
Being More Social

“Adam can’t talk to girls, he must like men,” “Adam still wears tighty-whities,” “Adam doesn’t like looking at porn,” crap like that. I knew their true reason for picking on me – I was just another geeky, socially awkward kid who had a tendency to talk in a way considered too ‘proper’ for middle school, and an inability to talk to girls. The ‘proper’ talk was how my parents raised me. The inability to talk to girls, well, that was just a gift from God. Adam's Story>>>>>

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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66 Chs


Clearly this wasn't a common thing. Nicole shot her mom a confused look, before replying, "Um, does it have to be now? Maybe Adam can wait in the other room or something."

Her mom picked up where her husband left off. "Sweetie, this is a bit of a family thing – no offense to your friend here." She looked at me. "Sorry, Adam, would you mind?"

Following her mother, Nicole turned to look at me. Noticing her daughter's eyes were off of her, Mrs. Baker looked me dead in the eyes and slowly nodded. It wasn't a threat, she was trying to tell me something, and I had a feeling it had to do with my talk with them on Halloween.

"Um… No, I guess not." I said slowly, trying to identify the situation. Nicole looked back at her mom as I looked at Mr. Baker. He gave me a half-smile (something which looked like it was painful for him to make) and slowly nodded at me. I turned back to Nicole. "Unless Nicole really wants me here."

"Nah." She said flatly. "As long as it's a family thing. C'mon, Adam, I'll show you out."

With surprising speed, she led me to the back room. As soon as we were out of her parents' sight, she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Of COURSE I want you here, you idiot." She whispered into my ear as she continued her embrace. "I dunno what's gonna happen. My parents don't usually get like this."

I broke the embrace and looked her in the eyes. Her hair was covering one of her eyes, so I brushed it out of her face. "Don't worry. I think it's going to be good news." I was a bit disappointed in Nicole's parents for needing a prompt, but as long as they were going to handle it tonight, I was happy.

"I'll text you later?" She asked me, smiling slightly.

"You'd better." I smiled back. I kissed her on the cheek and grabbed my bag. She waved me out, almost nervously as I left.

I felt really happy as I went back home and greeted my own parents. I was really grateful to have good, understanding parents like these (although granted, they didn't know I wasn't a virgin) and I was happy Nicole would get the opportunity to have the same thing, finally.

As soon as I got to my room, I anxiously pulled out my phone. I knew the conversation she was about to have with her parents would be a long one, but I still wanted to check. What I found was a text message, not from her but from May.

Well, shit. I completely forgot. I pulled up her messages. Yeah, I actually would like to talk about it

Oh, boy. I hoped that May was the type of easily forgive. Oh shit, I'm so sorry! My phone died on me. I'm listening. :) Yup, a white lie. It's official, I was shameless.

Almost instantly, she responded. Oh thats OK. i dunno, Carson is a good guy but it just didnt feel right with him. i felt really lonely around him is all, and now i feel like a bitch because i'm the one who shut him down and i still feel lonely and yeah.

Wow. I totally thought Carson was the one to break up with her. Well I'm here for you if you're ever lonely. You shouldn't feel like a bitch, if it's not meant to be it's not meant to be. Oh look, there was a break-in at the cheese factory.

Thanks :) but i dunno. he didnt do anything wrong but the date was still bad, like i didnt enjoy myself at all and i dont know why. i really wish i knew why. i feel so bad :(

I had no freaking clue how to reply. Don't worry, you shouldn't feel bad. I'm sure he understands, Carson is a really understanding guy. Besides, you don't owe him anything. You shouldn't have to apologize for your feelings. Woah. That wasn't actually half bad.

Thanks Adam <3 youre the best friend ever, you really cheered me up :))))))

Ugh, the inner Nicole in me piped up. The dreaded many-mouth Smiley.

What are friends for? :) I sent in reply.

There was still no response from Nicole, even by the time May sent a :) in response. Even still, I waited. I was almost asleep by the time my phone finally buzzed. I checked the screen, and sure enough, it was Nicole.

Holy shit that took way too long. was all it said.

I smirked. What was it about? I asked her, knowing full well the answer. I hope they found a middle ground or something.

Dad just wanted to tell me about his brother's new job. I don't get why they shooed you out of the house for that…

Wait, what? That was the reason? That might have made some sense in any other scenario, but they made eye contact with me. They all but promised with their eyes that this would be the night! Without me realizing, I became fully upset, having a grasp on my phone firm enough to start hurting my hand. Did they just say that to get me to leave? They might have been a bit mean to Nicole, but they didn't seem like they were that big of a bunch of cowards.

Nicole noted my lack of reply and continued. It's like they just wanted an excuse to get you out of the house.

Son of a bitch…


Another good reason to love the holiday season hit me a few weeks later – Christmas. I wasn't overly religious, but I loved the spirit of the holiday. This year was no different.

Actually, that's a complete lie. This year was completely different. After the usual festivities at my place, there was always this weird 4-hour gap in-between present opening and Christmas dinner, with nothing but marveling at the new stuff to fill it. Well, this year, like my own Christmas angel, Nicole asked if I wanted to come over.

Not to say I wasn't prepared. After I cleared it with my parents, I grabbed her present and dashed out of the door.


Despite her hatred for winter, I think Nicole loved the spirit of the holidays as well. She was so wrapped up, no pun intended, in the joys of Christmas, she didn't notice the glares I was flinging her parents every few minutes.

Mr. Baker glared back at me every time I did, challenging me with his eyes. I didn't stop though. Mrs. Baker, on the other hand, just looked down every time I gave her a glare.

Nicole was practically bouncing around. She showed me the decorations she put up, played me some of her favorite Christmas music, and offered me a few cookies which she baked herself. After a while, her mother cleared her throat.

"Sweetie, do you want to do the present-opening upstairs? I've got a little headache coming on and I'd appreciate less noise."

I could tell from her weirded-out expression that Nicole was as shocked by this as I was, but after a while she shrugged. "Sure, no complaints from me!" She said casually as she started to go upstairs. "Advil's in the third drawer from the right on the left counter, second drawer down."

As we closed the door to her room, Nicole shot me another look. "That was really weird…" she said slowly, before grinning. "Mom doesn't ASK me to go upstairs with boys. Maybe she likes you more than I thought!"

I held my tongue. I wanted to say something, but for some reason I felt like now wasn't the right time.

"Anyway, your present!" Nicole exclaimed, dashing to her dresser. She rummaged through her drawer for a few seconds before pulling out a rectangular gift, with a hand-wrapped bow on the top.

She bounced back to me, handing me the gift. "Open it open it open it!" She exclaimed giddily. She was really cute when she was excited.

I tried to salvage the bow at first, but couldn't figure out a way to do so and still open the package. Eventually, Nicole rolled her eyes and undid the bow.

"There! Now open it, squirt." She said, smiling.

Smiling back at her, I ripped open the packaging to see it was a book. A children's book, to be exact.