
Being More Social

“Adam can’t talk to girls, he must like men,” “Adam still wears tighty-whities,” “Adam doesn’t like looking at porn,” crap like that. I knew their true reason for picking on me – I was just another geeky, socially awkward kid who had a tendency to talk in a way considered too ‘proper’ for middle school, and an inability to talk to girls. The ‘proper’ talk was how my parents raised me. The inability to talk to girls, well, that was just a gift from God. Adam's Story>>>>>

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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66 Chs


I wasn't going to last long like this, and needed to warn her. However, the gentle warning my mind created turned into, "Shit, Megan! You fucking whore, I'm going to shoot down your throat." when it escaped my mouth. I soon was losing control of myself. My lust was building up to unseen levels.

However, Megan came first. With a perpetual moan she maintained on my dick, I saw small waves of fluid go through her soaked panties onto the floor. It was amazing her much she squirted – like nothing I had ever seen before, including on the internet. She was still fingering herself furiously, even after it was clear the gushing had stopped. However, at that point I could no longer pay attention. I was fixated only on Megan's mouth, and the torrent of cum that was about to greet it.

No longer caring about her, I grabbed her by the head and forced her to take my cock all the way into her throat, without even being sure if she did in fact deepthroat me before. I didn't even care. I didn't care if she could breathe. I just wanted to give my slut exactly what she wanted – a mouthful of my cum.

And I delivered. Shortly after I locked Megan in position, I spurted wave after wave into her. I wasn't sure if Megan was exactly comfortable, but she didn't protest, trying her best to swallow every wave (or, at this point, let it slide down her throat) with what sounded like a muffled moan of either euphoria or crying. I couldn't tell, and didn't care one bit. That was for all the trouble she caused me.

Eventually, I let go of her, my arms feeling numb at that point. At first when I let her go, she was coughing and catching her breath, as I leaned back on a table and attempted to catch mine. However, as I slowly came to, it dawned on me that she was no longer gasping – she was moaning again.

I looked over at her to find her on the floor, lying down, probably coating her skirt in her own fluids. My jaw dropped in amazement. She was still fingering herself, only now her finger was a blur, moving in and out with lightning speed. Her moaning was constant and out of control, her eyes closed, her breathing erratic. At once, her eyes flew open, and she could barely talk amidst the moaning.

"Adam, I… Please… Please come here and lick me." She reacher to her waist and cast off her panties as if they were on fire. "Please, Adam. I need it, please."

She was a mess. An animal. It was unbelievable. I was still turned on myself, but it was fascination more than anything else that led me to get down on all fours and stick my head in between her legs.

Being so close, I could actually see the liquid coming out of Megan. She was like an aphrodisiac experiment gone off the charts. Moaning still, she pushed my head in, allowing me barely a half-second to breathe before my head was mashed against her pussy.

I started licking immediately, although the copious amounts of love juice was slowing me down considerably. Hell, my own doubts were slowing me down too. I had never seen Megan remotely like this, and it almost worried me.

However, it also turned me on, and soon I got into the rhythm of things, making her moan out of control, without even bothering to limit her volume. However, I got tired of merely pleasuring her, and eventually got up from my position.

At first, she moaned in protest, but when she saw the lust in my eyes, she knew it was far from over. I motioned for her to stand up, and when she did, with one motion, I removed her skirt and bent her over the desk with her adorable little butt facing me. Her eyes went a little wide when she realized what I was about to do, but closed quickly when my hand started rubbing against her slit, preparing her for what was coming.

"Are you ready for the ride of your life?" I asked. It was a little cheesy, and definitely less gentlemanly than when I asked Nicole. But screw Nicole, she wasn't here, and if I'm going to spend my afternoon screwing a horny bitch who managed to make my life hell for a week, I wasn't ready to be all sunshine and roses.

Megan whimpered but nodded. I didn't waste a second and removed my hand, using it to guide my shaft into her waiting pussy. I attempted to go all in with one motion, but she was actually so tight that I couldn't! If I thought Nicole had a grip on my dick, then Megan had some kind of vice on it. Ignoring whatever protests I'm sure Megan made, I pushed and pushed until the rest of me was fully inside her.

At that point it occurred to me that I probably should have checked her reaction. As I looked over her back at her face, it reflected a lot of pain. The moaning was still there, but it was mixed with a series of grunts and 'ow's.

Despite this, something deep inside of me told me to keep going, and I did. Slowly at first, I began to pump myself in and out of her, eventually picking up speed. The moaning and 'ow's became louder as my speed increased, but never once did she ask me to stop, even though that may have just been her shyness.

At this point my lust overcame me again as I really got into it. I grabbed onto her plush yet petit ass with my hands as I became determined to drive myself further and further into her. Her skin felt like hot silk in my hands, so soft yet practically burning. Was it her desire, was she normally this hot? I didn't know. If anything, the inside of her pussy only felt hotter, which only served to add to the feelings I was getting from drilling her with my cock.

Her 'ow's were disappearing at this point, only to be replaced by even more moaning as she finally got into the rhythm of things too. "Oh, Adam…" she moaned with a high, innocent voice yet the lustiest attitude I've ever seen as I was finally able to thrust my full self inside of her.

Without being aware I was doing it, I let go of her ass with my left hand only to have it come back down on her ass with full force. "Shut up!" I ordered, my voice heavy and deep. "You will speak only when spoken to. Is that understood?"

She was silent at first, except for tiny moans escaping her mouth, until she finally answered "Yes."

"Yes, what?" I asked her.

She paused. "Yes, master." She responded quietly.

I did not expect her to be so submissive so quickly, and needless to say having this power over her only turned me on more. "Good girl," I responded with authority. "After all, we don't want me to get rough with you, do we?"

A timid "No." met my ears, which only made me smile.

"Well, too bad!" I yelled at her angrily as I rose my hand once again. Her skin rippled and turned a shade of pink as I slapped her beautiful small ass, making her yelp. "THIS is for ruining my chances with May!" I barked as I spanked her ass again, still buried inside of her. Another yelp met my ears.

"THIS is for lying to me the first time you gave me a blowjob!" I shouted, smacking her ass again. Her yelp this time was prolonged, trailing off instead of ending abruptly. "And THIS is for making Nicole hate me!" With even more force, my hand came down and smacked her ass, hard. Her yelping now turned into a yell through clenched teeth, ending with a "Mmmm."

"And this? This is for fun." I concluded as I smacked her ass one more time, earning me a pained moan from her. I gave her a few seconds after to recover, then continued to plow her for all her worth.

"What about… how I… told the… whole council?" She panted. "That's…. got to be… worth something." Wow. Fuck me. Spanking Megan was turning her on. Given that this was supposed to be her punishment, this wasn't exactly according to plan, but hey, I was willing to play ball. With a grin somewhere between 'in disbelief' and 'mischievously', I brought my hand up. "Too right you are." I added ominously as I brought my hand down on her ass, spanking her hard. She moaned in a mix of pain and pleasure. I continued thrusting into her as I brought my other hand up into the air, roaring, "And THESE are for speaking without being spoken to! Know your place!"

Smack. Smack. Smack. I was relentless as I kept spanking her over and over, making her scream as I continued drilling my dick into her. I wasn't even sure if her moans were from pain or pleasure at this point, and I didn't much care. I just kept going, thrusting and spanking away.