
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · Teen
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40 Chs


Chapter 304 The Arrival of Gao Yan  There have been quite a few people joining Baiqian in the past year.

  Except for Ji Mulan, she basically didn't delete the people added by the original owner.

  The group from Xiangcheng was added later, followed by Dean Jian and others. After coming to Jiangjing, Gao Shu, Gao Yan and classmates from Jiangda were added.

  The circle of friends gathered together.

  But basically everyone who joined later knew that Miss Bai didn't like to surf the Internet. She either read books or went to the Book Association Martial Arts School every day. In her spare time, she took care of Dabaicai or played backgammon with Jiang He.

  This is my first time posting on Moments.

  When they saw her Moments for the first time, most people were very surprised and clicked to take a look.

  Especially Class 15, they have been a member of Bai Qian for more than a year. When I saw her posting on Moments, I sent a screenshot directly to the class group -

  Wen Qi: [[Screenshot]]

  Wen Qi: [It's amazing, Sister Qian. I actually know that Moments has this function]

  Zhang Shize replied to Beibei: [@白蔹]

  [I heard that he had withdrawn a message]

  They were just joining in the fun, but some people looked at this picture seriously. The time and place of the invitation were written on the picture. very clear.

  On the other side, President Liao accompanied Dean Feng to receive professors from the Department of Finance and several politicians at the Hot Spring Villa.

  "Is Xuan Kang related to her?" Dean Feng looked surprised.

  As the dean of the Department of Finance, Dean Feng's network of connections is formidable.

  The "Yuan Gu Ben Ointment" behind Xuan Kang's medicine is too overbearing. He knows better than anyone where it is used. It is a special medicine for special forces and has an official contract.

  In fact, if you look at the packaging box of Guben Ointment, you will know that the names of many medicines have not been announced and are classified as second-level confidential prescriptions.

  This is also one of the reasons why the Luo family cannot defeat Xuan Kang.

  What is now being sold is a drug that has been diluted several times.

  Backed by the authorities, the prescription is kept secret.

  Therefore, Dean Feng suggested that Liao Guangxuan personally invite Xuankang, a company that has not yet been listed, to join the Jiangjing Business Gang.

  The Luo family is cooperating with Country R. The country's leading traditional Chinese medicine industry really needs to change.

  Now it seems that Xuankang is developing really well, giving domestic Chinese medicine a way out, because "myopia acupuncture" has been found to be really effective after two or three months of check-ins by netizens. I believe that more and more Chinese medicine practitioners are using it.

  "I didn't expect that either," Liao Guangxuan sat on the kang, picked up the hot teapot in the middle and poured tea for Dean Feng, "She doesn't know much about the industry, but she talks like a general and has never appeared in front of others. Strange. "

  Xuankang has been popular for so long, and its external managers are actually two doctors, one surnamed Liu and the other surnamed He.

  If netizens knew that the person behind Xuan Kang was Bai Zian, with Bai Zian's appeal in Jiangda and his popularity on the Internet...

  Xuan Kang would become even more popular.

  "After all, it's the Mu family." Dean Feng knew about the previous incident with the Mu family. "The old man of the Mu family was also very impressive when he was young, but he was not so sharp when he was young. Xuankang is just the icing on the cake for her. Her home field is not a shopping mall. According to what Lao Huang said, this classmate Bai is not simple..."

  He looked serious.

  The Department of Finance and the Department of Physics are very close because of Jiang Fuli and Jiang Xijuan, and the two colleges often hold activities together.

  Dean Feng and Dean Huang are also old friends, and they even got together for dinner a few days ago.

  He had heard Dean Huang slip up and call Bai Qian "little junior sister".

  Who is Dean Huang?

  It's unusual for him to call Bai Qian "little junior sister". He is the apprentice of the leader of the first academic sect in the country, and the first three senior brothers are all giants in the industry.

  Liao Guangxuan sat aside and once again heard the shocking inside story.

  I began to think about his attitude towards Bai Qian the few times we met.

  When he returned to his room, he accidentally saw Bai Qian's circle of friends. There was a row of likes from his mutual friends. Liao Guangxuan took a closer look and said, "Xu En, Dean Huang, Sanshao Xu..."

  A bunch of people's likes like.

  He also quickly liked it, then clicked on the picture to take a look.

  He didn't remember the invitation above, but he knew that the Wen family and the Le family were both members of the business gang, so he called his assistant to ask if he had received the invitation.

  After learning that there was, he began to weigh that at the end of the year he and Dean Feng would entertain several leaders.


  Liao Guangxuan was unsure about paying attention and went to Dean Feng to ask.

  "Go ahead," Dean Feng thought about it and gave him advice: "It was not easy for Lao Huang to find her last time. I'm afraid you won't have many chances to see her in the future." If you

  don't take advantage of this opportunity, you won't be able to see her again in the future . All difficult.


  The Wen family.

  Bai Zian was in the greenhouse in the afternoon, turning on the computer to do data.

  Wen Zhixia originally thought Bai Qian was going to ask her something, but seeing her lowering her head to write a paper and draw pictures, Wen Zhixia took out the computer from the room and sat next to her.

  Her computer is full of red and green pictures.

  Both of them glanced at each other's computer, which was fine. Neither of them knew what the other was doing, so they silently withdrew their gazes and went about their own business.

  Butler Wen came over and changed the warm tea for the two of them several times. He could still understand Wen Zhixia's computer a little bit.

  It is a K-line chart.

  Bai Xian's...

  has all kinds of pictures, a bunch of tables, and sometimes dynamic models pop up, so I have no idea what she is doing.

  What do young people do now?

  Butler Wen went back to the living room under cover to help the old lady entertain the guests.

  After finishing a picture, Bai Zian raised his hand and casually picked up the tea cup next to him.

  Chatting with Wen Zhixia, like a casual chat: "The school has just started, and you were quite reluctant to get engaged when you met me?"

  She also checked the Wen family and the Le family.

  As long as Wen Zhixia said something, she could make the Wen family take a step back, but Wen Zhixia didn't mention it again.

  "You can marry anyone." There was no one in the flower room. Wen Zhixia's ambition was obvious. She leaned back in her chair and put her hands on the armrests. "Lejia is the best knife. Le Yuzhang and I both know each other's skills." "

  The Le family values ​​her as a person, and she values ​​the Le family's power.

  Both were sober.

  Bai Qian looked into Wen Zhixia's eyes and nodded slightly, "Okay."



  Bai Zian lives next door to Wen Zhixia.

  After she took a shower, she continued to finish her afternoon work and talked to Ning Xiao about the details for another hour.

  After the conversation, she closed the drawing software and returned to the WeChat page, only to see a link that Jiang Fuli had interrupted in the dialog box with her half an hour ago.

  She turned off her computer and turned on her phone.

  Look at the same interrupted link on your phone and call back again.

  "I was just comparing data with Ning Xiao." As soon as the video was connected, Bai Zian found a place to put his phone, stretched out his hand to organize the computer and notebook on the table, put them into the canvas bag next to him, and explained to Jiang Fuli.

  Jiang Fuli's background was at 103, and he was calmly holding a sunspot on his fingertips.

  He was too lazy to play chess with Jiang He opposite him. He slowly dropped the chess pieces to block the opponent's path, and went directly to the glass room outside with his cell phone.

  Jiang He on the opposite side: "..."

  In the video, Bai Zian was wearing the home clothes prepared for her by the Wen family, with long silk sleeves and her hair was still semi-dry.

  Her long hair hung lazily on her chest.

  "How long will it take for him to have that little data?" Jiang Fuli turned his back to the light in the hall, his expression blurry, and he commented sharply, "It's been a few months."

  Bai Qian turned his head and slowly flipped through the canvas bag and took it from inside. He took out the black CD box and said, "Hurry, he will go back to Xiangcheng with us the day after tomorrow."

  Outside, someone knocked on the door.

  She spoke to Jiang Fuli, found a table, put her phone away, and opened the door.

  Outside the door is Wen Zhixia.

  Came to deliver milk to Bai Zian.

  In the evening, Wen Zhixia went to the Wen family's internal banquet, but Bai Qian didn't go. Wen Zhixia had just returned.

  "That Li Chen at the dinner table just now," Wen Zhixia was extremely disgusted with, "he built a tepid software with the back of his family, and he thought he was so powerful that he actually wanted your WeChat..."

  Bai Qian understood. , she quickly interrupted Wen Zhixia, "I forgot to give you a gift today."

  She reached out and handed the CD on the table to Wen Zhixia.

  The cd box was Jiangyin's internal box, black, with no stickers or cover on it. Wen Zhixia originally wanted to ask what it was, but she saw a signature in gold pen on the cd box.

  Two characters that are very fluent and very stylish -

  Yan Lu.

  After Wen Zhixia was stunned, he realized that this was Yan Lu's signed CD.

  It's just weird that there's no cover.

  She instantly forgot about Li Chen, "Yan Lu's autograph?"

  "Yes." Bai Qian was slightly relieved when Wen Zhixia didn't mention the Li family again.

  "But which song is this?" Wen Zhixia was surprised that there was no cover on it.

    Bai Qian sent her signed copies of Yan Lu's current singles.

  What is this?

  Bai Xian's peripheral vision was still focused on her cell phone, but she always focused on two things, "The new one."


  Wen Zhixia thought that Bai Qian was talking about Yan Lu's last new song, and she was thinking that Bai Qian had given her that song two months ago, so why did she give her another one?

  "You have Yan Lu's signature. Do you have Mei Yi's?" Wen Zhixia put away the CD and asked Bai Qian.

  Mei Yi, who plays Bai Chongyu in "Dayong".

  This year's popularity is second only to Yan Lu.

  After all, Yan Lu has three halo blessings.

  "Mei Yi?" Bai Qian really didn't ask Mei Yi for his signature. She paused and said, "I don't have Teacher Mei's signature. I have his WeChat account. Do you want it?"

  Wen Zhixia: "...Why do you have his WeChat account? ?"

  "It's from Xiangcheng. They were filming in Xiangcheng before. I'll pass it on to you later."

  "Ah," Wen Zhixia was stunned for a while, "No, I just like the characters played by him and Yan Lu. Especially Yan Lu."

  After Wen Zhixia left, Bai Qian closed the door and picked up the phone calmly.

  On the other end of the phone, Jiang Fuli was still standing in the glass-roofed courtyard with one hand in his pocket, waiting quietly for them to finish speaking. His eyelashes were lowered and his voice was quite dull, "The bar girl from that day?"

  Since the last time, Wen Zhixia has been here Jiang Fuli's only impression of this place was the bar.

  At the bar, Jiang Fuli didn't say anything, but Wen Zhixia asked two handsome guys to pour drinks. Young Master Jiang complained about this because he was rarely impolite.

  From "Miss Wen" to "Bar Girl".

  Bai Qian: "..."


  The next day.

  Wen Zhixia is engaged.

  Early in the morning, the stylist styled Wen Zhixia's dress.

  Wen Zhixia is wearing a gradient fishtail skirt today, with pearl suspenders and sparkling diamonds on the tail.

  Both families are about to get engaged, and Bai Qian doesn't see Le Yuzhang either.

  In the morning, a manor not far from Wen's house.

  In the huge banquet hall, the hall was covered with gray carpets, and the stage in the middle was covered with flowers. Waiters carried wine trays and shuttled back and forth under the luxurious crystal lamps.

  When Bai Zian and Wen Zhixia arrived, there were already many people gathering in groups holding wine glasses and talking in low voices.

  There were also twos and threes holding wine glasses to greet each other.

  In this kind of situation, some people want to come but cannot receive the invitation, and some people do not bother to come after receiving the invitation.

  Wen Zhixia wore a fishtail skirt with broken pearls and a crystal crown on her head, giving her a bright and dazzling princess look.

  Bai Qian was wearing a simple white dress today, a very plain color, not an overpowering look, but her special classical temperament was not at any disadvantage when standing next to Wen Zhixia.

  It is not without reason that the Le family likes Wen Zhixia.

  Bai Zian beside Wen Zhixia quickly attracted the attention of many people.

  "Who is that?" Next to Li Chen, a classmate who had returned from overseas was holding a wine glass, and his eyes fell on Bai Qian.

  Li Chen had already inquired about Bai Qian's identity at Wen's house, and didn't care much: "I heard from Zhiwei that this is Wen Zhixia's classmate in Beicheng. This time he came specially to attend Wen Zhixia's cocktail party."

  Wen Zhixia came so far away to attend . Knowing that Xia was engaged, he felt that he had figured out Bai Qian's thoughts.

  "Classmates from Beicheng?" Li Chen's classmates looked in Bai Qian's direction with interest, "Then there's no need to go out of the way to say hello."

  Li Chen and others smiled and didn't care.


  are more and more people.

  Not long after, the Le family and Le Yuzhang arrived.

  Old Mrs. Wen and Uncle Wen took the Wen family to receive the Le family's parents.

  Wen Zhixia met the Le family's parents. Bai Qian stood next to Wen Zhixia. Wen Zhixia introduced Bai Qian to the Le family.

  This is the only friend Wen Zhixia introduced to the Le family.

  Mrs. Le was wearing a dress and was surprised by Bai Zian's temperament and asked Bai Zian a few questions.

  "Mrs. Le, my name is Bai Qian," Bai Qian introduced himself politely, "I am from Xiangcheng, and I went to university in Jiangjing."

  Many people in the circle nearby heard this and had no intention of exploring Bai Qian. , Jiang Jing went to college, and he didn't say where.

  Le Yuzhang was wearing a crisp suit and stood next to Mr. Le. He was always overjoyed and his eyes fell lightly on Wen Zhixia and Bai Qian.

  During the greetings, Wen Zhiwei smiled and talked to Mrs. Le, "Aunt Le, sister Jinyi said she didn't have time today, so she asked me to say hello to you." When

  these words came out, many people looked at Wen Zhixia and Le Yuzhang.

  Everyone in the circle knew that Ming Zongyao and Le Yuzhang were a couple before, and Xu Jinyi and Ming Zongyao were best friends. Today Le Yuzhang and Wen Zhixia are engaged, so it is strange that Miss Xu Er is here.

  But Wen Zhixia's popularity in the circle is really not good.

  Everyone has different expressions.

  Le Yuzhang and Wen Zhixia are today's protagonists, and they have been sitting in the same area as Wen Zhixia.

  Bai Zian slowly shook a glass of champagne in his hand, but did not drink it.

  Next to her, Wen Zhixia was talking to her, "Are you bored? You'll leave first later. I picked you up early yesterday because I thought you wouldn't have to accompany me until the end. You could just take a look."

  On this occasion, Wen Zhixia stayed for a second longer . Disliked them all.

  "It's not bad." Bai Zian stood at the corner table, pointing his fingertips at the transparent cup wall.

  People were coming and going, but no one spoke to them.

  Wen Zhiwei and a group of second-generation people were sitting not far from Wen Zhixia and the others, clearly distinguishable from each other.

  The ceremony was about to begin. Li Chen and others came here with wine glasses, raised their glasses to Bai Qian and Wen Zhixia who were a few steps away, and then whispered to Le Yuzhang in a low voice, "You made such a bad move. , look at your fiancée, tsk, it seems there are still many people in the circle including Miss Ming and Miss Xu."

  "What I want is not popularity." Le Yuzhang straightened his clothes.

  What he valued was Wen Zhixia's trading ability.

  Li Chen shrugged and commented on Wen Zhixia: "It's too boring for a lady to stay at home and stay at home."

  Several people were talking.

  In the middle, Mrs. Wen, Uncle Wen, Lefu Lemu and several important partners suddenly walked towards the entrance.

  This movement shocked most people.

  Li Chen was stunned, and then looked at Le Yuzhang, "Who else is coming today?"

  Le Yuzhang didn't know either. He turned his eyes around. The main partners of the Le family and the Wen family had all arrived, and he My parents and Uncle Wen received me personally, and all the young people were here.

  Except them.

  Wen Zhiwei's group were also guessing, "Zhiwei, who's here?"

  "I don't know." Wen Zhiwei also stood up with Le Yuzhang and the others and walked a few steps to the side.

  In the hall, several big guys stood up to greet people, and everyone else sitting on the sofa naturally stood up.

  Only Wen Zhixia and Bai Qian didn't move.

  Wen Zhixia knew that she didn't know those people, so she was too lazy to move. She even went to get some desserts for Bai Qian, "Try this, do you like this?"

  A middle-aged man appeared at the door unhurriedly.

  Uncle Wen and Mr. Le both greeted him directly and were very surprised: "President Liao, I didn't expect you to come."

  Everyone knew that at the end of the year, when President Liao and Dean Feng met with official people, no one thought that he would actually show up. This kind of engagement scene.

  "Is it President Liao?" Li Chen and the people around him looked at each other in confusion.

  Le Yuzhang reacted. He straightened his suit again and walked forward.

  Wen Zhiwei and a group of others were a little excited, "Zhiwei, is that President Liao? President Liao is really here?"

  President Liao's arrival caught most people off guard.

  The crowd was quickly surrounded by people who knew each other and wanted to show their faces to President Liao. As the largest business gang, he was also a student of Dean Feng. Dean Feng was the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, and President Liao Jiang Jing has the connections and resources that few people have.

  Even Le Yuzhang went to President Liao to become familiar with him.

  A rare opportunity.

  Only Bai Qian and Wen Zhixia were still standing where they were, and Wen Zhixia didn't join in the fun.

  While Li Chen lined up to look familiar in front of Chairman Liao, he was still talking to Le Yuzhang, "Your fiancée..."

  Butler Wen was instructed by Mrs. Wen and came over to talk to Wen Zhixia, "Miss, you Go over and let the Second Master introduce you to President Liao." After

  Bai Zian finished eating the cake, he looked up at Wen Zhixia, his eyebrows were lazy and he had a casual air.

  In the crowd, it was hard to say hello to a bunch of people I didn't know very well.

  Liao Guangxuan breaks through the crowd and looks for Bai Qian. Bai Qian cannot be ignored anywhere. Even if he is only wearing a simple white skirt, his reserved temperament is obvious and can be seen at a glance.

  After seeing the person, he smiled, said something to Uncle Wen, picked up a glass of red wine on the way, and walked directly towards Bai Zian.

  "Miss Bai, you are here too." He said this as if the like that followed last night was not his.

  Bai Qian put the plate on the tray aside, changed the glass of wine, raised the glass in an orderly manner, and greeted Chairman Liao lazily: "What a coincidence, I'm here to attend the engagement of a good friend. Zhixia, this is Liao Hui "

 Chapter 305 Jiang Jing's New Circle! New song released! (Second update)  Before Liao Guangxuan came, he checked why Bai Qian came here.

  Although Wen Zhixia was as big as Bai Qian, Liao Guangxuan did not look down upon her at all.

  He raised the wine glass slightly, smiled at Wen Zhixia, and said very politely, "Hello, Miss Wen."

  Wen Zhixia still held the wine glass in his hand.

  The whole person was a little stiff.

  After all, Liao Guangxuan is the person Wen Zhiwei and the others have talked about many times in the past two days.

  Although it was unbelievable, he reacted quickly and quickly calmed down to introduce himself to President Liao.

  President Liao smiled, took a sip of wine, and placed the wine glass on the tray.

  Exchanging contact information with Wen Zhixia, while talking to Bai Zian, "I was at the hot spring villa with the teacher yesterday. I wanted to invite you over, but Mr. Xu said you were not free."

  Bai Zian really doesn't have much free time.

  The two chatted for a while, and Liao Guangxuan personally handed the merchant gang's card to Bai Qian, "This is your card. It will be used at airports and five-star hotels

  across the country." As the largest chamber of commerce in the country, Jiangjing Chamber of Commerce naturally has special treatment. .

  Shangbang's membership card can enter VIP lounges at all airports, and major hotels also have specialized services.

  "Thank you." Bai Zian also put down his wine glass and reached out to take the card, a very conspicuous black diamond card.

  Bai Qian and Liao Guangxuan chatted casually.

  They talked quietly.

  But at this time, almost all eyes were focused on their corner.

  The entire banquet hall's attention was on them, and everyone around them heard Liao Guangxuan's words "Miss Bai" and "Miss Wen".


  Here, the Le family members looked at each other, "Yuzhang, does Zhixia know President Liao?"

  "It should be said that her friend knew President Liao." Le Yuzhang looked at President Liao, Move to Bai Zian next to him.

  Needless to say Liao Guangxuan's identity, he came suddenly, and most people in the audience were not prepared. The Le family and the Wen family were a little scared, for fear that they would not entertain him well.

  But judging from Wen Zhixia's reaction just now, it's not difficult to guess who came to Liao Guangxuan.

  "Her friend, I remember her last name is Bai, right?" Mr. Le found it strange.

  He had really never heard of the surname "Bai".

  He didn't even know Miss Bai's name, so why did he suddenly alert President Liao?

  After Le Yuzhang was silent for a moment, he took the wine glass and went to find Wen Zhixia.

  His action caused other people to react and go to greet Liao Guangxuan and Wen Zhixia one by one.

  "Zhixia, don't you recognize me? I'm your cousin."


  All of a sudden, aunts, uncles, cousins... all came over to get close to Wen Zhixia, and everyone who could talk came over.

  "Cousin," Li Chen looked at the group of people in the middle and realized something was wrong. He became a little worried: "How do Wen Zhixia and the others know President Liao?"

  Next to him, a group of young masters and ladies in the circle also looked at Xiang Wen Zhiwei hopes to get an explanation.

  The Li family has always been on Wen Zhiwei's side.

  This time Wen Zhixia got engaged to the Le family, so Wen Zhiwei and Li Chen all sided with Ming Zongyao and Xu Jinyi.

  Wen Zhiwei's thoughts were also confused. When Wen Zhixia came back, the old lady gave her 10% of the shares. Naturally, the rest of the Wen family felt threatened.

  Everyone in the circle knew each other and was driven by interests, so much so that Wen Zhixia had no friends in the circle for more than half a year after returning.

  No one expected that the Le family would choose Wen Zhixia, but this choice made those who were still undecided make their decision in an instant. The Wen family and the eldest daughter of the Ming family would definitely have a falling out.

  Today is Wen Zhixia and Le Yuzhang's engagement party. Are some of them just trying to watch the excitement?

  Who would have known...

    In their eyes, Wen Zhixia, who had never had any close friends in the industry, would actually become acquainted with President Liao?

  Who is President Liao?

  That's what their parents want to cater to.

  Now having a friendly exchange with Wen Zhixia and Bai Qian, who doesn't know what signal this is?

  The young ladies with eyes that reached the top of their heads looked at Wen Zhiwei and felt regret for the first time.

  Seeing more and more people surrounding Wen Zhixia and others, Li Chen held a wine glass and sat on pins and needles: "Cousin, our life in Wen's family may be difficult next year."

  They and Wen Zhixia are all here now Wen family headquarters, competing on the same stage.

  The Wen family has been in decline in the past two years. Uncle Wen directly transferred a project of the branch to them.

  "Not necessarily," Wen Zhiwei's mind was spinning quickly and she pursed her lips, "Didn't I tell you that Yan Lu was invited to the party last week with Sister Jinyi?"

  "Yan Lu?" Has Li Chen just returned to China? For a few days, I just felt that the name sounded familiar, but I didn't know Yan Lu.

  "People from the entertainment industry," Wen Zhiwei mentioned Yan Lu without paying too much attention, "She has a large number of fans and the industry has a high evaluation of her. She only has one endorsement now. If the Ming family team and I can invite her to be a joint endorsement, her popularity will increase." Don't worry about the brand. "

  Yan Lu's national popularity is too high now.

  With the blessing of the three auras of "Dayong", "Bai Jian" and "Dean Jian", especially...it is rumored that the marketing company behind her is Xijiang, the leading marketing team in the country.

  It is really difficult to ask her to be an endorsement.

  But as long as it succeeds, it can change the current situation for Wen Zhiwei and Li Chen.


  Wen Zhixia originally thought that she was here as a decoration today as before, but she didn't expect that she would be very busy after Liao Guangxuan arrived.

  Wave after wave of people toasted to her and Le Yuzhang.

  It was at this time that Bai Zian received a call from Gao Yan.

  "Xianpian," Gao Yan's voice was as gentle as ever, "Were you at Zhixia's engagement party? The engagement party isn't over yet, right?"

  Bai Pian put the phone to her ear, "Auntie, it's not over yet."

  "Then Just in time," Gao Yan smiled, "I'm right here, bringing a gift for Zhixia."

  Bai Jian held the phone and looked at the door with a lazy look.

  "What's wrong?" Wen Zhixia noticed Bai Qian's gaze.

  She put down her glass.

  "It's okay." Bai Qian turned the phone in his hand and turned his head, "Aunt Gao is coming over. She's right outside the door. I'll pick her up."

  "Aunt Gao?" Wen Zhixia knew that Bai Qian was talking about Gao Yan. , she was stunned for a moment, and said quickly: "I'll go with you."

  The two of them went out.

  Here, Uncle Wen and the Le family were chatting with Liao Guangxuan. Le Yuzhang had been listening. After Li Chen finished talking to Wen Zhiwei, he came over to get acquainted.

  His peripheral vision was always on Bai Zian. When Bai Zian and the two left, he was the first to notice: "Where are they going?"

  The lounge was on the second floor, and the bathroom was not in that direction.

  When toasting Liao Guangxuan to thank him, Uncle Wen also noticed that Wen Zhixia was not there, "Where is Zhixia?"

  "It seems that he has gone out." Butler Wen also felt strange.

  This point is naturally the most important to Liao Guangxuan. Wen Zhixia is not a person who can't figure it out. Bai Qian created this opportunity for her. She should take advantage of it. Why did she leave now?

  This is the time.

  Outside the door, Wen Zhixia came in with two people.

Chapter 306 Wang Xin regrets his past, the secret of the Ji family  

Wen Zhixia and Bai Qian have long been the center of attention of everyone at the scene. They attracted a lot of attention as soon as they appeared.

  Between the two of them was a lady wearing a champagne-colored cheongsam. She was wearing a white cloak. She was holding a black jade bone fan in her right hand. She was putting it away and resting it lightly on the tiger's mouth. She turned her head and talked to Wen Zhixia.

  I don't know what she said, but the woman opened the bone fan and covered her face with a smile.

  Cheongsam, ink jade bone fan.

  She has an aristocratic temperament, and you can tell she is not an ordinary person. Not many people know her at the scene, but there are a few.

  The girl sitting next to Wen Zhiwei saw the lady, stood up in disbelief, and opened her mouth, "Zhiwei... that's... Xu, Xu..."

  They were all members of Miss Xu Er's team. .

  Naturally, I followed Xu Jin to meet Mrs. Xu.

  Wen Zhiwei suddenly put down her wine glass. When Liao Guangxuan came, she was still in the mood to drink and discuss the project with Li Chen. Now that she saw Gao Yan, she finally couldn't sit down anymore.

  He stood up suddenly.

  Not many people knew Gao Yan at the scene, but there were a few who knew her.

  They all put down their wine glasses and looked quietly in the direction of the door.

  Bai Qian had a restrained and gentle temperament, but Gao Yan's nobility was very obvious. It was an aura cultivated by a noble family. The people in the banquet hall were automatically divided into two rows.

  Make way for them.

  Bai Xian was typing lazily on his phone with his fingertips. When he saw this scene, he only slightly raised his eyebrows.

  "Are you going back to Xiangcheng tomorrow?" Gao Yan slowly spoke to Bai Zian in a reluctant tone, "Aren't you going to celebrate the New Year in Jiangjing?"

  "Now is the only time to go back and take a look during the New Year." Bai Zian explained. .

  Ji Heng also came to Jiangjing for her. No matter from any angle, Bai Zian would not celebrate the New Year in Jiangjing.

  At the back of the crowd, Liao Guangxuan also saw Gao Yan.

  He was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing, put down the champagne in his hand, walked forward, and bent slightly: "Mrs. Xu, I didn't expect to meet you here."

  It was obvious that Gao Yan was standing closer to Bai Jian .

  "Zhi Xia is engaged today," Gao Yan said hello to Liao Guangxuan politely, and looked at the old lady of the Wen family and Uncle Wen, "I hope the old lady will forgive me for coming uninvited."

  She smiled slightly.

  A very gentle voice, but no one around him dared to speak at this time.

  It makes Liao Guangxuan call her "Mrs. Xu" with such respect and say "you" every time.

  Even those present who have never met Gao Yan seem to be able to guess who this person is.

  The old lady reacted and hurriedly walked forward with the support of Butler Wen, "Mrs. Xu, it is our Wen family's honor to have you here."

  The entire banquet hall fell silent.

  For a while, the only sounds were Mrs. Wen and the others talking to Gao Yan, while everyone else watched the scene quietly.

  After a long while, Liao Guangxuan and others accompanied Gao Yan.

  The second uncle of the Wen family took a deep breath. He turned around and asked Butler Wen next to him: "Who is this friend Zhixia? Why have you never heard of this person before?"

  Forget Liao Guangxuan, why is Gao Yan here? ?

  Although Gao Yan and Liao Guangxuan both came here for Wen Zhixia, looking at the way Gao Yan looked at Bai Xian, everyone knew why she came.

  Also, it's not that Mrs. Xu Er likes Miss Xu Er very much.

  Miss Xu Er and Ming Zongyao are good friends, but now that Gao Yan has openly appeared at Wen Zhixia's engagement party, it seems that Miss Xu Er is not as important to Gao Yan as rumored...


  Is there an engagement between the Wen and Le families? We invited the media and didn't reveal much to the outside world.

  But with so many people coming and going, there is no airtight wall in the circle.

  The matter between Liao Guangxuan and Gao Yan was still spread.

  There was a turmoil about the news that "Second Miss Xu" was favored by Gao Yan. There were vague rumors in Jiangjing that Xu Jin, Xu Jinyi, and even Xu Nanjing were already a thing of the past.

  A new circle is rising in Jiangjing.

  Mu family.

  Mu Yining sat in Tingyuxuan and talked to Ji Shaojun at the dinner table, "What time is your flight tomorrow?"

  "Six o'clock." Ji Shaojun said.

  Ji Shaojun has not returned to Xiangcheng for a long time. Although Mu Yining and Housekeeper Lou hoped that Ji Shaojun and the others would stay at Mu's house for the New Year, they did not force it.

  Not to mention anything else, Bai Qian and Ji Heng would never stay in Jiangjing.

  "Six o'clock?" Housekeeper Lou was a little surprised. He had been to Xiangcheng several times, always by plane to Beicheng. The earliest flight was at 5:20, and then at 8:00.

  It may be that as the Chinese New Year approaches, new flights have been added.

  Mu Yining's eyes fell on Ren Wanxuan next to her, "Wanxuan, you're not going back?"

  "Not going back," Ren Wanxuan put down the soup ladle. She had no feelings for Ji Shaorong, "My grandfather will come to see me in a few days. ."

  Being able to celebrate the New Year in Jiangjing, Ren Wanxuan didn't want to go back to that border town at all.

  Moreover, there were many dinner parties in Jiangjing during the year, and it was hard for Ren Wanxuan to establish a good relationship with those young ladies and gentlemen. She did not want to miss this opportunity.

  The next day.

  On Jiang Fuli's special plane.

  This was Zhang Shize's first time taking Mr. Jiang's plane.

  He was sitting on the sofa playing games with people from Class 15. He rarely played games anymore. He heard Qi asked him in the headset, "No, you are a good man. Aren't you going back to Xiangcheng today? You should be here now." On the plane?"

  Zhang Shize crossed his legs, "Yes."

  "Why are you playing games with us on the plane?" Before he could speak, another person in the team spoke.

  Zhang Shize raised his head slightly, looked at Jiang Fuli opposite who was wearing a black sweater, and said vaguely: "Flying on Air China, there is wireless network."

  "That's it," everyone else in the team believed it, "Then next time we go back, we can also Take Air China."


  Jiang Fuli sat opposite Ning Xiao, swiping the computer screen with his slender, cold hands, raising his smooth chin, and his brows were still light, "Has someone guided you?"

  Opposite, Ning Xiao sat upright, "Academician Ma and He The seniors all provided me with data and ideas."

    Bai Zian also helped him calculate the data.

  He couldn't have done it so quickly on his own.

  Jiang Fuli roughly scanned the last acknowledgment. Bai Qian and Dean Ma He Wen mentioned their names. He reached out and turned the computer over and stood up: "I have already reported this project for you. In a few days When I go to the boss summer camp, I will go directly to the editor."

  Bai Zian was in the small room, and Jiang Fuli went to find her.

  In the middle, Ji Shaojun passed by and was playing backgammon with Jiang He. Ji Heng and Shen Qing returned to Xiangcheng with Lu Xiaohan in advance.

  Lu Xiaohan will learn to make and control puppets from Grandpa Tao, and complete a puppet show during the winter vacation.

  Not far away, Ming Dongheng was pouring water and couldn't help but look at Ning Xiao. Jiang Fuli talked to Ning Xiao so casually, but what he heard last time -

  this project that Ning Xiao and Academician Ma collaborated on was the future. A key project for twenty years.

  Uranium ore.

  Once this project is launched, Jiangjing University and the scientific research community will face another storm.


  In just half a year.

  Almost all the roads in Xiangcheng have been widened and the green belts are well done.

  More than a dozen real estate projects and shopping malls have sprung up, and Xu En's Xinda Hotel opened a few months ago.

  After getting off the plane and taking a car to Xiangcheng, Zhang Shize and Tang Ming were stunned.

  The development of Xiangcheng is really fast. Not to mention that this is a border town that no one came to before, but now it is said to be a second-tier to semi-first-tier city, no one doubts it.

  Bai Zian got off the bus at Qingshui Street.

  Qingshui Street, which used to be sparsely populated, is now crowded with people and lined with shops.

  Bai Zian looked at a tourist sign next to Qingshui Street -

  [Thousand-year-old Tree]

  [Ancient Alley]

  [Qingshui Bridge]

  . After she was stunned, she realized that Qingshui Street has become a part of the check-in list for many people.

  "Aji, are you back?" An aunt who sells embroidery at an embroidery shop waved to Baiji. She also said to the people buying things at her stall, "This is our top scorer in the college entrance examination in Xiangcheng this year, Baiji. You all have heard, right? Her grandpa is a master embroidery master, and he taught us all... And Aji, before she went to school last year, she specially left her learning experience and methods. My daughter ranked among the top ten in the class in the final exam... "

  There are a bunch of fans in Qingshui Street.

  As soon as they heard that this was the legendary girl from Xiangcheng, many people wanted to say hello to Bai Zian and ask about how to study.

  But when she saw the tall man next to her, she stopped abruptly.

  The road leading to Ji Heng's small courtyard has also been renovated, and there are no rocks that shake when you step on them.

  Jiang Fuli stood on the left side of Bai Xian, with one hand lazily in his pocket, and the other hand holding Bai Xian's computer. Beside him, Jiang He kept pace with the two of them with his short legs.

  "Go back to Jiangjing on the sixth day of the lunar month, and go to the school team on the seventh day of the lunar month. In the afternoon of the eighth day of the lunar month, we will leave for Country M. The boss training camp is not difficult. If we hurry up, we still have three days to see the snow-capped mountains after returning to China." Jiang Fuli followed Bai calmly. Xian said making arrangements.

  He did not stay in Jiangjing to celebrate the New Year this year.

  During the fifteen-day vacation, I spent most of the time with Bai Zian back to Xiangcheng, leaving a small amount of time for Bai Zian and myself to travel.

  Master Jiang arranged it very reasonably.


  years later, on the sixth day of the lunar month.

  Bai Zian and others returned to Jiangjing after celebrating the New Year.

  Jiang Fuli left the Jiang family behind, and as soon as he arrived in Jiangjing, he would return to the Jiang family to take charge of the overall situation.

  He didn't really want to go, but Xu Nanjing told Bai Zian tactfully. Bai Zian urged her to go back. She sent Jiang Fuli to the car and looked down at her phone.

  Several messages.

  Sister Xin: [Miss Bai, Yan Lu's new song will be released at 12 noon[! Link]]

  Today is the time for Yan Lu's new song to be released.

  It has been more than half a month since the last time Yan Lu recorded a song. It was on the hot search list at that time, and now it is finally about to be released. Before noon, all major music apps are stuck.

  Bai Qian scrolled down and sent the address to Wen Zhixia.

  She made an appointment with Wen Zhixia for lunch. After the engagement party, one of them was in Xiangcheng and the other in Jiangjing, but they had never seen each other before.

  Hu Yue and Liu Xin from the laboratory also came to the school early after their vacation. Several senior brothers and sisters learned that Ning Xiao and Tang Ming were back and invited them to dinner.

  Bai Zian has to prepare materials at school tomorrow and doesn't have time, so he just has time today.

  By the way, I introduced Wen Zhixia to Hu Yue and others.

  A large group of people were very lively in the box. Wen Zhixia breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that these were all top students from Jiang University.

  Although a group of Jiang students were scary together, they were a bit more normal than President Liao and Gao Yan some time ago.

  She chatted with Hu Yue Baiqian in a low voice.

  Just after the New Year, Liu Xin and Tang Ming drank a few beers.

  Twelve o'clock sharp.

  Tang Ming remembered something, took out his phone and opened Weibo, helped Yan Lu repost and like it, and took a screenshot to show to Zhang Shize.

  "I'm borrowing your help this time," Liu Xin sighed, took a sip, and found Tang Ming flipping through his phone: "What are you doing?"

  "Yan Lu's new song," Tang Ming promoted to Liu Xin. Clicking on Yan Lu's new song, "Do you want to listen?"

  Everyone present had heard of Yan Lu, and Hu Yue was surprised, "Has she released a new song?"

  Wen Zhixia also quickly took out her mobile phone.

  The first music sounded okay, but the second one sounded a little familiar. Hu Yue had a good memory. She had listened to the piece of music Bai Qian played for her more than once, and she could even hum a short piece of it, so she naturally had an impression.

  "Wait a minute, what's the name of this song?" Hu Yue raised her hand.

Chapter 307  Great turmoil, sister Aji has a box  Wen Zhixia had already seen Yan Lu's new song, and she said: "Bian Zhou."

  Bian Zhou?

  Hu Yue recalled the conversation with Bai Qian, sailing across the ocean.

  Right again.

  Her eyes couldn't help but fall on Bai Zian. People at a large table were chatting. Only Bai Zian, who was sitting next to Wen Zhixia, lowered his head and ate slowly.

  Most of the people at the dinner table were scrolling through Weibo.

  Wen Zhixia has been busy recently. After the engagement party, more relatives in the Wen family know her. She has been following her second uncle to recognize people from the first year of junior high to now.

  Today I also heard that Bai Qian returned to Jiangjing and Uncle Wen was not allowed to let him out.

  "Leaving the day after tomorrow?" Wen Zhixia was surprised when she heard that Bai Zian had such a busy schedule, "How long will this winter summer camp take?"

  Bai Zian had almost eaten. She put down her chopsticks, leaned back, tilted her head and asked someone to pack it up. Take a copy of the duck here and bring it to school to Yang Lin.

  "One month." Bai Zian has never been abroad, but he has seen a world map.

  "School girl, pack more," Senior Brother Liu patted his chest, "Today the teacher is treating us, and everyone is open to eating."

  On weekdays, Zhou Wenqing treats guests, and these "parallel imports" only dare to order a few green vegetables.

  Today they ordered a large table of the most expensive dishes.

  After packing the vegetables, Bai Qian and Wen Zhixia walked downstairs.

  "It's good for you to be like this," Wen Zhixia looked back at the packing box in Bai Zian's hand and smiled, "When you first returned to Xiangcheng, I was afraid that you would be obsessed with it again."

  Bai Zian left in a hurry, and the phone Can't get through.

  Wen Zhixia was afraid that she would become even more decadent in Xiangcheng. Thinking about it now, if Bai Qian still had the same character as before, even if she jumped into the lake and was saved by luck, she would be driven to Xiangcheng by the Bai family, and she would probably make the same mistake again.

  No matter how you look at it, it seems to be a dead end.

  "Well," Bai Qian probably won't tell anyone the secret that Miss Bai is dead, "Last time I heard Xiao Ming say that you want to ask Yan Lu to be your spokesperson?"

  Bai Qian changed the subject easily.

  Wen Zhixia also remembered this matter, "Yan Lu has a high position. My second uncle means to directly choose Lu Su."

  "Lu Su?" Bai Qian had never heard of it.

  She has never paid attention to the entertainment industry, and the only artists she knows so far are Yan Lu and Mei Yi.

  "A member of a boy band is very popular now." The two walked to the door, Wen Zhixia explained to Bai Qian.

  The Wen family's car was at the door of the hotel, and Xiao He had officially become Wen Zhixia's exclusive driver.

  The hotel is located in the university town, and many alumni studying for postgraduate and doctoral studies gather here for dinner. As soon as they arrived downstairs, Hu Yue and the others met a few acquaintances. They used to fish together to find out which coffee break restaurant had the best food.

  I've heard the news about Zhou Wenqing's promotion.

  He officially took office at the beginning of the new semester, and these people came to congratulate Hu Yue and the others.

  "There are so many people." Xiao He drove the car onto the road, his eyes fell on Hu Yue's group, and he was very surprised.

  Miss Bai knows so many people.

  These people are all top students of Jiang University. In addition to being talented, the students of Jiang University also have connections with classmates and mentor resources. Their girls are also really lucky.

  Back at the Wen family, Butler Wen handed a tea cup to Wen Zhixia, "Miss Zhiwei and the others went out today to discuss cooperation with the Ming family. They said they would change their endorsement years ago."

  The old man is not in good health, and the Wen family The children are now competing with each other.

  Wen Zhixia suddenly appeared, and Wen Zhiwei also sensed the crisis and joined forces with the Ming family.

  "Have they really contacted Yan Lu?" Wen Zhixia took the teacup.

  "I don't know yet." Butler Wen shook his head.


  This way.

  Bai Zian was going to the biology building, and Hu Yue asked about Bai Zian's songs on the way.

  "What you listened to before was a demo that hadn't been fully fixed yet," Bai Zian said in a calm tone, with the scarf Xu Qian gave her loosely wrapped around her neck, "I haven't given you the title fee yet, so I'll give it to you Yan Lu. , let her give you endorsement fees."

  Bai Qian wrote songs for Yan Lu and didn't ask for copyright fees.

  Yan Lu used part of the money to set up an orphanage charity in the name of Bai Qian. Many people in the entertainment industry donated money to her charity.

  Bai Zian's tone seemed to be saying, "The weather is not bad today."

  At the door of the biology building, Bai Zian walked in skillfully.

  Hu Yue stood by the stairs, the sunlight above his head was cool and not dazzling.

  I just feel dazed.

  The phone vibrated. Hu Yue took it out and took a look. When he lowered his head, he saw a new friend application -

  [Hello, I am Yan Lu. ]

  Hu Yue, who had seen Bai Pian bring out dozens of kilograms of palladium, had always thought that her ability to bear it was quite high, but now that she saw this friend application, she was inevitably shocked again.

  Who is Yan Lu now?

  When Hu Yue, a well-known celebrity, went back during the Chinese New Year, seven out of ten children at home were fans of Yan Lu.


  this big star has actually added himself?

  Hu Yue stared at the friend application and waited at the door for a long time before returning to the laboratory.

  She didn't dare to tell the other two senior brothers, so she asked Tang Ming and Yan Lu about it.

  "Sister Lu added you?" Tang Ming was a little surprised, but he didn't take it seriously. "Even though Sister Lu is very cool on the show, she is actually a very nice person."

  Hu Yue: "..."


  Chu 7 .

  Students from Jiang Datong's Tongfeng class who want to go abroad fill in their information in the physics building.

  Classes in the same peak class start earlier than ordinary first-year students, starting on the ninth day of the lunar new year.

  On the seventh day of the seventh day, some people have already arrived at the school to study in the physics building. Several people in Wang Xin's group came very early.

  As soon as they arrived at the physics building, they saw Bai Zian's group holding several registration forms in their hands, following Dean Huang's assistant. Dean Huang's assistant was talking to Bai Zian with a smile on his face.

  Wang Xin and others stopped in their tracks and stood aside to watch them go upstairs.

  Ding Wenyang was talking excitedly to Tang Ming with his head lowered. When he saw Wang Xin and the others from the corner of his eye, he paused and then glanced at them lightly.

  He still remembers his first group assignment last year.

  If Bai Zian hadn't prepared another manuscript at that time, their group would have been embarrassed throughout the school, and therefore he didn't have any good impression of Wang Xin.

  He looked away as if it were nothing.

  After they all went upstairs, the boys around Wang Xin couldn't hide their envious eyes, "I didn't expect that the last ones to enter the summer camp would be Bai Zian and the others. Ding Wenyang and the others are so lucky."

  They have been classmates for so many years, and they all know what Ding Wenyang's abilities were before.

  In the past, most of the team was supported by Wang Xin. After Wang Xin joined their group, other students in the class sympathized with Ding Wenyang and the others.

  After all...there is one leader left, but there are a few more losers.

  Who would have known that the object of their sympathy in the early stage would eventually surpass Gao Yuan's group and enter the winter and summer camp.

  And they all knew that Ding Wenyang was able to go to the summer camp this time only because of the freshmen Bai Qian.

  "Sure enough, he is the top scorer in the college entrance examination with full marks. He is really perverted. He can be compared with Mr. He Wen..." The boy was still talking when his arm was pinched hard by the person next to him. The person pinching him motioned for him to look at Wang Xin beside him.

  The boy looked at Wang Xin, who looked unhappy next to him, realized this, and quickly shut up.

  Wang Xin held the book and walked out of the door without saying anything.

  After they left, several boys in groups looked at each other, "Wang Xin must be regretting it to death, right?"

  "Look at his eyes, maybe he hasn't slept well recently," another person shrugged, "After all, he started out He was in Ding Wenyang's group, and he should have been given the spot to go to the summer camp this time, but he wanted to withdraw. "

  Even they are envious of Ding Wenyang's group, let alone that they were originally in Ding Wenyang's group. Wang Xin.


  Zhou Wenqing's office.

  He came to the school a few days ago to hand over the work, and the same peak class was about to start, so he came to the office early to handle things.

  Hearing Wang Xin's words, he raised his head and put down his pen, "Ding Wenyang's team?"

  "Teacher Zhou," Wang Xin dropped his hands on both sides, "I'm going back to Ding Wenyang's team now. I still have a chance to follow him. " Are they going to summer camp together?"

  Listening to Wang Xin's words, Zhou Wenqing finally remembered something. As early as the beginning of school, Wang Xin was on Bai Qian's team.

  He pushed up his glasses behind him and looked deeply at Wang Xin, "Theoretically, there is one person missing from Bai Qian's group. If you join now, you can go to the summer camp with them."

  Hearing Zhou Wen Wang Xin's heart jumped into his throat at Qing's words and he moved his fingers slightly, "That, that means..."

  "But, I've said it before, as long as you two groups coordinate well, I don't have any problem with it," Zhou Wenqing said He looked back and looked at the document again, "You should know that I always respect your decision, you shouldn't ask me."

  When Wang Xin wanted to leave Ding Wenyang's group, Zhou Wenqing did not stop him and just let them make their own decision.

  Now, Zhou Wenqing still leaves the decision to Bai Zian's team.

  Zhou Wenqing lowered his head and just wrote a line of words when his cell phone rang.

    It was an unfamiliar number. "Hello, Professor Zhou. I'm Gao Jiachen. I don't know if you have time. I'd like to treat you to a meal."

  Zhou Wenqing said he didn't have time and hung up the phone.

  Next to him, the teaching assistant wondered, "So many people have invited you to dinner recently?"

  Many people knew that Zhou Wenqing's laboratory received 30 kilograms of "palladium".

  Naturally, he couldn't hide it from the Gao family.

  With so much experimental material collected in such a short period of time, it is easy to think of Wang Youfeng.



  Bai Zian helped Hu Yue and the others move the laboratory.

  Zhou Wenqing was promoted, research was released ahead of schedule, and his territory was naturally getting bigger and bigger.

  After moving the laboratory, she and Tang Ming returned to the apartment, packed their things and prepared to leave tomorrow.

  "Bai Zian, Ding Wenyang," Wang Xin had been sitting on the steps at the entrance of the experimental center. When he saw Bai Zian and the others coming out, he stood up and looked at them, "I'm sorry for you, but I had no choice at that time. Can you forgive me for once and tell Teacher Zhou to let me join the team again? "

  What? "

  Bai Zian didn't look at him, just lazily wrapped the scarf around his neck and went to find Jiang Fuli's car.

  He lowered his eyebrows and left calmly.

  Ning Xiao never cared about other people and left after saying hello to Ding Wenyang.

  Only Ding Wenyang and the others were left, standing coldly on the steps, looking down at Wang Xin, "You had no choice? You had no choice but to deliberately write down our paper? You want us to write down our paper at the first literature report meeting?" " You made a fool of yourself in front of Dean Huang and all the teachers and students in the school?"

  "But weren't you also guarding me?" Wang Xin pursed his lips, "You deliberately showed me the paper you didn't want and asked me to give Gao Yuan false information." ? And you are completely famous in the school. This is not entirely a bad thing for you, right?"

  "On purpose?" Ding Wenyang pulled his lips and looked coldly, "Wang Xin, we never lied to you, 蔹The article that my sister reported later was written by herself and has nothing to do with us. If it weren't for her, all of us would be stigmatized for imitating you. You don't know how much influence this has in the academic world, right? "

  Plagiarism is a serious matter in academia.

  After saying that, Ding Wenyang didn't look at him again, turned around, walked down the stairs, and left.

  Wang Xin was left standing there, unable to recover for a long time.

  He, Gao Yuan and others had always felt that Ding Wenyang and the others were deliberately fooling them with a poor-quality report. Only today did they find out...

  it turned out that Bai Zian compiled the paper alone?

  If you think about it, it's not surprising. She got full marks on Academician Ma's final test paper, and her overall score was twenty points higher than Gao Yuan's, far exceeding that of their group.

  It seemed like... he

  really shouldn't have left their group.


  Jiang Fuli sat in the driver's seat.

  Wearing a Bluetooth headset, his knuckled fingers fell on the steering wheel and tapped impatiently, "So you guys can't match the acuity of a senior in high school?"

  someone mumbled something.

  Jiang Fuli sneered, "Okay, I'll send you in for a year to try..."

  The passenger door was opened.

  Cold wind came in.

  Jiang Fuli paused for a moment. He glanced sideways at Bai Qian, pressed the Bluetooth headset with his slender fingers, and softened his tone. "Pack it up for me tonight."

  He hung up the phone directly.

  Bai Zian picked up the paper bag from the passenger seat, sat down and closed the door, "Are you done with the phone call?"

  "It's not important." Jiang Fuli stretched out his hand, looked at the broken hair that was lazily hanging on her eyebrows, and pushed it away. Turning aside, "Going to Kang Yu Tower?"

  Ji Heng and Jiang He were both still in Xiangcheng.

  Bai Zian has no opinion on where to eat.

  Jiang Fuli drove out of the school gate, and Bai Jian happened to receive a call from Ji Heng.

  On the other end of the phone, Ji Heng was obviously smoking a cigarette, and his voice was unhurried, "Shaorong will come back tomorrow and will stay for a week this time."

  "Tomorrow?" Bai Qian raised her eyebrows slightly. She was not in Xiangcheng now and was going abroad tomorrow. She really didn't have time. "Let him go to the Xuankang main store tomorrow and ask He Zhiwei for a pulse diagnosis."

  During the New Year, He Zhiwei also went back.

  The shops in Jiangjing are left to Xuechun.

  "Diagnose the pulse?" Ji Heng sat on the stone table under the banyan tree, exhaled a puff of smoke, and looked at Mu Zhao, who was playing chess with Jiang He not far away, "Okay."


  Knowing that Ji Heng will stay here for a while, he will not return to Jiangjing for the time being.

  Housekeeper Lou and Mu Yining personally brought gifts to Xiangcheng to pay Ji Heng New Year greetings. Mu Yining was sitting next to Ji Heng. When she heard Ji Heng mention Ji Shaorong, she couldn't help but ask, "Is he the second cousin?"

  She had already heard this Housekeeper Lou said that Ji Heng had two sons and one daughter.

  She had met Ji Mulan and Ji Shaojun before, but she had never met the other one.

  I heard from Ji Heng that Ji Shaorong has been very busy and doesn't have a few days off a year.

  "Well, he will come over tomorrow." Ji Heng knocked the ashes from his cigarette.

  Mu Yining listened to Ji Heng's voice and suggested, "How about letting him go to Jiangjing to help Shao Jun? There are quite a lot of positions in the company."

  "This," Ji Heng waved his hand, "He doesn't need it."

  Mu Yining said . After Yi Ning finished her meal, she returned to the newly opened B&B on Qingshui Street.

  Xiaojie and Housekeeper Lou were following her, and Mu Yining was a little curious, "What does this second cousin do?"

  Having met Ji Shaojun and Bai Jian, Mu Yining was really curious about Ji Heng's family. .

  This mysterious Ji Shaorong seems to be a little more mysterious than Bai Qian, and he has never been seen before.

  "I heard that the Xuankang General Medical Center in Xiangcheng has excellent medical skills," Housekeeper Lou said, "We will see if we can invite him to Jiangjing in the next two days to treat the old man."

  Mu Yining nodded.

  After arriving at the B&B, Mu Yining called Mu Youjun.

  Mu Youjun has been asking if they have time recently. She wants to bring Gao's family to Mu's house to pay New Year's greetings.

  "Sister," Mu Yining opened the window of the B&B, "We are in Xiangcheng now, do you want to come over?"

  Naturally Mu Youjun would not come to a place like Xiangcheng, "Forget it, Jiachen is busy recently. Wait until you return to Jiangjing."

  She cut off the phone.


  The next day, the eighth day of the lunar month.

  Bai Zian flew abroad.

  People come and go on Wutong Street.

  Ji Shaorong stood at the street corner, very surprised by the changes in Xiangcheng.

  This is Internet Celebrity Street. Xuankang Medical Center is easy to find, and people come in front of it one after another.

  It can be seen that this place is very popular. The queue at Xuankang Medical Center has now reached the corner of the street.

  Ji Shaorong was very surprised.

  Ren Jiawei lined up with him and saw Ji Shaorong's surprise, "Don't underestimate Xuankang. It's not easy to ask their doctor to see you and give an injection. We will get the number later, and we will have to wait for at least another two hours." "

  Is this Chinese medicine?" Ji Shaorong looked at the sign at the door.

  "Well, I didn't expect that," Ren Jiawei smiled and sighed, "Now it is the most popular Chinese medicine clinic in the country. My dad made an appointment for three days before, but he did not make an appointment with Dr. He here."

  "Doctor He?" Ji Shaorong was confused. .

  The two waited in line at the door for twenty minutes before they got their numbers.

  When the person who issued the queue number heard his name, he stood up quickly and said, "Mr. Ji, it's you. Please go to the back. Doctor He has been waiting for you inside."

  Ren Jiawei was stunned for a moment, and she looked at Ji Shaorong. , followed the man into the back hall.

  Once inside.

  He Zhiwei stood up and knew that this was Bai Qian's uncle. He was very polite and said, "Hello, Mr. Ji, I am He Zhiwei. Miss Bai asked me to check your pulse. Please sit down."

  The other person poured it for Ren Jiawei. A cup of tea, "Madam, please sit down for a while."

  Ren Jiawei came back to her senses, sat down with some surprise, and looked at He Zhiwei thoughtfully.

  Ji Shaorong sat across from He Zhiwei and put his hands on the table. "I don't know if it's due to work. I've been suffering from migraines for more than ten years."

  "What kind of work do you do?" He Zhiwei asked, trying to find out the cause of the disease.

  Ji Shaorong was slightly silent, "...Clerk?"

  He Zhiwei: "..."

  No, you don't know what you are doing? Why the questioning expression? !

  Five minutes later, He Zhiwei suddenly let go of his hand and looked up at Ji Shaorong.

  He said seriously: "Mr. Ji, you don't have a migraine."

Chapter 308 Chapter 308 Great turmoil, sister Aji has a box of

  "Isn't it a migraine?" Ren Jiawei has heard that Xuankang has real abilities, and she is a little nervous: "He has been taking painkillers for more than ten years."

  Ji Shaorong He looked down at his wrist and said nothing, just thinking.

  He Zhiwei comforted Ren Jiawei and continued to ask Ji Shaorong when he started to get sick.

  Migraine in traditional Chinese medicine is divided into obstruction of the liver meridian and external meridian.

  But Ji Shaorong's pulse was not slow and tight, with no sweating.

  "Nearly twenty years..." Ji Shaorong recalled the past.

  When Ji Ren Jiawei was in a car accident and suffered a premature birth, he had been working overtime to prepare for Ren Jiawei's delivery date. He was so nervous that he fainted on the road before arriving at the hospital. Fortunately, Secretary Zhou was there at the time to arrange everything properly.

  After hearing this, He Zhiwei thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Ji, please go to Xiangcheng Hospital and ask Dr. Liu to take you for an examination." After

  the two left, He Zhiwei took out his mobile phone and dialed Bai Qian's number.

  It is shutdown state.

  He Zhiwei remembered that Bai Zian was going abroad with the school today, so he sent WeChat messages to Dr. Liu and Bai Zian respectively.


  Ren Jiawei and Ji Shaorong finished drawing blood and went to Ji Heng's place.

  Ren Qian went to Jiangjing, but Ji Shaorong did not go. He only called Ren Wanxuan. It is the tradition of the Ji family to worship the tree god every New Year.

  Ji's yard.

  Ren Jiawei is wearing a simple top and beige casual pants. She has a strong aura and looks like a successful strong woman.

  On the other hand, Ji Shaorong beside her was taciturn and had a touch of elegance, much like Ji Heng.

  "Miss Mu." Ren Jiawei shook hands with Mu Yining generously.

  Under the banyan tree, Mu Zhao went back last night to study backgammon, and today he came back to fight Jiang He again.

  Jiang He was wearing a white shirt and an ancient bow tie at the collar. He looked like a gentleman with an expressionless face. He only stretched out his hand and dropped the sunspots mercilessly.

  Mu Zhao: "..."

  Since the day he came to Xiangcheng, he has never defeated the kid in front of him.

  Ji Heng came out of the kitchen and saw it. He patted Jiang He on the shoulder and said, "Don't bully the guests." Then he looked at Mu Zhao who looked suspicious of life. "He is like this. Xiao Ning and the others can't do it. Don't think too much." "

  No one can cure Jiang He except Bai Qian and Jiang Fuli.

  After eating, Mu Yining and others were going back to Jiangjing.

  The Mu family still has a lot of things to do, and Mu Yining cannot stay for too long.

  The Ji family sent them to Qingshui Street. After getting in the car, Housekeeper Lou said, "Miss Ren's parents are different from what I imagined."

  In fact, after Ren Wanxuan returned home, Mu Yining and Housekeeper Lou treated her Shen Qing's favorability is not high, and Housekeeper Lou didn't like Shen Qing at first, but after nearly a year of getting along with him, Shen Qing is a philistine, but his temperament is genuine.

  Ren Wanxuan is completely different. She looks down on Shen Qingji Heng and admires the upper class.

  Pride and arrogance.

  Their personalities are very different from those of Ji Heng and Bai Zian. Both of them have a somewhat reserved temperament.

  Housekeeper Lou originally thought she had some of the characteristics of her parents, but when she saw her today, she felt strange again.

  Several people were talking, but found that Mu Zhao was very silent.

  "Master Mu Zhao, what's wrong with you?" Xiaojie in the driver's seat noticed that something was wrong with the co-pilot's young master today.

  When Butler Lou and Mu Yining heard this, they both looked towards the co-pilot.

  "Ah..." Mu Zhao lowered his head to look at the backgammon formation. The green belt floated past his eyes in the rearview mirror. He came back to his senses and said, "It's nothing."

  But as a student of Jiang University, he was somewhat shocked.


  On the plane.

  Bai Zian sat with a group of students from Jiang University. Not only freshmen, but also sophomores, juniors, and some graduate students and doctoral students participated in the summer camp.

  In total, there was a group of nearly fifty people.

  In addition to passengers, most of the people on the plane were students from Jiang University.

  Bai Qian sat in the same row as Xu Zhiyue and another junior senior. Xu Zhiyue had always been shy in society, so Bai Qian sat in the middle, letting Xu Zhiyue sit inside.

  The senior sister's name is Shi Ruolan, and she is one of the few girls in this group of students.

  "You are much prettier in person than in the photos," Shi Ruolan had obviously heard of Bai Qian a long time ago and smiled when he saw her. "This time we are the only girls. Director Meng asked me to take care of you two more. Learn from me." Sister, I have been to the summer camp. Don't worry, I will take good care of you. If you have any questions, just ask me. "It

  was not cold on the plane. Bai Qian was wearing a white cardigan with a black gold horse face underneath, leaning against the back of the chair lazily. , her eyebrows were drooped, and her eyelashes cast gentle shadows on her eyelids, "Thank you, senior sister."

  She put down the table and took out the computer and placed it on it.


  "Hey, school girl, do you know who else is the teacher taking us to the summer camp this time besides Director Meng?" Shi Ruolan told Bai Jian a few words about the summer camp, and then lowered her head mysteriously.

  Director Meng is the teacher in charge of leading the team this time.

  "...Who?" Jiang Fuli went to the airport with her this morning, and Bai Zian basically guessed it.

  But still cooperated with Shi Ruolan.

  "Just, you know the two institutes of Jiangsu University," Shi Ruolan lowered her voice when she saw Bai Qian was interested: "In addition to Academician Ma's Quantum Institute, there is also an Institute of Aerospace and Dark Matter. I heard that this time our The leader is the one..."

  Bai Qian pressed her fingertips on the computer, opened the video software, and played the movie she had downloaded in advance.

  Shi Ruolan said, she just listened and gave Shi Ruolan an earphone.

  A flight of more than ten hours.

  When the sky turned dark, most people on the plane fell asleep, and Bai Zian went to the bathroom.

  When I came out after washing my hands, there was an extra person in the narrow aisle.

  He was lowering his head and slowly rolling up his cuffs. He was wearing a silver-gray satin shirt. His dignified and cold appearance was incompatible with this small space.

  He raised his head when he heard the door open.

  There were no lights in the aisle, and the first-class cabin was in front of it, separated by a white curtain.

  "Would you like to go to my place to rest for a while?" Jiang Fuli was used to being reserved. He didn't like to sit next to others or make noise. He put his arms around her and lowered his voice, "Independent space, location. A bit older. "

  Bai Zian and the others are students after all, and this opportunity for exchange is rare.

  Jiang Fuli didn't interfere much in Tang Ming's friendship.

  "No," Bai Qian was not as arrogant as Young Master Jiang. She could adapt to any environment. Feeling that there was a voice coming, she patted the back of Jiang Fuli's hand to signal him to let go, "Someone is coming."

  Jiang Fuli let go . , thrust a new mobile phone sim card into her hand, "I'll install it later."

  His face inevitably became a little colder, and his pale eyes fell involuntarily to the door curtain.

  As soon as Director Meng opened the door, he felt goose bumps on the back of his hands, and a chill made him shiver.

  Taking a closer look, he happened to see Jiang Fuli's cold and indifferent face.

  Seeing Bai Qian walking over again, Director Meng was startled. He asked Bai Qian to walk behind him before he said, "Young Master Jiang, please go first."

  Director Meng is the director of the Academic Affairs Office of Jiang University.

  The fifty students this time were the future of Jiang University. He knew almost everyone, especially outstanding students like Bai Zian and Ning Xiao. When he saw this scene, he thought that Bai Zian had alarmed Jiang Fuli, so he quickly took Bai Zian with him. leave.

  When the curtain separated the two cabins, Director Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Didn't it scare you?" He lowered his head and walked to his seat, tilting his head and talking to Bai Zian in a low voice.

  Bai Qian shook his head: "No."

  "That's good," Director Meng felt relieved when he saw that Bai Qian still looked calm, "It was another teacher who just led the team. If there is a problem later..."

  He hesitated for a moment, " If you have any questions, please contact me or classmate Shi."

  After Bai Qian walked to his seat and sat down, Director Meng wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  Looking back at the door curtain, this Young Master Jiang was indeed as rumored. This time he was leading the team and he didn't know if any students would dare to ask him any questions.


  The plane arrives directly at the exotic airport.

  When Bai Zian got off the plane, she took out her mobile phone, opened it and took a look. She had just reinstalled a mobile phone card here on the plane.

  After turning on the traffic here, I first sent a video call to Ji Heng to report that he was safe.

  At the other end of the video, it was already night in Ji Heng's house. Ji Shaorong hadn't left yet, so he greeted Bai Xian with an unwashed bowl, "Happy New Year, are you in country M?"

  He recognized Bai Xian at a glance. Airport background.

  "Happy New Year," Bai Zian also changed his words and was very polite, "Second uncle."

  This was the first time Bai Zian called himself his second uncle. Ji Shaorong was stunned for a moment. His usually expressionless face softened a lot, and his voice became softer. He became softer and said, "Is there any gift you want for the New Year? When your grandpa arrives in Jiangjing, I will ask him to bring it to you."

  Bai Zian didn't lack anything, so he shook his head.

  In the video, Ji Shaorong thought for a moment and did not ask Bai Jian again. Instead, he handed the phone to Jiang He, who was looking at him.

  "Sister, this is the portable WiFi..." While waiting for the luggage, Ruolan took the travel WiFi she received from Director Meng. When she came over, she saw Bai Qian making a video call, "Have you turned on roaming?" "

  No," Bai Qian spoke to Jiang He, hung up the video, and explained to Hu Yue, "I use a local mobile phone card."

  Local mobile phone card?

  This can only be done locally. Shi Ruolan came here once and didn't apply for a special card. When she saw the phone card in Bai Qian's hand, she thought she had traveled here not long ago, so she didn't ask much, "Okay, I need to use wifi." If so, just connect directly."

  She showed the password to Bai Zian.

  Several people arrived at the summer camp.

  For one month, each student lives in a temporary dormitory here, separated by men and women, basically three or four people per room.

  Bai Zian didn't bring much, just a change of daily clothes and a black cloak.

  When I arrived at the dormitory, I didn't go outside to play. Instead, I took out my phone and browsed the questions on the app.

    From the preparatory camp app to the challenge question bank, you can basically pass the test. Each question is very interesting and requires special methods to solve, but the points awarded are also very generous.

  The simpler the problem-solving idea, the more points will be awarded.

  What Bai Qian encountered this time was a sixth-order function problem, which could be solved with hard solutions. She directly used a clever substitution of unknown numbers to solve the problem, and the idea of ​​​​solving the problem became clear instantly.

  Take a photo of the answer and submit it.

  This kind of answer will only be awarded points after review.

  After Bai Zian finished posting, he turned to the news about Jiang Fuli. He came here for a meeting after getting off the plane. The meeting was not over yet, so he asked her to eat first.

  Bai Zian replied with a number and saw another message.

  It's a picture sent by Dr. Liu.

  Many chemical drugs and professional terms.

  Bai Qian took one look at it and sent it directly to Yang Lin.

  It was already close to twelve o'clock in the evening in China, and Yang Lin hadn't returned to the dormitory yet. She saw it on the road and called Bai Qianhui. "Neurotic toxins. Ingesting a certain dose of drugs will prevent striated muscles from contracting and affect breathing." Exercise and long-term lack of oxygen in the body can damage brain cells and cause memory damage."

  Bai Qian thought of Xu En's symptoms, which were exactly the same as those described by Yang Lin.

  Fortunately, the rescue was timely and no irreversible damage was caused.

  This is Xu En's symptom, what about Ji Shaorong?

  Bai Qian recalled what He Zhiwei told Ji Shaorong. She hung up the phone and sent a message to Mao Kun -

  [Look for an opportunity and take a piece of Xiao Qi's hair]


  At the same time.


  Jiang Da.

  Before the person in charge of the audit preparation camp went to sleep, he was woken up by a phone call from a colleague, "Professor, I just came out with a result from the AI ​​audit, and I feel it is necessary to tell you."

  "What result?" The person in charge put on his coat and asked doubtfully Come to the study and open the backstage of the preparation camp.


  A review by the backend star showed the answer Bai Zian had just submitted.

  He was stunned for a moment, then put on his glasses and took out a pen to calculate Bai Qian's calculation process. In fact, this question is not a difficult problem in history, but this yuan change is really amazing.

  After the calculation, it is almost the same as the standard answer.

  He gave double points.

  After the scores were calculated, the free points on the ranking list changed instantly, surpassing Academician Ma and becoming 14,178,952.

  Some people are born with a talent for mathematics. Academician Ma is now older, and his ideas are not as active as when he was young. He is now focused on quantum mechanics, and he no longer has time to think about many clever ways.

  He doesn't need to use these to prove himself, and he doesn't bother to spend energy on it.

  But some young people, such as Jiang Xijue He Wen, need to use these.

  Jiang Xijuan surpassed Academician Ma's points two years ago, which also alarmed a group of people.

  And now, another person has surpassed Academician Ma and become the new NO3. Even though the domestic time is close to 12 o'clock at night, many people are still alarmed.

  Gao family.

  Gao Yi put down his tea cup. This year, the Gao family was all cleaned up.

  Now that Jiang Fu was out of the country, he dared to jump out and said, "This is a free pick, haven't you found out who this person is?"

  "No." The secretary lowered his head.

  "Trash!" Gao Yi stood up and walked around the study, "You must find out information about this person for me, no matter what method or means you use!"

  Now the people on the list are all in Jiang Fuli's team. Or maybe it's Academician Ma's people.

  The scientific research team also needs the support of actual scientific research results and reputation. Gao Yi has not been able to show much scientific research results. As for the support of the appearance, so far they only have Gao Jiachen who has piled up papers.

  It is also a "water doctor" that most professors in the industry know well.

  Uninformed people outside will be confused by the Gao family's propaganda. Now the Gao family is in urgent need of someone who can calm down the situation.

  Obviously, this "white picker" who came out of the blue is very suitable.


  after an hour.

  Bai Zian was eating in the canteen of the training camp. Ning Xiao, Tang Ming and the others had already prepared meals in the canteen, and Shi Ruolan, Bai Zian and Xu Zhiyue were together.

  There is a time difference between here and China, so we had dinner.

  During the meal, Shi Ruolan kept introducing this winter summer camp to this group of juniors and juniors.

  "There are many things in the lectures given by major professors that you may not understand. Remember to record them if necessary..." Shi Ruolan explained while eating and scrolling through her phone.

  These academic masters are very versatile at multiple tasks.

  I don't know what she hit, and the chopsticks in Shi Ruolan's hand fell off.

  Opposite me, Ding Wenyang, who was curious about everything abroad, raised his head, "Senior, are you okay?"

  "Oh my god," Shi Ruolan came back to her senses and looked up at the people on the table, "You all have a preparation camp app, right? Look! Big news!"

  Ding Wenyang and everyone have apps.

  Except for Bai Zian, everyone took out their mobile phones and looked down at them.

  As soon as Ding Wenyang entered, he saw words written on the public screen -

  [As expected of me! ]

  [Damn it, I knew Picking God could reach the top ten, I didn't expect it to reach such a high level! ]


  Ding Wenyang reached out and clicked on the overall ranking.

  I saw it at a glance -

  NO1.L 99999999

  NO2. Jiang Xijuan 15799159

  NO3. Bai Jian 14178952


  Ding Wenyang was shocked when he heard Tang Ming beside him whisper, "Finally third."


  Top ten, maybe not People pay attention.

  But thirdly, as he was about to catch up with Jiang Xijuan, more people would be alarmed.

  Early the next morning.

  Xu family.

  "Picked up for nothing," Xu Jueming looked down at the name, took a sip of tea, and removed the cup, "What did Jiang University say?"

  "I asked about the teacher, but there is no news." Xu Jinyi sat on the round table, He picked up a piece of pastry in his hand and said, "This person's identity is very confidential."

  Among the people in the school, the identities of many people are kept secret.

  The identity of Bai Jian was kept secret, so no one was surprised.

  "Go and inquire again, and inquire about the Chen family as well," Xu Jueming looked unhappy, "We can't let Xu Nanjing and the others become the same party. What did Vice President Zhou say?"

  "He declined three times," Xu Jin said at the side He said, "But today he has a dinner with people from the General Post Department."

  "General Post Department?" Xu Jueming raised his head.

  "The Gao family is going to replace someone in the general rear department this time," Xu Jin raised his head slightly and spoke to Xu Juming in a low voice, "There is someone from our Xu family who seems to be on the waiting list."

  Xu Juming stood up, "Who is it? "

  Xu He."

  Xu Jueming held the table with his hands, and after a while, "Let's go to the Gao family   .

"   Xu Nanjing, Chen Beixuan, Jiang Xijuan and Chen Yongkun will rarely gather together for dinner after the New Year.   

This time Ming Dongheng is missing.   

Ming Dongheng left abroad with Jiang Fu.   

At the dinner table, Chen Beixuan put a gun on the holster on his knee and tied up his hair with a rubber band. "He is so lucky."   

Jiang Fuli took it with him wherever he went. His luck was not that good.   

"Has Chen Luping been reactivated recently?" Jiang Xijue looked at Chen Beixuan and asked Chen Luping about this.   

Chen Beixuan raised his legs, "You know Yu Hongyi is from Dongwu, and her senior brother is familiar with people from Heishui Street. The Chen family now wants to negotiate with Wang Youfeng, and she helped pull the strings. Professor Zhou, you guys can help I'll make an appointment."   

Jiang Xijue was still gentle, "You have to ask Mr. Jiang for this, we don't have the ability."   

Xu Nanjing looked up, not sure, "Who is Professor Zhou?"   

Chen Beixuan poured himself a glass of wine and explained: " The deputy dean of the Department of Physics of Jiangnan University was just promoted because of a project. He was able to collect 30 kilograms of palladium in just three days last month. It happened to be the time when the Dawson family came to Jiangjing. This week, the deputy dean is not easy."

"Palladium?" Xu Nanjing was confused. Ming Dongheng was hit too hard last time. "Are you sure it's palladium? Is this metal material difficult to collect?"   

Chen Beixuan glanced at him and didn't bother to pay attention.   

Director Chen explained to Xu Nanjing, "Purification is very troublesome. There are not so many reserves in the country, and they are all used in military industry. He can get it in a short time, which shows that the channels behind it are not simple."   

Xu Nanjing shrugged, "Sister Aji has a big box on the balcony."