


In a few hours, they got to their small arranged apartment in Brooklyn where they would be staying. The girls unpacked their luggage and moved into the already furnished apartment which was painted grey with black curtains, Even a gothic would hate this, the bedsheets were the worst they were dark red with white skulls and spiders drawn on them.

"Tsk, the designer sure does have bad taste " Lilith sighed dragging off the sheets.

"Thankfully, it wasn't a bedsheet with maulled bodies and sharp knives as design, that was what your new Roomie requested so we had to get something milder" Gin explained as Lilith tossed the sheets aside.

'Roomie!, God I can't believe we're going to live together for months' Lilith thought, the thought alone was disturbing.

"Thank God I brought my favorite sheets," she said drawing out a pink bedsheet with strawberry designs.

"At least I will sleep peacefully without having thoughts of spiders creeping into my nostrils". She smiled as she dressed her bed with the new sheets.

After a while, Gin had left. Bella sat on her bed with her laptop while Lilith began sorting her clothes for the interview tomorrow, she picked up a yellow gown with red collars and nodded in affirmation.

"I hope you're not wearing that to the interview," Bella said with her face glued to her laptop.

"Why? What's wrong with it " Lilith said looking displeased.ⁿ

"You'll look like you're cosplaying Piccachu from Pokemon and I bet no one will ever take you seriously tomorrow" she grinned.

"Oh really, might I see what you would be wearing for the interview, hope you're not wearing your black cloak countess Dracubella. with your mean face it won't take long for people to suspect you" Lilith replied in a saucy tone. She wished the Don had picked someone who was less mean or suspicious, but this mission was and had always been Bella's top priority, so she didn't blame her. There was a long period of silence then Lilith broke it.

" Have you received a reply from the company yet? " she asked nonchalantly.

"Yh, this morning " she replied coldly.

"Look we have to stop acting like cats and dogs and try cooperating, just know we're stuck with each other for the next three...three months," she said. Then turning to Bella she sighed.

"I won't wear my Piccachu costume as you called it but please, try to look less intimidating so you'll get the job, who knows maybe your passport made them delay replying to your letter of application," she said mockingly, she recalled that they had to take more than 200 photos for them to pick that particular one, the rest looked so serious like she was a lieutenant taking instructions from a Superior.

"Whatever! " Bella rolled her eyes and continued with her work online.

Later they ordered chicken soup and ate in silence and at night with both their backs against each other, they went to sleep.

At dawn.

The alarm on the bedside rang loudly alerting both girls that it was time to get up and prepare for the big day, today marked the first stage of their mission, and it had to be successful. If it turns out bad, then they'd have to do it the bloody way, but Don couldn't settle for it because that meant the empire he had strived so hard to build would be discovered and him convicted.

Lilith turned in her bed tiredly and covered her head with her pillow.

"Fuck! It's morning already? " She scowled


Bella got up and rushed to the bathroom to wash herself, when she emerged Lilith followed. When they were both done they booked an Uber. Surprisingly for Lilith, Bella wore a stripped short-sleeved shirt and loose black corporate pants. She had packed up her hair neatly, brushed her full brows, and put on lip gloss. She looked pretty but a bit intimidating with that permanent serious look on her face. Bella noticed Lilith's gaze on her and cleared her throat.

"You're lucky to take my advice, if you hadn't you'd still be interviewed though, but as a mascot," Bella said dryly when she noticed that Lilith had chosen a green corporate gown instead of the yellow dress.

"I know you can't say it though, I always pick the best outfits, I'm a fashionable person and you can keep your compliments to yourself " Lilith scoffed, she knew Bella would never compliment her but she said that anyway

The Uber stopped at the Williams Towers, a popular multi-billion company owned by the billionaire. Anthonio Williams Santiago who was formally known as Don Santiago, was a former friend and partner of Don Armando until he betrayed his friend and it led to a bad bloodbath in which Bella's parents were victims of his wrath.

They alighted from the Uber and Bella stood motionless staring at the huge glass building. Lilith knew how she felt, even if she refused to show her emotions, she tapped her shoulders gently.

"We are getting out of time, let's go," She said and Bella sighed before walking into the gate of the building. They sat in the reception office waiting for each to be interviewed, luckily for them, it was just a few people who applied for the positions available.

When the last person emerged from the interview room it was only Bella who had not been interviewed, A skinny Irish man called out.

"Bella Bartimeus, you're up next". He shouted and Lilith's heart skipped, she prayed she wouldn't fail to get the job.

"Trying smiling," Lilith said and Bella gave a wide scary Cheshire smile.

"No! Don't smile, geez that's even worse...." Lilith slapped her head in frustration. As Bella proceeded to the room. A few minutes later Bella emerged from the room with her emotionless face and Lilith couldn't decipher if she did well or not.

"How did it go?" She asked worriedly

"I don't know " Bella shrugged, the man emerged and announced to the people who had been interviewed.

"We'll call you later for approval or disapproval in the evening, have a nice day," he said and everyone got up to leave.

"We have to compete with twelve individuals for just three positions, I hope at least one of us gets the job" She hoped