
Belongs To a Monster

Isabella and Lucas have two children, a son Ben, who looks like his American Mom. And a daughter, Shiny, who looks like her Dad, who belongs from African race. Shiny is a girl child with black skin, black eyes, and black hairs. At school ,she is ever being bullied by senior girls, because of her name Shiny and having black skin. " I am so worried about Shiny, Lucas. Is my daughter would ever been married or not? " Isabella and Lucas were talking about the future of their children in their bed in midnight. " You don't worry, as the god sent you for me. She would get someone too. " " Lucas we belong to middle class, we just need a happy and respectfull life in this society. As her mother, I can't stop myself worrying about her future. " After five years...... A man in a black gleaming car, followed by a lot of black gleaming cars entered in Lucas and Isabella house. " Who are you? Why such a big personality is at my house? " Lucas and Isabella asked that man. He got seated on the couch in the living room. His men in black uniforms and black sunglasses, stand at his back with tied hands. " I want your daughter at any cost...... So now say what do you want in exchange. "

Anshu_Kumari_0144 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

You Monster,,,,,,,

She was rolling in the bed. The quilts was feeling so soft and enduring to her. The sunlight which was falling on her white sensitive skin, had now reached her to her face. The sunlight falling on her face was bathing with sunlight. Her white upper chest and her golden hairs were glistening.

She porrected, and slowly opened her blue eyes. She was feeling that her whole body is aching. Suddenly, she felt like she haven't wore anything. She got up on the bed, startled. She saw her chain open. Only then, she felt a mirror by the bed. She turned to the mirror.

There were bite marks, in her neck and chest area. She kept her hand on her mouth, while she startled, to see all those marks. She moved the golden hairs ,from one side to the other, to see the pity situation of her body.

' Is something had happened last night? But how, it could be? I had escaped him , and bumped into someone.... one minute.... Does it means, all this, that person did, whom I had asked to save me..... ( she pissed her teeth.) All men are so disgusting!!! '

She pulled her back chain up, in hurry to leave that place soon. But before leaving, she wanted to confirm. If she is virgin now or not. Her hand was shivering, while pulling the blanket away to see the bed.

She pulled the blanket away in a swap. She satisfied and smiled to see, no any red patches on the bed. She was happy that even now she is virgin. Nothing had happened last night!!!

She didn't wanted to argue with anyone. She closed the chain, but yet those bite marks were visible, as her dress had a net covering.

She moved her legs towards the closet of that room. She was able to hear the splashing sounds of water in the washroom, feeling someone in the bathroom. She just doesn't wanted to meet that person from last night.

' What if he again try to do, what he did to me last night? No.. No.. It's better to leave this place and forget it all. '

She wore a coat from his closet, over her dress. But still, one mark left, which she decided to hide with hand.

She was just going to put her legs outside of that room. Only then, something knocked in her mind. She went to the bed head drawer. Took a paper and pen from there, and write something over it. She was knitting her brows, sometimes furrowing it. She was pissing the teeth too. She kept it back there and left the rooms hiding the bite mark of her collar bone.


He came out of the washroom, thinking about the girl who was on his bed. But, it amazed him, when he didn't see her there. His eyes turned to every corner of that room. She was nowhere.

' Seems she left. Such an ungrateful , incredible little kitten. I helped her, she didn't even understand me, deservable of thank you.'

Thinking of it, in a cute anger he left to the changing room. After changing clothes, he came to the bed side, where she was sleeping. And moved his hand to pick his phone from the drawer. But his hand took the paper, which was fluctuating with the wind.

He started reading it. But that cute cat face in anger, took his attention first. He smiled at that cute angry cat.

'Definitely she would have made this cat!!! '

[ Hey, Mister... I won't say you thank you for last night. I am writing this note to say you that, I DON'T WANT TO MEET YOU EVER, AGAIN.

So, please... don't try to meet me. And yes, whatever you did last night with me, take it in exchange of helping me. Get it !!!


You Monster,,,,,,

Never Meet You Again!! ]

"So, this is a first letter written by a girl, which reached me. But I hadn't thought of it, that it would be filled with hate and anger. I had thought to be filled with love and orgasm.

My Bad Luck!!!

But I will keep it. So as, my little kitten could recognize me, later. "

He picked up his phone, and dialed a number.

" I want a girl info. I don't have her photo. But, I know you all will find her out. I am sending something to you. Smell it, and go on your work.. "

" Okay, Boss!! "From other side.

He cut the phone and took the blanket packed in a plastic wrapped. He didn't had her any smell anywhere , except the blanket and pillow. So he took the blanket packed, and left the room.


Isabella's House.....

Shiny was walking through the street, holding the neck, to hide that bite mark, thinking about what she should answer, to all the questions her mother will ask from her. As she doesn't want to answer anyone or explain anything to anyone.


Isabella was gazing on the door, from dining table , waiting for her daughter. Ben had left the house for school. Lucas too had left earlier, from Ben. She was worried about her daughter, that it is being 8, but yet she is not home.

Her lips curved into a smile, seeing Shiny. But in a second, it got filled with worries,seeing her.

' Why she is woring a men's coat? What happened?... '

She walked to Shiny in a hurry. Shiny doesn't want to hurt her mother telling everything.

"What happened?... Is everything OK?" She said and started inspecting her body.

Shiny wanted to reach her room, without caught by her Mamma. But.... She can't escape from her mother's eyes.

" Mamma... ..Nothing have happened!!" Shiny caught the inspecting hand of her Mamma, and assurred her.

" Really???.. " Isabella was not believing.

" Yeah!!, Nothing have happened !! Just it was David....And she had drugged me and tried to frame me. " Shiny said in grief. Seeing her Mamma, Shiny wanted to cry in her arms. But she knows that, her Mamma wants to see her strong. That's why she didn't.

As Shiny holded her Mamma's hand to stop her. Isabella eyes fell on that mark in her neck. She touched that mark and said, " Is he did this? "

Shiny felt, she had got forgot about that mark, in assuring Mamma. She again put her hand in hurry on that mark, to hide it from Isabella.

" Did you cry? " Isabella asked her in pain, which was visible in her eyes in form of water.Shiny didn't wanted to talk about that, but can't ignore her Mamma.

She hugged Isabella and said, " No.. Mamma.. I didn't. I had got escaped from him. " She didn't wanted to say any further, because to her, it's not matter, who did. This matter that it just happened with her.

" Okay, go freshen up.. I am coming with lemon juice for you. " Shiny nodded and went upstairs. Isabella went to the kitchen. She was blaming herself for all these things, because she had said her to go.

' What if my daughter.... No.. No...NoNo ... Isa... don't think any wrong. Nothing have happened!! Nothing have happened!! '


Shiny was lying in her bed. She had wore a long neck top and pajama, covering herself with blanket, and thinking about last night. The whatever she could remember !!

' Thank god!! Nothing wrong happened.

But.. even I don't know, how I had got my strength and consciousness back. Otherwise...

But that jerk.... I just want to punish him for his did. I had asked to help me, not to have a cozy night with me. Bastard!!!!'

" Shiny!! Take this, you will feel good.... " Isabella with a glass of lemon juice, and from the other jerk Shiny, softly.

Shiny sat and started drinking it, without a word.

" Shiny!! Would you go to the college? My dear.... "

" No Mamma !! Not today..... I want to sleep. " Shiny lied on the bed again, covering herself with blanket, trying to sleep, which was not in her eyes.

"Okay!!! " Isabella pecked her little fairy, and left.

Closing the door

'I should say everything to Lucas, whatever happened today. '

The whole day and night, she spent in her bed, cursing that jerk. And stressing on mind, trying to remember everything from last night.


The next day....

In Triple SSS College .......

Shiny's mood was off. She was in the canteen. Today, she had come to college , without bag and study material. As she had left it, in Avery's hotel room, and she didn't wanted to talk to that dirty girl. She was thinking,about where she would write notes, points from professor's lecture in class.

Suddenly, she saw Avery and her friends following her, with her college bag. She was noticing them, and waiting for them to reach her.

Avery came with her bag, and placed her bag on the table.

" Here it is... Your bag !!

Shiny got stand up, her face was pouring slag that she wanted to throw on her face. She wanted to kill her, strangulating her.

Before she could think anything, Shiny swept her hand on Avery's cheeks, which turned her cheeks red in pain.

" How dare you? "Avery said and swapped her hand to Shiny. But her hand, got caught by Shiny.

" You can hurt me from back, never from front. You coward serpent !!! " Shiny deplored her.

Avery jerked her hand away, from Shiny grip.

" Definitely you had escaped Shiny. But I wonder where had you spent your last night, Shiny...? "

" You bitch !!!" Shiny didn't become able to control her tongue.

" How dare you... to call me a bitch ?" Avery swapped her hand again to Shiny's sensitive cheeks.

Only then, David came between the two, and stopped Avery's hand in the middle. Shiny was just a bit surprised to see him saving her.

' It was just this person, who was going to taint me, last night. "

" Shiny !! " He called her name, softly. Shiny turned her face to the other side of him. Avery stopped, seeing him.

He came in front of her, with a face of guilt and shame.

" Shiny.!! I am sorry..... If this Avery hadn't manipulated me, I hadn't had tried anything like last night. " He was feeling guilty about last night. His head had a bandage, covering his wound, given by Shiny.

" You are not a child, that anyone can manipulate you. David !!!"

She turned her face to him.

" So, don't lie. And yes, now there is no need to apologize, as I am not a child, like you, who can be manipulated by anyone."

" Shiny!!, please try to understand. Avery said that she knew a way, by which you would be mine, forever. So... "

" So... So, you decided to adjoin her plan..... Such a dirty plan !! Disgusting... " Shiny argued with her point, and turned her face away from that disgusting person.

' I can't understand, why I'm trying to make understand, such a disgusting person.!! '

She took the bag and left from there, heading into the classroom. That place in the classroom was more calmer than that table in that canteen, surrounded by them. That place was so suffocating!!


The sun was on head, giving a chilled aura in the outer view. The room was a mess. All the things were placed here and there.

There were four handsome, sleeping here and there. A man on phone, cut the phone.

He was smiling, his curved lips was looking an additional beauty, in his perfect stature.

" I will meet you again, my dear little kitten.." He took out a small paper , from his pocket and taking a look at the kitten, in the figure, of that small paper.

" You know what !! I am missing you... , a lot. I wish you here, for now, I want to touch your lips again.... You shouldn't run away. See how I am suffering.

But you know what, I am suffering now, and you will suffer me. Just you meet me again!! How dared you to bargain with me? I will teach you, what kind of behaviour I like for myself? "

He was missing his wife. I am sorry ,I am sorry, not his wife, his girlfriend, no.. no... not girlfriend, fiancee, nooo .. not fiancee. I am not able to decide, and I think he too.