
Being The Duke's Temporary Fiancée

"How can I ignore someone in need? I have to help them so they can become one of my chess pieces" ____________ After dying and finding herself in her favourite novel as a character named Erionella she is determined to leave this world. The only way to leave is by finding the wishing stone which resides in the land of demons named Ulenov. The portal to the modern world could only be opened a year from now, which was day the of Latil. But she could be given off in marriage to some crazy psycopath. And only one person is capable of breaking the barrier that surrounds Ulenov. This person is the villain of the novel; Duke Crinoel Garcia. So in order to be safe from an unwanted marriage and enter the land of Ulenov she gets engaged to him. An engagement that would last only a year according to the contract. So all she has to do is live a simple life as Erionella Josephine Renowarin daughter of a Count for 365 days. But...a dangerous path awaits her during that one year. _____________ "You're one of my pawns so you can never become a player" How dare some novel characters try to kill her. ______________________________________________ Characters, plot and whole story are all originally mine. Character development and slow plot until chapter 35. Spelling and grammatical errors as its unedited. Cover made by @Serenity070 Also published on wattpad.com @Adivonna

Queen_Adivonna · Fantasy
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Chapter 6: The Dukes Fiancée

Erionella watched in surprise as boxes were put into the mansion which she was taken to and was apparently an engagement gift, as if the boxes of jewelry and other luxuries were not enough.

But her surprise could not be compared to her families, who were frantic at the Duke's proposal.

It had happened a week ago, in the morning when Erionella had woken up.

"Miss. Miss. Miss!" A maid with brown hair came rushing over.

'What was her name again? Oh, Sophella'

"What Sophella?" Erionella asked tiredly as she threw the blanket over her head and rolled on the bed.

Just like always, Sophella who was her usual informant on news came to deliver news that was more shocking than the last "Duke Garcia is here"





It took some seconds to process that statement till she sprang up from bed and held Sophella's shoulders to ask just to be sure "What?!"

"He is speaking to the Count, Countess and Young Master about your hand in marriage" Sophella said quickly as she did her best to fix Erionella's bad morning hair.

Erionella did her best to calm down and think as she paced around the room a while Sophella brushed her hair.

'It's part of the plan.

He has to ask for my hand in marriage, then we become engaged. Because since he is the only Duke of the Empire at the age of twenty-four, he has to be engaged for at least a year before he can get married to the lady as she will have to be prepped to be the duchess.

But why was it the next day when we signed the contract, when we haven't even planned anything out yet'

"Where are they?" Erionella asked as she snapped out of her thoughts.

"In the drawing room" Sophella said as she followed Erionella around.

Immediately Erionella scurried out of her room while Sophella ran after her.

"Miss, wait, you're still wea-

She had already gone farther than hearing range and after a few seconds she made it to the drawing room and swung the door open.

"I greet you Duke Garcia. Good morning, mother and father" Erionella said as she curtsied lightly and marched over to the duke glaring at him.

But he returned the glare with a smile and said happily "You're awake my dear Fiancée~"

He took the Crown Prince's advice of trying to convince the Count and Countess.

"Make sure to smile and seem like she is dear to your heart"

So he gave the smile he practiced every day.

But that smile was usually used to intimidate the enemy, so he hadn't taught that it would produce the same effect on the people he used it on.

The Count, Countess, Johan, Erionella and the maids in the room all quivered in fear as he looked at Erionella with an evil smile that looked like he would strangle her any moment.

But Erionella refused to back down.

"Calling me your Fiancée when my parents haven't even approved of our engagement. Obnoxious much" Erionella said as she put her hand on her waist.

First of all they show they have a causal relationship.

"But we have already signed the documents and it's been stamped and approved with the Garcia family insignia and that from the Crown Prince" Crinoel said as he brought the documents and placed it on the table.

Secondly, show proof of ALREADY being engaged and APPROVED by someone of high status.

"But my parents have the right to refuse as I am still their child" Erionella quipped as she sat beside him.

Then show she'll show she still obeys her parents and is willing to whatever they choose.

"Love conquers over all. They have no reason to NOT accept our engagement.

Is it age? I'm twenty four and you're almost twenty-one.

Is it your rank? You'll will be the duchess so there is no reason to worry as long as I'm alive.

And nothing is killing me anytime soon. I am Duke Garcia, aren't I?"

Saying sweet words of love and emphasizing the fact that they had no logical reason not to permit the engagement.

And highlighting that he is someone who is very powerful, that if he wanted to take her by force it would be very easy.

Then Erionella left the drawing room for her family to discuss with the Duke, meeting with a flushed Sophella outside and the usual expressionless Irliona.

"My lady you…." Sophella said trying to say something but her voice didn't come out.

"You're still wearing your nightgown" Irliona said as Sophella still couldn't say anything.

Erionella looked down and noticed she was still wearing her blue lace gown and her face turned a bright shade of red as she ran away in embarrassment.

Erionella had gotten a good scolding from her family for already agreeing and signing to something as important as an engagement, especially to the Duke.

But in the end, they agreed to the engagement as Erionella told them the way they met and how long they had known each other. 

It was time to go. If she would stay here watching as all the presents were moved she'd probably be here for a week.

The carriage was set and Sophella and Irliona who had followed her to the engagement gift mansion, briefed her on news of the social world.

"Though the Duke is scary and cold. That icy aura is what attracts almost every lady he meets to him. Half of the women in the empire are crazy for him." Sophella gushed.

"In due time they'll start coming for you and attacking you. They might even start today. Because the route we are currently passing by is close to Count Julian's mansion.

Count Julian's daughter is said to be one of the most psychopathic Duke Garcia fanatic. She's about to attack you in three seconds" Irliona said as she pointed out of the carriage window blankly.

Erionella rolled her eyes at the exaggeration of her being attacked in three seconds and was about to laugh at Irliona's first time over the top drama but was interrupted by the loud bang on the carriage door.

There was a loud commotion outside but Erionella could not properly hear what was going on but she could vaguely hear the voice of a screaming young lady.

"It's Count Julian's daughter." Irliona said as she slightly shifted the curtains.

Outside was a lady with brown hair holding a shovel angrily and using it to hit the coach man.

Erionella panicked then came up with a plan. "Do any of you know how to drive a carriage?"

"I don't" Sophella said worriedly as she looked at the coachman who was being beaten.

Erionella looked at Irliona who was thinking then said frantically "I'll double your already doubled salary!"

"To the Renowarin territory, right?" Irliona asked and Erionella nodded.

"On the Count of 3. 3, 2, 1!" The carriage door was flung open and Irliona quickly got on the coach driver seat and Erionella secretly used her magic to push Count Julian's daughter down with the shovel.

She carried the coach man up with Sophella's help, into the carriage as the man thanked over and over again and Irliona drove the carriage at top speed.

Erionella could already see how her life in the nearest future would be like.

Then a question she had wanted the answer to since a week ago came to her mind.

'Does Irliona already know how to do something but just waits for you to pay her or is it when payment is made that she suddenly develops a skill?'