
Belial, Lord of Darkness

Four young women find instructions online to summon a demon. They decide to try it. They do their enchantment and it is heard by Belial, Lord of Darkness. He visits them and chooses them to do his bidding. They are given powers and are taken with him on adventures to find powerful magical items he desires. They discover the fine line between hero and villain as he takes them to other worlds and times. As they continue the journey they are drawn to him by the power he shares.

DustyOlivia · Fantasy
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100 Chs


Looking at Amanda, Hannah asked, "Can you get us out of here faster than it took us to get here?"

"Of course," she said, "As long as I know where we are going it is easy." She prepared to teleport them out of the cave.

"Wait," Clare said, "Belial didn't search this place, lets look before we go."

The five girls began to search the cave. Their exploration led them to a small, hidden chamber, almost entirely concealed by a fallen boulder. With great effort, they managed to move the boulder aside, revealing a dusty wooden chest bound with iron bands. The chest bore the markings of a long-deceased civilization, its intricate carvings and symbols hinting at the power and wealth it contained.

With anticipation hanging in the air, Clare knelt before the chest and carefully lifted the heavy lid. As it creaked open, a dazzling array of gold coins and glittering jewels spilled forth, their brilliance undiminished by the passage of time. Amidst the treasure, three powerful magical items lay nestled, each radiating an aura of ancient enchantment.

Amanda, using her ability to understand magic picked up the first item. "This is an Amulet of Eternal Flame, it's an exquisite piece of jewelry, its central gemstone a large, fiery opal that seems to contain a living ember within. The opal is encircled by intricate golden filigree, which is further adorned with tiny rubies and sapphires that caught the light and sparkled brilliantly. This does Fire Manipulation. The wearer of the amulet can summon and control flames at will. This includes creating fireballs, wreathing their weapons in fire, or even generating a protective wall of flames. It also has Heat Resistance. The amulet grants its wearer complete immunity to heat and fire, allowing them to walk through burning buildings or withstand dragon's breath unscathed. The amulet can generate a comforting warmth, protecting the wearer from cold environments and hypothermia, making it invaluable in a mountainous journey."

"That's incredible," Hannah stated.

Amanda went on the the second item. "This is a Ring of Shadows, it is a delicate silver band, almost blackened with age, but still gleaming with an inner light. The centerpiece of the ring is a flawless black diamond, which seems to absorb the light around it rather than reflect it." 

"When activated, the ring renders its wearer completely invisible, allowing them to move undetected by enemies or slip past guards unseen. It also has what's called shadowstep. The wearer can teleport short distances by stepping into one shadow and emerging from another. This power is especially useful in combat or when navigating through heavily guarded areas. It also give the wearer night vision. The ring grants its wearer the ability to see perfectly in complete darkness, making it invaluable for exploring dark caves or navigating nighttime environments.

Picking up the last item, "This is a staff of whispering winds. It is a tall, slender staff made from a mysterious, silvery wood. It is topped with a crystalline orb that shimmered with a spectrum of colors, as though it contained the very essence of a gentle breeze. Engraved along the length of the staff are ancient runes that pulse with a soft, blue light.

The staff allows its wielder to summon and manipulate winds, from gentle breezes to powerful gales. This can be used to propel their enemies back, lift objects, or even aid in flight. The staff can be used to alter the weather in a localized area, calming storms or summoning rain, which could prove essential in various climates and combat situations. It also allows for communication. The staff can carry whispers and messages on the wind, allowing the wielder to communicate with allies over great distances without the need for conventional means. 

In addition to the magical items, the chest contained a substantial pile of gold coins and sparkling jewels. The gold coins were stamped with the emblem of an ancient kingdom, their value likely immeasurable in the modern world. The jewels—sapphires, emeralds, rubies, and diamonds - were of the highest quality, their facets catching the light and reflecting a kaleidoscope of colors. The sheer quantity of treasure promised not only wealth but also the means to procure any supplies, weapons, or additional information they might need on their quests.

As the group marveled at their newfound wealth and the powerful items they had discovered, a renewed sense of purpose and determination filled their hearts. These artifacts would undoubtedly aid them in the trials to come, providing the strength and abilities necessary to face Belial in the future. With their spirits lifted and their resolve strengthened, they prepared to continue their journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With a wave of her hand Amanda teleported the girls along with their newfound wealth back to their vehicle. They loaded everything and prepared to set off.

Amanda started to laugh causing the others to stop and look at her.

"You didn't think we were going to drive clear back did you." She waved her hand again and the car was sitting outside Clare's house back in the spot where they had started this journey from.

Another wave and the girls found themselves back in the attic, the familiar and comforting space that had become their sanctuary over the years. The tension and uncertainty of their final confrontation with Belial still lingered in the air, but as they looked at one another, a sense of satisfaction and closure came over them.

Clare, Rachel, Hannah, Ellie, and Amanda sat in a circle on the attic floor, the soft glow of the afternoon sun filtering through the dusty windows. They had been through so much together - faced unimaginable dangers, battled dark forces, and uncovered truths about themselves that they could never have anticipated. Now, it was time to decide their future.

Clare broke the silence first, her voice steady and calm. "I think we all agree that we're done traveling to different worlds, at least for now. We need to focus on our lives here, on making a difference in our own world."

The others nodded in agreement, relief evident on their faces. It had been a long and arduous journey, and the idea of settling down, of finding a new way to help people, was incredibly appealing.

Rachel leaned forward, her eyes bright with excitement. "We have the money we've earned from our adventures. We could start a business, something that allows us to use our magic to help people. We've talked about this before, and now we finally have the opportunity."

Hannah smiled, her expression thoughtful. "What kind of business? I mean, there are so many possibilities. We could help people with healing, protection spells, even finding lost things. We have so many skills between us."

Ellie nodded, her warrior spirit undiminished. "And we can offer security services, too. There are plenty of people who need protection from threats they don't even know exist. We've seen what's out there—we can help keep them safe."

Amanda, who had been quietly listening, finally spoke up. "I think we should also consider using our powers to support charities and communities in need. We've seen the worst of what magic can do, but we've also seen the best. We can be a force for good, right here in our own world."

The others murmured in agreement, their minds already racing with ideas and possibilities. There was a sense of excitement in the air, a renewed purpose that filled them with hope.

Clare looked at Amanda and smiled. "And since Amanda is going to move in as my roommate, we'll have a base of operations right here. We can start small and grow from there."

The girls spent the next few hours discussing their plans, their hopes, and their dreams. They talked about the types of services they could offer, the ways they could use their powers to help people, and the challenges they might face. There were moments of laughter, moments of seriousness, and moments of genuine connection as they shared their thoughts and ideas.

"We've come a long way," Clare said softly, her voice filled with emotion. "And I'm so grateful to have each of you by my side. Whatever the future holds, I know we can face it together."

The others nodded, their eyes shining with the same sense of gratitude and determination. They had faced darkness and emerged stronger for it, and now, they were ready to build a new future, one filled with light and hope.

Finally, Ellie spoke up, her voice strong and resolute. "Let's do this. Let's make a difference in our world, just like we've done in so many others."

With that, the girls stood up and gathered in a tight circle, their arms wrapped around each other in a group hug. They stood there for a long moment, feeling the warmth and strength of their bond, and knowing that, together, they could achieve anything.

As they hugged, the last light of the day faded from the attic, leaving them in the comforting embrace of the darkness, a reminder of the battles they had fought and the ones they had yet to face. But in that moment, they knew they were ready for whatever the future held. They were a team, a family, and they would face the challenges ahead with courage and determination.

The journey they had begun when they summoned Belial, had brought them full circle, and now, they were ready to forge a new path, one that would allow them to use their powers for good and make a lasting impact on the world. And as they stood there, together, they knew that their story was far from over - it was just beginning.