
Being The Alpha Don's Lover

Once Giselle Thompson waltzes into the city of New York in search of a new life, unexpectedly she is thrust into another world. A world of chaos that makes her gain more than she bargained for once she catches the eye of Zeus Walsh, the Alpha of the largest pack in North America and leader of the mafia. Throwing all caution aside, she feels an instant pull towards the werewolf, who proves to be more than meets the eye. With an intense attraction too powerful to ignore it’s in their aim for love when family secrets and lies are exposed. It’s quite a risk for a human and werewolf to come together as one but will their mate bond be strong enough to survive the dangers coming their way? *** The second I opened the bathroom door and met golden orbs shining in the dark hall I genuinely felt trapped. Suddenly the space felt a lot smaller with him mere inches away. I found my body operating on its own accord the second he pushed himself off the wall and moved towards me till my back touched the wall. Staring up at him, I was meek unable to speak, “You don’t ever say shit like that and think you can just walk away,” he growled, the sound although usually associated with anger in this situation I knew it was different. I hadn’t been blind to the glances he passed my way since the exhibit and all throughout dinner such that whenever I reflect upon that time in the hallway where we were hidden away I couldn’t help but chastise myself for poking the beast and expecting not to get scathed. He bent his head down when he noticed my silence taking it as a sign to plunge head first into the pool of impurity when his head dipped between my shoulder and neck grazing the flesh with his teeth. Taking a whiff of my essence he groaned, “Your arousal is fucking killing me, love.” I reached up tracing the fabric of his shirt as the tingles intensified upset that this barrier separated me from touching his skin such that I wound up gripping it in response to the feel of his rough hands settling on my hips. At this point my breaths came out short, the air fumbling within my lungs the second his teeth nipped my earlobe whilst he pressed his body even more against mine. “Boss…?” a low voice muttered into the abyss reaching us to make the man himself stiffen and lift up his head taking his warmth with him whilst keeping me close. He scowled eyeing the poor victim, taking a peak over his shoulder expecting to find Leo or Daniel; I instead saw the face of another man whom I had never seen before look nervously between us. “What?!” he barked tightening his hold on me when I attempted to remove his hands feeling a bit conscious and unwilling to draw attention to our rather questionable position but unlike me, Zeus didn’t give a damn. “We have a situation,” he replied keeping his eyes focused on the ground. He scurried away once he was dismissed; he sighed in frustration blinking a few times to calm himself down and reached out to run a hand gently through his hair. It was strange seeing him do it when seconds ago I was close to running my hand through the loose strands but questions began flying inside at what the situation was. He looked back down at me, his tongue poking out to lick his lower lip stirring a side to me that was slowly gaining a voice and identity of its own. Looking away feeling flushed I felt his fingers on my throat denying the chance I needed to breathe, “I have to go,” he whispered rubbing gentle circles as his eyes bore into mine, tearing down my armor and dismantling the chains with a statement that left me feeling like jelly whilst a stream formed between my thighs making me forget what situation needed to be handled when he whispered, “Make no mistake my little gazelle, I will eat you…”

Poetic_reviver · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Chapter 3

Have you ever gone through something and despite it passing the feeling remains freshly engraved in your head? And no matter how much you attempt to forget it, forget the thumping song your heart created in that moment such that any attempt to fill your head with lyrics of other tunes is futile? I never could relate to people who expressed those experiences until that night. It had been days and more often than I'd like to admit I found my eyes landing on those steps as if staring at them hard enough will cause him to appear out of thin air. And a part of me kept questioning what wound up happening to him. Another part that I dared not venture further into wondered if he had done something terrible to himself.

In order to cope I began convincing myself he had been some manifestation of my imagination. It had been working for some time especially when school began. And once I stepped through the doors of the lecture room I got a break from the mental torment once I grew excited to be in an environment with people equally passionate about the worlds created by the different authors and poets.

Anytime I read a piece particularly with poems that touched on social issues my eyes always moved over each word that soothed the aches and burns I never knew were attached on my body to soak in the truth behind it all. Maybe I was a bit too optimistic to want the reality painted; however, wanting good for the world is a beautiful thing. I could only hope that one day my words would bring some ounce of good to someone's life someday.

After the lecture I moved aimlessly with no destination in mind taking in the faces of all the students some were scurrying off to class whilst others lounged around on the lawn. Considering my next lecture would be in two hours I decided to repose a little and found myself moving towards a girl situated on a bench alone. What drew me towards her was the book nestled comfortably in her hands. Placing my books gently on the table I took a seat smiling at the title, "Twelfth Night" by William Shakespeare staring back at me. I remember doing a paper on it back in high school and despite boasting the diverse tastes my tongue has touched I could admit I struggled with Shakespearean language sometimes. If it hadn't been for the summaries I found on the internet I know I would have most probably failed it.

"I don't know a lot of people who read Shakespeare for fun," I muttered, she jumped slightly placing her book down, it was evident I had caught her off guard. She chuckled lightly, cheeks turning a pink tint before she shuffled in her seat, "I… uh must admit I'm more of an art person. Someone close to me appreciated his work, so I vowed at some point I'd give him a shot." And as I processed her words I couldn't help but notice how her smile wavered slightly as she closed the book. Clearing my throat I shifted forward taking in more of her features. Her onyx eyes were like endless pools of black, she had an oval shaped face with cute freckles decorating her cheeks in a synchronized pattern that gave her an innocent look. But there was something about her that made me question if I had seen her before. And when I reached out to introduce myself my suspicions were confirmed when she told me her name was Marcie.

"I work at your mom's shop, she told me you'd be coming here. So how are you finding our little community?" I asked stretching out my hands to the expansive land around us with the different buildings. She looked around as if weighing out her answer before she shrugged her shoulders, "Considering it's the first day… not so bad. My mother mentioned you. Looks like we're going to be working together at the shop," she replied beaming at me. At the time Ms. Friedman had agreed to allow me to work on weekends at least which I was happy about and knowing that I would be working with Marcie would be another bonus of its own.

In as much as her mother asked me to keep an eye on her, I could only hope that a real friendship will form between us as we began conversing.


We exchanged numbers and promised to stay in touch. Part of me couldn't help but wonder what she must have gone through, Ms. Friedman chose to remain vague and from what I could tell about her disposition so far was that she seemed sweet and reminded me of her mother.

Like I said before life has a tendency of taking us by surprise and for some people whether the surprise is good or bad, the world will continue to rotate on its axis. And when I saw the stranger standing outside my apartment clad in a black suit I wasn't sure whether to deem it as either a good thing he was here or a bad thing.

As if sensing my presence he glanced my way making the ground shaky, placing more effort on my end to move all in an aim to appear indifferent to the way he was watching me. Unlike the last time his face was clean shaven leaving the only visible sign of hair on his body atop his head that were waves of midnight black cascading over each other. He stood upright, an air of pride and distinction radiating as he briefly addressed the men standing by a vehicle who I hadn't noticed until his eyes briefly disconnected from mine. I hadn't heard what they said but they nodded their heads and entered the vehicle without protest increasing the curiosity that I had tried to keep chained to ask who this man was. I stopped mid-step to stare at the vehicle quizzically and switched my gaze back to find his lips quirking by the abrupt end to my initial pursuit towards my door. "I promise I don't bite," he claimed, voice still deeper but a lot clearer causing a shiver to move effortlessly down my spine.

"But you might punch or kick," I blurted out without giving it much thought. But I had no regrets about saying what I was thinking. Under the intense rays of the sun he seemed different, less demure until my remark caused the man from that night to make a brief appearance as he shuffled on his feet whilst stuffing his hands into his pockets. Looking away briefly I watched him in silence unsure of where we'd go from there. And yet it seemed he managed to gather himself before he moved towards me stopping far enough not to invade my personal space. "I promise the last thing I want to do is make you regret showing kindness to me," he replied coming across as genuine when he looked me in the eye. I always believed if one had ulterior motives and were being dishonest they'd hardly be able to look you in the eye where the truth laid. "Besides if I wanted to cause you any harm don't you think it's more logical I do it at night?" he joked unfortunately when he noticed how my resolve hadn't cracked at his attempt towards humor he sobered up rubbing the back of his neck gently. An action which involuntarily drew my eyes towards the tattoo now on full display and I took note of the intricate design of an angel wing that made me ponder briefly on how one can look both rough yet seem quite harmless at the same time.

"To be honest… I wanted to say thank you for the other night. You could have called the cops but you didn't, you chose not jump to conclusions."

"It's okay," I waved my hand dismissively to camouflage the warmth swirling inside at his sincerity, "my mother always told me kindness deserves to be given to every passing face we see."

He smiled the light in it blinding me to look away when he pointed out, "She sounds like a smart woman."

"Yeah she is…" I smiled lightly at the mere thought of her, '"but she was wasted at the time she said it." He chuckled, lines forming at the corners of his eyes as a deep sound rumbled out of him. "Now that's how you make a joke," I said smiling.

He shook his head smiling gently and just when I thought the conversation would come to an end he said, "Have coffee with me. It's the least I could do after what you did."

Caught off guard by the offer I was at a loss of words and found my tongue tripping over syllables to find the words to develop a coherent response, "T-That's not necessary… And besides I'm not expecting anything, that's the whole point behind just being kind to someone. In fact I strongly suggest you show that level of courtesy to someone else."

"But I want to show it to you." Brushing past him, I replied keeping my tone firm as I moved towards my place with determination only to have him keeping up with me all too easily, "I don't want it," I replied. And that was the truth I didn't act that way with any expectations that he'd reciprocate. "Look… " he groaned coming to stand in front of me immediately blocking my path with his large stature granting me the chance to see him bit his bottom lip. Releasing a heavy sigh I crossed my arms in the process and observed him waiting to hear what he had to say. This was turning out to be quite a day, "I've managed to build a life for myself that involves me having control of not only people… but my emotions. I have never openly cried in front of anyone in years so know the idea of anyone seeing me as if I'm some broken soul hasn't been sitting well with me. I really could've tried to forget that night but I can't because you're –" he stopped short leaving the sentence hanging before taking a deep breath, mumbling something under his breath, he looked up at me and said, "deep down I feel like I owe you an explanation."

Despite trying to rummage through my brain for an excuse that would end any further interaction, to tell him there was no need to explain himself, I knew I wanted to know. A part of me was curious to the story hidden within those aquamarine eyes that pulled me in. And yet I attempted to rebuff his offer, "I don't even know your name."

His smile widened before he extended his hand out in search of mine, "Fair enough, I'm Zeus and what's your name?" It was probably in this space and time where the world fell away, where nothing else seemed to matter and as I placed my hand in his a tingling sensation erupted whilst whispers emanated in my head of his name, it's only later on down the line I realize that I had unintentionally accepted some fate that would be revealed in more time as I said, "My name is Giselle."

"Gigi?" Turning briefly my eyes connected with those of Donovan feeling utterly surprised he was here. He usually called before he came over, his gaze switched over to the man who had yet to let go of my hand. And with the warmth radiating into it mine I had no real problem with it residing against his rough skin. "Hey… Donovan," I said, he didn't respond instead his eyes narrowed once they landed on our joined hands and feeling like a deer caught in headlights I pulled my hand out of his grasp at the millions of questions I could see plastered all over my friend's face. Stepping back I cleared my throat gesturing towards Donovan, "This is Donovan, a good friend of mine and Zeus," I looked back at him, "is…"

I paused unsure of what to say, sensing my uncertainty Zeus replied coming to my aid, "Leaving. Giselle…" he muttered catching my attention causing an immediate storm within my frame to the manner in which he said my name. "Enjoy the rest of your day," he concluded giving me one final look before turning on his heel. Despite the temptation to allow the feeling of disappointment to creep in something told me as I observed the confidence ooze out of his gait that the conversation between us was far from over.

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