inside scenes. </p>