


Hatina's POV.

The tears never ending as I think of what Annur just told me.

He's going to marry hani. Why? Why does she have to do this? Isn't torturing me enough for her.

My child will grow up with no father, I never wished this, neither did I ever think of it. How does he expect me to take care of our child alone, its not fair to me and my baby. How could he even think this.

It's not fair to me. Not after everything.

I couldn't even get the chance to tell him that I'm carrying his child.

All these thoughts makes my body hurt. I'm still tied and my hands hurt so much. I've been here for days now and I know it, Hani usually slaps me, says mean things to me and I thank God she hasn't beat me up again after Annur told her he would marry her, there isn't even one nice person here well except from Alex, others have been really mean to me, they don't even give me food.