
Being OP is good

A young man got transmigrated into the cultivation world from our world and obtained the three most powerful physiques of that universe. And thus became the strongest Man but, he who always wanted such powers now, just wants to live of freedom, where he could do anything he wants. so, he started living his life by fooling around the entire cultivation world without caring for what other people think about him until he met the girl of his dream and decided to protect her.

Raga_Raguwanshi · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 Transmigration

"Ahhh.. shit.."

" what happened.... I thought I died" said Sai while touching his head which was bleeding just a moment ago.

Sai was a High school student, he was crossing the lane when a unknown thing came and strucked his head so, hard that he died on spot.

After struggling for some time he finally gained control over his senses.

"where am I

I remembered being hit by a unknown thing." said Sai while standing up and checking his surroundings.

He was in a forest with unusually large tree and dense vegetation.

Before Sai could think other things, he heard a strange voice in his mind.

"Welcome to a level 1 Universe, A113"

"who is it!!??.....

who just spoke reply me?!!

where is this place!!??

how I got here!??" said Sai in panic as he finds That a creepy voice is coming to his mind.

"Initiating rewards for safe travel"

"Reward 1 The three strongest physiques of this Universe.

Reward 2 The highest Cultivation base in this Universe

Reward 3 Token to travel a level two Universe."

"wait.. wait first tell me who are you and where am I "

said Sai but, that voice continued to rang in his brain.

"Distributing first award.




Distributing second reward.

The peak TRUE Emperor realm.

Distributing third reward

Token to travel level 2 Universe."

That voice became silent once done giving rewards.

after sometime Sai who who was screaming like a madman and came back to his senses and start thinking over things said by that voice.

"That voice just now said something about travel, is it like those novels l had read.

then my worry were unnecessary!!?" said Sai to himself.

As if realising something Sai started shouting again.

" wait!!!!! that voice just now said something about rewards

hey!! system or whatever you are what are my awards." said Sai with excitement but, only met with silence from opposite side.

"seems like a mute system well whatever I'll just figure out it myself.

He did say something about strongest PHYSIQUE or something.

maybe it gave me powerful talent in cultivation.

wait!!! That means it's a cultivation world and I am currently in the middle of a unknown forest!!

oh! no !" Sai just realized that it's a cultivation world and it would be extremely dangerous to stay here so, he started running at the top of his lungs.

But, what he didn't knew is that he's almost invincible and almost no one could harm.