

This story… this story…. Belial is extremely powerful but just doesn’t know it yet, with his hued colored eyes and long brown silky hair and well built abs and torsos and dashing yet stubborn personality, you can say he’s the perfect man I’ve built for myself in my mind. Betrayed by his not so biological brother is stuck on Earth and is saved by a wolf named Layla. Layla is very pretty young 19 year old wolf, with grey colored eyes, also powerful and stubborn personality. Two stubborn lovers, this ought be interesting, how would a demon and a wolf being in love create a love so beautiful? And a story that’s interesting? Find out. All you have to do is start by reading Chapter one.

popular_ruki · Fantasy
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13 Chs



SATAN: To your own father? To your own brother?

LEVIATHAN: Don't say my own brother; we all knew he wasn't part of.

HADES: Leviathan, you said you wanted nothing to do with the throne, what happened to Lucifer? That all I want to know. Belial didn't deserve what you did.

LEVIATHAN: Both of you just shut up! HE WASN'T PART OF US! We all knew that.

SATAN: Did you have to go this far?

LEVIATHAN: A king must go the extra mile to attain victory, you don't get this, that's why your own father! Wanted to hand the throne to that kiss butter Beial.

SATAN: Don't talk to me like that.

LEVIATHAN: I will talk to you however I see fit, I'm the king and you're behind bars were your powers are useless, Lord of fire. Come to terms with reality, that you'll serve me, just say you'll serve me and be set free.

HADES: That's all you wanted, for us to serve you? I'd rather serve Belial, you've gone too far, we're your real brothers and we're behind bars.

LEVIATHAN: Hades! Hade!! Hade!!! Saying you'll serve Belial hurts what's left of my heart. You forget before we're brothers, we're first demons and I would go further if anyone tries to stop me.

SATAN: Snake!

LEVIATHAN: Our own father would have handed the throne to a fallen angel, leaving us as what? Underlings, he was going to give the throne meant for you to Belial. What you didn't have the guts to do I did, because I am what a KING should be.

SATAN: You are just jealous, like I was, you are jealous. I get that Lucifer's choice was unreasonable, but that was our father regardless, I'm starting to see why he couldn't have chosen us.

LEVIATHAN: Not us, you! You were not an option in the first place.

SATAN: This battle isn't over.

LEVIATHAN: Giving a hearty laugh, oh brother, I'd already won before he battle started.



BLACK CLOAK SPIRIT: No one can hear you Belial, I told you to run didn't I ?

BELIAL: How could he? To his family?

BLACK CLOAK SPIRIT: You're not one of them, you're not one of them, you're not one of them.

BELIAL: If I was given a heads up maybe I wouldn't have been stabbed by my brother.

BLACK CLOAK SPIRIT: No way home, if you leave the wolf, no way home if you leave the wolf; wolf is key, wolf is key.

BELIAL: (panting)WOLF IS KEY? NO WAY HOME WITHOUT THE WOLF? YOU'RE NOT ONE OF THEM? This black cloak spirit is terrible at giving clues. If it said Leviathan was going to kill you, that would have been a lot easier, more importantly, what wolf?

LAYLA: Good morn… did you get any sleep?

BELIAL: I had a dream.

LAYLA: ohhhh dream? Okay come down stairs let's get something to eat; I'm sure the dream was nothing.

BELIAL: I'm not hungry.

LAYLA: You sure? The rumbles in your tummy say the opposite, but suit yourself.

BELIAL: On second thought, just because you're begging me to come eat with you.

LAYLA: Eat up.

BELIAL: What's this?

LAYLA: This fresco's finest pizza and soda pop, dig in.

BELIAL: This is what you eat? I suck energy from bones and bodies, this before has no energy at all.

LAYLA: Uhmmm… okay?? Come on try it.

BELIAL: Again because you're begging.

LAYLA: The excitement on your face says that it's giving you energy; Fresco's pizza gives you all the energy you need; have some more I'm off.

BELIAL: Off? Where? Hell?

LAYLA:School, school, No… because of you I missed a bunch of classes, to keep my grades up, I got to go!

BELIAL: What about home? The way to hell, remember? You said you'd find the way today.

LAYLA: Well how about I get back from school and then we'd get to that.


LAYLA: Ughhh, anything else to say?

BELIAL: I need to find a wolf. Where do I find one?

LAYLA: Uhhh, Belial, I'm not animal control, eat your pizza.

BELIAL: Animal control?


PABLO: How's hunk doing?

LAYLA: You know his name.

PABLO: "Belial" Naaaahh I'm sticking with hunk.

LAYLA: I know his crazy but now he's just creepy, he asked where to find a wolf.

PABLO: What? Why? Did you do something?



LAYLA: What? I didn't do anything… I was flustered and shocked.

PABLO: Did you ask him why he wants to find a wolf?

LAYLA: No, I told him I wasn't animal control.

PABLO: Layla!! Now you have no idea why he was asking for a wolf? Why did you start this conversation in the first place? When the important information is what you do not have. I'm going to class.

LAYLA: What did I do? I was flustered and shocked.

PABLO: Keep being shocked, I want to see hunk.

LAYLA: Why??

PABLO: Why? Because he's a sight to behold *rolls eyes rolls eyes* Layla for christsake to get some answers.


LAYLA: Belial, where is he?

PABLO: Layla, he's passed out in the hallway with a pizza stuck to his face. Hunk why you on the ground?

BELIAL: I wasn't eating pizza.

PABLO: Right.

BELIAL: The walls was closing in on me, the next thing everything was all woozy, I passed out.

LAYLA: Are you sure you're okay? Should we go the hospital?

BELIAL: Hospital? Is a witch? Some kind of god?

PABLO: Moving on, since you seem "fine" sort of, how about we help you find your way to hell.

LAYLA: Wait! What? Belial hold up, Pablo a word; what the hell are you talking about?

PABLO: Improvising.

LAYLA: we don't know how to get to hell except you die! You're already on your way their because all I need to do is kill you!

PABLO: HA! Very funny… it's just to get some answers.

LAYLA: From this creepy weirdo, Pablo that's not going to work.

PABLO: Says the creep still keeping him under her roof, you're both creeps. Watch and learn. Belial, heard you're searching for a wolf, why?

BELIAL: That's what the black cloak spirit told me.

PABLO/LAYLA: Black cloak???

LAYLA: Told you it was a bad idea, you never listen to me.

BELIAL: Wolf is key, wolf is key.

PABLO: Did it tell you the name of the wolf?

LAYLA: Don't tell me you're buying this crap, Pablo Black cloak spirit.

PABLO: I'm trying to help him.

BELIAL: I'm not one of them, I'm not one of them, I'm not one of them.

PABLO: Layla a word, this guy is crazy, I say we toss his ass out before we become crazy.

LAYLA: Hold up, when you say toss his ass out, you don't mean?

PABLO: Isn't it obvious, let's give him to the experts who can help him.

LAYLA: Put him in a madhouse?

PABLO: Layla the man is mad, let's help the poor hunk before we go crazy.

LAYLA: But he's just so cute, don't you see those hued colored clueless eyes.

PABLO: Hello, those eyes will cost you your sanity.

LAYLA: Pablo!!!!! Where is the hunk?

PABLO: What do you mean where is the hunk? He was here a minute ago.

LAYLA: And now he's gone!