
Being swept away in a reversed world

In this world where men and children are rare, women's sexual desires are still swirling today. Countries and nations wage war over men and compete with each other for the prosperity of the country ...... or for children for their own selfish pleasure. The name of that world is 'Yggdrasil'. Adrift in such a world was a kind-hearted Japanese university student, Akizuki Sota. Note : I Posted it on Scribblehub,Webnovel and RoyalRoad • English is not my first language reversalnovel.blogspot.com

ItsmeXD · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 2: The Great Forest of Another World : Phyllis and Ronia.  

 The war has finally begun.

 Phyllis Aigur, a female general of the Kingdom of Vedna, is clad in silver and white armour and glares at the battlefield with sharp twin eyes.

 Her beautiful golden hair flows to the side whenever the wild winds of war blow, but her bearing is majestic, reminiscent of a warrior of many battles.

"The Army forces of the Adair Empire, they've finally made their move."

 Phyllis muttered in a voice that was a little low for a woman, but had a hint of colour.

 The first time I saw her, I was in awe of her.

The Empire has basically used up all the men since the new emperor came to power. It's obvious that they can't procure any more children without setting up some kind of male-abduction war. ... It's a stupid country."

 The brilliant woman standing next to Phyllis replies in disgust.

 The colour of the eyes behind the glasses clearly shows contempt.

 In this world, the birth rate of men is one thousandth that of women.

 Wars over these men - to plunder them - are not uncommon.

 Without seed, the country grows old, and without men, women are not enriched.

 Unlike women, who are sexually active, men, who only need to ejaculate once a month, are less sexually active.

 Most of them are sexually voracious and dislike armchair women.

 The stance of women towards such men varies from country to country.

 For example, the Kingdom of Vedna, to which Phyllis belongs, treats men as sacred.

 Women are in a position to be blessed with children, and men are respected as messengers of God who bestow blessings.

 --The Aedia Empire, on the other hand, is fighting a war against men.

 Men are to be squeezed for their seed. They believe that men should be managed for the pleasure and prosperity of women.

 It is because of this stance that they are in a situation where they have to use men up and plunder men from other countries. ...

 Phyllis stared at the defeated Imperial troops as if they were insects. She too has more than enough desire to mount a man and devour his offspring.

 But there is a big difference between doing it and not doing it.

 Phyllis calls out to the talented woman standing next to her for an even more furious pursuit.

"I'm going to go after her."

"Are you sure ...? They are fleeing west into the Great Forest. It would be a little dangerous to pursue them. ..."

"It doesn't matter. If we let them escape here, they'll come back after they've been refuelled. Besides, I'm leaving too."

"Phyllis-sama herself?"

".. anxious?"

"No. But ... among them is the tyrant Ronia Ilfte. If anything should happen to Master Phyllis, ..."

"That little girl? ... No, this would be a good opportunity for me to punish her myself. Elrain, let's go."

"Yes,Pyhllis sama."

 The brilliant ... Elrain bowed her head crisply and sent out the order for the pursuit to the battalion.


 Arguably, the pursuit had failed.

 Forest warfare was a tactic in which the Imperial Army ..., and especially that tyrant Ronia, was at its best.

 They were divided, set into traps that seemed to have been prepared in advance, and worn down by a series of small-scale encounters.

 Their defeat on the plains was bait to lure them into the forest.

 Phyllis bit her tongue when she realised that she had been set up.

"Elrain, retreat."

 Phyllis ordered in a pained tone.

 The result was a clear failure, brought about by her arrogance and carelessness.

 We lost a lot of supplies. But if we withdraw now, we can still minimise the damage to our men.

 It was a painful decision, but if they've been drained to this point, all that's left is for us to be eaten alive.

 The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the two are not the same.

 --But then, it was time.

What the ...?

 As if to separate the battalion and Phyllis, a snake of light crawled across the ground. After the trail left by the serpent, a ward was put up and Phyllis was literally cut off from the battalion.

"Is this ... high-level warding magic?"

 Phyllis clucks her tongue.

 On the other side of the warding, Elrain and his men are ranting about something, but their voices are not heard.

 And then, the presence of a strong woman arrives.

"General Phyllis. I've been waiting for this."

 Phyllis looks back at the voice with a hawkish smile.

 Her dark blue hair is cut to shoulder-length.

 In contrast to Phyllis's snowy skin, her skin is tanned to a wheat-colour, giving her a slightly girlish appearance, yet she exudes an alert fighting spirit.

 Her only equipment was light armour protecting her shoulders and shins, and her tight-fitting costume emphasised her modest breasts, which were slightly swollen.

"There you are, tyrant Ronia Ilfite."

 The figure was none other than the empire's pride and joy, the mad warrior Ronia.

 Lonia smiles ferociously and swings a huge axe on her shoulder.

"If I blow your head off, the emperor will give me a man. I'm sorry, but you're going to die."

"Im not going to let a selfish woman like you devour my precious men."

 The most important thing to remember is that the emperor is not the only one who has the right to kill you.

 Lonia wants single combat.

"This is why I don't like the virgin sultry ladies of the kingdom. ... Men should just stick them with drugs and straddle them until they break. You don't know what men taste like, so you can talk so long and hard."

"You ...! What do you think men are!"

"You talk too much. Let's kill each other quickly."

 With these words, Ronia kicked the ground towards Phyllis.

 she was frighteningly fast, even though the ground was crawling with tree roots and the foothold was not stable. Lonia, who holds her axe in the middle position, runs through the ground as if she were gliding.

(You wild child! ...!)

 Phyllis stuck her tongue out at Ronia, who had become the wind of the storm. She also drops to her haunches to intercept him as she draws the long sword at her waist at once.


"Tsk aaaaaaah!!!"

 The axe Lonia wields is like a storm.

 Phyllis dropped even lower and scrambled under it. A terrifying roar passes just above her head-armour.

 The return blow is also indescribable.

 Phyllis, her long sword gripped tightly in both hands, ran at Ronia, aiming for her throat. The silver trail flashed sharply and neighs high in the air.

"You're sweet!"

 But Phyllis's brilliant counterattack is a mockery in front of Lonia.

 Lonia escapes from the long sword with a forced posture control that could be described as wild instinct, and with the inertia of swinging her axe, she drives the sole of her foot deep into Phyllis's belly.


 This power, even over armour.

 Phyllis's expression twisted in anguish under her head-armour.

 She was blown away as it was and rolled on the ground in agony.

"I'm still going!"

"Gghh ...!"

 The pursuit did not let up.

 The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're doing.

 In the slightest of exchanges just now, the power relationship between the two has become clear.

 In a simple comparison of strength, Phyllis is inferior to Ronia. Because she knows this, Phyllis clicks her tongue abhorrently.

 However, she did not let go of the long sword in her hand.

 She jumped up as if she were being shot, and took Phyllis's caustic axe with all her might.

"It's over, Phyllis! You will die a virgin and in vain!"

"Guuuuuhhhh ...!!!!"

 The fierce clash between the two, however, was won by Ronia.

 The first time you see a woman in the middle of a crowd, you know that she's going to be a bit of a mess.

"Nah ...!!!"

 A momentary lapse in thought. But Ronia does not miss it.


 The vicious axe draws a semicircle.

 In a circular and precise trajectory, it slams right into Phyllis's cranium.

 The hard sound and impact of the axe's handle gives Ronia a true indication of the direct result of the blow.

"Katta ...!"

 There is a momentary lapse in thought. But Ronia does not miss it.


 The vicious axe makes a semicircle.

 Following a circular and precise trajectory, it slams right into Phyllis's cranium.

 The hard sound and impact of the axe's handle gives Ronia a true indication of the direct result of the blow.

"Holy ...!"

 The robust head-armour shattered, exposing her beautiful face.

 The force of the blow, which failed to kill Phyllis, gouged out the flesh of her head, turning her golden hair scarlet.

 The weapon was also thrown out in reaction.

 The end is at hand.

I'll take that head...?

 But then.

 Phyllis disappeared from Ronia's sight in an instant. No. ....

"The river?"

 Slyly, mud scooped up Phyllis feet and she was lured into the flooded river below the cliffs.

 She had no idea that the battlefield had moved so far while she was fighting.

 Lonia's face twisted in frustration as she looked down the cliff.

"Hey, hey, hey! What about my credit, what about my reward ... what about my man!"

 The woman eyes even had tears in the corners, just like a child who has been deprived of sweets.

 Phyllis consciousness was cut off at this point.

 The next time she woke up, she saw a rare dark-haired beauty who called himself 'Souta'.