
Being overpowered is boring in another world

After crossing 4 words, original, naruto, bleach and dbz, our MC is finally in final world dxd. Since his V card intact all along, he will live a life of his own... But the problem is there is no problem and what is better then messing with story. Warning: Extremely boring MC as he will follow story with little changes. Also it is pure wish fulfillment story and boring one on that. Also I will only follow story till 4th season of dxd and then he will go back to previous worlds for sometime. I write all this nonsense I dont know why. Story will be slow till like 30 Chapters so you can skip it. if you have time then read. Who am i kidding, of course your are bunch of free lads. And i dont owe anything blah blah English is not my first language blah Also, this is for pure entertainment purpose. I mean little comedy like. For most of fics, MCs were like, oh I get system, I will become stronger and do whatever I want or I will protect my family or other chiche bs. I hate that now that's why I made MC Op. Btw no nerfing. All he will do is to play. Please support me here https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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131 Chs

Chapter 26 Meeting S&M family

After settling down kids, we spend some time adjusting. Three kids decided they have relatives which I confirmed and all of them are willing to adopt them. I confirmed that whether those kids have sacred gears which could be another trouble for them. I also read the minds of those relatives whether they have any ill intention adopting those kids. The rest of them decided to stay and train. I never told them that they are in my personal dimensional space. Above all, they all are good kids with deep love and care for their friends. They call me Yukio-sama or Lord Yukio in English. I wanted to stop them but Cleria stopped me saying that it is a sign of respect that they could show to me.

Anyway, I am now walking to the shrine of the forbidden couple. SuouHimejima already warned the crow-human couple and their mixed daughter. I have decided to just familiarize myself with them without revealing anyone's identity.

"~I want to be the harem king that no one ever was

To make girlfriends is my real test, to love them is my cause

I will travel across the land, searching for big boobs and butts

Each girl has to understand the power inside the mine.

Harem King!

Gotta catch em' all!

It's you and me, I know it's our destiny

Harem King!

OH Issei you are not my friend, in a world, we make a harem

Harem King!

Gotta catch em' all!

My dick is so grown, but your courage will take it through

You 'M' me and I 'S' you

Ha-rem King

Gotta catch em' all!

Gotta catch em' all!

Harem king"

'*Clap-Clap* that was a wonderful song Aniki.' Ted praises me.

'Disgusting! Pervert!' Lily angrily says.

"Well, that was a good song I made. In the future, I will show ClairePokémon and some other good show that doesn't exist in this world."I say imagining the most adorable kid at my house. I spend most of my time with her and there was not a single problem I face taking care of her. Cleria is busy in spell making from different Jutsu and other spells that I learned from Dragon ball and bleach world. Masaomi is teaching kids swords style basics and also learning new swords style himself. But most monstrous talent is Kuroka. She learned the body flicker technique, the flash step is underway and almost there to master the flying thunder god technique. I stopped her from learning senjutsu because, at a certain limit, her demonic power let her go berserk as demonic mana is evil so that's why it can't be with natural energy. So I halted her training for some time but I know without a doubt that sooner or later she will be as strong as Sirzechs or other devil kings.

Anyway, I am a shrine now. It's not that far away from Kuoh town… well from a normal perspective, it is middle of the forest and connected to another town next to Kuoh town. Anyway, they are in the house a little behind the main shrine. Because of the threat from before, they are little wary of strangers. Today, Baraqiel is at home now. Because of a previous incident, he will be here for some time. I sit down on the shadow of a tree and take out my best weapon to lure the rabbit. I take out a bag of cookies that are still warm and start eating it. I controlled wind to the house to let them smell it.

*Munch munch* I start eating some cookies. I gotta say it's delicious. They are all in different flavors of different fruits. But most of them have mango flavor as I love mangoes. I could see a black hair girl peeking behind the wall.

"Hey, pervert! Stop peeking and come here if you want to see my handsome face that much." I say to peeking tom.

"W-who are you calling pervert! And this is no place for a picnic!!" Black hair girl shouts. She runs to me and stands in front of me with crossing arms and watching… cookies.

"Here take some. Take some as you are a cute girl that's why I am offering to you," I say offering a bag of cookies.

"W-who are you calling c-cute…! Who wants those delicious and sweet cookies!! Humph." She says like a tsundere which is almost opposite to her future calm but sadistic nature. She is still looking at my cookies from the side. "Fine! If you insist on t-that much..!" She says taking some cookies and starts eating.

"Mmmm~ it's so goood~," She says with a smiling face. I can also sense Shuri peeking me.

"You can also come out Miss Black hair beauty… damn is your whole family peeping tom?" I say to Akeno.

"WhO...*munch* aree you calling *munch* peeping tom?" Akeno says with a mouth full of cookies.

"Ara Ara~ and who is this sweet boy?" Shuri asks in the usual 'Ara Ara' way.

"I am not a totally suspicious boy who is trying to lure two beauties from these cookies. Here take some." I say with a smiling face also offering her some cookies which are decreasing at a dramatic rate. She looks at Akeno who is still eating and ignoring her mother. Before it becomes empty, she also took a handful of cookies and start eating with a happy face. They ignored the bushy old man in the house who is now can only watch from sides. He is not even hiding, just standing there waiting for us to respond but we ignored him.

"These are wonderful cookies if you don't mind can you share its recipe?" Shuri asks ignoring my identity.

"Yup sure anything for such a beautiful lady. But before that, can these gorgeous ladies introduce them to me?" I ask.

"Ara Ara~ where are my manners… I am Shuri and she is my daughter Akeno... and that man standing there is my husband Baraqiel…" She introduces all of them but I ignored the old man. I then offered them chocolate milkshake. They drink that too. We started our picnic ignoring the old man who started to spark up a little.

"So you enjoyed it, Ake-chan?" I ask speaking her nickname.

"Don't call me by that!!... and it was just okay I guess… *burp*." She says and burped. She covers her mouth with a red face.

"Akeno, you should not have eaten that much. *Burp* Ara Ara~ fufufu…" Shri says and giggles in last. "Why don't you come inside…"

"It's Yuu. As for your offer, I would gratefully take it." I say and start walking with them. I didn't say my real name as it's possible for Baraqiel to locate me in the future. My appearance is also different as I have black eyes and brown hair now.

"Come bushy old man. You are gonna pick rust standing here." I say to Baraqiel who is growling in anger.

"Kid, you have got some nerve saying that?!!" Baraqiel says.

"Dear, did you say something rude to our guest?" Shuri asks calmly to Baraqiel.

"N-no I didn't… right kid?" Baraqiel asks with little sweat.

"Yes… he just said that he will never let me marry Ake-chan," I say with a smug smile.

"YOU!! Who said that?!" Baraqiel says in loud voice.

"W-who wants to marry you?" Akeno says with a blush.

Shuri just giggles. She is watching me how I teased both father-daughter pair. We enter her house and she starts preparing lunch for all of us.

"I will help you Shuri-san. I am a good cook. Come Ake-chan it will help you to become a good wife in the future." I say taking Akeno in the kitchen.

"W-who wants to be your w-wife!!? And stop calling me that…!" Akeno says still holding my hand with a red face.

Then I flirt-helped Shuri to prepare lunch while also teaching Akeno about cooking. They were all shocked just by mixing ingredients differently, the whole nature of food has changed. It's like a new transformation. Baraqiel was just watching us as he was still wary of me as to how I have adjusted between them.

We then start eating. Everyone was busy eating when Baraqiel raised a serious topic.

"Kid, tell me why are you here?" Baraqiel asked in a serious tone. Both Shuri and Akeno has still food in their mouth and start looking at me at this point. Guess the cat is out of the box. It's time to reveal my true identity.


Thanks for reading such nonsense. Double chapter as promised. If you want to support me or/and want advance chapters, visit link:

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