
To be CEO Part 1

Felix knew that Gustav had lied. In the situation they had today at the company, however, he could do nothing but clench his teeth and keep quiet. Not really. He could still pray that the whole day would not crumble like a house built of cards.

The risk of it falling apart, however, was high. Gustav was a Meiden, but he didn't have the ruthlessness his father and perhaps in part Ursula possessed. They were born leaders and loved to take responsibility, to have an intoxicating sense of power. Gustav was an unknown.

Sometimes Felix thought Olaf's son would have been the perfect CEO, he had clear potential, but he wanted to stifle it in himself at all costs. Maybe this was caused by Olaf himself, who fought against anything that distracted Gustav from the company. Maybe on Gustav's part it was simply a rebellion against coercion.