
Being His Maid

Seventeen year old Sierra Ventresca's life comes crashing down when she finds out that her father disappeared, leaving her with the huge debt that he owed to the mafia.

hushhushcrush · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


We were back in the mansion and Mari was already home. She was sitting on the giant couch and she looked miserable. Michael had already made his way to his room. "Mari, you okay?" I asked with concern.

"Honey, my mother isn't well and there's no one to take care of her." she said and a tear rolled down her cheek. I didn't wasted a second and hugged her, she ruffled my hair with a weak smile on her face.

"Why don't you go? after all Jerico will be here soon." I suggested.

"No, he's busy honey, I called him up and he told me that he'll take time." she said and suddenly her smile faded. "Can you and Michael take care of yourselves?"

Well I highly doubted that, it's not me it's Michael who can't take care of himself. "Um, I think yes we can." I said and by we I meant me.

"Are you sure? because the way he's behaving with you is not giving me a positive remark at all." She said and I just simply nodded.

"How long will you be there?" I asked as I wanted her to come back as fast as possible but on the other hand I wanted her mother to get well soon too.

"Nearly a week. I'll be here only for today and tomorrow, if that's okay for you?" she asked and I bit my lower lip before nodding hesitantly. I mean a whole damn week with the devil, but no one cares about Michael, I'm just doing it for Maria.

"Sierra, thank you so much honey, I promise I won't take a lot of time and let me tell you Michael is not as cruel as you think he is, he's a sweet boy." she said and I cracked a fake smile. The biggest joke ever, Michael? a sweet boy? oh please, I don't even doubt that, I am two hundred percent sure that he has no quality like kind, sweet or cute. "And" Maria smiled and leaned forward to whisper something in my ear. "When he was a little boy, sir and I used to call him Mickey." she whispered and I chuckled, Mickey. "Okay, now I think you should go to bed it's pretty late." she ordered.

"Mari, I wanted to tell you something." I said and she nodded politely. "Actually, me and Mickey." I said, chuckling a bit and she smiled. "Are going for shopping some clothes for me tomorrow, if that's okay with you?" I said and she stood up from the couch and walked towards me.

"That's perfectly fine." she said ruffling my hair and I smiled before walking towards my room.

Mickey, I couldn't help but chuckle every time I thought about this name. Who thought an arrogant and cocky flirt would have a nick name like this? Mickey. I chuckled again.

My eyes closed automatically and I didn't even realized when I fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up at 10:15 am and ran towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. I took off all my clothes before turning the tap on and suddenly my whole body relaxed but, it was all over as soon as I turned the tap off. I wrapped the towel around my body and I opened the bathroom door slowly before stepping out and I wasn't expecting what I saw. "There you are." Michael said with a smirk and apparently he was eyeing my body up and down.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped.

"Calm down lady, we have to go shopping remember?" he asked still smirking and enjoying the view.

"Yeah, I do remember but shopping didn't involved you coming in my room without knocking and laying your eyes on me when I'm naked and a towel is protecting my dignity." I said and he grinned victoriously.

"About that, Mari gave you these to wear." he said before tossing the piece of clothing to me and I was shocked when I saw what it was. It was a black crop top which was okay for me but a mini skirt which would probably end below my ass wasn't actually my plan.

"Um, I'll wear the same pants and sweatshirt." I said with a sigh and he rolled his eyes.

"That's perfect." he faked a smile."Wear them again and look like you've just came from world war 3. Don't waste my time." he said eyeing my body again.

"Will you stop staring at me like a pervert." I said and he stood up before walking towards the door.

"Get ready I'm waiting." he said and stormed out of the room before slamming the door shut. I was just going to unwrap my towel and suddenly the room door opened again, I turned around to see Michael looking at me with a smirk. "I forgot something." He dug his hand in one of his jeans pocket before taking out a pink fabric and it didn't took much time for me to realize that it was a bra with a matching underwear. My cheeks heated up, he tossed them on the bed and winked at me before slamming the door shut.


Well he had a point after all, I will look like an ancient soldier if I wear those clothes again but, a mini skirt, I've never tried wearing a mini skirt I'm always in the favour of sweat pants or pants or even shorts, but do I have a choice? well the answer is clearly no.

It didn't took much time to get ready and exactly as I thought the white mini skirt was too short and ended just below my ass. The crop top was great and I loved how it fitted me. I wore my converse, its really casual to wear converse with skirt.

I still had Michael's blow dryer in my room since I'm a smartass. I didn't made an effort to give it back to him since I knew that it would be hard to take it back from Mickey. I chucked again when I thought about his name it was so cute. Remember the name is cute not Michael.

I was done blow drying my hair when suddenly the door creaked open revealing Michael. "You ready?" he asked and I saw myself once again in the mirror.

"Yeah" I said turning around and I wasn't expecting Michael standing this close. "Um, lets go." I said avoiding eye contact and he stiffened on his spot.

"Y-yeah." he stuttered and I was a bit shocked. Do I have the ability to make Mr Mickey nervous? I guess that's stupid because he must be feeling awkward standing so close to me but, he's done that before in the kitchen so, why now? "Hey, can we?" he asked with a similar smirk on his face and I was thinking that I could make him nervous.

We walked out of my room and waved Mari bye before walking towards his god damn bike. "Hey, how can I sit on the bike with this." I said pointing towards my skirt.

He narrowed his eyes as if he was thinking hard. "Got it." he said, he was already sat on the bike. "Come here." he called and walked towards him, I don't even know what this idiot is even thinking.

"What?" I said scrunching my forehead.

"Come closer." he said and I took a step forward. Suddenly he held me by my waist with both of his hands before making me sit in front of him between his legs, I was in shock.

"Wha-" I was about to snap but, he started the bike and I closed my eyes as I wasn't ready for the bike to start moving. "What was that?" I finally made an effort to speak up.

"I just solved your problem." he said taking a turn and I closed my eyes again.

"Solving my problem didn't involve this." I said.

"Involved what?" he asked like he had no clue about what he just did.

"Nothing." I said.

We finally reached the mall in 10 minutes and it didn't surprised me because the speed in which we were going, we could've reached the moon.

I walked towards the female section with Michael walking behind me. "How can I help you ma'am?" a beautiful voice interrupted me while I was eyeing some jeans.

"Um...yeah I was looking for jeans." I said and she just nodded before walking away.

I picked up two pairs of jeans. "Are you crazy?" Michael said tapping my shoulder and I turned around rolling my eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Just two pairs." he said pointing towards the jeans in my hand and I gave him a questioning look."You are not going on a trip, pick up more." he walked towards the jeans, picking up 5 to 10 and my eyes widened.

"Are you crazy." I said raising my voice.

"You are going to be with us for god knows how much more days or weeks or months, so shut up and start picking up." he said and I nodded slightly after all he was right, I really don't know when dad will show up but I didn't want him to blow cash on me because I don't want the debt to be increased.

When we finally got a lot of jeans, t-shirts, crop tops, shorts and tang tops, there were 4 to 5 bags in my hand and 4 to 5 in his. Something hit me and those were undergarments. Oh lord! I stopped in my tracks and Michael rolled his eyes. "What now?" he asked keeping the bags on the floor.

"Um..I'll just come in a minute." I said and he jumped in front of me.

"Tell me." he said and I sighed.

"I need.....you know the ones we wear inside our clothes." I said and he smirked.

"Um...there is a proper name for them." he smirked and I slapped his shoulder.

"Shut up!" I snapped and I ran towards the undergarment's store and picked up some bras and panties. Oh god!! it is so embarrassing when you're shopping with guys. I turned around and he was standing in front of the store behind the glass doors.

I walked out taking a deep breath and that's when I realized something.

We came on a bike. AGAIN

"Hey, how will we take all of this on a bike?" I questioned and he just smiled taking out his phone from one of his pockets.

"Marcus, come with the car in mall celestial." he ordered and hung up, now who the hell is Marcus.

"Who's Marcus?" I asked.

"Marcus is my so called bodyguard whom I never needed, I just call him in case of emergencies." he said and I nodded understandingly.