
Accidental Coincidences Lead to Dangerous Situations

"Sorry, Greg, but I have to go!"

You've got to be kidding me! Coincidences exist, but to make just such a one? Or was it staged?

Greg, who almost collided in the doorway with his colleague, however, looked genuinely surprised.

"What, why? After all, you just arrived!"

"Remember I'm applying for an internship at this law firm? They called! They're inviting me for an interview!"


"No, tomorrow morning, but if I stay with you and drink a little, I'll either have to spend the night at your place, or I'll come home late and not get a good night's sleep. After all, you know how I care about this job!"

"Well, yes, but..."

Greg looked at David and David just knew that this was not a coined element. Greg was really counting on his colleague to be something of a collateral for David to get him to enter his room. With his colleague's escape, David was able to escape him as well. But David, for some reason, wasn't going to do that.