
Being More Social

“Adam can’t talk to girls, he must like men,” “Adam still wears tighty-whities,” “Adam doesn’t like looking at porn,” crap like that. I knew their true reason for picking on me – I was just another geeky, socially awkward kid who had a tendency to talk in a way considered too ‘proper’ for middle school, and an inability to talk to girls. The ‘proper’ talk was how my parents raised me. The inability to talk to girls, well, that was just a gift from God. Adam's Story>>>>>

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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66 Chs


Nicole, not expecting me to go quite so hard on her, let a small yet loud moan escape from her lips before she covered her mouth with her hand. I made no effort to slow down, let alone stop, as I continued to drill Nicole's pussy, each thrust seemingly more powerful than the last.

Nicole was really struggling to hold back her moaning at this point. I took this as a sign of my victory as I doubled my efforts, causing Nicole to literally bite her tongue to prevent her from moaning. Her hands desperately clung to my back to cope with my increased efforts as I pumped in and out of her with even more ferocity. I was getting o the point where my muscles were starting to cramp, but some sort of power kept me going.

Maybe it was the fact that I, for once, had power over Nicole, and just wanted to enjoy it. I certainly was not about to give it up. Despite my pains and cramps, I found the energy to go even faster, to the point where my shaft was a blur drilling Nicole for all its worth. I felt her fingernails digging deeply into me. It probably would have been painful if I wasn't so engrossed in pounding the hell out of her.

Before long, Nicole started to say something, but her words kept devolving into moans due to my ferocious assault on her pussy. This continued for about a minute until I finally slowed down to let her speak without alerting her parents.

"You made… your point… you jerk." Nicole panted out. I could tell she wasn't really angry, though. "Slow down… but keep…. giving it to… me deep. I'm getting close…" She snarled in a hungry fashion.

I complied. I slowed down to just below an average pace but went deeper with each thrust. I think I went deeper than I ever have before. Nicole was still attempting to hold back her moans, though the feeling in the room changed from animalistic lust to pure passion. We were no longer just screwing, it was… something else.

Despite going slower, I was sliding in and out of Nicole more easily, which meant her fluids were coming in waves. Nicole was close.

"Mmmmmm…" She couldn't help but let one moan go. "Adam, just a little faster."

I complied, leaning down to kiss her on the forehead as I did so.

"That's good that's good that's goooood…" She groaned. "Now harder. Go harder."

I pushed into Nicole until it hurt. I prayed that she would come soon, because truth be told, it was starting to take its toll on me. Taking my mind away from the pain, I focussed on my pleasure and found that I was really close as well. Servicing myself, I picked up speed and started to thoroughly screw Nicole again, and continued to do so until I felt a stirring sensation. I was going to cum.

My warning came in a barely audible exhale, but Nicole picked it up.

"Me too, Adam. Do it now."

I started to feel weak and pleasure filled me in waves as I felt myself empty into her. At the same time, Nicole stiffened and and let out a satisfied 'Mmmmm.' We just came together.

"Oh, Adam…" Nicole blissfully sighed. "I love you."

There it was again. "What… did you say?" I weakly asked, still trying not to black out.

"I said I love you, god dammit." Nicole repeated firmly yet lazily, her eyes still closed while in the throes of her own orgasm. Well, confirmed: I didn't just hear things last time. She definitely said that she loved me.

I started to respond but, realizing how out of breath I was, I collapsed on top of her and began to catch my breath. In response, she just held my head and stroked my hair while my breathing finally returned to normal.

For a while, we just lay there. Even after my breathing returned to normal, we just lay there with me on top of her and her stroking my hair. Eventually I pulled myself up off of her and managed to plop myself down next to her.

"Oh, by the way, your back is kinda bleeding." Nicole said nonchalantly.

"Wait, what?? How?" I asked frantically.

In response, Nicole showed me her nails. I got up from the bed and inspected my back in the full-length mirror her parents had. My back was covered in scratch-marks, most of them oozing blood. Nicole shyly walked up behind me.

"Did I do thaaaaaat…?" She asked in a comical nerdy voice. I just gave her a confused look. She blew me off and walked back to bed. I followed.

After laying in bed for a few more minutes, she broke the silence. "This bed is a lot comfier than mine."

I nodded without saying anything. She responded by shifting to face me. "Say something." she ordered.

"Huh?" I asked, shifting to look at her.

"Well, I mean, I'm saying stuff, and now I'm out of stuff to say. Your turn." Nicole responded flatly.

"So basically you feel awkward that we just did it in your parents' room and what me to break the tension?" I asked, poking her playfully in the ribs and smiling.

"You know me too well, hotshot." She replied, poking me back. "Now go."

"Okay, but you asked me to." I warned her. "So you totally said it again."

"Said what?" She asked me.

"I love you." I quoted her. "You totally said it this time."

"I don't recall." She replied, feigning a look of confusion. "Do you just want to hear it so much that you're imagining things?" She asked, winking at me.

"I got you to repeat it, Nicole. C'mon, don't play dumb." I said, a little more forcefully. "You even added your trademark 'God dammit' to the seconds one."

Nicole sat upright and thought for a second, then her eyes lit up. "Ooooh, THAT time I said it."

"So you admit you said it?" I asked, wondering if we were opening a can of worms here. After all, it may have been mostly my orgasm talking, but I was definitely about to say it too.

"Yeah, of course I said it. But I only meant as a friend." She explained. "Duh. I figured you would assume that much. Maybe I need to get you a book on street smarts too, squirt." With that, she playfully messed with my hair and lay back down on the bed, facing away from me.

Well, at least she and her parents had something in common. I didn't get her.


With Carson and I becoming better friends, I had definitely wanted to hang out with him over the Christmas break, but I had no such luck. Over most of the Christmas break, he was away visiting family. I, of course, had to find out from his dad. I'm not sure why I wasn't expecting anything else from Carson.

However, on the final day before school started up again, I was lucky enough to catch him on a day he wasn't busy.

"Fuck, am I ever not ready for school." He said glumly as we finished another Halo match. "It feels like yesterday the break began."

I laughed in agreement. "No kidding. You still owe Mr. Graves, what, three assignments?"

"Whatever. I don't care." He said disinterestedly as he put down his controller.

I followed suit. "You know, it was really kind of him to give you those extensions. Maybe you should finish them."

"Yeah, I should." He replied. "But I won't. Not my fault his assignments are boring as shit. There's no real reason for me to do them."

"You seem kind of bitter, dude." I noted. "You okay?"

He waved me off. "Yeah, I'm fine, buddy. I'm just tired. I only just got back."

"Oh, right." I said flatly. "How's the rest of the family?"

"Y'know… They're family." He said in a tired manner.

"Well… Did you do anything cool while you were down there? Meet any cool people?"

"Nope." came his reply. Sometimes, as much as I liked Carson, it was really hard to have a conversation with the guy.

"Well, looking forward to school?" I asked him, hoping to find some kind of topic that might rekindle his energized spirit.

"Classes? Fuck no. I mean, maybe for May, but that's it." he replied.

"Wait, May?" I asked him. "I thought you two had broken up."

He nodded. "Yeah, we did. She just wasn't ready. But being away from home for a while gives a guy some time to think, and I'm not ready to give her up. I'm gonna keep trying, and I'm gonna get her."

"You sound certain you're going to end up with her." I noted, trying to hide the bitterness in my tone.

Carson nodded. "I always do." He told me.

Our conversation died out as we picked up the controllers again and resumed our game. A few minutes later, the door opened. I had assumed it was Mr. Carter at first, but someone completely different entered.

It was a girl of maybe 17, possibly 18, with brown hair flowing right down to her ass. I had to admit, she had quite the shapely figure, a very adult one, like she looked older than she was. A serious, almost stern yet still beautiful face helped supplement this look. She was carrying several heavy-looking bags, travel bags or something, with her into the kitchen. "I'm home!" She announced, unaware of my presence in the house just yet.

"You're late." Carson dryly replied. "A few weeks late."

"Well, what if I didn't want to see the rest of our family? Maybe I've got more important things to do. Let me guess, you're playing Halo right now." she snapped back. Even her tone was naturally stern.

"I don't think they'd want to see you either." Carson replied in an annoyed tone.

"You are such an asshole." The girl snapped back. "I'd rather hang out with Craig than you."

"Yeah, so would his new girlfriend." Carson shouted back across the house, now with more of a humorous tone in his voice.