
Being More Social

“Adam can’t talk to girls, he must like men,” “Adam still wears tighty-whities,” “Adam doesn’t like looking at porn,” crap like that. I knew their true reason for picking on me – I was just another geeky, socially awkward kid who had a tendency to talk in a way considered too ‘proper’ for middle school, and an inability to talk to girls. The ‘proper’ talk was how my parents raised me. The inability to talk to girls, well, that was just a gift from God. Adam's Story>>>>>

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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66 Chs


The rest of the car ride on Saturday was a blur. It always is, when I'm promised sex at the end of it. Though unlike Monday, Nicole was a lot calmer stepping out of the car, probably because there was no foreplay in her vehicle.

"You didn't even suck on my nipples this time." Nicole laughed as she stepped out of the car. "You're starting to lose your edge, Watson."

"You didn't take off your shirt." I protested. "Mixed signals. Wasn't my fault."

She laughed again and grabbed my hand, walking inside. I noticed that around her, my confidence was building. Hell, thanks to her, my confidence was building in other situations too. I felt like the last couple of years were just the same year over and over, with nothing changing and nothing happening, nothing really happy in life. This year was a nice shift.

"Hi mommy, hi daddy." Nicole sang as she entered the house, her hand still in mine. "I'm back! I'm gonna be hanging out with Adam in my room, okay?"

Her dad grumbled, but didn't say anything. He was sitting in the same spot, wearing what looked like the same clothes, reading the same book. I wasn't even confident if he moved since the last time I saw him.

"Feel lucky!" Her mom's sickly sweet voice rang from the living room as she walked into the kitchen to greet me. "Normally she doesn't bring the same guy home twice." She again gave me her death stare, hidden underneath a warm smile.

As best as I could, I decided to counter her. "I do feel lucky, very lucky in fact. Nicole's a great friend, and if it weren't for her, I'd still be the same shy nobody that I've kept being for the last… too many years. She really knows how to make someone feel like people care about them."

I thought that would do it, but Mrs. Baker didn't even flinch. "What will you two be doing, video games? Be sure to keep the volume extra loud. That way we'll be able to hear all of the explosions and gunfire. Like we always do." That one was aimed at Nicole, and hints were rolling off of her words in waves.

Nicole just smiled cheekily at her. "Nope, we're just gonna full-on fuck. In your room. I might not even use protection. You know, why not? You're only young once in your life." With that, she started forcibly dragging me up the stairs, my mouth open the whole time.

My head was still reeling with what she said to her own mother when the door to her bedroom shut behind us. "Call me old-fashioned…" I started. Nicole shrugged.

I felt obliged to continue. "I've never spoken to either of my parents that way."

She shrugged again. "They're actually kinda sweet when I come home alone for, like, a week in a row. I mean, they're stern, but they're kind and let me use the car, so… Yeah. But when I bring boys home, they've got this idea that I'm doing it to punish them or something. Even girls, just when I'm hanging out. I think they're really lonely, 'cause they get upset when I'm social and not with them. Y'know, after everything they've done for me, that sort of thing." She was speaking really quickly, her face still showed the slightest hint of red, and I could tell she was embarrassed by their attitude.

It was sound logic. I nodded in agreement, as she strolled up to me, swinging her hips sexily. "Now, where were we?" She purred, grinding her pelvis against mine, putting her hands around my neck and pushing her chest into mine.

"Isn't this just going to piss your parents off?" I said to her, our faces close.

"We'd better not be too loud then." She whispered back seductively.

"No promises." I said back, smiling, as I pushed her back onto the bed. She grinned as I pounced on her and started to remove her shirt. It was a basic black t-shirt, but she could still totally pull it off, and when I did pull it off, I found that she had no bra underneath.

"You knew we'd be coming back to your place, didn't you?" I asked, before placing my tongue on her lower stomach and tracing upwards.

"I could only hope." she sighed as my tongue found its target: her nipple, already erect. I played with it, moving my tongue around the nipple before flicking it a few times. She shivered and pulled me in closer.

I kept my other hand occupied by bringing it up to her other breast and caressing it, making sure to keep my touch delicate and not squeeze too hard. She moaned in appreciation, and I kept my eyes up as I went from tonguing to sucking in the blink of an eye. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her mouth contorted somewhere between a huge grin and an 'o' shape. Her hair, even amidst an act like this, managed to frame her face perfectly, and in that moment she looked like a painting – too vivid and beautifully alive to have been left up to genetics.

Her anticipation had clearly built up too far as she began fumbling with her black jeans, popping them open with a frustrated sigh before she attempted to dive right in with her hand and pleasure herself. Right as she was about to, though, I stopped her with my other hand. Her moaning didn't stop, but a whine was thrown into the mix.

Keeping perfect eye contact with her, I let my tongue trace down her stomach again as I used both hands to pull her pants and underwear all the way down. She gasped in realization of what was about to happen, as my tongue traced lower and lower expecting to hit her pubic hair any second now. Although, it didn't. My head rose up and I realized it upon sight immediately.

"You shaved!" I exclaimed.

Nicole laughed seductively and squished her beautiful boobs together. "I thought I'd see what would happen if I did." she answered. "So far, I'm definitely not complaining."

Her shaven pussy was, believe it or not, not particularly more appealing to me than her unshaven one, but it certainly would be easier to navigate, so I didn't want all of her efforts to go to waste. Lowering my head again, I returned to my earlier work. Outstretching my tongue, I started to trace letters right above her clit, just outside her lips, anywhere that could make her crazy with anticipation. A good five minutes of this passed, and by the end she was breathing furiously, squirming and pleading for me to dive in.

"You're such a fucking tease, Adam" she panted. "Please. I want it so bad."

"Do you really want it?" I asked her teasingly.

"Yessss, god dammit." she angrily hissed.

"You really want it, May?" I asked her. That was a hell of a bold risk.

She swallowed hard, but made no effort to clear her throat or even think before responding. "Yes, Adam. I want you to eat me out. Please, Adam." came May's distinct voice. I loved this power I had over Nicole in the bedroom. It sure as hell inspired confidence.

"Good girl." I told her, and took her erect clit into my mouth. I started by flicking it with my tongue, then gently sucking on it.

She responded with a "Yes, Adam , right there," in May's voice perfectly, despite being in her own little world of pleasure. Her breathing was erratic, her movements jagged and sudden. She was particularly horny this time around. I decided to honor that, and experimented a little. As I started sucking on her clit harder, I took one finger and slowly worked it up into her waiting pussy.

"Oh God, oh fuck, oh my God Adam, yes!" she panted as I started working the finger in and out while sucking harder on her big beautiful clit. It was noticeable and large, maybe even as big as a full inch when she was completely horny, but I liked it. It was a part of her. And I liked her.

As I pumped in and out of her pussy, she began to moan harder and harder, until she unexpectedly sat up. "I can't take it anymore." she said, out of breath. I raised my head slightly, and would have questioned her, but before I could, my shirt came flying off of my head, presumably thanks to her. Then I felt my pants come loose and saw her, bending over towards me, hastily taking them off. She hopped off the bed, her clit proving her arousal, and ordered, "Lie down on the bed right now."

All I was wearing were my socks, and I was hard as steel, so I wasn't about to complain. I sat down as she ordered, and before I knew it, Nicole was lowering herself on to my face.

This was definitely a new experience, so at first I didn't know what to do. Right when I made a move to start, she leaned over and took my full dick into her mouth in one go. Almost instantly she began sucking and milking my cock for all of its worth. I audibly moaned and dove right into her waiting pussy in turn, sticking my tongue in as far as it would go. I waved it about, I stuck it in and out, and every time my dick vibrated with her moaning, I knew I was doing something right. Before long, as awkward as the angle was, I was back to inserting a finger and letting it work harmoniously with my tongue.

Judging by the increased vibrations and faster speed of her mouth on my cock, I could tell Nicole was getting close. I swear she was starting to move her hips to accommodate my mouth, and I just responded by bringing her even more pleasure, sticking a second finger inside. As I did that, she released my dick and emitted a small shriek, one that her parents could no doubt hear. It was a weird feeling, but I didn't care anymore.

I could only care about the extra love juice now flowing from Nicole's stimulated pussy, which I eagerly accepted.

"Oh my God Adam Watson… You're the best." I heard her moan. "This is amazing. You're amazing."

We remained there for about ten more seconds before she engulfed my cock again with a new determination, her hand reaching lower to play with my balls. I didn't have the will to push her off and get some air, so I just began inhaling and exhaling, catching the intoxicating smell of my best friend's pussy. She kept at it, her tongue teasing my head, her lips pleasuring the shaft, her mouth pleasuring me like it was the most important thing, her hand rubbing my balls and occasionally going just a bit lower and pressing. It wasn't my asshole, it was above it, and while it should have felt weird, it just felt amazing when she was doing it.

With all of this combined, I couldn't hold back anymore. After a few more seconds, I groaned and let loose stream after stream of cum into her mouth, which she graciously accepted without pause.

I think I saw the gates of heaven for a second as I lay there, catching my breath as Nicole waited patiently for me. As reality began to reappear in my eyes, Nicole sensed the end of my orgasm and flopped down beside me on the bed. She reached down beside the bed and pulled up a water bottle.

"The offer is always open." She told me after a giant gulp.

"Honestly, I'm fine." I refused.