

This story… this story…. Belial is extremely powerful but just doesn’t know it yet, with his hued colored eyes and long brown silky hair and well built abs and torsos and dashing yet stubborn personality, you can say he’s the perfect man I’ve built for myself in my mind. Betrayed by his not so biological brother is stuck on Earth and is saved by a wolf named Layla. Layla is very pretty young 19 year old wolf, with grey colored eyes, also powerful and stubborn personality. Two stubborn lovers, this ought be interesting, how would a demon and a wolf being in love create a love so beautiful? And a story that’s interesting? Find out. All you have to do is start by reading Chapter one.

popular_ruki · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 1 THE ENEMY?

BELIAL: *thinking out loud* I need more power, if only I can get my father's throne, but Satan Lord of fire is next in line and my father still lives and isn't dying any time soon. *strokes chin* What can I do?

(Before I continue my thinking let me introduce myself, my father is Lucifer and I have three older brothers; Satan The Lord of fire, Hades Bringer of light and Leviathan Serpent of the deep and there's me Belial ... Just plain Belial who listens to no one hence I got the title "Demon with no master". How does a low class demon like me overthrow Lucifer? My brothers detest me, who can help me? )

SATAN: Father, Belial seeks your throne said Satan, *Lucifer laughed in absurdity *

LUCIFER: no fool, no living thing thinks it's possible so where is he getting this nonsense from? Leviathan why can't you caution your brother?

LEVITHAN:*smirks* Father what Belial is thinking is not my concern, besides Belial is just a child who thinks he is ready to walk in his Father's shoes and you're the one spoiling him, letting him go roam about. We know that Lucifer's throne has to be handed over and we all know who is next in line.

LUCIFER: Where is Belial now?

HADES: Maybe his out trying to find another witch who can help him get the throne, Spoilt brat.

(Lucifer sighed and quoted)

LUCIFER: " A child will still grow". (The brothers asked in chorus, why do you let him be Father?)

LUCIFER: *dramatic pause* because he is a just child.

(This irked Satan in the ears he bangs the table so hard)

SATAN: A child? Father, JUST!!! a child? We're demons but you're treating that boy like his some human. *stands up in rage*

LUCIFER: Enough! Belial is my son, he is your brother, if I see his actions are something to punish him for then I'll see to the punishment myself until then we sit down and eat and enjoy our meal.

SATAN: (Satan still filled with rage) I hope this boy you love so much isn't going to be the cause of your misfortune.

LUCIFER: What? I? LUCIFER! The one that brings misfortune, Satan you're excused if you have nothing reasonable to say. (Satan storms out leaving the dinner table on fire).

LEVITHAN: Great another burnt dinner.


BELIAL: *sighs in disappointment* Another witch DEAD! And still no luck with the throne, being powerful sure is hard,and I missed din... (bumping into Satan) oh my bad I wasn't looking.

SATAN: If you cannot use your eyes how bout I burn them? *maniacal glare*

BELIAL: I just said I was sorry.

SATAN: Belial just watch were you're going and walking away in steaming hot anger.

BELIAL: That demon and his temper, I know his the lord of fire and all but he should go easy on the flames, my beautiful eyes, how dare he threaten me like that? Hmph! What's for dinner?

LEVIATHAN: *giving a sarcastic* Oh Belial you're back, we're having burnt dinner. oh and I saved mine for you, gave him a slight path on the back and said enjoy.

BELIAL: Father I'm hungry and I want to eat.

LUCIFER: Belial join me at the table or what is left of it

BELIAL: I'd rather just eat in my room if that pleases the king?

LUCIFER: Okay eat where you want to eat.


SATAN: I have angered my father with my unprincely behavior, I have to apologize and seek his forgiveness, after all I am going to be the next king, so a king shouldn't behave in that manner.(Satan made his way to his Father's chamber)

(Mean while Lucifer was thinking out loud )

LUCIFER: wonder why Belial is going through so much for the throne that's already his.

(Satan spaced out and shocked for about a minute and returned to his room pushing everything in sight, setting on fire his bed, he was on fire, he thinking so hard)

SATAN: "FOR A THRONE THAT'S ALREADY HIS?" Belial ! No way, it can't be, I am the rightful heir and ruler, who is Belial? Father I thought I needed your forgiveness, now I need you to DIE! Or even more so be locked away where you'll be powerless and useless, Who is the king? I AM THE KING!!!


LEVIATHAN: Belial where have you been?

BELIAL: None of your business Leviathan.

LEVIATHAN: Still looking for witches to take over the throne?

BELIAL: Wow master of the obvious.

LEVIATHAN: For a powerful demon you claim to be, you sure act like a child, a human child HA! Belial, you know if you try anything stupid there will be consequences.

BELIAL: Yeah Yeah !!! I have something that might actually work, I am not certain YET! Just promise me you won't tell Satan or Hades.

LEVIATHAN: I promise, but who am I to butt into throne matters? Brother your secret is safe with me, giving a grin and exited the room.

BELIAL: Wait what did I just do? I just told the master deceiver that I might have a secret plan that just might work and made him promise to keep it. Oh NO! my throne.


LEVIATHAN: Belial, Has a plan that he thinks might work?

HADES: That's impossible he laughed.

LEVIATHAN: I don't think it's something to laugh about, he seemed pretty confident about this one.

(Satan who at first seemed to have lack of interest in the conversation, drew closer and asking)

SATAN: did he reveal what the "secret plan might be?"

LEVIATHAN: Well Satan that part I do not know, all he said was that he has a plan that might work this time, Wait, Satan Lord of fire, why are you interested in one of Belial's plans that never actually ever work?

SATAN: I was just curious and wanted to know Leviathan, don't go around thinking and talking nonsense, he exited the room.

SATAN: There's no way he knows about the sword and the ABYSS that can bound any demon even LUCIFER! Many demons think it a myth because no one has really seen the sword, but from the description by many who have not really seen it they say it shines brighter than the sun, its hotter than fire and it's pure white as snow not just anyone can wield it, there's no way Belial actually knows that, he's too simpleminded affirming to himself.

(Belial locked himself in his room thinking for days, sitting at the corner of his bed thinking out loud)

BELIAL: I cannot trap my father or keep him in some prison, that's a bit of a stretch, besides I want him to be by my side as my second in command, HA! Lucifer my second in command, I like this plan better, this is my conclusion that I don't want the throne anymore, oh well I'm sorry them dead witches but I'll found another way to be powerful and my father will be there to see that I can be just as powerful or more powerful than he could ever be and gave himself a pat on his back, he chuckled, Lucifer my second in command.

( Hades came to summon Belial, that they were needed in the throne room)

HADES: Belial are you sitting on the ground because your plan fell through AGAIN?

BELIAL: Leviathan sure is quick to snitch; he lied to me and told Hades

HADES: Not just me, everyone knows, but we also knew that it would fail, spoilt brat.

BELIAL: Why are you here? Because you never ever visit me just for name calling or insults, why are you here?

HADES:The king needs us at the throne room, looks like you might be in trouble little brother and no one is on your side.

BELIAL: My plans never actually fail Hades, it's just some minor setbacks brother.

HADES: What? Dead witches are not minor Belial? Just get your butt off the ground and follow me, because to me that sounds like failure.


BELIAL: Shut it snake.

LEVITHAN:What do you expect from me? I mean I am a demon who deceives people, it's even in my name Leviathan the deceiver by the way you should not be angry, I don't really know this plan that you're so certain of.

BELIAL:Yes I'm glad you don't know it, snake but everyone knows that I had a full proof plan that might have worked.

LEVIATHAN: I think you should probably go and answer the king, you might have some questions to answer about your "full proof plan" mocking his little brother.



BELIAL: Father ignore whatever Leviathan said, he's always been the drunk one blurted Belial.

LUCIFER: Confused asked, what do you mean? What are you talking abo…

SATAN: (Satan interrupted and got all worked up) how can you speak when the king didn't order you to speak? What are you? Who do you think you are?

BELIAL: I am me and the last time I checked you're not the king, the king, my father doesn't seem to have a problem with my how I've acted.

SATAN: What! Satan shouts in rage, do you forget that I am your senior brother? The next in line to the thro….

BELIAL: What's your problem Lord of fire?


LUCIFER: Enough!! Both of you ,ordered Lucifer in anger, not another word from both of you, Satan I don't need you to be my mouthpiece, sit down and be quiet like your brothers.

BELIAL: HA! Be quiet "lord of fire"

LUCIFER: Belial, BEHAVE!!! Don't make me hurt you, or do you forget that you're before KING LUCIFER? Do you forget what I do to demons that disobey Belial? sit down Belial, we've got a problem, a really BIG PROBLEM.