When I died and had an audience with god, I knew that not only good people get second chances, for even bad people have a role in life, which he now gave me in the world of Harry Potter to fulfill my role which is to be myself and make everyone dance in the palm of my hand. This story doesn't belong to me. I only translate.
I had a long discussion with Walburga's picture, and she explained to me almost everything about Nerida and her purpose, so after removing all my doubts and making sure that Nerida, the girl who had been hunting me when I was Black Heart, was docile towards me, I figured I should drop everything I had against her.
We also talked about why Walburga took a half-blood girl, as she simply told me to find out at Gringotts with a blood test. Walburga has been doing everything to bring the Black Family back to its glory, but unfortunately, her plans were destroyed with every event that happened, and in the end, her only hope fell on the last heir.
She told me to carry on our legacy and to be afraid of absolutely no one to stand up to me, the Blacks were the oldest, the Blacks were the politics of Britain, the Blacks were the richest in the world, and the Blacks were the creditors. I just had to use my head and not drown in the greed of power, I could enjoy all the power I had as long as I sacrificed my time and effort to replenish that enjoyment, or I would end up losing it all in the end.
Lastly, she told me to activate her painting at Grimmauld Place, she had been secretly hexing the family painting of other families for quite some time and her eyes were coming up on almost everything, even at Hogwarts, although there she only spelled the most discreet ones and not the most obvious ones. That meant that Walburga received information from almost every pureblood house, many public and private places, so she functioned as a large network of magical spies.
Honestly, Grandma Walburga was pretty scary, I always thought of her in my other world as a hateful pureblood fanatic, but it turns out she's very cunning, and her plans are long-term. She knew she wouldn't make it for her plans, but she left her efforts in charge of the future of House Black, namely me.
Nerida and I were in the big dining room eating dinner, well, at least I was eating dinner as she was looking at me shyly as if she was a Hinata 2.0, it was quite hilarious to see her like that as I remember all the times we fought, and she looked like a deranged monster completely determined to kill me.
All the people in Knockturn Alley looked like spiders escaping from a basilisk every time she and I met and fought. Everyone ran and hid as spells flew everywhere, and many houses and complexes were destroyed by explosions, fires, and so on.
But to see one of those scary people now shivering shyly like a frightened puppy next to me was very strange. No doubt Walburga did a whole number in her mind to leave her in this state.
- "Okay. Nerida, I need you to please restrain yourself and calm down, we've cleared the whole thing up" - I said, and she started to babble and finished quietly - "Look, just relax ok?"
I walked over to her and stroked her blonde hair. She looked familiar, I remembered her from a movie I saw in the cinema, so I searched my mind and I remembered that she worked in the movie 'The Witch', as ironic as it is because here she is a real witch and not like in the movie that she ended up being one because she had no choice, but the fact that she is the actress 'Anya Taylor-Joy', was quite funny.
- "I... well, I understand... but I still feel I should be punished for... for trying to kill you, My Lord," - She said not satisfied with what she did, she almost killed the person she was given to, and she wholeheartedly accepted that target, it didn't matter if she didn't know it was her Lord, after all, she tried to kill him anyway - "No, My Lord, I should be tortured in the worst way for trying to kill you! I I I was going to...!"
- "Now, now, calm down, you don't have to get upset again!" - I said quickly hugging her as she started hyperventilating and having a mental breakdown again - "Shhh, it's ok now, it's over" - He rubbed her back and sighed mentally, this was going to be problematic - "Just do your best and act casual" - When I finished, her depressed state quickly left, and she stood up with a bright smile.
- "Understood, My Lord! I will use all my resources to protect your safety from anyone!"
- "I mean you act with restraint, do you understand?"
- "Yes, I will use moderate force to annihilate the enemy!"
- "I didn't say that!" - I exclaimed and slapped my forehead, I almost prefer the lunatic over the shy one, her attitude changes will be a pain in the ass - "Well, I have a better idea, I feel like acting normal won't be good, so I'll explain to you the way you have to act, ok?"
- "Understood, My Lord, I will conform to your wishes no matter what they are" - She nodded enthusiastically hoping to be as helpful as possible to the person she was trained to be.
So I explained to her in detail how she should act, as that would be a good way to favor me, obviously, she was intelligent and powerful, she was just emotionally unstable, but there was a way to control that with the right attitude.
- "As you wish, My Lord..." - She smiled and then seemed to calm down and relax by closing her eyes and relaxing her facial features, after a moment she took a big sigh and became more serious and firm with a small smug smile - "I am now at your pleasure, My Lord," - She said with a voice that enhanced strength and power.
- "You look like a different person. People fear and respect people who show no fear of anyone, not even their masters. If anyone sees you turn into a scared kitten like Voldemort's followers did when they were in his presence, it shows how pathetic they are, and I don't want that. Some think that if their minions fear their lords it is a sign of strength, but true strength is found in loyalty, do you understand?"
- "Don't worry, My Lord, I assure you that no one will think badly of you because of me," - Nerida affirmed.
- "Perfect. Now let's go to Gringotts, I need to know what your bloodline is and also mine to claim my inheritance if I am worthy of it," - I told her, and she nodded - "Lulu".
- "Here I am, Master Black, what do you need from Lulu?" - She said prettily with a tender smile.
- "Let's go home and then to Gringotts Bank."
- "Who is she, My Lord?" - Asked Nerida curiously staring at Lulu, who quickly hid behind me.
- "She's scary, Master Black," - Said Lulu, looking down at Nerida who smiled wickedly and made the little pink girl temper.
- "You think so, little one, but if you haven't seen anything I can do yet, how could you be afraid of me?" - Nerida said, and looked at little Lulu, who looked like a little mouse cornered by a snake.
I looked at the new way Nerida was acting, and I had to say it was pretty good, I shook my head with a smile and said:
- "Ok, let's go" - I said and Lulu nodded and led us both away.
Griphook looked at the Black boy who asked for his attention, along with a blonde girl who had a creepy look on her face.
Again a couple of wizards wasting his time, it was annoying, but it was his job to cater to these dirty wizards to his bad luck, he wished he could just go back to wartime and kill them again, it was unfortunate that they could no longer kill wizards at will, but at least they could make them pay with money, watching them squirm to pay their fees and interest was good, not as good as killing them, but good all the same.
- "Lord Black, what business do you have with me today?" - He asked, without even bothering to greet them.
- "Griphook. I am here to get a blood test," - I said, and he nodded.
- "Follow me" - The goblin took them to his private office where he swore an oath not to say anything directly or indirectly about what they talked about in the room, and also that he would destroy any trace of his and Nerida's blood so that it could not be used against them - "Here, put three drops of blood here, you too, girl".
- "Fine, goblin" - She nodded naming him insultingly, making him growl, but she only laughed lightly as she saw his irritation
Griphook looked at the papers where everyone's details began to appear 'What the hell...' he looked puzzled at Black's paper where multiple surnames began to appear there were over a dozen surnames which was impossible 'How can he have all these bloodlines, it's impossible, he's connected to so many different families, but they all appear with multiple fathers and mothers names' - "Black, have you done blood rituals with other people's blood?" - He asked him, and he frowned at his gaze.
- "Allow me" - Azrael held out his hand and took the papers, he looked at the multiple names and surnames.
'I had suspicions it would happen, but I didn't expect it to' - He had thought it might happen as he had absorbed and merged souls of different people into him, which made him part of those people's family in a magical way, For that reason, the list of names of the people whose souls he stole and fused with his own appeared as if they were part of his family.
- "Walburga mentioned that when I was handed over by my parents to her, Hadrius Black told her about how the dark Lord Voldemort experimented on me. My grandmother knew that something like this could happen, which is why she isolated me from everyone since I was handed over to her. Apparently, Voldemort did a lot of blood rituals on me when I was a baby," - He handed the papers to the goblin who stared at him and noticed no lies in what he said, as it was partly true.
- "Well you're lucky I don't care enough to find out about this and I don't care about the shit wizards are up to, not to mention I'm on my word not to say anything about this, which works for me. Whether what you said is true or not, I don't care at all," - He finished, not bothering to find out what kind of shit Black did or did not do as long as it didn't affect his business.
- "It works for me" - Azrael shrugged his shoulders accepting the facts - "Well, Nerida. May I?" - He asked for the papers she was looking at and nodded at his lord's request.
- "Here, My Lord."
- "Let's see..."
Azrael looked at who she was related to, there were some half-bloods and muggles in her ancestors, but then there were two that caught his attention, one of them was Bathilda Bagshot, a great-great aunt who was a great aunt to a certain dark wizard and rival of Dumbledore, that reminded him of the old woman who had attacked Harry in the movie and who was dead and was a snake.
It was also why it seemed familiar to Narcissa since this old woman was the creator of the book "A History of Magic", but what surprised him the most was who she was connected to, now he understood why his grandmother looked for her so long, adopted her and raised her to make her a loyal and faithful to him.
Nerida Bagshot was descended from Bathilda Bagshot, who was her great-great-aunt and therefore received the surname Bagshot and was raised by her half-breed mother and her Muggle father, who is now dead because of his grandmother, but that was not the important thing, but the most important thing was that her direct ancestors, that is, her great-great-grandparents were none other than... Gellert Grindelwald and Ariana Dumbledore.
- "Shit..." - Muttered Azrael - 'Wait... weren't Albus and Gellert lovers, well, that doesn't say anything since Gellert didn't waste any time with Ariana.'
Discord: https://discord.gg/vrsXHN6f
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46146400/chapters/116170891
Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/15684376/Being-reborn-in-Harry-Potter/1
Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/727098/being-reborn-in-harry-potter/