
Chapter 4 Live in Maid

My heart is pounding so uncontrollably, that I swear my heart is going to burst. Oliver Noah smirks down at me, and starts inching closer and closer, until I can almost taste his minty breath.

If he gets any closer I'm afraid of what he might do , and I know I won't be able to stop myself. I shove him as hard as I can, needing there to be space between us.

Are you freaking kidding me? Just go to hell Oliver! He takes a step back, surprise flashing across his face. Luckily I've made enough space so that I am able to sneak my way under his arm.

In an instant he is smirking again, and I just want to slap that stupid look off of his face. He crosses his arms and leans against the wall I was trapped against just seconds ago.

Well, what do you say? It's the reasonable way to pay me back for the damages. I scoff and run my hands through my now tangled hair feeling exasperated. This is getting way too ridiculous.

I am not going to become your personal prostitute to pay for a stain on your suit. Why would you want me anyway? I'm sure you have plenty of girls who would be begging to drop on their knees for you.

He chuckles, and he has an amused expression on his face. I don't mean that kind of physical work. You are more naughty than I thought...

My eyes widen and I can feel my face heating up. I am so embarrassed I don't even know how to respond. This is definitely not my best moment.

I look up at him and this time he's grinning. Gosh ,his smile is perfect. If you don't mean... that, what do you mean by using my body?

He shakes his head, Honestly woman....I frown at his response, still flushed with embarrassment .Just tell me already! I don't mean sex. I want you to come stay at my place, and be my live in maid. I don't have time to take care of the place, and I've been looking for some help.

My mouth drops open ,L-Live in maid? You mean live in your house? with you? How much was that suit anyway?

He pushes himself off the wall and walks towards me, giving me a wicked smile. Definitely more than an entire year of rent for that small apartment of yours. My brows furrow, and I glare at him. How do you know where I live? Are you stalking me? This was definitely getting too weird for me.

He rolls his eyes and shrugs his shoulders. It's not hard to find when you walk home from work. I followed you home right after you spilled your coffee all over me. It was easy to catch up with you.

Damn! I knew I should've just hid in the back until he was long gone. Mayne then he wouldn't have been able to follow me....This conversation has been going on for way too long, and I'm starting to get more and more irritated by the second. I turn my gaze away from him and fold my arms over my chest. Well ,this changes absolutely nothing. Somehow he has gotten close to me without me realizing it. He reaches up and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear, Oh , but I think it does.

I slap his hand away, and lean in close so that I'm only inches away from his face. This time I won't his good looks distract me from what's important. No. it. Doesn't. I bite out through gritted teeth.

He doesn't move and his eyes flicker down to my lips, well , seeing as I own the apartment complex you live in.

Images of Noah suites run through my head, and I can't remember seeing anything about apartment complexes. I though he only owned hotels...Since when did you start owning apartment complexes? I thought your company only ran hotels?

He runs a hand through his thick dark hair. I recently bought all of the apartments surrounding Noah suites. I plan on demolishing them by the end of next year, and adding onto the hotel.

Demolishing the apartments? I would have to find a new place to live. I groan and bury my face into my hands feeling overwhelmed. This night was becoming more and more awful by the minute. Now that we have that out of the way, do you agree to come work in my home and be my live in maid?

I almost shout at him I am so livid. I'm not going to work for you , especially after finding out that you're going to be destroying my home!

His demeanor becomes serious and his voice is calm, When I told you that I own the apartment you live in, you do realize I can kick you out anything? Or maybe I'll be nice and let you stay. I could just double your monthly rent to help pay for the damages to the suit.

Before I can interrupt him he raises a hand and continues speaking....and no, money isn't the issue here .I don't take irresponsibility lightly.

I open my month to speak but I close it again. I run through the many different scenarios in my head hoping one will get me out of this mess, but I can't think of one. If I refuse to be his live in maid, I am going to have to go back home until I find a new place, and there is no way I could afford more than what I was already paying for rent. If I tried to find another apartment , It would take months just to find one in this area close to my work.

How long would I be working for you until the debt is payed off? I murmur in defeat.

His eyes brighten, and he says immediately , only for a month ,until I am able to find a permanent live in maid. Preferably one that doesn't distract me from my work..

His eyes brighten, and he says immediately ,only for a month, until I am able to find a permanent live in maid. Preferably one that doesn't distract me from my work. His eyes follow the curves of my body and i can feel butterflies forming in my stomach .I look away from him, before I let him cloud my thoughts. A month really isn't as as I thought. So you are saying that if I become your live in maid for only a month, my debt will be paid and you will be out of my life?

He nods. I muster up all of the courage I have , and look him dead in the eyes, I have one condition before I accept.

He raises his eyebrows in response.

Once my debt to you is fulfilled ,I want you to keep letting me live in the apartment complex for as long as I can. Or just until I can figure out other living arrangements, and please , no more threats to raise my rent or kick me out.

He laughs at my request, that's it?

Remembering Finn I quickly say, oh and I hope you aren't allergic to cats because I'm bring mine with me, to your home. He has to come with me.

He frowns and almost looks like he wants to tell me to just forget about it. I don't look away as I say, that's the only way I'll say yes.

His brow furrows, and I can tell he is weighting his options. after a couple of seconds, he finally nods and sticks out his hand. Well then, it looks like we have a deal.

I hesitate but then slowly put my hand in his. his hand is warm and softer than it looks. My eyes flicker from our hands to his dark eyes. They soften in response, and his hand squeezes mine. I pull back immediately , and my heart starts thudding uncontrollably again. Any sort of physical contact was going to be off limits if I was going to be living with Marcus. I will send some guys over to move yours belonging to my home on Monday morning.

Monday? But ,I'm not even prepared! Can't I get a couple of weeks to sort everything out? I need to speak with my work and figure out what to tell them. He ignores my pleading, and brushes pat me. I'm about to yell at him to get his ass back here when he turns around and says, see you Monday ..Maid.

My cheeks are on fire, and I glare at his back. I have to resist the urge to chase after him as he gets into his sleek black car and pulls away.


After requesting an Uber, I find Jessica passed out on the bar. Richard is stroking her hair and trying to get her to wake up. Come on pretty girl. You don't want to sleep here.

He looks up and relief washes over his face when he sees me. She groans and mutters something about needing to be tucked in. I roll my eyes. This is not the first time she has literally drank herself to sleep. I walk over to them and smile gratefully at Richard. Sorry about this. I should've been here to help.

He shakes his head and chuckles. This woman is so peculiar. I've never met anyone quite like her before.

I nod and grab her purse that's laying on the bar counter. My phone pings and I see that our driver is here.

That's jess for you! Hey do you mind picking her up, and helping me get her into the Uber waiting outside?

Nodding he gently scoops her up in his arms. She groans and opens her eyes slightly, I think I should go to my bed.

I laugh and thank Richard as he lays her down in the back seat. He turns to wave but in the back seat. He turns to wave but I grab onto his arm before he moves away. I grab his cell phone out if his hand and add Jessica's number. I think she would have given this to you if she hadn't passed out.

He grins and looks down at his phone. Thank you so much. I hope so.

I give him a small smile in return , and wave goodbye as our car pulls away.

When the Uber pulls in front of my apartment ,I nudge Jessica a little forcefully , making her jolt awake, Huh? Where are we? Why aren't we dancing?

My house. Now hurry up and get out.

She stumbles out of the car and I rush over to her side, helping her stay upright. I thank the driver and we head up to my place ,very slowly. Once we are inside she falls onto my couch and dozes off immediately.

She is totally out of it. I grab a blanket, and place it over her. I smile when I remember giving Richard her number. She is definitely going to owe me big time. Yawning I shuffle into my bedroom. My heart warms as I see finn curled up in the middle of my bed snoozing. I peel off my dress and change into a baggy shirt and slide carefully into bed and turn off the lamp on my night stand. Finn rolls over giving me more room, but staying curled up right beside me. I stare up at the dark ceiling and go over today's events in my mind.

I went clubbing against my will. Almost got felt up by a nasty old man. Oh and let's not forget about my unexpected run in Oliver Noah. The beautiful man that I own a debt too, and as a result I'm being forced to be his live in maid.

Images of me wearing a sexy maid costume flash through my head. I grimace and pull the blankets higher over my head. I swear if he makes me wear any kind of uniform I am going to burn his house down.

I finally drift off to sleep after what feels like hours of tossing and turning. I dream of dark intense eyes, and soft full lips brushing against mine.