
Chapter 17 Day after saving them

I am now in bed in my mom's arms hugging me tightly who seems to be happy that I saved her friend.

"Thank you for saving her." She thanks me.

"No need mom. I have to for many reasons. First of all, she was your friend and had helped you here. Secondly, there is nothing wrong with loving a person just because if it conflicts with your status. Third, she had an unborn innocent child in her belly. I can't let her die before she is even born. And finally, there is nothing wrong with helping innocent people. I am not of a self-centered protagonist who only helps if it is their interest. Though in the future, I might be helping some for some interest and even if interest doesn't exist, I will help them. I will not make this world heaven as it would be boring but only those who suffered in front of me." I say to clearing my intentions and presenting future events, also these are cheeky lines.

"That's why I love with you even more. You know, people may find it naïve and would just assume that you did this for you own interest." She says rubbing my cheeks with hers.

"I know and I won't deny that it's up to them as it is nothing new to me. There is nothing wrong with their thinking as it is their psychology that society has developed. Everybody thinks for their stake and don't want to involve in others' problem. I am not saying becoming a hero of the world but even if you can help just by words, you should do so." I say.

"Probably naïve thinking right? Help someone just to involve in his problem. I have started and invested in many orphanages. In my first life, I started the first hospital in Japan which will only run on charity with every kind of facility free of charge. At first, people called me stupid and naïve, but my family supported me. After some time, I finally made the first hospital in japan without a cash counter and free of all medical facilities. Then those who made fun of me for such thinking, got treated from my hospital. Then they became big charity doners for my hospital. The last time I saw, it was much bigger than before. Still, I will help not to make them depend on me, just support them." I say bragging about my accomplishments. I have been helped by my family so why don't I help my country. In that tight economy and increasing suicide rates, it was rare for someone to stand and give a helping hand. Also what happened to Sakura, I didn't want anyone to go through the same way.

"Ohh my I didn't know that part of story. Enough of your sweet talk and sleep or I might start kissing you." She says to me.

I nod turn around, place my head on her breast, bury my face in her bosoms, and hug like a koala. No matter what anyone says, I love to sleep with her a lot. It gives you a very lovable feeling. Though it might be the mother type feeling.


In certain devil base.

"Ahhh my dick is not growing!!! How the fuck this happened!!" A certain dickless devil screamed in agony. He had already used 3 phenex tears but his dick is not growing at all.

"Try removing burn part and then use phenex tears." A certain middle-aged devil said with a goat-like beard.

"I already did!!! It only got worse. Now even bleeding won't stop!!" The devil said with putting a cloth on his crotch.

"Hmm, it's become a problem with those birds in Japan and all around the world. It is new species of birds who like to hunt devils. Most of our devils also lost their dicks or their wings got taken away. But your case is special." Goat-beard devil said examining dickless part.

"Stop your explanation and find a solution!!! PLEASE I BEG OF YOUUUU!!!" Dickless devil cried in depression.

"Okay, I will find a doctor to at least stop your bleeding though you might stay dickless for some time." Goat-beard devil said escaping from crying dickless devil.

"NOOOOO!! MY DIIIIICKKKKK!!!!!" This day will know as the legend of dickless devil. Both of them seem to forget about the mission. They didn't even realize that their devil group who had to return with deckles devil never came back.


I open my eyes and come down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for all people. Moms got lazy recently. I do most of the work at home. I don't hate that, I like doing this. From preparing all items for our bakery to all house chores. Her work is only limited to sell items in bakery and novel writing. She was a writer in a Newspaper Company. A few months ago I suggested that she could write light novels. I gave her some ideas. She was excited after hearing that and started writing that. But had a way slower pace. She only spends 2 hours or so in brainstorming and writing since the rest of the time we just chill and spend lazy time.

[*loud siren* Morning love birds! Breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes so be ready. Portal will be open for that.] They just fall from the bed. Damn, they were naked. I prepare more than usual because I have a feeling that all will be eaten in no time. I could just materialize but I like to make it.

After 15 minutes, both of them enter the dining hall and sat at the table. Mom also wakes up and sits on the table just to sleep for more. If not for my materialization magic, she would be naked the whole day.

"Ara~ Yukino-chan I though you will prepare the breakfast," Cheria says to lazy mom.

"*yawn* Nah… you will get why I don't do that after eating food made by him," Mom says with a head still on the table.

"You expect from this lazy woman to prepare breakfast? The only thing she does is to sell items in bakery and write a single page in 2 whole hours…" I tell Cleria Mom's true self.

"Moo! When the food is ready? I am hungry!!" Mom says like a spoiled brat.

Then I take dishes and place them on the table. A couple is startled just from the aroma of food. Not saying anything they all started to eat. Mom always becomes Naruto while the couple is eating like they are witnessing some sort of miracle.

"What about school?" Mom asks food in the mouth.

"Already sent," I answer. I just send clones now. I only swap where I have to flirt with teachers or talk with Irina and Issei. I also made my scores above average as I don't want to stand out.

She nods and we resume eating. The couple doesn't seem to get it as they want to ask but can't as we're too busy on the battle of food. After eating to their heart's content, they were full now.

"Yukino-chan I get it why you didn't prepare the meal as this food is just best!" Cleria says with stars in her eyes for which mom just smiles.

"After yesterday's event, this seems to be another life." He says recalling what happened yesterday. Cleria also becomes sad a little as they will certainly be killed if not for me.

"Let's discuss this later," I tell them so to change a mood a little. I then collect the dishes and start washing. the couple offered its help but I refuse. After finishing, I sit on the chair to start the next course of action.

2 back to back boring chapters. Don't enjoy it but give a good review.

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