
Believe - A tale of being oneself

Stories are a reflection of how we want our world to be.

Lou_Eli · Fantasy
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3 Chs


" I don't think this is going to work Francis." The young girl looked at the boy beside her and down towards the dark abyss below.

"Do you trust me?" The girl looked back up into his eyes, and instead of seeing the carefree and joyful young boy, she saw a determined pair of eyes. The boy held his hand up and asked once more.

"Do you trust me?"


I was snapped out of my trance by the school bell. I looked around and saw everyone packing up and leaving.

'I got caught up in my day-dreaming again.' I gathered my things and went out as well.

I've been zoning out more and more recently. If someone read my mind they'd overheat and explode from random things I think about.


My forehead hit something hard. I didn't notice that someone was standing in front of me.

"Oh, I'm sorry." And without even looking up I went back to my world.




The young woman held his hand and looked into his eyes.

"On three, one." The boy began counting.


"Three." Both of them jumped at the same time. The young woman held his hand tighter as she felt her soul leaving her body...




"Miss!... Miss!" I was brought back again by the bus driver.

"Oh, I'm sorry I...zoned out." I rummaged in my bag for my wallet and gave the driver my money. "One ticket for ### please." Went on a nearby empty seat and plugged in my earphones.




"AHH!!!" The girl braced herself for impact, but it didn't happen, the young woman didn't feel extreme pain, instead, she felt two hands holding her waist. She slowly opened her eyes thinking that they had already died.

"You trust me." She felt someone's warm breathe beside her ear, and that's when she realized that they were floating! She gazed at the scenery before her, the endless abyss was nowhere to be seen. Instead, it was replaced by a beautiful lake reflecting the large moon. Some fireflies scattered around, a couple of swans were gracefully gliding on water.

"Beautiful isn't it?" The boy whispered, but she seemed out of it from shock. The young woman wasn't able to process everything at once. The disappearance of the abyss, floating, how the moon suddenly appeared closer and bigger than ever, and as to why there was a lake and a clearing below a ravine they jumped into.

"Wha-...How...What!?" She couldn't even understand herself at the moment.





A car sped by me, I was almost run over. The lights were red and I was walking on the pedestrian lane. I just sighed, I couldn't run for the car, could I? So I just went on my way.

'This is seriously getting dangerous'

When left to my own devices, my mind wanders off somewhere. All I can do to relieve myself of random thoughts was to write them. I pour out my ideas, dreams, stories, and random information I came up with.

I stepped inside the apartment walking slowly to make sure that she couldn't hear me. The usual smell of cigarettes and alcohol roam around the darkroom, but no noise was heard.

'She went out again.'

I went to my room and without even changing out of my clothes, I took my notebook out and started writing to my heart's content until my wrist hurt.




"How is it possible?" The boy smiled at the woman. She looked at him and was shocked, he wasn't a boy anymore, but a man. The once small stature that was a foot shorter than her was now tall and broad, his once cute baby cheeks became defined.

His eyes...his eyes were sharp and deep. It held this cold yet warm feeling, distant yet caring. She forgot to breathe because of how near he was to her and by the time they landed softly on the ground, her legs felt weak. Instead of usually looking down on him, she was now looking up.

"Y-you look different."




*Alarm sound*

I reached for my phone and when I saw the time, I became wide awake. I rushed towards the bathroom to wash and change, brushing my teeth while I pack my things. I grabbed my phone...

'It's Saturday.'

I sighed and changed out of my uniform. Well, I'm wide awake now. I changed into cargo pants and a long-sleeve shirt.

'Might as well go to the library.'

I thought that a change of scenery would be good. Instead of this claustrophobic room, I want a huge area with rows of books. I held my breath in unconsciously and went out.




"Because you believed." The young man turned to her.

"Are you an alchemist then?" Francis scoffed and wore a bewildered expression.

"Oh please, those quacks can't even do a quarter of what I can." Alchemists are no match for him, never in a million years.

"Then what are you?" She asked. With her interest piqued, one question asked won't be enough.

"Elf." This one word was enough to cause Lilith's brain to malfunction.

"Y-you're an elf?!" Her voice was heard by the forest and as if it was laughing, bushes and trees moved as well as the wind rapidly.

"B-but your ears arent-" She pointed her finger at the young man's ears.

"I'm not a pureblood." And it was an advantage. Francis didn't have to hide obnoxiously pointed ears because he didn't have them.

"So...are you a half-blood?"


"Physical features show how much elven blood one has."

Purebloods or the elven elders and royals have long hair, pointy ears, and glass-like skin. The more diluted the elven blood is the smaller their ears, the shorter the hair, and the darker the skin. Francis explained his situation and circumstances to Lilith with clarity.





I was walking along the rows of books when someone turned around the corner and bumped into me.

"I'm so sorry!" The books in my hands scattered on the ground as the person I bumped into panicked.

"It's alright," I said as I gathered my stuff on the ground and went to my usual spot at the back.

My purpose here was not only to change the scenery but to research as well. I have been expanding the storyboard for my novel that was almost halfway through. After spending some time scanning the books, someone walked up to my table and stood there. I closed my book and looked up at him when he still hasn't begun talking.

"May I sit here." He pointed on the opposite side of the table. I looked around.

'There are plenty of empty seats around.'

I just nodded anyway and continued jotting down notes.

'Elves, which originated from germanic mythology are said to be supernatural beings that look like humans with the exception of abilities, immortality, and appearance. They are said to be youthful men and women living in natural areas and has abilities of nature attributed to them. Based on...'

I lost track of time and almost filled up my notebook. It may be the cool air from the air conditioning, the afternoon sun passing through the window, or the smell of books. I don't what caused it but my eyes felt heavy. I fished for my phone to change some points that I confirmed. After some time spent I rest my head on the table and sighed, I felt my eyes close entirely and not long after, I went to sleep.