
Being More Social

“Adam can’t talk to girls, he must like men,” “Adam still wears tighty-whities,” “Adam doesn’t like looking at porn,” crap like that. I knew their true reason for picking on me – I was just another geeky, socially awkward kid who had a tendency to talk in a way considered too ‘proper’ for middle school, and an inability to talk to girls. The ‘proper’ talk was how my parents raised me. The inability to talk to girls, well, that was just a gift from God. Adam's Story>>>>>

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs


After we tried a few stances, she moved on to the hands and where they should be. I had to admit, she was a really good teacher. She spoke slowly and made sure I could understand everything she was teaching, rather than assume I knew what she was talking about. But she also pushed me, and knew I could do better than what I was doing. She really knew how to empower me.

About an hour in, we moved on to choke holds, which was the most difficult for me. For one, I was lousy under pressure and even though I knew what to do, piecing it together was difficult with an arm around my throat. For another, having a gorgeous girl's tits pressed right up against your back could be a really distracting thing, especially since you knew for a fact there was nothing underneath that button-up vest.

"Oh, come on, Adam." she said after the fourth time while I clutched my throat. "You know how to do it. You're thinking too much. Don't think, just do."

"It's freaking easy for you to say." I retaliated. "This is my first time doing any of this."

"I suppose I have shown you a lot for the first time." she winked at me, and grabbed her boobs in her hands. As soon as she caught me staring, she let go and added, "Now concentrate this time. Power stance, distraction, free the head, pin me down."

I got back in position and she wrapped her arm around my throat. I bent my knees into the power stance she described, and used my free arm to hit her lightly in the stomach. I tried to position my arms around hers so that my head would be freed, but no dice.

"You were close." she said as she released me. "You're definitely improving."

"Yippee." I said, in a slightly raspy voice.

"You wanna call it quits for today?" She asked, with a hint of concern in her voice.

"Are you kidding?" I asked her. "I wanna keep doing this until I do it right."

She broke out into a huge smile, and leaned forward to kiss me on the cheek. "That's the attitude I wanna see, hotshot." she told me. "You'd fit right in at our dojo. Now, your goal here is to free yourself, and you can only do that by catching me off guard. You're defeating your enemy up here-" she pointed to her head, "more than anywhere else. Catch me off guard, surprise me."

I shrugged, and she motioned for me to get into position. Once I was, she effortlessly put me into a headlock. Okay, focus, I thought to myself. Bend your knees and get into a powerful stance – check. Hit her in the stomach, not too hard. I always felt guilty doing that. I was raised to never hit anyone. But her instructions were clear, so check. Now comes the difficult part. I had to free my head from her arms while she was recovering from the hit. But my arms were just too weak…

Suddenly, an idea hit me. I pivoted around where I was, which didn't feel too good on the hold she had on my neck, but it did the job. I was now facing her. In the split second before I acted, she gave me a confused look, yet also tried to bring her other arm up so she could retaliate. Before she could, I grabbed onto both sides of her button-up sweater vest and forced it open. A button flew off as both sides gave way, releasing her beautiful breasts.

She opened her mouth in protest, just as I pushed her forcefully onto the bed and jumped on top of her. My mouth found her nipple and angrily began to suck.

"Ooooh my god…" She moaned. "What the hell kind of karate move do you call that?"

I released my mouth from her nipple. "Were you caught off guard?" I asked her.

She laughed, then picked up her vest. "Man, I really liked this thing…" She said with a hint of her voice. It quickly went back to moaning as I resumed my sucking, my other hand reaching over and grabbing her other boob.

"Mmmmm…" she moaned, then sighed in bliss as my tongue began its gentle dance of love across her areola. Her hands became occupied with unbuttoning her pants, then shoving them down as she played with her noticeably oversized clit.

"I have to give you credit." She said, still using her hands to pleasure herself. "You learn fast… And I'm not just talking about karate."

I could feel myself internally smile as I kept licking gently at her one boob, then suddenly took it into my mouth and began to forcefully suck. She gave a soft gasp.

At this point, my dick was aching in my pants, and noticing the beautiful teen pussy only a few inches away from it, moved on autopilot. Keeping my pants on, it moved right over Nicole's pussy, and I used my free hand to shoo her hand out of the way. She moaned in a disappointed fashion, but that moan was cut short when I began grinding on her, my pants making direct contact with her pussy.

"Oh yes…" She hissed as she ground back. "What can… I do for you?" she asked me. "I want… to make you feel good too…"

I released her nipple from my mouth. "Making you feel good makes me feel good." I replied. My mouth went to her other nipple, teasing and sucking away.

"Adam… You're not like other guys." Nicole said, breathing heavily. I'm not even sure if she knew what she was saying, or if her brain was trying without thinking to compliment me since I was pleasuring her. "You're different. And I love it."

Nicole certainly was a character. Before, she was all bold and manipulative. Be selfless in bed and suddenly she lost all control, like she was indebted to you. Not that I was complaining, I thought as I continued to grind against her.

I could feel the front of my pants getting wet with Nicole's love juice and her moaning got more frequent, not to mention louder. I could tell from past experience that she was getting close.

"Adam, I…" she started, but I put a finger to her lips.

"I know, baby." I said, releasing her nipple as I spoke. I never called her, or anyone, baby before. In the moment, it just felt right. "It's okay. I want you to cum." Cheesy, but .

She nodded enthusiastically and lustfully, lost in the moment. "Oh Adam…" she moaned, as her grinding became more desperate. "Adam… Adam… !"

Her pussy noticeably ejected more fluid as she came, and her face was frozen in an 'o' shape. I held my position from grinding, which I could tell she appreciated. It seemed like right when she orgasmed, she preferred to move only to enhance the feeling, and it wasn't like I could predict those movements, so I held still. She ground up against me for a little until she stopped, her eyes opening slowly. She smiled at me, a smile which was filled with a lot of emotion, and moved her hand forward to touch my face. She never quite got to it, though, since her eyes wandered to my pants first.

"Did I do that?" She asked me, looking at the wet spot.

"It'll dry in a bit, don't worry." I tried to reassure her.

"Damn…" She said, seemingly shocked. She then broke out into a grin and added, "I'm impressive, aren't I?"

I leaned my head forward and slowly, sensuously kissed her on the lips. "In every sense of the word."

She made a small smile before that smile turned sarcastic. "Suckup." She teased me.

I laughed and flopped down on the bed next to her. "Do you need me to do anything for you?" She asked me, still slightly trying to catch her breath.

"Nah, it's all good. I'm happy just pleasuring you." I answered, surprising myself to learn that I was being honest.

"Okay…" she said slowly, before adding, "I should have at least done the May voice thing again. Man, did that ever get you excited."

"Yeah, about that." I said, turning my body towards her. "Seriously, how'd you manage that? It's not like you memorized every grade 9 girl's voice just in case I had a crush on them, even if you are that good at imitating. Which I doubt."

"Even if you are that good at imitating. Which I doubt." She fired back at me, in a voice eerily similar to my own. It wasn't at all perfect (after all, she was a girl and I, well, wasn't) but the resemblance was amazing. "Nah, but the fact that you two were talking in the hallway after your homeroom and that you were acting like Dork of the Year around her really helped." she added, grinning.

"Ah, so you're a voyeur." I retaliated.

"I do what I can." she replied, giggling. "But yeah. I listened carefully to her while I walked behind you, seeing if I could do her voice. Figured it would come in handy."

I chuckled softly. "Well, it certainly did…"

"By the way, how's your nose?" She asked, grinning, referring to how I walked straight into a locker.

"Oh, shut up." I laughed, punching her gently in the arm. Normally, I wouldn't hit her, but she seemed like she could take it. We sat in silence for a bit after, until, without my brain's consent, my arms went forward and pulled Nicole into a tight embrace. She responded with a non-sexual moan, a lazy yet happy moan. Her hands snaked down my sides, something I could appreciate until I realized she was fishing through my pockets.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked her.

She snatched my phone out of my pocket and broke away from the hug, giggling as she lay there on the bed, topless, her pants undone, and with my phone. "Speaking of May…" she added deviously, taunting me with the phone in her hand.

"It's got a number code." I told her, confident she couldn't break into my phone.

She looked me dead in the eyes. "What do you take me for?" She asked me. She turned her attention back to the phone, and started hitting buttons. Seconds later, she dryly added, "You got a text from your mom. She wants you home by supper time." Oh my God, seriously?! She got in that quickly? "Oh, and what's this? Something from May!" she hit the screen once, then grimaced. She passed the phone back to me. "I dunno about you, but I wouldn't wanna fuck someone with grammar like that." She made a motion like she was about to puke.

I looked at the screen. lol yeah! r u excited 4 drama??? After Nicole's, shall we say, 'conditioning,' I couldn't look at the phone without wincing myself. Oh, well.

Yeah, you? :) I replied, then turned my focus to my mom's text. Thank goodness she said supper time, as I checked my watch and realized it was after six. My dad came from Hungary, and for some reason in Western Europe people just like to eat around the obscene hour of nine. I grew up used to that, and never really discovered how handy it could be.

"Are you gonna ask her out to the dance?" Nicole asked me, breaking me away from my phone.

"Huh?" I asked, turning back to her. She was now sitting on the bed, with all of her clothes on, wearing a black t-shirt that hugged her curves nicely now that her vest was ruined. How does she keep doing that…?

"It's late October, dude. The Halloween dance. It's a week from tomorrow. Are you gonna ask her out?"

Dances? Are you kidding? Back in middle school, I stayed away from those like the plague. The one time I was forced to go since the rest of the school did, I ended up hugging the wall where I could see every pre-teen I wanted try to awkwardly dance with any girl they clapped eyes on, hoping to get some kind of kiss or more as a reward. It was a breeding ground for pre-teen hormones, and it was awful.