
chapter 1

Bella's Pov:

The laughter of my three sisters could clearly be heard from the living room as I climbed down the stairs to meet them.

"Of course, I told you !" I had peace laughed .

I was already smiling as I climbed down the stairs to meet them in the sitting room.

"Bella "peace and Annabelle the moment they spotted me.

I went straight to the sitting room to meet them.

I finally said hi with a smile on my face and my diary on my lap.

We have been waiting for you. What have you been doing in your room?

You won't believe what gift wrote in her diary, Annabelle replied and they all laughed.

Don't believe them as she rolls her eyes.

peace replied

Oh really, let's hear what your diary will see about that .

peace started reading the diary

Yesterday was the best day of my life after owen kissed me , and we all laughed

I gasped and cracked a bit

oh wow really but I thought she was crushing on Victor ?

Listen to me Bella

It was an accident I didn't mean to kiss him back besides he kissed me first

Gift said

As they all busted out in laughter .

when are you going to pick one don't tell me you are trying to play with both you're going to get your little heart broken at the end ,Annabelle said

Anyways , I'm 25 years old , So I can kiss whoever I want to kiss and date as many as I can. You won't be young forever you know , gift replied.

Okay whatever you say miss player ,so who's next peace said

Yup, That would be me, Annabelle replied

As she handed her diary to peace

Okay let's see what we have here peace said

That was something my sisters and I did every evening before going to bed , we would sit and go through each other's diaries.

Peace , being the oldest among us, always played the role of reading them..

Peace opened Annabelle's diary and smiled before going ahead to read the previous day's incident which was written in it ..

I overheard Samuel telling John that I would make a good wife .

she finally got to the interesting part of the diary and paused to let everyone hum and giggle .

Wow!! so you heard your boyfriend saying you'll make a good wife?

Gift asked, folding her hands..

Yes baby, and I'm pretty sure sooner than expected, he will be proposing to me Annabelle replied and giggled happily...

Wow congrats , Annabelle said

I said Aww Thanks love...

Hold on, why exactly are you congratulating her ? What if he was saying that in respect to the man that will get married to her ? peace asked

As gift and I laughed..

You are joking peace ,

samuel loves me okay and I can bet he's willing to do anything to end up with me Annabelle replied boastfully and we all laughed again

Look who is being proud anyways, good# luck with that ,Besides, Samuel is a nice guy .

I'm happy for you don't get me wrong peace said and Annabelle smiled excitedly

She continued reading the diary and when she was done she returned it to her and turned to me ..

Okay Bella, you are next , "she said stretching out her pain to me"

Is there any need for that , I mean nothing important happened yesterday "

I replied as I handed the diary to her.

Yeah you are right , Bella dairy is too boring. When will you ever have a boyfriend?

Gift teased and I laughed .

Peace smiled.

She# went ahead to open it. She read the boring part of it and went to the place which seemed interesting to her.

" oh ,my God ! Leo bought you some ice cream, she asked and everyone gasped.

Girls come on, please we just met along the way and he offered to get me some

I said.

"And ....then he gave you a ride home" she added ,reading from the diary .

"Oh, My! finally the last born of the house is about to have a boyfriend gift exclaimed with laughter.

"You guys are just getting it wrong .I and leo are just mere friends I said with a sign.

Hmm mere friends indeed anyways ,

Let's see how that turns out , peace smiled and gave the diary back to me .

Geez !!

what sisters I have

ohhh, Dad has been gone for so long Bella said.

(Well our mom is late )


He's not running away , Bella. they just travelled for like 2 weeks and suddenly you are acting like a child, peace chided and she rolled her eyes on her

Hope you are coming to the party with us bella? gift asked

And i shrugged

I... I don't know .

I really don't like the idea of ..

Come On Bella we have talked about this. We need to go to the party to prove to all those ladies that think we are the four boring sisters peace chipped in ....

why don't you want to come to the party , is it because it's taking place close to the bushy area or are you scared gift asked

Of course not I'm not scared of that I'm not a child anymore you know i replied

Then prove that peace said.


I'll be there Bella said

And they cheered

yeah , finally

I smiled and stood up immediately

"I will be in #my room, guys .Goodnight" i said as I turn and headed for the stairs

Huh ?Come on Bella so soon ? Rebecca asked from behind.

"Yeah see you later" I replied and took the stairs.

I smiled to myself as I walked into the big room and sat on my bed.

There were three other beds in the room and those were for my three sisters.

In case you're wondering, we actually share the same room..

yeah that's how close we are...

We share the same room and read each other's Diaries to prevent us from keeping secrets from each other.

we were the only children of our wealthy parents

Four daughters.

Mum has done everything in her power to have a male child but it turns out abortive..

well trust me when I say we are a blessing to our parents ..

We handle dad's company pretty well than any male child would , I'm not bragging but it's the fact ..

We are always the talk of the city as most people admire us.

We are unique .

You wouldn't believe the joy and honour we have brought to them..

I laid on the bed and stared upward at the ceiling .

Among my sisters# I was indeed the quiet one, well that was how i was created

Not long ago ,I heard my phone ringing and I checked and discovered it was Loe.


Thank goodness my sisters weren't here

I cleared my throat and sat up before picking the call ..

"Hi" I beamed on the phone.

"hey "Bella what's up he asked in that sweet tone.

" I'm fine.... and you" I replied , drawing invisible lines on the floor with my feet

" I am good" I thought you might be sleeping already he said

" No. About to , anyway".

A short silence stepped in

will# you be coming to the party tomorrow he asked and I bit my lips

yeah.. I think so I replied

okay please do , I have something important to tell you over there he said and my heart leapt

what ?

Oh God !

uhm.. of course ,sure I... I will be there, I replied trying not to scream .

Ok then goodnight sweet dreams he stated and flushed.

Same here goodnight I replied with a broad smile and he ended the call .

I covered my mouth with my pillow and screamed

Loe has something to tell me at the party? oh my !What #could that be?

I can't wait .

I giggled to myself and fell on the bed laying upward.

I suddenly felt so excited I stared at the ceiling and imagined his cute masculine statue

He is a nice fellow .

isn't he ?

So what would he possibly want to tell me?

oh well I guess I'd have to wait for the party then

Bella's pov:

Wake up sleepy head , I heard peace pesky voice in my head and I have to Jack out of sleep .

Awwn is it morning already gift grumbled.

Yeah "hi"

I mumbled and yawned again and she laughed

come on now breakfast is set already, and guess dad is back

I stood up immediately and rushed down to hug him

you're here,

I ran in for a big hug

Yes honey

The girls came down and they laughed

Rebecca said you are such a baby

you know I'll be 20 in four month time so I'm not a baby anymore i replied

I and gift brushed our teeth together and wash# our faces when we were done we proceeded to the dining immediately.