
Being Sent to the Shadow Realm and Forced to Experience the Multiverse

Playing Yu-Gi-Oh is a fun time, but when the loser is erased from existence and sent to the Shadow Realm, or at least a place that fulfils the same objective, things can get pretty wild, especially when multiverse travel is involved. ‐--------------------------------------------------------------------------- You know the drill, this is my first novel, english is not my first language, feel free to correct any mistakes I may have done, and make sure to leave suggestions. Warning: Yugioh and other such works used in this novel are NOT owned by me. 2nd Warning: Images used in this novel are also not mine.

Dante_Hellscythe · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

The world of...

It's dark. I'm trying to think, but my mind is blank. What happened?

'There was a white space, and then being sent to another universe, and now I'm here. Is this the place?' I try to move, but nothing happens... It's noisy; a lot of people are talking.

'...A dark place, not moving well, and another universe. Am I a baby? Is this THAT plac-' *BAM*

"AAAHHhh..." An impact on my head, it wasn't strong, but it surprised me. My body, which wasn't moving well before, jolted up.

'...This is not a hospital.' Giggling all around me, I take a look at where I am.

'...A classroom?' A lot of kids, sitting, looking at me while laughing; they appear to be elementary school students, and to my side is an adult woman holding a book in a stance that screams she just used that book as a blunt weapon. 'At least I know what hit me.'

"Are you awake now, sleepy head?" The teacher asks, and then starts to lift the book in her hand once again, "Or maybe you are still sleepy?"

"N-no! I'm up." I sit up straight, and the students continue to giggle until the professor claps her hands as she goes to the blackboard.

"Alright, alright, I know it was funny, but let's continue the class, and I hope everyone stays awake this time." She gives me another look before starting to explain something on the board, but I'm not paying attention.

'...How did I get here?' A simple question that surprised me, not because of the question itself but because of the answer that appears in my mind, an answer as simple as the question.

'...These memories, are they mine? This is confusing. Was that a dream?' It's a weird feeling, not knowing if I am one or the other. Taking a deep breath, let's organize everything.

'I am the one that got their existence erased... But I also am Senzaki Yuu, a 6th grade student at Namekawa Grade School... I am both? This... Is confusing.'

"Senzaki-kun, could you come to the blackboard?" While I was still figuring out what was going on, the teacher asked for me. Looking at her smug face tells the entire story; she definitely noticed I wasn't paying attention.

With a sigh, I get up, but looking at the question on the board makes me stop for a second.

"You don't know the answer? Well if yo-" Not waiting for her, I reach the board, quickly pick up some chalk, and write the answer.

The small smile on her face starts to disappear. After checking my answer one more time, she turns to me with an awkward smile.

'I-it's correct... Can I ask how did you know?"

"Well... It was just an easy question, I guess...?" Even if I'm not smart, that was simple a elementary school question; however, that does give me even more to think about.

"Yes... Hmm, good job; you can go back... And next time, pay attention, okay?" Before I can respond, the bell rings, indicating it's lunch time.

All of the students start to either leave for the cafeteria or get their own bento they brought with them. Instead of doing the same, I leave the classroom to find a toilet because, right now, I need to have some time for myself.

Passing by everyone further increases a sense of discomfort in me. Reaching the bathroom, my mind races.

'Maybe that really was all a dream.' Looking through the cubicles, I find no one else.

"...But I guess there is one way to know for sure." Finally, after making sure I'm alone, I look into the mirror, an anxious face, familiar yet unfamiliar, a boy with brown hair and dark eyes. A little, my body relaxes. If the face in the mirror was the blank-like thing from my... dream, it would be bad, but still, there is something else I need to confirm.

I grit my teeth and slowly ask a question.

"...System, are you there?"



Holding back a swear word, my mind somehow stays calm, not because I'm actually calm but more in resignation over the fact that I am absolutely screwed.

"*Sigh*... What do you want?" The floating text window starts to change all the letters inside it, and I'm not gonna lie, it's kind of mesmerizing.

[My directive is to help and guide you while you are in other worlds.]

"... How can you help me?" I look to the left, and the floating window follows my gaze.

[I can strengthen the connection you hold with the fate in this world.] Before I can ask another question, I notice someone about to enter the bathroom. The boy looks at me for a second before ignoring me and walking to a cubicle.

'He didn't look well, but more importantly, it doesn't seem like he can see the floating text box.' Pretending to look back into the mirror, I start thinking about my options.

'I can't talk with the system without sounding a little insane, and finding another place without anyone is going to be hard... But maybe this system can... I'm not sure if I want this possibility to exist, but it's better to confirm it now and worry later.' Taking a deep breath, I ask.

'System, can you read my mind?'


'...I didn't say anything; this means you read my mind. Why did you lie?'

[There is no reason for me to give incorrect information; I cannot read minds; however, if you try to communicate with me, be it verbally, mentally, or otherwise, it will reach me.]

"ugrh!..." That wasn't me. I glanced at the stall the boy had entered before; the grunts continued, and so I immediately decided to leave.

'There is no way I was going to stay in the blast radius of that, especially since it sounded pretty bad, made me think he was fighting for his life' While leaving, I kept moving the system window around using only my eyes, it was kinda fun until I nearly hit a wall. After that, I stopped messing around and looked where I was going.

'Don't text and drive, but I guess this actually is don't text and walk?' After finding the cafeteria, I couldn't help noticing something interesting: the hair colors of some of the kids were quite diverse: pink, green, blue, and white, so it reminded me of a fact.

'This is the world from... Some story, right System?' ...I noticed something, and this is bad.


'System, why can't I remember about this world?!' I know this world, or at least I knew, but the exact memory of it was weirdly gone; it was one of the few things I could remember, so that disappearing made a chill run down my spine.

Writing kinda makes me cringe, but that just means I'm good at it right?


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