
Being More Social

“Adam can’t talk to girls, he must like men,” “Adam still wears tighty-whities,” “Adam doesn’t like looking at porn,” crap like that. I knew their true reason for picking on me – I was just another geeky, socially awkward kid who had a tendency to talk in a way considered too ‘proper’ for middle school, and an inability to talk to girls. The ‘proper’ talk was how my parents raised me. The inability to talk to girls, well, that was just a gift from God. Adam's Story>>>>>

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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66 Chs


She turned around and started to go down the ladder. I'm 90% sure it was my imagination, but I could swear I saw her bite her lip as she went down the ladder. I wasn't even sure what I was seeing anymore. I peered down the ladder and there sat a naked May, looking up at me with that adorable smile, sitting Indian-style, playing with her pussy.

I shook my head to see May at the bottom of the ladder, smiling up patiently at me. Fully clothed. Yup, my imagination was definitely working against me.

As I descended the ladder, May's smile was gone and her brow was furrowed in concentration. She looked absolutely adorable. There was no expression of hers that didn't accent her adorable cuteness, and it was enough to make me want to grab her by the waist and kiss her right there.

"You okay?" I asked instead of doing just that.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." She replied. "I don't think Friday alone is enough time to perfect what we have, we may need to spend some time out of school to get this just right."

Oh god please, don't say the morning. Please don't say the morning. It's true, I really liked May and would have done almost anything for her, plus I understand her desire for perfection, but I just couldn't do mornings.

"How does Saturday sound?" she asked me. The first thing I felt at that suggestion was joy. I was getting a chance to hang out with May, of all people! My first crush! I was absolutely elated, and with my heart attempting to rise through my chest, I enthusiastically nodded.

Then it hit me. My parents don't like driving, plus I was way too shy to ask them for rides, especially in this situation. They'd ask me where I was going, who I'd be visiting, then when they'd learn it was a girl, they'd just judge me, then remember that I was hanging with Nicole, twice by this point, and just judge me even more… Oh God.

Then it hit me… Again. Nicole. She was supportive enough of my crush in May to imitate her voice when she was blowing me, I bet she was supportive enough to drive me to her place too!

I pulled out my phone and asked May, as casually as I could, "What's the address?"

Naturally, she gave me the address of somewhere close to school. It was a decent distance out of the way for Nicole on a Saturday, but it was about as far away as the school, so I texted her asking, with the address.

Banking on her saying yes, I tried to keep up my cool demeanor and said, "Cool. See you then."

"…And tomorrow, silly." she said, smiling.

"And tomorrow.' I blushed. She giggled and bounced towards the stage, motioning me to join her. Just then, I felt a buzz in my pocket.

Sorry squirt, busy. Sucks to be you! read the message. My heart sank, and internally, I went into panic mode.

Oh my God, Nicole, I already told her I would!!! What am I going to do?! Now she's going to be all disappointed in me!! I texted back, my fingers working up a flurry.

By this time, May walked back to me, slight concern on her face. "You okay, Adam? You look worried."

I swallowed hard and looked up at her. "Yeah, it's just… I can't…" My phone buzzed in my hand again. I looked down to see another message from Nicole. Jeez, I can't ever joke around with you, can I? I can totally drive you, ya dweeb.

I breathed a sigh of relief. God dammit, Nicole. I laughed internally, until May took me out of my trance.

"Can't what, Adam?"

"I can't…" I began, looking for a smooth way out. "I can't wait to show this to Mr. Salvador. It's going to knock his socks off."

Booyah. Hello, Doctor Smooth. As I came to realize, it wasn't as smooth as I thought. The smile May gave me afterwards told me that she 'knew' it wasn't that, and that I was hiding something from her, something which was distressing me. Well, she was half right, I suppose.

As I got ready to join her on stage and resume practice, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I brought it up to read another message from Nicole. Hey, you free on Friday? Oh boy, I thought to myself. More sex.

It's actually kind of nice being wrong once in a while.


When Saturday rolled around, I got out of bed early, absolutely teeming with energy. I found out later she only wanted me there at 2pm, but still, I wanted to be ready. I wasn't going to blow my chance with her. This was it. This was totally it. We were going to kiss today. We were going to have sex today. I was going to take her outside into the picturesque woods and declare my love for her.

…Okay, so I knew I wasn't going to go that far, but my mind was still reeling excitedly with possibilities. May Stevens, alone together with me! I was as happy as a clam, and didn't bother hiding it from Nicole when she came to pick me up.

"Holy crap, squirt, calm down." She said, half-laughing when I jumped in the car.

"Let's go let's go let's go!" I chanted, bouncing in my seat.

She gave me a look. "You're cute when you're pathetically smitten, you know that?" she asked me as we pulled out of my driveway and started driving to her place.

"Sorry I asked you to do this, I realize it's out of your way." I said sheepishly once I had calmed down. By that point, we were already on the road.

"Don't worry about it. It would be kind of cute to see you two together." she said, eyes forward.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" I asked her. She kept her gaze on the road.

"I told you. I'm a no strings-"

"-attached, I know, but in the past. Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

She bit her lip. "Well, if you want me to be honest about it, yeah. Back when I was in grade 10. It was with this grade 12. He was an absolute asshole, but like I knew any better."

"Are you okay now?" I asked, concerned.

She turned towards me with a sarcastic look before turning back to the road. "No, squirt. I'm dying. Don't worry, it's not as bad as you think. Most people's first romantic experiences end kinda ugly."

I stayed silent, and she noticed. "Oh yeah. Spoiler alert." She added. "Just don't be the one to be an asshole to this kid. Alright?"

"I would never!" I fired back, insulted.

She smiled. "I know, but I feel like I gotta say it anyway."

There was more silence before we spoke up again. "I'm guessing you lost your virginity to him?"

"Mm." she answered, feigning disinterest. I realized I stepped into unwelcome territory.

"Sorry." I said sheepishly.

"If you were sorry you wouldn't pry." she said sternly, yet with no anger on her face. She did well with concealing her more negative emotions, or so it seemed. Nevertheless, I felt really bad, and decided not to say anything until we got there.

"This place?" She asked as we pulled up.

"I think so." I answered as I undid my seatbelt. "Thanks, Nicole. I really appreciate it."

She bent over to my seat and kissed my cheek. "My pleasure, squirt. Now don't get sappy on me. Save it for her." she winked and I smiled as I stepped out of the car.

As she drove away, Nicole rolled down her window and shouted, "And don't do anything I wouldn't do!" I chuckled as I watched her speed away.

I rang the doorbell and almost instantly, May answered. "Hey there!" she said, smiling.

"Hey yourself!" I replied. "Ready to get to work?"

"Definitely!" she beamed, and headed downstairs. I assumed it was an indicator and followed her.

"So where are your parents?" I asked. After the incident with Nicole, I wanted to make sure I knew where the parents were at all times.

"They work weekends." she answered. "They work a lot, and after I became a teenager they started working more. I don't really see them that often, except around suppertime." At the mention of suppertime, she adopted an embarrassed look and looked down at the floor. "Speaking of… I hate to be that girl, but is it possible you could leave by then? My parents are really strict, especially about boys. They don't know you're here, and they would never believe me if I said it was just for drama."

From hanging out with Nicole so much, I didn't have much of a filter left, and asked, "Why, do you have a history with boys?" in a playful manner.

She gave me a disappointed look. "No. I don't." she said simply.

All of the confidence in my voice melted away instantly. "Sorry." was all I could say. I felt like an idiot. Two minutes in and I had already blown it. What else was I expecting?

"No worries." she said, trying to shake off the negative emotion. "Anyways, let's begin, huh?"

"Yeah, sure!" I said, glad to be off that topic. "Okay, so if I position my hands like this. There. Does that look like a better ax than the one we had on Friday?"